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The analytical solutions of unsteady heat conduction with variable thermal properties(thermal conductivity,density and specific heat are functions of temperature or coordinates)are meaningful in theory.In addition,they are very useful to the computational heat conduction to check the numerical solutions and to develop numerical schemes,grid generation methods and so forth.Such solutions in rectangular coordinates have been derived by the authors.Some other solutions for 1-D and 2-D axisymmetrical heat conduction in cylin drical coordinates are given in this paper to promote the heat conduction theory and to develop the relative computational heat conduction.  相似文献   

There are many natural convection processes in various fields, and it is still valuable to investigate the fluid dynamics and heat transfer of natural convection. The analytical solutions are meaningful in both theoretical investigation and practical applications. Specially, they can be used as the benchmark solutions to check the numerical solutions and to develop numerical differencing schemes, grid generation methods and so on. Two explicit analytical solutions of axisymmetric steady laminar natural convection along a vertical tube with porous wall and between two vertical concentric tubes are derived for better understanding of the flow and heat transfer as well as promoting the computational fluid dynamics and computational heat transfer.  相似文献   

Based on the method of separation variables with addition developed in recent years, new methods of separation variables are proposed, and two algebraically explicit analytical solutions to the general partial differential equation set of non-Fourier and non-Fick heat and mass transfer in porous media drying are derived. The physical meaning of these solutions is simple and clear, and they are valuable for computational heat and mass transfer as benchmark solutions.  相似文献   

Dryingprocessinporousmediawidelyexistsin manyfieldssuchasenergy,chemistry,biology,medicineandarchitectonics.Researchesintothiskind ofphenomenonaretraditionallybasedonFourierlaw andFicklaw.Thesetwolawsincludethehypotheses ofinfinitepropagationofheatandmassdisturbance,respectively.Suchanapproximateapproachisprecise enoughfortheconventionalunsteadyheatandmass transfer.However,forhighintensiveandrapiddry ingprocess,itcouldleadtoerrorstosomeextent.Therefore,itisnecessarytoconsiderthenon linearrel…  相似文献   

Some explicit analytical solutions are derived for the coupled partial differential equation set describing porous material drying with two extraordinary methods proposed by the authors, i.e. the method of separating variables by addition and the method of evaluating the source term in reverse order. Besides their theoretical meaning, these solutions can also be the standard solutions for the computational solutions of heat and mass transfer.  相似文献   

A new random-walk interpolation scheme was developed to simulate solute transport through composite porous media with different porosities as well as different diffusivities. The significant influences of the abrupt variations of porosity and diffusivity on solute transport were simulated by tracking random walkers through a linear interpolation domain across the heterogeneity interface. The displacements of the random walkers within the interpolation region were obtained explicitly by establishing the equivalence between the Fokker-Planck equation and the advection-dispersion equation. Applications indicate that the random-walk interpolation method can simulate one- and two-dimensional, 2nd-order diffusion processes in composite media without local mass conservation errors. In addition, both the theoretical derivations and the numerical simulations show that the drift and dispersion of particles depend on the type of Markov process selected to reflect the dynamics of random walkers. If the nonlinear Langevin equation is used, the gradient of porosity and the gradient of diffusivity strongly affect the drift displacement of particles. Therefore, random-walking particles driven by the gradient of porosity, the gradient of diffusivity, and the random diffusion, can imitate the transport of solute under only pure diffusion in composite porous media containing abrupt variations of porosity and diffusivity.  相似文献   

Recent researches indicate that the global climate really shows a warming trend[1―5]. The Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicts a 1.4℃―5.8℃ rise in the global surface temperature between 1990 and 2100 using the climate change forecast model[5]. During the same times, the climate in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau will also bring about relevant changes. Recent predictions show that the air temperature of the Qinghai- Tibet Plateau will be a rise of 2.2℃―2.6℃ by 2050. Th…  相似文献   

Numerical simulation has been performed to investigate the combined effects of wake flow pattern and buoyancy on the characteristics of the flow and heat transfer for the mixed convective flow around a vertical cylinder embedded in porous medium. Three-dimensional Darcy's equations are solved. The discretization procedure for the governing equations is based on the finite-volume method. Peclect number and Rayleigh number are two major independent parameters representing the effects of the flow and heat transfer, respectively. The flow pattern, temperature distribution, and Nusselt number distribution are investigated in wide ranges of these independent parameters. Correlation results for the onset of the secondary flow and enhancement of the heat transfer are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Strain localization in multiphase materials is a chal- lenging and difficult topic about the interaction between the solid and fluid phases when localization starts. An increasing number of papers on strain localization prob- lems of multiphase porous media have been published in recent years because of the importance of the problem in practical engineering. Rice[1] and Vardoulakis[2] studied the stability of strain localization of saturated soil. Loret and Prevost carried out strain localiza…  相似文献   

The influence of direct current (DC) electric field on the thickness and mass of frost on a cold vertical plate was investigated. The photos of frost layer growth were taken with and without the presence of electric field, and results showed that the electric field has a strong influence on the frost thickness. The influences of cold plate temperature and ambient temperature on frost thickness and frost mass were also investigated under the natural convection condition with electric field. Experimental results demonstrated that the cold plate temperature has very strong effect on the frost layer thickness, but its influence on frost mass is minor; the influence of ambient temperature on the frost mass is more obvious than that on the frost thickness.  相似文献   

对离心力场下多孔介质中的自然对流进行了线性稳定性分析,考虑了离心力、哥氏力与重力的共同作用。结果表明:当离心力与温度梯度垂直时,多孔介质中将发生离心力、重力与哥氏力共同驱动的无条件自然对流;当离心力与温度梯度平行时,多孔介质中将发生离心力、重力与哥氏力共同驱动的有条件自然对流,并且重力与哥氏力对自然对流的稳定性判据均无影响。  相似文献   

用格子Boltzmann方法研究了方腔内二维多孔介质由于不均匀温度分布产生的浮力效应而引起的自然对流传热问题.通过数值模拟得到了多孔介质内流体的流场和温度场.详细讨论了孔隙度对自然对流传热的影响,并对孔隙度变化情况下的自然对流传热问题也进行了探讨.研究结果表明,在孔隙度恒定,且Da数比较小(≤10-6)的情况下,当Ra数较低时,孔隙度对自然对流传热的影响很小,当Ra数足够大时需要考虑孔隙度变化的影响;而在Da数较大(≥10-2)情况下,孔隙度对自然对流传热的影响非常明显.在孔隙度线性变化情况下,中间孔隙度c对自然对流传热有一定的影响,且对流与传热随着c的增大而变得剧烈.  相似文献   

采用局部非热平衡模型,对非热平衡多孔介质方腔内的非达西自然对流进行了数值研究,采用Brinkman-Darcy-Forchheimer模型描述多孔介质内的流动,研究在不同参数条件下,即Pr、Da、空隙率φ、Ra等参数的不同取值下,有效导热系数比γ及无量纲容积换热系数H对多孔介质自然对流换热的影响,研究表明:γ的增加会削弱方腔内自然对流换热;ε、Da数的增大能够增加流体相平均Nu数,而对于固体相则有降低的作用;综合表明,只有在γ取值达到10.0以上时,局部热平衡假设才能得以成立。  相似文献   

Some explicit analytical solutions are derived for the coupled partial differential equation set describ-ing porous material drying with two extraordinary methods proposed by the authors, I.e. The method of separating vari-ables by addition and the method of evaluating the source term in reverse order. Besides their theoretical meaning, these solutions can also be the standard solutions for the computational solutions of heat and mass transfer.  相似文献   

不同分子量聚合物溶液在多孔介质中的渗流特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过岩心流动实验,探讨了部分水解聚丙烯酰胺溶液(HPAM)在多孔介质中流动时聚合物分子量和孔隙特征参数对流动行为的影响,得到了一组反映流动参数变化规律的关系曲线。结果表明,在消除黏度效应条件下,高分子量聚合物比低分子量聚合物降低水相渗透率的能力强;聚合物分子量越高,多孔介质渗透率越低,阻力系数和残余阻力系数越大,聚合物越早突破多孔介质;当平均孔隙半径与聚合物分子尺寸之比大于4时,多孔介质的孔隙通道一般不会发生聚合物堵塞.  相似文献   

黏弹性流体饱和多孔介质模型比单相介质或者弹性饱和孔隙介质更接近实际的土层介质,应用该模型研究土层介质的动力响应更为合理。用数值方法研究了半空间黏弹性流体饱和孔隙介质的动力时域响应。根据Biot黏弹性流体饱和两相多孔介质波动方程,采用解耦技术,建立了以固相位移和流相位移为未知量的黏弹性流体饱和孔隙介质动力分析的一种显式有限元法。该方法克服了隐式方法需要求解联立方程组的缺点,具有节省计算机内存空间和计算时间的优点。与解析解比较表明,该算法具有较高的计算精度;最后以一维黏弹性流体饱和孔隙介质为例,分析了黏性系数对动力响应的影响。  相似文献   

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