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A spherical Fe matrix composite powder containing a high volume fraction (82vol%) of fine TiC reinforcement was produced us-ing a novel process combining in situ synthesis and plasma techniques. The composite powder exhibited good sphericity and a dense struc-ture, and the fine sub-micron TiC particles were homogeneously distributed in theα-Fe matrix. A TiC–Fe cermet was prepared from the as-prepared spherical composite powder using powder metallurgy at a low sintering temperature;the product exhibited a hardness of HRA 88.5 and a flexural strength of 1360 MPa. The grain size of the fine-grained TiC and special surface structure of the spherical powder played the key roles in the fabrication process.  相似文献   

Erratum to:International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials Volume 26, Number 6, June 2019, Page 701https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-019-1775-z The acknowledgements of this article unfortunately contained a mistake. The grant number of the National Natural  相似文献   

The effect of particle size distribution on the microstructure, texture, and mechanical properties of Al–Mg–Si–Cu alloy was investigated on the basis of the mechanical properties, microstructure, and texture of the alloy. The results show that the particle size distribution influences the microstructure and the final mechanical properties but only slightly influences the recrystallization texture. After the pre-aging treatment and natural aging treatment (T4P treatment), in contrast to the sheet with a uniform particle size distribution, the sheet with a bimodal particle size distribution of large constituent particles and small dispersoids exhibits higher strength and a somewhat lower plastic strain ratio (r) and strain hardening exponent (n). After solution treatment, the sheet with a bimodal particle size distribution of large constituent particles and small dispersoids possesses a finer and slightly elongated grain structure compared with the sheet with a uniform particle size distribution. Additionally, they possess almost identical weak recrystallization textures, and their textures are dominated by CubeND {001}<310> and P {011}<122> orientations.  相似文献   

CuO-doped CaSiO3–1 wt% Al2O3 ceramics were synthesized via a traditional solid-state reaction method, and their sintering behavior,microstructure and microwave dielectric properties were investigated. The results showed that appropriate CuO addition could accelerate the sintering process and assist the densification of CaSiO3–1 wt% Al2O3 ceramics, which could effectively lower the densification temperature from1250 1C to 1050 1C. However, the addition of CuO undermined the microwave dielectric properties. The optimal amount of CuO addition was found to be 0.8 wt%, and the derived CaSiO3–Al2O3ceramic sintered at 1100 1C presented good microwave dielectric properties of εr?7.27,Q f?16,850 GHz and τf? 39.53 ppm/1C, which is much better than those of pure CaSiO3 ceramic sintered at 1340oC(Q f?13,109 GHz).The chemical compatibility of the above ceramic with 30 Pd/70 Ag during the cofiring process has also been investigated, and the result showed that there was no chemical reaction between palladium–silver alloys and ceramics.& 2014 Chinese Materials Research Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

xYb2O3–15(20Ni–Cu)/(85?x)(NiFe2O4–10NiO) (x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 2.0, and 10.0) cermets for aluminum electrolysis were prepared to investigate the effect of Yb2O3 doping on the grain boundary of the cermets after sintering. The results showed that each interface was very clear and that with increasing Yb2O3 content, most of the Yb was evenly distributed at the grain boundary. Moreover, according to the phase composition and microstructural analysis by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDX), and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), YbFeO3 was produced along the grain boundary. The YbFeO3 was concluded to not only have formed from the interaction between the NiFe2O4 or Fe2O3 component and Yb2O3 at the grain boundary of the cermets, but also from the decomposition of NiFe2O4 into NiO and Fe2O3 and the subsequent reaction of Fe2O3 with Yb2O3. Thus, the pro-duction of YbFeO3 resulted in a cermet with high relative density, good electrical conductivity, and good corrosion resistance.  相似文献   

xY b2O3–15(20Ni–Cu)/(85- x)(NiF e2O4–10NiO)(x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 2.0, and 10.0) cermets for aluminum electrolysis were prepared to investigate the effect of Yb2O3 doping on the grain boundary of the cermets after sintering. The results showed that each interface was very clear and that with increasing Yb2O3 content, most of the Yb was evenly distributed at the grain boundary. Moreover, according to the phase composition and microstructural analysis by X-ray diffraction(XRD), scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(SEM/EDX), and electron probe microanalysis(EPMA), YbF eO 3 was produced along the grain boundary. The YbF eO 3 was concluded to not only have formed from the interaction between the NiF e2O4 or Fe2O3 component and Yb2O3 at the grain boundary of the cermets, but also from the decomposition of NiF e2O4 into NiO and Fe2O3 and the subsequent reaction of Fe2O3 with Yb2O3. Thus, the production of YbF eO 3 resulted in a cermet with high relative density, good electrical conductivity, and good corrosion resistance.  相似文献   

The effect of B2O3 addition on the aqueous tape casting, sintering, microstructure and microwave dielectric properties of Li2O-Nb2O5-TiO2 ceramics has been investigated. The tape casting slurries exhibit a typical shear-thinning behavior without thixotropy, but the addition of B2O3 increases the viscosity of the slurries significantly. It was found that doping of B2O3 can decrease the tensile strength, strain to failure and density of the green tapes. The sintering temperature could be lowed down to 900℃ with the addition of 2 wt% B2O3 due to the liquid phase effect. No secondary phase is observed. The addition of B2O3 does not induce much degradation on the microwave dielectric properties. Optimum microwave dielectric properties of εr 67, Q×f 6560 GHz are obtained for Li2O-Nb2O5-TiO2 ceramics containing 2 wt% B2O3 sintered at 900 1C. It represents that the ceramics could be promising for multilayer low-temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC) application.  相似文献   

Al_(86)Ni_6Y_(4.5)Co_2La_(1.5) amorphous powders were synthesized by mechanical alloying for 200 h. Subsequent consolidation was performed via spark plasma sintering in the temperature range of 250 ℃ to 500 ℃ at the pressure of 500 MPa. The role of viscous flow on densification was investigated by studying the viscosity change of the amorphous phase at different consolidation temperatures. The decrease in viscosity at higher sintering temperatures resulted in better particle bonding and densification of consolidated samples. The formation of only FCC Al was observed in the consolidated samples at sintering temperatures ≤ 300 ℃ and the intermetallic phases formed at temperatures ≥ 400 ℃. The mechanical properties of the bulk samples were measured by Vickers microhardness and nanoindentation tests. The testing results showed that the average values of microhardness, nanohardness and elastic modulus of the sample consolidated at 500 ℃ were 3.06 ± 0.14 GPa,4.85 ± 1.14 GPa and 89.53 ± 9.25 GPa, respectively. The increase in hardness and elastic modulus of the higher temperature consolidated samples is attributed to the improvement in particle bonding, densification and distribution of various hard intermetallic phases in the amorphous matrix.  相似文献   

弓网系统中,各种类型的受电弓滑板承担着传输电能的重要功能,其严酷的工作条件对受电弓滑板材料的性能提出了非常苛刻的要求。目前最主要的受电弓滑板有:粉末冶金滑板,纯碳滑板和浸金属碳滑板。其中碳滑板材料性能较好但价格昂贵,粉末冶金滑板材料价格便宜,但性能明显逊于前者。Ti3SiC2/TiC是一种兼具陶瓷与金属性质的新型材料,与碳滑板材料相比,其电阻率低,且具有良好的抗氧化性和自润滑减摩性,因此Ti3SiC2/TiC将可能成为一种工艺简单、成本更低、而性能则更高的新型受电弓滑板材料。本研究以Si、Ti和C为原料,利用熔渗反应烧结技术制备出Ti3SiC2/TiC复合材料,研究结果表明,制备样品的弯曲强度与硬度分别达到 423MPa~564MPa 和169~249HB。同时,本文对Ti3SiC2/TiC复合材料的断裂机理进行了研究。  相似文献   

以MnO2为8YSZ的烧结助剂,研究MnO2含量和烧结工艺参数对8YSZ活化烧结及其性能的影响.采用阿基米德排水法、维氏显微硬度仪、电子万能试验机对烧结块体的致密度、硬度和抗弯强度进行分析,并使用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X线衍射分析(XRD)对其微观形貌和相组成进行表征.实验结果表明:块体的致密度随着MnO2含量的增加而逐渐增加,当MnO2添加量为3%时获得了最好的烧结效果;随着温度的升高,块体致密度也逐渐增加,在1300℃烧结4h时,致密度达到了98.59%:在此条件下,样品的硬度与抗弯强度均为最佳,分别为1830.21(HV)与235.46 MPa.  相似文献   

通过放电等离子体烧结(SPS),分别以纳米多晶粉体和非晶粉体作为原料制备了Al2O3-ZrO2纳米陶瓷复合材料,并研究了初始粉体状态对致密化过程和微观结构的影响。将纳米多晶粉体通过SPS烧结为致密的纳米块体,所需的最低烧结温度为1 400℃,所得产品的晶粒尺寸约为320nm;非晶粉体完全致密所需的SPS温度为1 200℃,所得产品的晶粒尺寸约为150nm。相比于纳米多晶粉体,非晶粉体可以在较低的温度下烧结成为致密纳米块体,我们将这一现象归结为非晶粉体在烧结中的相转变。这一发现为纳米陶瓷块体的低温烧结提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

弥散强化铜材料具有高强度和高导电性的特性,孔洞是影响导电率的重要因素.本文采用高速压制成形技术,对Al2 O3质量分数为0.9%的弥散强化铜粉压制成形,研究了压制速度对生坯的影响.当压制速度为9.4 m·s-1时得到密度为8.46 g·cm-3的生坯.研究了烧结温度对烧结所得Al2 O3弥散强化铜试样导电率的影响.当生坯密度相同时,烧结温度越高,所得试样的导电率也越高.断口与金相分析表明:烧结温度为950℃时,烧结不充分,颗粒边界以及孔洞多而明显,孔洞形状不规则;烧结温度为1080℃时,颗粒边界消失,孔洞圆化,韧窝出现,烧结坯的电导率为71.3%IACS.  相似文献   

Fe_(76)Si_9B_(10)P_5/Zn_(0.5)Ni_(0.5)Fe_2O_4 amorphous composite with micro-cellular structure and high electrical resistivity was prepared by spark plasma sintering(SPS) at 487 °C. XRD and SEM results showed that the Fe_(76)Si_9B_(10)P_5 alloy powders remained the amorphous state and the composite was dense. A fusion zone at interface of Fe_(76)Si_9B_(10)P_5 cell body and Zn_(0.5)Ni_(0.5)Fe_2O_4 cell wall was observed by TEM, which also indicates the formation of local high temperature. The interface bonding based on the formation of local high temperature in SPS process was observed. It is believed that the tip effect of Zn_(0.5)Ni_(0.5)Fe_2O_4 nanoparticles promotes the local discharging and plasmas creation in the gaps, and the discharging energy forms an instantaneous local high temperature to complete the local sintering and the densification of Zn_(0.5)Ni_(0.5)Fe_2O_4 particles at a low nominal sinter temperature. Simultaneously, the local high temperature stimulates the adjacent gaps discharging, thus facilitate the continuous formation of new discharging path. Finally, sintering and densification of the amorphous composite is complete.  相似文献   

脉冲电流烧结过程的颈部形成机理,特别是非导电粉末材料,是需要着重研究的核心问题。以非导电Al_2O_3粉末为研究对象,引入L-S(Lord and Shulman)型广义热弹性方程,初步探究烧结初期非导电粉末颈部局部高温形成以及快速烧结机理。利用Comsol Multiphysics模拟得到脉冲电流烧结过程中颗粒内部的温度场和应力场分布以及烧结颈部的化学势和空位浓度变化规律。数值结果表明,热以波的形式在烧结颈部产生叠加,形成局部高温。化学势变化表明:烧结初期表面扩散占主要作用,空位浓度差的突变使烧结颈部产生局部空位浓度梯度,促进烧结颈长过程,缩短烧结时间。  相似文献   

Sintering behavior of ZrB2 ceramic with nano-sized SiC dopant was studied. ZrB2-25 vol% nano-sized SiC was selected as the starting mixture to fabricate the composite. The manufacturing process was accomplished at 1800℃ for 5 min under 25 MPa via spark plasma sintering(SPS). The as-sintered sample reached a relative density of 99%. Besides the initial phases, namely ZrB2 and SiC, the high-resolution X-ray diffraction(HRXRD) was used to study the formation of an i...  相似文献   

采用共沉淀-凝胶方法,通过低温煅烧和中温烧结,分别制备了Y2O3、Al2O3掺杂的ZrO2粉体和陶瓷;利用X射线衍射分析、扫描电镜和透射电镜等手段,对掺杂不同氧化物ZrO2相结构的稳定性及烧结性能进行了研究.结果表明:在ZrO2中掺杂摩尔分数5%的Y2O3或者Al2O3,870℃焙烧15min的粉体前者为立方相,后者为四方相;它们的粉体成型后经1400℃烧结4h,前者在室温下仍能保持立方相,后者却得到的是单斜相;在焙烧粉末中,Al3+固溶到ZrO2的晶格中,对ZrO2四方相晶格起到稳定作用,而在其陶瓷中,Al3+从ZrO2的晶格中扩散到晶界,对ZrO2不起稳定作用,只起促进烧结和细化晶粒的作用.  相似文献   

以WC、TiB2、Co、VC和Cr3C2粉末为原料,采用热压原位反应液相烧结和真空原位反应液相烧结技术,在1400℃烧结炉中制备WCoB-TiC复相金属陶瓷,利用SEM、XRD对两种烧结方式下制备的WCoB-TiC复相金属陶瓷进行表征,并分析其耐磨性和抗弯强度等性能。结果表明,与真空原位反应液相烧结方式相比,热压原位反应液相烧结方式能更好地促进WCoB-TiC复相金属陶瓷晶粒分布均匀且细化晶粒、降低材料的孔隙率,有效提高材料的耐磨性和抗弯强度,增强其力学性能。  相似文献   

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