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Pan Dong 《科技信息》2008,(7):148-150
Uncertainty is associated negatively with positive expectations,communication satisfaction and quality of communication.And it is one of the key factors that influence our communication with others.So how to reduce uncertainty to a moderate and ideal state in intercultural communication is very important,which decides whether the communication is successful.In this paper,the author tentatively suggests several means to reduce uncertainty,such as shared knowledge,linguistic knowledge,stereotype and personal knowledge,relaxed and equal atmosphere,openness and tolerance and so on with a hope to fan flames in the successful intercultural communication.  相似文献   

pronunciation teaching is considered as a basic course in English as a foreign language teaching in China. As we all know that English is a tool of communication between Chinese people and the people abroad,it is very important to have good pronunciation in order to communicate effectively. Though that good pronunciation is necessary for the mastery of a foreign language is accepted as axiomatic by most teachers, yet how the idea translates into the methodologies and techniques of the FEL classroom is still a question. This article will introduce as well as discuss some research findings and some approaches that we may find effective in pronunciation teaching.  相似文献   

The modern teaching principles regard teaching process as the one of teacher-student communication,interaction and development. Some scholars therefore suggest that communication is the essence of teaching. Classroom communication is of great practical significance for education. However,a present empirical study shows that the current situation of teacher-student relations and communication in the EFL classroom is not satisfied enough. The teachers’communicative competence in the classroom needs to be improved. Based on factors that affect the teacher-student communication and the suggestion of the present empirical study,this paper suggests 5 ways to improve the classroom communicative competence of EFL teachers: 1) Teachers need to reconstruct and internalize the notion of modern educational communication; 2) Teachers need to apply appropriate teaching methods and teaching techniques; 3) Teachers need to well harmonize the relations between democracy and authority; 4) Teachers need to equally com-municate with all students and respect them; 5) Teachers need to create a communicative teaching environment. In this way we can facilitate the overall development of students.  相似文献   

Language is a means of communication.No doubt that foreign language teaching is to cultivate students' communicative competence of using a foreign language.As the country with the largest population learning English in the world,China is deeply involved in communicative language teaching.Communicative approach in English language teaching is frequently discussed and debated.It is believed by many linguists and teachers to be an effective method to solve some of the teaching and learning problems.But as far as the effective ways of teaching and learning a foreign language is concerned,people have some controversial ideas.The teaching method which have been used in China's English teaching were: grammar-translation method,listening and speaking method and situation method.  相似文献   

孙秀萍 《科技信息》2013,(20):185-186
In this paper the author wants to do two things. Firstly,the author wants to look back at the grammar teaching issues that in her English class——teaching and the reason why the students always do not study the English grammar well. Secondly,this project makes a survey of,the different strategies of English grammar teaching to solve the different issues which the students face in their English learning and in the English teachers’ teaching at Medical College.  相似文献   

赵嘉 《科技信息》2008,(21):250-252
In this article, inclusion and inclusive education are described. With more and more attention on human right that every child can learn and have the same right to access to education, special education has become a new focus of the population. Inclusion as a significant field in special education shows equality, a basic principle of special education. However, in process of special instruction, there are still some myths (such as teachers who work with students identified as special instruction needed must master the special skills and a detailed knowledge of the child's knowledge; teachers need unending patience in special instruction; and every child's learning is completely different) that should be dispelled. In addition, some effective teaching methods that offer enlightenment for China's education are introduced in the field of special education, for an instance, non-categorical approach to teaching, curriculum adaptations, small group instruction, one to one instruction and improving students' self-estee  相似文献   

The author of this article counts and analyzes the papers and authors primed in 2003 Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences by means of bibliometric statistical methods, of which the characteristics of papers and authors are expounded. The result shows that the ratio of reprinting of this journal has been increased and the areas where the authors come from and their organization scattered in the whole world are widened as well, which implies a better-known fame of the journal.  相似文献   

浦小丽 《科技信息》2008,(20):183-183
Some little words such as "well" are essential to successful communication and the proper use of them is of great importance. The author classifies the pragmatic function of "well" in Friends into 4 categories, illustrating them with examples.  相似文献   

English,as a kind of language,is not easy to learn and master well.The enthusiasm of learners plays an important role in English language learning.The aim of this paper is to encourage English teachers to pay more attention on promoting the initiative of students in English learning sufficiently.In this paper,firstly,the writer analyses the important factors affecting the students'initiative in English learning.Secondly,some advice on how to cultivate students' learning initiative is given.  相似文献   

English is one of the most important foreign languages taught in universities in China. However, the results are often far from satisfactory. Students in universities often find it hard to express themselves in oral English after many years' study. Language is the most important means of human communication, and communication is the most important function of language. Therefore, the ultimate goal of language instruction is to equip the learners with the ability to use the language for communication. How to help undergraduates to improve their oral English becomes a big challenge for English teachers in China. Aiming to make some contributions to improve undergraduates' oral English, this paper explores some areas of concern which are believed to be the most critical to the success of Oral English Teaching (OET) in China. The first part of this paper discusses some existing factors that constrain OET in China. It followed by exploring some aspects on improving OET for undergraduates in China. It also provides some techniques/methods essential for OET teachers to employ in a classroom.  相似文献   

常换芳 《太原科技》2003,(5):92-92,94
针对旧的语文教学方式的“背”,提出了开放时代教师要通过兴趣教学将“死背”搞活,让学生在“乐”中变被动学习为主动学习,从而达到提高教学质量的目的。  相似文献   

马腾 《枣庄师专学报》2011,28(3):128-133
墨子向往上古夏禹之道,又具有浓厚的现实情怀,一切从国家百姓之利出发,对儒家所维护的旧秩序提出挑战,并呼唤符合小生产劳动者利益的一套新秩序,以期改变春秋战国之际纷乱的局面而走向一统。墨学既矛盾又统一:一方面,墨者具有小生产者的矛盾性格,墨学亦具有错综复杂的多重渊源,从墨学之“三表法”可以略见一斑;另一方面,墨学十论虽不乏相互矛盾之处,却以“兼爱”为根本观念统摄起来而形成一个圆融完整的墨学体系。  相似文献   

进入上海交通大学科学史与科学哲学系读博以来,自己渐渐掌握了如何研究科学史、怎样撰写学术论文的方法.期间我也曾为如何进行学术研究彷徨、迷茫过,而在我的导师的细心点拨之下,我一步步走出彷徨,进入学术研究的正途.  相似文献   

教师合作能够促进教师群体的专业成长,然而,教师合作中会出现各种不利于教师合作的问题,问题出现的原因之一是来自教师自身.教师自省、以开放的心态选择合作伙伴、正确认识合作关系、调整合作态度、找准合作问题、带动合作伙伴和避开不利因素是教师专业合作的重要基础.  相似文献   

“会学”能力的培养是素质教育的必经之路 ,是社会发展的要求 ,是现代教育理论的重要教学内容。学校教育要完成这一任务 ,必须要教、学、管综合施教。  相似文献   

In March 2009, a novel type A (H1N1) influenza broke out in North America and rapidly spread all over the world. So far, more than 17000 cases of infection have been reported. The alert level announced by the World Health Organization (WHO) has upgraded sharply to Level 5, indicating that the century long "arms race" between humans and the influenza has entered a new phase.  相似文献   

从浙江万里学院"以生为本"的办学理念出发,阐述了做人、做事、做学问的内涵,以外语学院的实际为例,探讨了万里精神下做人做事做学问的实践.  相似文献   

探讨解决壮族群众说普通话时 ,有时将撮口呼读成齐齿呼、合口呼或开口呼 ,有时又将齐齿呼、合口呼读成撮口呼 ;有时发齐齿呼、合口呼、撮口呼丢失i、u、櫣介音 ,有时发开口呼又加上i、u、櫣介音这几个问题的途径。  相似文献   

儿童身体的成长与运动机能的发展,对小提琴的学习有着密切的关系;同样,心理智能的成长对小提琴的学习也有着不可忽视的作用。因此,在儿童学习小提琴的过程中,教师一定要了解儿童的生理、心理,因材施教、因势利导,尽量采用符合儿童生理、心理特点的富有趣味性、启发式的教学方法。同时,必须要给儿童一定的自由空间,充分发挥他们自身的理解力、创造力、想像力,来展示自己的个性特长。  相似文献   

秦颖 《科技咨询导报》2014,(32):211-211
兴趣是学习英语的巨大动力,要认识到学英语的必要性,用正确的的学习态度对待英语学习,用科学的方法进行学习学习英语,“听、说、读、写”缺一不可,一定要克服听不懂的困难,坚持听下去,在任何一种语言中,“说”都是很必要。把课本读懂读透,阅读足够多的英文读物,写课文总结,学习英语靠的是坚持,脚踏实地,日积月累。  相似文献   

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