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全新世大暖期(8.5 ka BP~3 ka BP)是全新世高海面和最大海侵期.本文通过分析我国古代神话传说"精卫填海"、"共工触山"、"大禹治水"记录的我国东部海域海平面变化信息,结合沉积学、古气候学、考古学的研究成果,认为全新世大暖期6.1 ka BP~4.0 ka BP期间我国东部海域有3次海侵事件,即6.1 ka BP~5.7 ka BP的海侵事件,4.9 ka BP~4.6 ka BP的海侵事件,4.2 ka BP~4.0 ka BP的海侵事件.  相似文献   

南流江三角洲沉积特征及其环境演变   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
南流江三角洲钻孔记录揭示,三角洲全新世沉积陆上部分有三角洲平原相、三角洲前缘相、前三角洲—浅海相、河床相依次迭覆的特征,水下部分有三角洲前缘相、前三角洲─—浅海相、河床相依次迭覆的特征。该三角洲大体经历了全新世早期─—海侵阶段、全新世中期─—稳定阶段和全新世中晚期─—海退阶段。南流江主河道自明代初(距今约600年)开始,从东部周江逐渐向西部变迁至七星岛附近入海。  相似文献   

末次盛冰期结束、海侵开始后渤、黄、东海陆架潮汐、潮流的演变对该区泥沙的输运与沉积,以及海底地貌的形成、分布以及演变等具有深刻影响。文中数值模拟末次冰消期以来4个特定时期,即比现在海面低80m、52m、30m海面以及全新世最大海侵时渤、黄、东海陆架的潮汐、潮流。根据不同时期的潮汐、潮流分布特征得出,末次冰消期以来渤、黄、东海陆架潮汐、潮流的演变过程大致以全新世最大海侵为界划分为两个阶段:①全新世最大海侵前为渤、黄、东海陆架潮汐、潮流基本分布格局的形成阶段;②全新世最大海侵后,为基本分布格局的局部调整阶段。末次冰消期以来基本海岸轮廓的变迁是渤、黄、东海陆架区潮汐、潮流演变的主要控制因素。  相似文献   

根据厦门湾—九龙江口地区3个钻孔的孢粉组合特征分析,结合沉积相和年代数据,探讨本区晚更新世以来的古气候和古环境演变。孢粉分析结果表明,MIS4阶段早期以来该区的古气候演变包括:晚更新世偏冷干—早中全新世(约8~5.5 cal.ka BP)温干转热湿—晚中全新世(约5.5~2.5 cal.ka BP)较暖湿转温和稍干—晚全新世(约2.5 cal.ka BP至今)暖湿等的波动和变化。晚更新世全球范围的大幅降温在本区影响较大,全新世气候变化的特点是温湿度在一定幅度中波动,人类活动对植被的干扰在晚全新世以来有明显的体现。  相似文献   

通过对萨拉乌苏河流域滴哨沟湾左岸沉积剖面常量元素Si、Al、Fe、Ca、Mg、K、Na含量及其比值变化的分析,结合~(14)C测年结果及粒度、有机质指标,并综合已有研究,探讨了该地区全新世以来的气候变化.研究表明,9.6ka BP前气候干冷,沉积相为风成沉积;9.6~8.4ka BP气候由干冷向暖湿转变,期间存在干冷波动;8.4~4.0ka BP进入全新世大暖期,其中,8.4~6.5ka BP为全新世大暖期的鼎盛时期,降水增加,积水成湖,湖泊水位高且稳定;6.5ka BP气候发生明显转变;6.5~4.0ka BP湖泊水位逐步下降形成富含螺壳的浅水环境,但气候整体仍较为湿润;4.0~1.2ka BP气候变干冷,发育沼泽;1.2~0.7ka BP气候转暖湿,沉积相由沼泽相转变为湖泊相;0.7~0.5ka BP为河流相沉积,气候较为干冷.剖面记录的气候变化可与东亚季风变化、温度变化、太阳辐射进行对比,反映了该区域气候变化与全球气候变化的一致性.  相似文献   

【目的】探讨九龙江口红树林湿地沉积物中总有机碳(TOC)和总氮(TN)的影响因素及来源,加深对红树林湿地中碳和氮的生物地球化学过程的认识。【方法】测定九龙江口红树林湿地表层沉积物粒度、TOC和TN含量,并对其分布特征进行分析。利用TOC/TN比值分析有机质来源及不同来源的贡献率。【结果】九龙江口红树林湿地沉积物中TOC和TN的含量分别为1.24%~3.81%和1.19~2.05mg/g,TOC/TN比值为11.6~26.3,TOC、TN含量和TOC/TN的平面分布均呈现出由陆向海方向逐渐降低的趋势。沉积物中TOC和TN含量没有表现出明显的粒度效应。【结论】控制沉积物中TOC和TN含量分布的主要因素并不是粒度效应,而可能是其来源。沉积物中TOC和TN的主要来源可能是红树林植物碎屑、养殖废水输入的有机碳和氮污染,以及海洋浮游植物碎屑。  相似文献   

根据孢粉分析资料和C~(14)测年数据,本区的全新世地层以三分为宜,即早全新世(距今10000—7500年),中全新世(距今7500—2500年)和晚全新世(距今2500年至今)。黑龙港地区全新世以来的自然环境也曾发生过较明显的演变。中全新世时,有过比现在高2—4℃的温暖气候,随后又变凉了。黑龙港地区的盐碱灾害,在早全新世时期可能就已存在,后来由于气候的变凉变干,加上人类活动的影响,又加重了这一灾害的程度。  相似文献   

云台山,全新世之前位在陆上,早全新世逐渐为海水侵漫,在距今6000年前后的中全新世高海面时期,沦为海上孤岛。此后历经几度沧桑之变,直至清代中、后期,由于海面下降,海岸东退以及黄河泥沙淤积等诸多因素的作用,才最终与大陆相连,成为雄踞海州湾南侧的濒海山丘。  相似文献   

通过对榕江平原揭阳地区钻孔ZK01和ZK02硅藻记录的分析,结合沉积学特征和年代数据,重建榕江平原全新世以来的古环境演化。约10.4~8.5 ka B.P.,钻孔所在地尚未受到海水影响,发育河漫滩-淡水沼泽环境。8.5~5.5 ka B.P.海水入侵,形成潮间带沼泽-潮滩相沉积。5.5~3.9 ka B.P.本区为河口湾环境,约5.5 ka B.P.海侵影响达到最大,硅藻总丰度和分异度达到最高值。3.9~3.7 ka B.P.发生一次短暂海退,硅藻总丰度明显下降,ZK01孔发育咸水沼泽相沉积,ZK02孔仍为河口湾相沉积。3.7~2.4 ka B.P.海平面再次上升至相对稳定,研究区持续发育河口湾环境,期间出现3次小规模的水深变化旋回。2.4 ka B.P以来海水退出,河流作用增强,研究区发育三角洲平原相沉积。  相似文献   

通过分析南黄海辐射沙脊群苦水洋海域铁板沙11DT06钻孔的沉积相序列、14 C测年数据、粒度特征及其沉积环境意义,并与该海域北翼潮流通道11DT01孔、里磕脚11DT02孔对比,重建了MIS 3阶段以来苦水洋海域的环境演变过程.铁板沙11DT06孔自上而下揭示了4个沉积序列:S1(潮流沙脊层)、S2(潮滩层)、S3(陆相硬黏土层)和S4(高潮滩层).MIS 3阶段以来苦水洋海域经历了潮滩(ca.44~25ka BP)、洪泛平原(陆相硬黏土层,ca.25~12ka BP)、滨岸沼泽与潮滩(ca.12~7ka BP)和水下沙脊-潮流通道(ca.7ka BP至今)等一系列环境演变过程.铁板沙潮流沙脊主要由细砂和粉砂质细砂组成,而MIS 3阶段与早全新世的潮滩沉积主要由黏土质粉砂和粉砂质黏土组成,分选性总体都较差,基本都为正偏态,表明沉积物粒度分布都存在细尾部分,这正是潮流沉积物的一大特点,与洪泛平原相的硬黏土层存在明显差异,指示了主控沉积动力环境的不同.苦水洋海域三个钻孔测试获得的11个AMS 14 C和2个OSL测年数据显示了海陆交互作用强烈地区测年结果的复杂性与不确定性.  相似文献   

本研究旨在了解粤东南澳岛近岸海域表层沉积物中总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)的分布情况及污染状况,为该海域环境保护和治理提供科学依据。实验以粤东南澳岛近岸海域32个表层沉积物样品为研究对象,分析其TOC、TN和TP的含量及分布特征,采用单因子污染指数法和内梅罗综合污染指数法对TOC、TN和TP的污染程度进行评价,基于表层沉积物中TOC和TN的摩尔比值探讨其有机质的来源,并在此基础上探讨表层沉积物中TOC、TN和TP的富集影响因素。研究结果表明,南澳岛近岸海域表层沉积物中TOC、TN和TP含量分别为0.180%-0.920%、0.006%-0.210%和0.015%-0.059%,表现出南澳岛南北两侧高、东西两侧低,南澳岛以东由岸及海,含量逐渐降低的分布特征;与国内相邻海域相比,南澳岛近岸海域表层沉积物TOC、TN和TP含量处于较低水平。根据TOC和TN摩尔比值推断,南澳岛近岸海域表层沉积物中有机质以海源和陆源混合输入为主。南澳岛近岸海域表层沉积物未受TOC和TP污染,但大部分区域受到TN污染;40.6%的表层沉积物处于较清洁及以上水平,59.4%的表层沉积物为轻度污染到中度污染状态,未发现有重度污染情况。南澳岛近岸海域表层沉积物中TOC、TN和TP的含量水平主要受水动力、粒径以及人为因素影响,人为因素主要为渔业养殖和陆源排污。  相似文献   

Liu  Ming  Fan  DeJiang 《科学通报(英文版)》2011,56(6):552-561
Based on studies of the geochemical elements of core sediments collected from the subaqueous Yangtze River delta front, combined with 210Pb and 137Cs nuclide dating, element recording profiles were set up and anthropogenic impacts on the sedimentary records were considered. The results suggest that (1) The core formed since 1945, of homogeneous clay and silt sediments. (2) The content of most elements underwent little change, but the content of S and Nb increased gradually. In particular concentrations of these elements and heavy metals increased rapidly and were maintained at high levels in the surface and sub-surface layers (i.e. since the 1990s). The elements S, As and Nb and principal factor 4 (F4), which were sensitive to anthropogenic impacts, could be used as indicators of human activities. (3) The value of each indicator has increased gradually since 1945, with a sharp increase over the last 20 years. When divided according to changing values of the indicators at 185 cm (1955), 97 cm (1978), 47 cm (1992), and 7 cm (2003), five periods of the geochemical elements records were obtained. These corresponded to the ages of from the Chinese Civil War to the early stages of planned economy, the implementation of planned economy, the reform and opening-up period, the market economy establishment phase and the environment control and protection stage after 2003, respectively.  相似文献   

江苏岸外海底沙脊群的物质来源   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文通过对江苏岸外海底沙脊群的沉积物的粒度、矿物和孢粉以及沉积结构、构造的分析研究,并与苏北废黄河水下三角洲、古长江水下三角洲、现代长江水下三角洲以及长江三角洲平原第四纪地层的沉积物的对比分析,指出江苏岸外海底沙脊群的沉积物主要是晚更新世冰期古长江入海的物质。  相似文献   

Varve counts with AMS 14 C,137 Cs and 210 Pb dating of sediments(0-900 cm) from Erlongwan Maar Lake,NE China were used to establish a high-resolution chronology series for the late Quaternary.Dry density,total organic carbon(TOC) content,total nitrogen(TN) content,TOC/TN ratios and stable organic carbon isotope(13 C org) ratios were continuously analyzed on this sediment profile.On the basis of lithological characters,sporo-pollen assemblages and geochemical analyses,we identified 6 climate stages within the last 14 ka BP.The time before the Holocene(14-11.4 ka BP) represents a higher-order oscillation climatic transitional period(I).The entire Holocene climate development(from 11.4 ka BP to present) exhibited an increasing temperature trend,although there were cold and warm alternations(II-VI).The periods included were:II(11.4-9.05 ka BP) warm-wet stage,III(9.05-7.4 ka BP) cold and warm fluctuation stage,IV(7.4-4.2 ka BP) smoothly warming climate stage,V(4.2-1.67 ka BP) climate optimum stage,and VI(from 1.67 ka BP to present) cool and drier stage.Each climate stage began with a warming event and ended with an abrupt cooling event.This climate change cycle had unequal time spaces that were progressively shorter over time.Several abrupt climate shifts occurred at about 9.4-9.05,8.5-8.2,7.8-7.4,4.6-4.2,3.7-3.25,2-1.67 and 0.3-0.03 ka BP.Thus,it can be seen that the climate has been warming since 1920 AD,which indicates a new climate stage.  相似文献   

长江水下三角洲沉积特征与发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长江水下三角洲是一个以径、潮流相互作用为主的沉积体。野外调查、分析资料证明,在三角洲前缘,沉积物由灰、黄色细、粉沙组成,分选较好。构造见波痕交错层理等,另夹似丘状交错层理风暴沉积层。由于受径流影响,有孔虫、超微属种、个数稀少,随着离河口距离增加,水体加深,前三角洲中沉积物颗粒变细,以粉沙质泥占优,分选变差。有机炭含量较高,潜穴发育。水平、波状层理中,经常出现风暴浊积层。有孔虫属种增至30种,个数几千枚。超微含量以大洋桥石为主,>50%。前三角洲向海,颗粒变为泥质沙,分选差。波痕交错层理。有孔虫属种多于40种,个数上万枚。它反映了三角洲一陆架过渡的浅海沉积环境特点。由于科氏力、径、潮流及苏北沿岸流的作用,长江水下三角洲沉积主体目前正逐步偏向东南,这导致北部不断受改造、废弃。  相似文献   

长江水下三角洲是一个以径、潮流相互作用为主的沉积体。野外调查、分析资料证明,在三角洲前缘,沉积物由灰、黄色细、粉沙组成,分选较好。构造见波痕交错层理等,另夹似丘状交错层理风暴沉积层。由于受径流影响,有孔虫、超微属种、个数稀少,随着离河口距离增加,水体加深,前三角洲中沉积物颗粒变细,以粉沙质泥占优,分选变差。有机炭含量较高,潜穴发育。水平、波状层理中,经常出现风暴浊积层。有孔虫属种增至30种,个数几千枚。超微含量以大洋桥石为主,>50%。前三角洲向海,颗粒变为泥质沙,分选差。波痕交错层理。有孔虫属种多于40种,个数上万枚。它反映了三角洲一陆架过渡的浅海沉积环境特点。由于科氏力、径、潮流及苏北沿岸流的作用,长江水下三角洲沉积主体目前正逐步偏向东南,这导致北部不断受改造、废弃。  相似文献   

The present study is to examine the spatial and temporal distribution of eight trace elements (Sr, Ba, B, Ga, Ni, V, Cu, and F) in various Holocene marine subfacies in the Yangtze Estuary, including its subaqueous delta by sediment borehole and vibrocore. Results demonstrate that grain size is the determinant factor in controlling the concentration of most trace elements discussed. Prodelta mud that occurs usually below the normal wave base can serve as a depository sink for trapping trace elements over the long-term time period. For example, copper concentration is 5-6 times higher than those found in the estuarine sediment. Boron, which is used to be a salinity indicator, shows a strong negative correlation with paleosalinity (using sediment phosphate method), implying desalinized water setting in the Yangtze Estuary, into which a large quantity of the Yangtze freshwater (924 × 109 m3/a) has discharged. Trace element concentrations of the study area were compared with those collected from the middle and lower Yangtze River reaches, and from the east China continental shelf, including the Okinawa Trough. Result tends to show a terrigenous derivation of most geochemical components of the study area. Concentrations of strontium and barium are correlated with an increase in distance away from the estuary, rather than affected by grain size. Variation of trace elements in downcore Holocene sediment sections are fairly consistent with concentrations revealed by the modern vibrocore transect that extends from nearshore delta front, to offshore prodelta and to the delta-shelf transit zone. The overall distribution of geochemical elements discussed is capable of environmental implication to characterize the Yangtze estuarine transit between land and sea.  相似文献   

Based on grain size analysis and high-resolution elemental scanning of core YD0901, taken from the subaqueous Yangtze River delta, a 600-year flood history was reconstructed for the Yangtze River drainage system. Zr/Rb ratios were chosen as a proxy for Yangtze River floods. Zr resides mainly in the coarse-grained minerals, and Rb is found in the fine-grained minerals. When floods occur, the discharge of the Yangtze River increases, which carries more coarse-grained minerals into the East China Sea. Therefore, deposition of coarse-grained minerals significantly increases relative to fine-grained minerals on the subaqueous delta, and subsequently the Zr/Rb ratios also increase. The higher the Zr/Rb peaks, the greater number of coarse particles deposited by saltation processes. Zr/Rb peaks correlate very well with historical records for Yangtze River floods. Especially at about AD 1870, the Zr/Rb ratio reached a maximum value over the last 600 years, which is consistent with "the extreme flood event" in the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River in AD 1870, as indicated in the historical records. Results show that floods have occurred at a relatively high frequency over the last 600 years, which is consistent with historical records when, during the Ming-Qing Dynasty, floods occurred once every 4 years. In addition, spectral analysis of the Zr/Rb ratio showed that there is close link between the Yangtze River floods and ENSO intensity.  相似文献   

由于特殊的气侯、地理、河口区构造背景、黄河及蓄水体水动力等沉积条件.黄河三角洲形成了独特的沉积环境和沉积模式.经过实地考察和研究认为.黄河三角洲属于高建设性的扇形三角洲.可以划分为三角洲平原、三角洲前缘和前三角洲.三角洲平原包括分流河道、废弃河道、堤岸、沼泽、盐碱滩和风成沉积等微环境.黄河三角洲平原发育盐碱滩,与密西西比河三角洲经典模式有本质区别.三角洲前缘包括水下分流河道、水下分流间湾、水下天然堤和决口扇、河口砂坝、远砂坝和三角洲前缘席状砂等徽环境.现代黄河三角洲沉积环境和沉积模式研究对于古代三角洲研究以及开发和治理黄河三角洲具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

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