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塔里木盆地腹地的麻扎塔格剖面出露了连续的晚新生代地层,深入研究其沉积环境对认识塔里木盆地西部沙漠的形成演化有重要意义.对剖面全部样品进行粒度测试,应用粒度分布函数拟合方法进行粒度组分分离,依据组分的粒径/含量-频率变化,结合岩性判断,系统分析了沉积序列粒度组分的成因.粒度组分分析结果显示:风成沉积中超细粒、细粒粉尘、粗粒粉尘、风成砂组分粒径范围分别为1.9、1.9~8.6、8.6~33.3、33.3~270.0μm.湖相沉积常呈双峰分布,湖相悬移粒径为2.4~8.6μm,含量60%,叠加超细粒组分;河流沉积中河流砂粒径270.0μm.剖面620 m处大套风成砂沉积出现,对应3.4 Ma风成组分含量显著增大,指示了塔克拉玛干沙漠的出现,420 m后风成砂沉积占据主导,对应2.8 Ma之后风成砂组分含量及粒径显著增大,指示沙漠环境进一步扩张.3.6 Ma以来河流组分含量阶段性增大,指示了多期河流发育,可能与青藏高原隆升有关.  相似文献   

晚新生代亚州内陆干旱化作为过去全球变化研究的重要组成部分,一直以来是古环境研究中的热点问题.基于对中国西部风尘沉积序列与沙漠内部及周边地层、地貌等地质证据的分析,总结了塔克拉玛干、古尔班通吉特、库姆塔格、巴丹吉林、腾格里和毛乌素等沙漠/沙地的形成和演化过程.认为塔克拉玛干沙漠自3.4Ma出现之后,在2.8Ma进一步扩张,其他沙漠直到晚早更新世-中更新世才开始出现,最终形成现在的分布格局,呈现明显的由西向东阶段式扩展模式.  相似文献   

江西庐山中生代构造事件的40Ar/39Ar同位素年龄研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江西庐山"星子变质核杂岩"中发育有大量中生代花岗岩,这些花岗岩中具有强烈的韧脆性剪切变形,典型的新生变质矿物为绢云母.通过对庐山海会花岗岩(其形成年龄为122~130 Ma)中动力变质矿物绢云母进行40Ar/39Ar法同位素测年,分别获得104.22 Ma±0.18 Ma和104.95 Ma±0.22 Ma的坪年龄值,以及104.7 Ma土0.36 Ma和105.03Ma±0.8 Ma的等时线年龄值,这表明江西庐山地区在130~104 Ma期间经历了从伸展构造环境向左行走滑构造环境的转变.  相似文献   

基于水热耦合平衡的塔里木盆地绿洲的年蒸散发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了分析中国塔里木盆地沙漠绿洲的水资源转化消耗规律,建立了绿洲水热耦合平衡模型。该模型以年灌溉引水量和降水量之和作为绿洲年可供水量,采用傅抱璞公式将Budyko假设推广。以塔里木盆地绿洲的5个大型绿洲1971—2004年的年降水、灌溉引水、径流和潜在蒸散发资料,验证了水热耦合平衡关系。分析了年蒸散发规律和土地利用变化对模型参数的影响。拟合了阿克苏河绿洲的估算模型参数的经验公式。  相似文献   

江南隆起(九岭)多阶段构造演化的花岗岩记录   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以江南隆起九岭花岗岩体为研究对象,应用激光剥蚀等离子体质谱(LA-ICP-MS)锆石U-Pb定年技术,得到该花岗岩侵入年龄为853~811Ma.自晋宁期以来,九岭地区依次经历了加里东、印支及燕山等多阶段构造演化.通过花岗岩地球化学及构造图解分析,可知江南隆起九岭多阶段构造演化环境各不相同.晋宁期(929-810 Ma)花岗岩体落入岛弧与碰撞的过渡环境;而加里东期(439-411 Ma)花岗岩体具板内汇聚环境特点;燕山期(158-118 Ma)花岗岩形成于同碰撞兼火山弧构造环境.  相似文献   

华南古板块兴凯地裂运动特征及对油气影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
华南板块新元古代的兴凯地裂运动始于晋宁运动后(800 Ma B.P.),强烈活动于新元古代中期的苏雄—开建桥组火山岩喷发期(700 Ma B.P.),结束于中奥陶世的郁南运动(458 Ma B.P.)。演化历程大体相当于Rodinia(罗迪尼亚)超大陆解体时,应为Rodinia超大陆裂解期的组成部分。兴凯地裂运动在新元古代形成扬子板块的基底,对中上扬子区后期构造变形有重要的影响,为后兴凯期(加里东运动)形成大型古隆起和大形拗陷提供了基础;产生的基底断裂对四川盆地后期构造活动有控制作用;形成的稳定大陆边缘为下组合烃源岩发育提供了条件等。  相似文献   

拉拉铁氧化物-铜-金-铀矿床成矿时代分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国内外学者对拉拉铁氧化物-铜-金-铀矿床(IOCG)成矿时代研究认识尚存争议.运用Isoplot软件对矿区黄铁矿、黄铜矿放射性成因的异常铅同位素数据进行处理,得到Pb-Pb等时线年龄为954Ma,与辉钼矿Re-Os年龄928~1005Ma一致,这一年龄与矿床地质事实吻合,代表矿床形成时代,且说明铜、钼、铀为同一期矿化.结合同位素年龄资料及矿床地质特征分析认为:1700Ma左右河口群火山岩喷发沉积形成矿源层;1200Ma左右河口群地层伴随东川运动发生区域变质作用,形成磁铁矿和磷灰石;900~1000Ma伴随着Rodinia泛大陆拼贴事件,康滇地区发生晋宁运动,在变质热液作用下发生铜钼铀矿化;850Ma左右伴随着Rodinia泛大陆裂解事件,矿区地幔柱成因辉长岩浆上涌带来的巨大热量促使成矿元素进一步的活化、迁移、富集成矿.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地海西早期古隆起的控油作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过塔里木盆地海西早期古隆起的构造演化特征分析,探讨了古隆起的控油作用.研究表明,古隆起指明油气运移方向,减缓烃源过早成熟;促使岩溶储层的形成,控制东河砂岩的分布;促使油气输导性断裂发育,并形成丰富的以构造型为主的圈闭.认为海西早期古隆起具有形成中大型油气田(藏)的基本条件,是塔里木盆地寻找大中型油气田的重要方向.  相似文献   

探讨中国西部沙漠形成演化的驱动机制,其演化模式为"隆升-河湖-沙漠",其物源包括河流冲积物、冲积-湖积物、洪积-冲积物以及基岩的残积坡积物等。沙漠的形成与扩张可能受青藏高原隆升、北极冰盖的演化、特提斯洋消亡的共同影响,其与沙漠的形成和扩张之间的动力过程目前虽然不甚明了,但在时间上却有着较好的同步性,具体体现在8~7、5.3、3.6~3.4、2.5、0.8~0.6、0.15Ma这6个阶段。对亚洲内陆干旱化与青藏高原隆升、北极冰盖演化、特提斯消亡的时空耦合关系和动力机制建立了初步的概念模型。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地大中型油气田形成及分布规律   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
目的 探讨塔里木盆地油气藏形成及分布规律,为油气田勘探部署提供依据。方法 运用石油地质综合研究方法,探讨了区域构造背景,有效烃源岩分布及其成熟度、储盖组合、后期构造变动等对塔里木盆地大中型油气田形成及分布的控制作用。结果 塔里木盆地油气分布十分复杂,油气藏形成及分布受多重因素控制;早期形成、长期继承发育的大型稳定古隆起及其斜坡以及前陆逆冲带第2,3排构造分别是大中型油气田形成的最有利地区;古隆起控油、斜坡富集以及隆起高部位油气易发生调整、斜坡部位有利于保存,是克拉通区油气藏形成和分布的重要特点;已发现的油气藏具有多期成藏、晚期调整的特点,早期形成的原生油气藏后期特别是晚喜山期普遍受到了调整改造,以克拉通区海相油气藏最为突出;保存条件对塔里木盆地油气藏形成与分布具有重要控制作用,特别是优质区域盖层的存在,是大中型油气田形成和保存的关键。结论 继承性古隆起与隐伏前陆逆冲带是塔里木克拉通区与前陆区寻找大中型油气田的最有利地区。  相似文献   

An ophiolite belt is exposed to the northern edge of Altun Tagh Mountain. Geochronological researches were made on gabbro and basalt. Sm-Nd isochron age of gabbro is (829 ± 60) Ma, while the age of gabbro mixed basalt is (949 ± 62) Ma. The dating of Sm-Nd isochron proves that ophiolite formed in (829 ± 60) Ma, which implies that the northern half of Tarim (or north Tarim Block) had been separated by an ocean from the southern half of Tarim and Qaidarn (or south Tarim Block) until (829 ± 60) Ma. The south Tarim Block could accrete to the north Tarim Block at the beginning of Sinian, thereby forming the north Altun Tagh suture. The Sinian system would be the first cover on the amalgamated Tarim craton.  相似文献   

Figuring out whether the sedimentary provenance regions of the thick deep-water turbidite systems deposited during Middle–Upper Ordovician in South Quruqtagh are the intracontinental uplifts or the peripheral orogenic belts is of great significance for us to understand the tectono-sedimentary nature of the northeastern Tarim Basin and basin-range coupling processes in the middle Paleozoic.This paper reports the in situ LA-ICP-MS U–Pb ages and Hf isotope data on detrital zircons from two Middle–Upper Ordovician sandstone samples which were collected from the Charchag Formation and the Zatupo Formation in South Quruqtagh,respectively.The results show that the studied two samples have extremely similar U–Pb age patterns and Hf isotopic compositions,reflecting multiphase tectonothermal events with age groups of 527–694,713–870 Ma(peaking at 760 Ma),904–1,090,1,787–2,094 Ma(peaking at 1,975 Ma)and 2,419–2,517 Ma.Combining previous studies,the presence of age groups of 713–1,090 and1,787–2,094 Ma,respectively,demonstrates that Tarim had ever been a part of Rodinia and Columbia supercontinent.Moreover,98%of 713–870 Ma detrital zircons are characterized by negative e Hf(t)values ranging from-38.07 to-0.61,which are highly consistent with those of Neoproterozoic granites from the Quruqtagh area.No Early Paleozoic ages(*470–500 Ma)signifying subduction or collision events in Altyn Tagh were detected in the two samples,indicating that the Middle–Late Ordovician sediments in South Quruqtagh and northern Mangar depression were mainly derived from intracontinental uplifts,i.e.,the North Quruqtagh uplift or the Tabei paleo-uplift,rather than the Altyn Tagh.In conjunction with regional sedimentary-tectonic background and previous studies,we proposed preliminarily that the northeastern Tarim remained as a passive continental margin in Late Ordovician and changed into an active-continental margin in Silurian due to the southward subduction of the South-Tianshan Ocean.  相似文献   

Through studying geo-geochemical characteristics and determining Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isotopical ages in the Kanggur magnetite-chlorite formation gold deposit, some conclusions can be achieved: Sm-Nd isochron age is (290.4 ± 7)Ma, Rb-Sr isochron age is (282.3 ± 5)Ma, mineralization is Late Hercynian and the formation of this gold deposit is related to the macroscopic Huangshan-Qiugemingtashi ductile shear zone which is produced as a result of collision between the Tarim plate and the Junggar plate.  相似文献   

The Tadm Desert Highway shelterbelt, located in hinterland of Taklimakan Desert, is irrigated by underground saline water, with three to thirty gram per litter mineral degrees. The sustainability and stability are affected by multifarious stress. The structural and functional characteristics of shelterbelt are studied to probe into correlation between environment and shelterbelt. On basis, decision analysis is applied to study ecological stability of the Tarim Desert Highway shelterbelt, to screen out limited factors, to establish general index system, and to evaluate the stability of the shelterbelt nowadays. Finally, the concept of ecological stability is utilized to manage the artificial ecosystem. The results show that the artificial ecosystem is relatively flimsy, whose stability can be increased by adjusting stand structure and improving the nutrient cycle.  相似文献   

Sixty-two geologically meaningful U-Pb dates were obtained by using SHRIMP technique for the detrital zircons in three metasedimentary rocks from stratigraphically uppermost parts of the Longshoushan Group in the present study. Eighty percents of these dates range from 1.7 Ga to 2.2 Ga with a peak at 1.8-2.0 Ga and twenty percents from 2.3 Ga to 2.7 Ga. The youngest detrital zircon is dated at 1724±19 Ma which is interpreted as the maximum depositional age of the metasedimentary rocks. Therefore, the age for the diagenesis and lithification of the original sedimentary rocks of the Longshoushan Group before the metamorphism must be younger than 1724±19 Ma. Comparison of the age histograms of these detrital zircons with the ages of the igneous rocks on the surrounding older massifs suggests that the sediments of the Longshoushan Group were most likely derived from the Alaxa Block and Tarim Craton. This implies that the affinity between Alaxa Block and Tarim Craton was strong and that they might have been a unified craton during middle-early Proterozoic time.  相似文献   

The plagioclase amphibolites from Kuokesu area, Kuruktag, Xinjiang occur as enclaves embedded in the granodioritic gneiss. In the light of major elements and REE data, the parent rocks of the plagioclase amphibolites belong to weak_alkaline basalts. Their Nd model ages mainly range from 2 832 to 3 075 Ma. The seven plagioclase amphibolites yield a reasonable good isochron age of (828±86) Ma(2σ) with I Nd =0.510 981±82, ε Nd ( t )=-11.5±1.6. Such a case shows the existence of great proportion of the Archaean mafic crustal basement on the Kuokesu area. The strong tectonic_thermal event at about 820 Ma made the Sm_Nd isotope of the metamorphic rocks homogenization. This event would be associated with the Tarim Movement.  相似文献   

干旱区内陆河流域荒漠河岸林变化研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
新疆塔里木河流域以胡杨为建群种的荒漠河岸林是我国及世界上胡杨分布最为集中的地区之一。通过分析该地区土壤含水率、地下水埋深、地形地貌类型与胡杨空间分布、龄级结构、郁闭度的关系,探讨其生长状况。同时,采用1983年、1992年及1996年遥感信息源编制植被专题图件,在GIS支持下处理图件,并应用制图数据及相关自然及人文数据,分析胡杨面积变化及演替规律,强调了系统重建设及恢复的重要作用。  相似文献   

The adjustment of primary hydrocarbon reservoirs in marine formations is an important feature of the oil pools in the Tarim Basin. Large-scale hydrocarbon adjustment is related to the strong regional tectonic movements, which is always accompanied by extensive migration of basin fluids including diagenetic and mineralizing fluids. Organic fluid inclusions are well developed in hydrothermal minerals, such as fluorite, which have been found in the dissolution-enlarged fractures or karstification caves in the Ordovician in the central Tarim Basin. Proved by well drilling, the fluorite deposit is good reservoir for oil and gas. So the peculiar accompanied or superimposed relationship between fluorite hydrothermal fluid mineralization and hydrocarbon migration and accumulation exists in the Ordovician in the central Tarim Basin. Considering regional tectonic setting and mineralization condition,through different kinds of analytic methods including electron spin resonance dating, fluid inclusion laser Raman and colonial inclusions hydrocarbon fossil analysis, we proposed that extensive mineralizing fluids and hydrocarbon migration occurred in late Yanshan-Himalayan (110.4-30.8 Ma) period, and Himalayan, especially, is an important period for hydrocarbon accumulation from 34.3 Ma to present.  相似文献   

The Tarim Basin, in northwestern China, is the largest continental basin in the world, and hosts desert landscapes as well as extensive oasis agriculture. Many horticultural products come from this basin. However, since the 1950s, frequent river flow interruptions have occurred in the lower reaches of the Tarim River. Thus, the natural ecology of the basin has undergone significant changes because of recent human economic and social activities. In particular, water resource development and utilization along with climate changes have had a significant impact on the area. To prevent further deterioration of the environment, the Central Government implemented a water conveyance project in 2000. Based on this project, Chinese scientists, together with those from overseas, have conducted extensive research on the historical evolution of the area, and the physiological and ecological responses of the natural vegetation around the Tarim Desert Highway. Progress has been made in the areas of environmental protection and ecological conservation.  相似文献   

Eolian loess is widely distributed on the various geomorphic surfaces between 700–2400 m a.s.l. on the northern slope of the Tian Shan. It is formed in a synchronous manner with dust transported from the Gurbantunggut Desert in the Junggar Basin. The thickest section of loess was found in the Shawan and Shihezi regions. Paleomagnetic and climatic proxy analyses of over 71 m of a loess-paleosol sequence on the highest terrace of the Qingshui He (River) in the Shawan show that the paleomagnetic Bruhues/Matuyama (B/M) boundary lies at the bottom of paleosol S8, at a depth of 69.5 m, and the bottom of the sequence was estimated to be ∼0.8 Ma. This implies that the extremely dry climatic conditions in the Junggar Basin and the initial Gurbantunggut Desert were present at least by 0.8 Ma. High-resolution grain size series demonstrate that this area and desert expansion experienced two dramatic periods of desert expansions that occurred at ∼0.65 Ma and 0.5 Ma, respectively; and the subsequent continuous enhancement led to the environment presently observed. This tremendous environmental effect, caused by large-scale expansion of the desert and arid region of inner Asia, might be an important driving force for the global temperature drop that occurred in the mid-Pleistocene.  相似文献   

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