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李梅菊 《科技信息》2009,(6):129-130
Jane Eyre is set during the Victorian period, at a time where a women' s role in society was restrictive and repressive and class differences distinct. A Charlotte Bronte as a governess was one of the only few respectable positions available to the educated but impoverished single women. Not only is Jane Eyre a novel about one woman's through lie, but also Bronte conveys to the reader the social injustices of the period, such as poverty, lack of universal education and sexual inequality. Jane's plight and her "dependant" status is particularly emphasized at the beginning of the novel.  相似文献   

Jane Eyre is set during the Victorian period, at a time where a women’s role in society was restrictive and repressive and class differences distinct. A Charlotte Bronte as a governess was one of the only few respectable positions available to the educated but impoverished single women. Not only is Jane Eyre a novel about one woman’s through lie, but also Bronte conveys to the reader the social injustices of the period, such as poverty, lack of universal education and sexual inequality. Jane’s plight and he...  相似文献   

James Joyce employs the symbolic technique in the novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man to depict the complex inner mind of the protagonist.The images are closely related with Joy's aesthetics.The reappearance of these images reinforces and unifies the theme of the novel which eventually makes the novel a complete whole.This coincides with Joyce's principle of "wholeness".In this paper,mainly two images the "bird" and the "water" will be analyzed.Their symbolic meaning changes with the development of Stephen in different chapters.Sometimes they are symbols of threat and pressure;sometimes they are symbols of freedom and flight,which coincides with Joyce's exile aesthetics.  相似文献   

曲俊静 《科技信息》2011,(34):204-205
F.Scott Fitzgerald is one of the greatest writers of the 1920s America.Written in 1925,The Great Gatsby is generally considered as his representative novel and one of the greatest literary documents of the period.The success of the novel owes to the depiction of the hero-Gatsby.This paper mainly focuses on the characteristics of the hero.Through this point of view,readers may get some new ideas and understandings of this novel’s theme.In the process of depicting that era-the Jazz Age,this paper reveals the greatness of Gatsby in one regard as well as the critical significance towards that specific period in other aspects,so as to prove that Jay Gatsby is really a great man.  相似文献   

孟凡 《科技信息》2013,(8):186-186
In 1876 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was published to wild national acclaim,cementing Twain's position as a behemoth in American literary circles.Twain began work on Huck Finn,a sequel to Tom Sawyer.This new novel took on a much more serious character,however,as Twain focused increasingly on the institution of Huckleberry Finn,and his criticism to abuses of the society,the author aims to advocate the equality of human and humanitarianism.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of oxygen evolution and carbon fixation in oxygenic organisms depend on the equal distribution of excitation energy to photosystems Ⅰ and Ⅱ, which is regulated by a mechanism referred to as light-state transition. In this work, a novel mechanism, energy spillover from PS Ⅰ to PS Ⅱ referred to as "inverse spillover", was revealed besides "mobile phycobilisome (PBS)" and the "spillover" of energy from PS Ⅱ to PS Ⅰ in cyanobacteria. Under continuous illumination with blue light, time-dependent 77-K fluorescence spectra demonstrated heterogeneous kinetics for the PBS and photosystem components, indicating that inverse spillover and mobile PBS work successively to regulate the excitation to a balanced distribution in cyanobacterial cells under blue light. Inverse spillover and mobile PBS occur under both 100 and 300 μmol m-2 s-1 blue-light conditions but they are accelerated under the latter.  相似文献   

刘义峰 《科技信息》2007,(30):175-175,251
The detective story is distinguished from other forms of fiction by the fact that it is a puzzle. The Adventures of Caleb Williams (1794),written by English philosopher William Godwin,deserves an honorable place among the detective story's predecessors. Some critics consider it a gothic novel,others consider it a precursor to the English detective novel,and still others refer to it as the first psychological novel. It's very indispensable to make further analysis.  相似文献   

王福宁 《科技信息》2013,(8):180-182
The Great Gatsby is a significant classic in American literature and Fitzgerald is also considered as a chronicler of the"Jazz Age".The women characters play an important role in revealing the theme of the novel.The paper analyzes these women characters and points out their function juxtaposed against Gatsby.These women are all the victims of a society of wealth in American twenties.Compared to Fitzgerald's life,his attitude toward women and love is ambivalent.What happens to Gatsby is a warning to the rest of mankind.In the progress of realizing our own dream,we should be and can be soberer than those protagonists in the novel.  相似文献   

A "double-gas acoustic amplifier" is introduced to couple a thermoacoustic heat engine and a two-stage pulse tube cooler in this paper. Compared with previous acoustic amplifiers, this new acoustic amplifier maintains the function of amplification for pressure amplitude. In particular, the novel acoustic amplifier with a reservoir makes it possible to install an acoustic transparent but gas blocking elastic membrane between the engine and the cooler. Thus, the engine can use nitrogen as the working gas to work at low frequency; and meanwhile, the cooler can still use helium as the working gas to maintain its high performance. With this new amplifier, the cooling temperature of a two-stage pulse tube cooler driven by an energy-focused thermoacoustic engine reached 18.7 K.  相似文献   

"Sin" plays a very important role in the understanding of Hawthorne's "psychological romance"— The Scarlet Letter.The paper introduces the major view that influences him--the Puritan doctrine of "original sin" so as to investigate Hawthorne's own attitudes towards the sin and the effects of sin on the two main characters in the novel.  相似文献   

从《生死场》到《呼兰河传》,萧红的小说语言经历了从“本色”到以多种技巧强化艺术表现力的转变。其中,与简洁“背道而驰”的繁复叙述,以内在含义扭转表层语义的“悖反叙述”,有意“越轨”的句子组合方式,以及巧借声韵的婉约传达意味与情趣等特点,构成了萧红后期小说文体的独特魅力,也显示了萧红在小说语言艺术上的探索与变化。  相似文献   

长篇小说《金瓶梅》问世四百年来,在褒扬争论中显其“奇书”的魅力。但是,作为一部反映“真实的民间社会的日常故事”的名著,也难免留下一些不够精致之笔。本文从现实、人性等方面对《金瓶梅》第十七回中李瓶儿招赘蒋竹山这一情节的非现实性进行了探讨。旨在更加客观地把握和理解这一名作。  相似文献   

自译介到国内之日起,戴维·洛奇的《小世界》就被看作是"现代主义和后现代主义"的经典小说。但是,无论从文学理论角度还是从文学史角度,这种看法都未免失之简单化。无论从"互文性"还是戏仿等手法来分析,该小说都是一部继承了英国讽刺小说传统的现代杰作。  相似文献   

宗良煜的《蓝色的行走》是一部人类的生存寓言。小岛,大船,隐喻着“原始”与“现代”的关系。它们既有变汇相融。又有着碰撞和不和谐。“蓝色”赋予了文本以飘逸空灵的诗意,把小说叙述最终本体化,并借助想象和虚构,扩大了文本的精神容量,也提高了作品的艺术纯度。给人们带来了超验和吊诡的阅读历险。  相似文献   

鲁迅将以《补天》为代表的非现实题材小说,称为“历史的小说”,而并非“历史小说”,这是大有深意的。小说以人性为标的,演绎、重建了中国古代神话,并赋予了现代的意味。文学渊源、原初母性、创造性失败等论题,在小说中得到了形象性的阐发。  相似文献   

基于核技巧提出的新的非线性鉴别分析方法在最小二乘意义上与基于核的Fisher鉴别分析方法等效,相应鉴别方向通过一个线性方程组得出,计算代价较小,相应分类实现极其简便。该方法的最大优点是,对训练数据进行筛选,可使构造鉴别矢量的“显著”训练样本数大大低于总训练样本数,从而使得测试集的分类非常高效;同时,设计出专门的优化算法以加速“显著”训练样本的选取。实验表明,该方法不仅具有明显的效率上的优势,且具有不低于基于核的Fisher鉴别分析方法的性能。  相似文献   

“十七年”小说婚恋叙事中,“第三者”意象发挥着政治意识形态赋予的功能:帮助完成显在主题的完满叙事,“第三者”意象的象征结构在此发挥了“助手”或“反助手”的潜在运作机制,帮助完成或反衬选择主体的最终抉择。人性化的叙述在与政治意识形态的对抗中,也使得小说呈现叙事的完满或裂隙。  相似文献   

自传体小说《"天才"》是西奥多·德莱塞(Theodore Dreiser,1871-1945)的一部中期作品,其中流露出与他的早期作品如《嘉莉妹妹》、《珍妮姑娘》相似的自然主义特征。通过这部作品,我们可以了解他的环境对人的决定作用,人在生物本能的控制下无能为力等机械唯物主义观点和宿命论观点。  相似文献   

十九世纪末,现代传播媒介的发达,为中国小说观念的现代转型提供了最佳载体。1902年,梁启超创办了《新小说》杂志,并通过《论小说与群治之关系》旗帜鲜明地提出了"小说界革命"的口号,把小说视为"文学之最上乘"。《新小说》颠覆了历史上鄙视小说的陈腐观念,由它倡导的"小说界革命"很快在文坛上发生影响,并迅速生成一场声势浩大的小说革新运动。  相似文献   

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