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Integrated semantic similarity model based on ontology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To solve the problem of the inadequacy of semantic processing in the intelligent question answering system. an integrated semantic similarity model which calculates the semantic similarity using the geometric distance and informarion content is presented in this paper. With the help of interrelationship between concepts, the information content ofconcepts and the strength of the edges in the ontology network. we can calculate the semantic similarity between two concepts and provide information for the further calculation of the semantic similarity between user‘s question and answers in knowlegdge base. The results of the experiments on the prototype have shown that the semantic problem in natural language processing can also be solved with the help of the knowledge and the abundant semantic information in ontology. More than 90% accuracy with less than 50 ms average searching time in the intelligent question answering prototype system based on ontology has been reached. The result is vety satisfied.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a checking method based on mutual instances and discusses three key problems in the method: how to deal with mistakes in the mutual instances and how to deal with too many or too few mutual instances. It provides the checking based on the weighted mutual instances considering fault tolerance, gives a way to partition the large-scale mutual instances, and proposes a process greatly reducing the manual annotation work to get more mutual instances. Intension annotation that improves the checking method is also discussed. The method is practical and effective to check subsumption relations between concept queries in different ontologies based on mutual instances.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel ontology mapping approach based on rough set theory and instance selection .In this appoach the construction approach of a rough set-based inference instance base in which the instance selection (involving similarity distance, clustering set and redundancy degree) and discernibility matrix-based feature reduction are introduced respectively; and an ontology mapping approach based on multi-dimensional attribute value joint distribution is proposed. The core of this mapping aI overlapping of the inference instance space. Only valuable instances and important attributes can be selected into the ontology mapping based on the multi-dimensional attribute value joint distribution, so the sequently mapping efficiency is improved. The time complexity of the discernibility matrix-based method and the accuracy of the mapping approach are evaluated by an application example and a series of analyses and comparisons.  相似文献   

Ontology mapping is the bottleneck ot handhng confilicts among heterogeneous ontologies and of implementing reconfiguration or interoperability of legacy systems. We proposed an ontology mapping method by using machine learning, type constraints and logic mining techniques. This method is able to find concept correspondences through instances and the result is optimized by using an error function; it is able to find attribute correspondence between two equivalent concepts and the mapping accuracy is enhanced by combining together instances learning, type constraints and the logic relations that are imbedded in instances; moreover, it solves the most common kind of categorization conflicts. We thenproposed a merging algorithm to generate the shared ontology and proposed a reconfigurable architecture for interoperation based on multi agents. The legacy systems are encapsulated as information agents to participate in the integration system. Finally we give a simplified case study.  相似文献   

Semantic conflict is the conflict caused by using different ways in heterogeneous systems to express the same entity in reality. This prevents information integration from accomplishing semantic coherence. Since ontology helps to solve semantic problems, this area has become a hot topic in information integration. In this paper, we introduce semantic conflict into information integration of heterogeneous applications. We discuss the origins and categories of the conflict. and present an ontology-based schema mapping approach to eliminate semantic conflicts.  相似文献   

A novel image auto-annotation method is presented based on probabilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA) model and multiple Markov random fields (MRF).A PLSA model with asymmetric modalities is first constructed to estimate the joint probability between images and semantic concepts,then a subgraph is extracted served as the corresponding structure of Markov random fields and inference over it is performed by the iterative conditional modes so as to capture the final annotation for the image.The novelty of our method mainly lies in two aspects:exploiting PLSA to estimate the joint probability between images and semantic concepts as well as multiple MRF to further explore the semantic context among keywords for accurate image annotation.To demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach,an experiment on the Corel5k dataset is conducted and its results are compared favorably with the current state-of-the-art approaches.  相似文献   

Aiming at the problem of merging heterogeneous semantic taxonomy emerged in Web information integration, a method of building Web classification ontology (WCO) has been proposed. A WCO that is logically consistent with the suggested upper merged ontology (SUMO) is defined, together with axioms needed to classify Web pages. WCO can be used as a foundation of merging heterogeneous semantic taxonomy, and could be used to support Web information integration and classification based Web information retrieval.  相似文献   

This study presents a clustering algorithm based on hierarchical expansion to solve the problem of community detection in scientific collaboration network .The characteristics of achievements infor-mation related to scientific and technological domains are analyzed , and then an ontology that repre-sents their latent collaborative relations is built to detect clusters from the collaboration network .A case study is conducted to collect a data set of research achievements in the electric vehicle field and better clustering results are obtained .A hierarchical recommendation framework that enriches the domain ontologies and retrieves more relevant information resources is proposed in the last part of this paper .This work also lays out a novel insight into the exploitation of scientific collaboration net-work to better classify achievements information .  相似文献   

基于领域本体的自动化语义标注方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了语义网,本体以及语义标注的基本概念,对现有的语义标注方法以及技术进行了说明和分析.针对目前互联网上含有大量语义信息的HTML文档,提出了一种自动化的语义标注的方法.该方法对HTML文档进行结构分析,并参照词汇数据库Hownet和领域本体对文档进行语义分析,找出文档对应的语义分类树,给文档加上语义标签.以电子消费品领域的HTML文档为实验对象,实验结果证明了该方法具有一定的可行性.  相似文献   

在不同本体环境下的语义检索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着本体技术的逐渐成熟 ,基于本体的智能检索开始受到重视。然而由于本体差别的存在 ,使得在不同本体间查询始终存在困难。文章提出了一种在异构本体的环境下实现语义检索的解决方案 ,该方案借助语义度量技术 ,实现了不同环境下的查询映射 ,从而较好地解决了这一问题  相似文献   

An element may have heterogeneous semantic interpretations in different ontologies. Therefore, understanding the real local meanings of elements is very useful for ontology operations such as querying and reasoning, which are the foundations for many applications including semantic searching, ontology matching, and linked data analysis. However, since different ontologies have different preferences to describe their elements, obtaining the semantic context of an element is an open problem. A semantic subgraph was proposed to capture the real meanings of ontology elements. To extract the semantic subgraphs, a hybrid ontology graph is used to represent the semantic relations between elements. An extracting algorithm based on an electrical circuit model is then used with new conductivity calculation rules to improve the quality of the semantic subgraphs. The evaluation results show that the semantic subgraphs properly capture the local meanings of elements. Ontology matching based on semantic subgraphs also demonstrates that the semantic subgraph is a promising technique for ontology applications.  相似文献   

0 IntroductionAsneim mapnotircta nWte pbre i-sco tnhdieti oabnilfiotry r etaoli zainnngotthatee go aWle obf trhe-esources with semanticinformation[1]. However ,annotationtools so far basically allowthe user to annotate with plaintext using the method of information extraction.In manycases ,one can hardly extract semantics from Web docu-ments ,such as problemset archivesinthe Web.Massive problemset archives are availableinthe Web,for example,http://acm.uva.es, while each problemsetarchives pr…  相似文献   

基于领域本体的信息搜索模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对目前的搜索模型局限于语法层次上关键词匹配的特点,以领域本体作为知识组织方式,提出了一种语义环境下基于本体的信息搜索模型.在此模型的基础上,分别提出了文档语义标注算法和搜索词语义扩展算法,两种算法分别对文档集语义分析和搜索词语义关系理解,实现双向语义信息搜索的目的.实验结果表明,提出的信息搜索方法能够克服关键词匹配搜索的不足,获得较好的搜索效果  相似文献   

语义Web中的语义度量与本体映射   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着本体技术的逐渐成熟,本体的应用开始受到广泛的重视。然而,本体差别的存在使得不同本体间的知识重用与共享存在困难。文章考察了语义Web中本体所具有的特征,提出借助语义度量技术,实现本体间的映射,较好地解决了这一问题;同时,进一步的探讨了本体映射过程中的效率问题,。  相似文献   

基于本体的文档语义标注改进方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在领域本体知识的语义环境和资源文档结构基础上,提出一种文档语义标注改进方法,分析、计算标签一文档的词频相关性和语义环境在局部窗口的共现性,实现对各类文档资源的语义标注.该方法首先提取出文档资源的纯文本内容,并分解出子句、句和段落集合.然后,对于每个具体的领域知识项,在本体知识库中寻找其语义环境信息.最后,按照7条相关度规则,分别计算出这些信息与分解后文档内容的相关度,从而完成整个文档库内和知识库内的综合计算,得到该项知识与文档资源的最终相关度.卖验结果显示,该方法能够依据领域本体,有效地对互联网中大量以网页等形式存在的多种类文档知识资源进行自动语义标注.  相似文献   

基于本体的XML数据源语义集成研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提议了一个基于本体的XML数据源语义集成方法,为每个参与集成的XML文档产生一个局部RDF本体,合并局部本体的结果产生一个全局本体.全局本体统一查询访问并在后台局部XML数据源之间建立语义关系,在全局本体上的查询通过从RDF查询到XML查询的转换被处理.  相似文献   

基于本体的语义标注工具使用已有本体在Web页面中插入语义元数据信息,从而使Web页的内容机器可识别,是将现有Web提升为语义Web的有效方法之一.大多数标注工具仅支持使用已存在的本体词汇来标注Web页,不具备标注过程中新建本体或在已有本体中添加新词汇从而补充标注词汇的本体编辑功能.针对语义标注中的本体编辑功能的特点及存在问题进行研究,并从实现的角度对OWL本体编辑进行讨论.  相似文献   

随着网络上的本体越来越多,为了实现不同本体间的知识重用和共享,需要在本体间建立映射。而建立映射的关键在于找到概念相同或相近的实体对。借鉴计算语言学中的语义距离思想,提出了基于OWL构词所描述的本体概念相似度计算方法,该方法充分考虑了概念本身、概念属性、概念所处的层次结构和概念的OWL语义四个方面的语义相似度。  相似文献   

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