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This paper presents a study of the middle route of the South-North Water Diversion Project. The middle route runs through the Northern China plain, where the water shortages are the most severe. There is not only a shortage of water for human usage, but also a shortage of ecological water. Although the current plan for the middle route is strictly focused on supplying water for residential and industrial use, the water can also potentially be used for ecological purposes. This paper evaluates the potential ecological benefits that can be brought to the fragile ecology in northern China by the middle route, in addition to the water supplied to residences and industry. The study describes ecological benefits of the middle route project, such as mitigation of groundwater extraction in the region and positive influences on the climate, the ecological uses of the middle route project itself, such as creating artificial niches along the channel and directly using the channel for ecological purposes, and the ecological uses of the water along the middle route such as diversion of the water into dyer channels that have suffered from drought conditions for decades.  相似文献   

GMOs: The new hotspot in ecological research   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gene flow is an important ecological and genetic process, and the fitness conferred by the insertion of a foreiga gene could be important in ecology after it becomes introgressed into the wild genetic background of organisms,which is the determinative factor for the fate of GMOs or foreign genes in natural ecosystem and for the competition with native species. Trophic interrelation fulfilled by food chains is the most important correlation between species in ecosystem and could be affected by the modified genotypes after the introduction of GMOs. The technology enabling the precise manipulation of genotype is a great opportunity for the stndy of ecological genetics in an unknown way prior to the biotechnology era. Especially interesting is the impact of genes on ecosystem function when GMOs are released into environment. A variety of ecological terminology has been frequently used in assessment of ecological risks related to the release of GMOs in environment, e.g. gene flow, fitness,interspecific competition and food chain. The value of GMOs in ecological research is illustrated through several examples in biasafety assessment related to those terms here. It is proposed that ecolegists should pay attention to the study of gene function in ecosystem and take the opportunity to enrich ecological theory with the release of GMOs.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method for the system identification of the channel roughness for the water di- version projects. According to the principle of hydraulics, the function relationship among channel roughness n, roughness height ks and hydraulic radius R is established, and then a linear model is deduced by means of the mathematical transformation to make use of the least square method for identification. Finally, based on the proto- type observation data from the South-to-North Water Diversion Project and considering the influence of channel lengths, cross-section shapes and bottom slopes, etc, a universal formula is obtained for calculation of channel roughness by the system identification.  相似文献   

The wetland functional degradation can be described as the weakening or unbalance of the wetland functions under natural interference or active jamming, which makes the wetland unable to perform its unique functions or causes the weakening of these functions. By using fuzzing mathematics, this paper studied the grades the wetland functions and calculated their index values. By this quantitative method and based on the function index values, we analyzed the wetland function degradation and calculated the water quantity required to meet different functional needs in each season... Here we put forth three graded restoration schemes by integrating the ecological water requirement of different grades with the ecological restoration including water replenishing, water consumption and water pollution. According to the calculated model, the water level and water quantity for the low scheme are 1414.53 m and 1.30×10^8 m^3 respectively; 1415.38 m and 1.78×10^8 m^3 for the middle sheme, and 416.87 m and 2.14×10^8 m^3 for the high scheme.  相似文献   

The Numerical Solution of the Flow Regulation of theWater Power Station of Multipurpose Utilization ReservoirChen ShouyuStream flow regulation is one of the most important technical measures indeveloping water resources and in controlling river system. To constructreservoirs on a river to regulate the runoff is an active way to reconstructthe natural water resources. In order to realize such an engineering measure,one must investigate the theory and method of flow regulation, so as to get…  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide reacts with porous media while flowing through them enhancing their permeability. Its flow behavior as well as the permeability enhancement effects were studied in synthetic cores, natural cores and microtubes with an inner diameter of 5 μm. The results show that the permeability of H2O-saturated cores (containing carbonate ingredients) was enhanced by increasing the injection volume of a CO2-H2O solution. This enhancement is attributable to carbon dioxide's corrosion, which is justified by SEM scanning. The same phenomenon occurs with a CO2-H2O solution in microtubes, but for a different reason. The gas flow velocity of carbon dioxide in microtubes was approximately 100% faster than that of nitrogen because of the scale and the squeezing effects. Carbon dioxide molecules dissolved in water accelerate the diffusion rate of water molecules within the boundary layer, which in turn diminishes the thickness of the water film and enlarges the effective pore size. This flow behavior facilitates the injection of carbon dioxide into low-permeability reservoirs for oil-displacement and formation energy buildup purposes. This behavior also increases the potential for carbon dioxide channeling or release from the formation.  相似文献   

Based on the concept of hydraulic dissipation of kinetic energy, a novel shock wave regulator, which is composed of a damper and an extemally triggered valve, is presented with thorough analyses on its working mechanism. By establishing motion equations of each component of the regulator and simulating the dynamic behavior of the whole system, the shock wave regulator is demonstrated numerically to be able to change the width and amplitude of shock pulses. Prompt and easy adjustment can be achieved by changing the equivalent flow area of damping orifices and consequently the closing velocity of the flow area of a valve, which makes it applicable to different impact testing.  相似文献   

Fluid flow field synergy principle and its application to drag reduction   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The concept of field synergy for fluid flow is introduced, which refers to the synergy of the velocity field and the velocity gradient field in an entire flow domain. Analyses show that the flow drag depends not only on the velocity and the velocity gradient fields but also on their synergy. The principle of minimum dissipation of mechanical energy is developed, which may be stated as follows: the worse the synergy between the velocity and velocity gradient fields is, the smaller the resistance becomes. Furthermore, based on the principle of minimum dissipation of mechanical energy together with conservation equations, a field synergy equation with a set of specified constraints has been established for optimizing flow processes. The optimal flow field can be obtained by solving the field synergy equation, which leads to the minimum resistance to fluid flow in the fixed flow domain. Finally, as an example, the field synergy analysis for duct flow with two parallel branches is presented. The optimized velocity distributor nearby the fork, which was designed based on the principle of minimum dissipation of mechanical energy, may reduce the drag of duct flow with two parallel branches.  相似文献   

The sediment load and river sedimentation of the upper reaches of Yangtze River has been undergoing constant changes as complex landformlarge mountain area and plentiful precipitation make the drainage area of Yangtze River very vulnerable to water erosion and gravity erosion. Through analyzing the hydrological and sediment load statistics recorded by major hydrological stations along Yangtze River since 1950s, and editing the accumulation graph of annual runoff volume and annual sediment load, we find out that the suspended-sediment of Yangtze river has been decreasing year by year in Wulong Hydrological Station on Wujiang River, Beibei Hydrological Station on Jialingjiang River, Lijiawan Hydrological Station on Tuojiang River and Gaochang Hydrological Station on Minjiang River, Yichang Hydrological Station, Cuntan Hydrological Station along Yangtze River mainstream share the same experience too. But the statistics obtained at Pingshan Hydrological Station on Jinshajiang River shows the sediment load there has increased. Taking ecological construction, hydraulic engineering construction and precipitation changes into consideration, the thesis analyses the cauls for the sediment load decrease of Jialingjiang River, Tuojiang River, Minjiang River and Wujiang River and provides us both scientific foundation for further study of river sediment changes of the upper reaches of Yangtze River, and measures to control river sedimentation.  相似文献   

With water mist regarded as a promising fireextinguishing agent in spacecraft, it is necessary to investigate characteristics of water mist in microgravity. In this paper, FDS 6.0 is used to measure the centerline velocity of water mist with various initial velocities and the spray distance. The droplets will approach their terminal velocity after leaving the nozzle in normal-gravity, which agrees with the theoretical calculation. The velocity of water mist declines in microgravity. The polynomials of the velocity change are given in microgravity, which makes it possible to obtain the velocity with the spray distance increase when arbitrary initial velocity is given.  相似文献   

河流生态恢复是经济可持续发展的关键,生态需水满足是河流生态系统稳定的前提.生态需水研究是目前生态学和水文学、水资源学研究的热点,国内外学者从不同角度出发提出了多种计算生态需水的方法,并基于这些方法对不同尺度研究区进行了生态需水量的研究计算.但在现有计算方法中缺乏针对多个物种流速需求耦合的研究,会对计算结果的准确性产生影响,继而影响流域水资源调控.本文针对此问题引入优势度指数建立多物种生态流速耦合模型,为生态需水的计算提供契合生态系统整体需求的解决方案.该方法不受地域因素影响,具有较广的适用性.应用于小清河流域3个典型断面——黄台桥、岔河、石村,结果显示:黄台桥断面生态需水为12.33m~3·s~(-1);岔河断面生态需水为4.40m~3·s~(-1);石村断面生态需水为14.53m~3·s~(-1).与Tennant法对比,本研究方法计算结果合理,且更能反映鱼类种群,而非单一物种对水量的实际需求.  相似文献   

基于西江大湟江口站1960—2017年逐日流量数据,运用Mann-Kendall等3种突变点检验方法将该站流量序列划分为人类活动干扰前(1960—1991年)和干扰后(1992—2017年)2个时段.以干扰前流量序列为基础,采用Tennant、NGPRP等6种水文学方法对该河段逐月生态基流进行计算,并与相关研究中基于该河段鱼类产卵期生境模拟计算结果进行比较,分析结果表明NGPRP法在该河段适用性更强.将NGPRP法计算所得各月生态基流值作为基准,分析比较干扰前后河段生态基流保证程度,分析结果表明干扰后9—11月生态基流保证程度有所下降,其余月份均有所提高,但由于西江规划水利设施较多,河流生态环境保护工作仍面临一定挑战.本研究为计算该河段生态基流筛选、确定适用程度较高的水文学计算方法,以及为该河段生态基流计算提供一定参考,并据此对该河段干扰前后生态基流保证程度进行分析,其结果可以为该河段生态保护和评估工作提供技术支撑.   相似文献   

从水生生物保护的角度出发,应用重点关注水生生物敏感期的方法对大洋河进行河流生态需水研究,即生态需水量在生物保护目标敏感期由水文断面资料、水位流量关系、生物产卵期所需水流条件共同计算确定,在非生物敏感期采用最小月流量法计算.应用该方法分别计算大洋河8~9月濒危鱼类马苏大麻哈鱼产卵期、4~6月多种鱼类产卵期、枯水期非生物敏感期所需生态流量,并根据计算结果建议在对河流开展调水工程时应考虑对生态需水量的影响及对水生生物的保护.  相似文献   

气候变化和人类活动改变了天然径流的时空分配过程,水文情势的改变成为水生态系统退化的主要原因之一。开展生态流量研究,可为赣江流域水资源的优化配置、可持续开发利用和水生态系统的恢复提供科学依据。运用RVA(range of variability approach)、90%保证率下月最小日平均流量法、最枯月平均流量多年平均值法、NGPRP法、Texas法、多年日流量排频法(90%)6种水文学方法对赣江流域60多年的逐日流量资料进行研究,分析了赣江流域的生态流量过程,利用Tennant法对比分析,最终选择结合汛期RVA和非汛期多年日流量排频法(90%)下的适宜生态流量为赣江下游各月的适宜生态流量值。其中4—6月为赣江的主汛期,所需生态流量值最大,分别为1 520、1 988、1 924 m~3/s。与外洲站实测流量对比发现,赣江下游枯水期河道生态流量难以得到保障,不达标比例高于13%,尤其以1月和11月最为严重。  相似文献   

为减少引水式水电站引水发电导致下游河道出现减脱水河段的负面影响,以广东省韶关市乳源瑶族自治县的横溪水电站为例,运用水文比拟法计算径流量,同时应用改进Tennant法进行丰、平、枯水年的生态流量计算,并进行生态调度研究。结果表明:依据岳城站的水文资料,运用水文比拟法,能够较为准确地得到横溪水电站的流量;通过生态调度后,可使得横溪水电站不同来水年的过坝流量在满足生态流量的情况下发电效益最大。研究成果可为中小河流水电站的生态流量泄放管理提供决策参考。  相似文献   

淮河上游生态需水量计算分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
为分析计算淮河上游河流生态需水量,提出了丰水期、枯水期、平水期保证率分别为45%,75%,50%的淮河上游适宜生态径流计算方法,选用淮河上游干流息县、长台关以及大坡岭3个主要控制站1960~2005年历年天然来水量资料,计算了淮河上游最小生态径流和适宜生态径流,并运用Tennant法进行评价.结果表明,最小生态径流在很大程度上有损于河流生态系统稳定与健康;总体而言,3站适宜生态径流均可以使淮河上游河流生态环境状况达到最佳,但在某些年份各站实测月均流量小于其适宜生态径流量,而且丰水期适宜生态径流破坏率较枯水期的要高.因此,在某些年份为满足淮河上游适宜生态需水要求,还应增加河道内生态用水量.  相似文献   

为分析三峡水库消落期不同出库流量与洞庭湖定居性鱼类产卵生境加权可利用面积之间的关系,选取水深和流速作为定居性鱼类产卵生境的关键影响因子,建立生境适宜性曲线,基于物理栖息地模型定量评估鱼类产卵生境适宜性的空间变化特征,并量化鱼类产卵所需的适宜生态流量。结果表明:三峡水库消落期增加出库流量对洞庭湖的水位及流速有一定的提升作用,对东洞庭湖的影响明显,对南洞庭湖和西洞庭湖的影响较小;随着三峡水库出库流量的增加,湖区定居性鱼类产卵生境的加权可利用面积呈现先增大再减小的趋势,不同湖区的加权可利用面积变化趋势及对三峡水库出库流量的响应情况具有显著差异,东洞庭湖定居性鱼类产卵生境的加权可利用面积呈现逐渐上升的趋势,南洞庭湖加权可利用面积总体增长幅度不大,呈现双峰曲线,西洞庭湖加权可利用面积呈现先增大后减小的趋势;定居性鱼类产卵生境的适宜生态流量范围为18 500~24 500 m3/s,最适宜生态流量为22 500 m3/s。  相似文献   

国外典型河流生态流量管理实践及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 生态流量是河流开发与生态环境保护协调发展的关键指标和难点问题。目前,河流生态流量理论方法体系尚不完善,不足以全面指导生态流量管理实践,导致部分河流、河段的生态系统服务功能退化。虽然生态流量的理论体系和计算方法已开展了较多研究,中国学者对国外生态调度也做了回顾和梳理,但是对生态流量的管理目标仍未形成统一认识。通过梳理国外7条典型河流的生态流量管理实践,从珍稀濒危洄游性鱼类、国际重要湿地、珍稀濒危鸟类等多种生态保护目标,以及流域综合管理机制、水权交易、国际投资等政策管理的多个方面,分析了不同河流的生态流量实施过程和效果,归纳总结了7条典型河流生态流量管理实践的成功经验和不足,进而提出了对政府、管理部门、研究机构、水电企业和非政府组织等多个利益相关方在生态流量研究与管理方面的启示。  相似文献   

黄河下游生态径流量计算研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
选取黄河下游地区花园口、高村、利津3个代表站的实测月径流量系列,利用逐月均频率计算法和改进的Tennant法2种历史流量计算方法分别计算了3个代表站的生态径流过程.结果表明:虽然2种计算方法原理不同,但是由逐月均频率计算法得到的适宜生态径流量大都在改进的Tenannt法所得结果的最佳或极好范围之内,只有个别月份与最佳范围的数值有一定的差值,但也位于可接受的范围内.  相似文献   

河流生态径流量计算方法的改进   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
用逐月最小生态径流计算法、逐月频率计算法和Tennant法计算了伊河和洛河的生态径流量,并在此基础上提出了适用于我国北方中小型河流生态径流量计算的一些改进方法:改变连续历时时段计算法、逐月次最小(大)生态径流计算法、确定河流生态径流量上界的参照法和逐月频率计算的综合法.分析结果表明,对于中国北方像伊河和洛河这样流量不是很大但年际和年内变化较为剧烈的河流,采用改进方法确定其河流生态径流量更有利于河流的生态保护.  相似文献   

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