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从韭菜叶片组织分离的韭菜凝集素具有凝集细胞的作用。在测试的红细胞中能凝集小鼠、豚鼠、兔的红细胞,其中对兔的红细胞凝集活性最高。韭菜凝集素还能凝集小鼠S_(180)肉瘤细胞、大鼠W_(258)肿瘤细胞,人的Hela肿瘤细胞和MGC_(80-3)胃癌细胞、小鼠和大鼠的骨髓细胞以及牛精子细胞,而不凝集小鼠艾氏肿瘤细胞、小鼠和大鼠的脾脏淋巴细胞。韭菜凝集素的血凝活性可被D—甘露糖、D—半乳糖和D—松二糖所抑制。  相似文献   

花椰莱(Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.)凝集素能凝集兔、大鼠和小鼠的红细胞,其中对兔的红细胞的凝集活性最高,最低凝集浓度为0.68μg/ml。但不凝集我们所测试的其它16种红细胞。浓度为0.1mg/ml时,花椰菜凝集素也能凝集小鼠艾氏腹水瘤细胞,S_(180)肉瘤细胞,大鼠W_(256)肿瘤细胞、人的MGC_(80-3)胃癌细胞、小鼠和大鼠的脾脏淋巴细胞、骨髓细胞以及牛精子细胞,而不凝集人的Hela细胞。该凝集素对免的红细胞的凝集活性可被L—鼠李糖和D—树胶醛糖所抑制,最低抑制浓度分别为33.3m mol/L和16.7m mol/L。  相似文献   

4种软体动物凝集素的细胞凝集性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从4种软体动物肌肉中获得凝集素粗提液.用人的四种血型红细胞和三种动物红细胞检测其凝集活性,结果表明,每种软体动物凝集素至少凝集6种以上的红细胞.兔血红细胞对凝集素最敏感.能够和兔血细胞发生凝集反应的海螺丝、缢蛙、毛蚶、四角蛤蜊凝集素提取液的最小蛋白浓度分别为0.67μg/ml,0.78μg/ml,0.29μg/ml和0.49μg/ml。6种微生物细胞或孢子不能与凝集素样品发生凝集反应。  相似文献   

泥蚶(TegillarcagranosaLinnaeus)凝集素能凝集所测试的14种人或动物的红细胞,其中对兔的红细跑的凝集活性最高.泥蚶凝集素也能凝集大鼠和小鼠的肺、脾脏、肝脏、骨髓细胞以及小鼠精子细胞.该凝集素对兔的红细胞的凝集活性不被测试的10种浓度为200mmol·L-1的糖所抑制.  相似文献   

17种蕨类植物凝集素的筛选研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
17种蕨类植物叶组织经磷酸缓冲液抽提,硫酸铵沉淀,得到蛋白质提取液,用不同类型的红细胞检测凝集活性,实验结果表明,有12种蕨类植物的提取物中含有凝集素,能凝集一种或多种类型的红细胞,不同种类对红细胞的凝集效应不同,产生凝集作用所需的最低蛋白质浓度相差很大,从0.8μg/ml到1100.0μg/ml,在供试的红细胞中,鸽子红细胞对蕨类植物集素提取物最敏感,某些种类提取物与兔红细胞的凝集活性可分别被1种或多种类型糖类所抑制,多数种类凝集素提取物能够耐高温处理(90-100℃),这可能与蕨类植物凝集素的某些化学性质有关。  相似文献   

用猪甲状腺球蛋白一对氨基苯砜乙基一交联琼脂作亲和吸附剂,从川中南星的块茎中分离得到一种凝集素.其亲和层析样品,经碱性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶连续电泳显示为两条带,分子量分别为24,000和11000,前者为糖蛋白.氨基酸分析表明含硫氨基酸甚少。对兔红细胞的凝集下限为,2μg/ml,不凝集人A、B、O血型的红血球.其凝集活性受D-GalNAc的抑制.它能促使人外周血淋巴细胞有丝分裂。具较强的抗热性.体外实验对人肝癌细胞有抑制趋势.  相似文献   

棉铃虫血淋巴凝集素的性质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
棉铃虫血淋巴对人的A,B,O型红细胞有同等的凝集活性,对兔,小白鼠,豚鼠,蟾蜍,鲫鱼,鸡红细胞有不同的凝集活性。对山羊红细胞无凝集活性。其凝集活性能被D-半乳糖明显地抑制。对Ca^2+无依赖性。70℃处理15min凝集活性趋于零。棉铃虫核型多角体病毒的诱导使其活性明显增加。  相似文献   

泥蚶体液凝集素性能的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在泥蚶(Tegillarca granosa Linnaeus)体液中发现有凝集素存在.利用14种天然或经酶处理的动物和人红细胞来测定泥蚶体液凝集素的凝集活力,并且进行糖(200 mmol·L-1)抑制、热稳定性、pH及Ca2 影响试验.结果显示:泥蚶体液凝集素对14种红细胞均有凝集作用.其中对兔红细胞的凝集作用可被乳糖和半乳糖所抑制,凝集活性依赖于Ca2 ,在pH7.0较稳定,温度为40~60℃范围内均具较高活性,经90℃保温10 min后活性完全消失.  相似文献   

用硫酸铵分级沉淀,当饱和度达40%时,荆豆种子中的荆豆凝集素I就被沉淀出来,再经处理,获得冻干的无盐制剂.当凝集素浓度为7.8μg/mL时,就能凝集人O型血细胞,浓度分别为125μg/mL或500μg/mL时,对人B或A型血发生凝集反应.其凝集O型血的凝集作用可被Fuc所抑制.上述制剂可通过CM—纤维素柱和Sephadex G—200柱2次分子筛过滤而纯化,此纯化的凝集素在PAGE中显示一条蛋白带,浓度为1.25μg/mL时可使O型血和牛精细胞发生凝集反应;浓度为40μg/mL或500μg/mL时,可分别使B型和A型血发生凝集反应.  相似文献   

刘可春  王霁 《山东科学》1990,3(2):27-31
在紫露草的根、茎、叶、花中都检测到凝集素,凝集素对酸、碱、热不稳定,能凝集人的A、B、O型血球及兔和小白鼠的红血球。D—半乳糖、N—乙酰氨基半乳糖和D—岩藻糖能抑制其凝集活性。  相似文献   

The discovery of the prolific Ordovician Red River reservoirs in 1995 in southeastern Saskatchewan was the catalyst for extensive exploration activity which resulted in the discovery of more than 15 new Red River pools. The best yields of Red River production to date have been from dolomite reservoirs. Understanding the processes of dolomitization is, therefore, crucial for the prediction of the connectivity, spatial distribution and heterogeneity of dolomite reservoirs.The Red River reservoirs in the Midale area consist of 3~4 thin dolomitized zones, with a total thickness of about 20 m, which occur at the top of the Yeoman Formation. Two types of replacement dolomite were recognized in the Red River reservoir: dolomitized burrow infills and dolomitized host matrix. The spatial distribution of dolomite suggests that burrowing organisms played an important role in facilitating the fluid flow in the backfilled sediments. This resulted in penecontemporaneous dolomitization of burrow infills by normal seawater. The dolomite in the host matrix is interpreted as having occurred at shallow burial by evaporitic seawater during precipitation of Lake Almar anhydrite that immediately overlies the Yeoman Formation. However, the low δ18O values of dolomited burrow infills (-5.9‰~ -7.8‰, PDB) and matrix dolomites (-6.6‰~ -8.1‰, avg. -7.4‰ PDB) compared to the estimated values for the late Ordovician marine dolomite could be attributed to modification and alteration of dolomite at higher temperatures during deeper burial, which could also be responsible for its 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7084~0.7088) that are higher than suggested for the late Ordovician seawaters (0.7078~0.7080). The trace amounts of saddle dolomite cement in the Red River carbonates are probably related to "cannibalization" of earlier replacement dolomite during the chemical compaction.  相似文献   

AcomputergeneratorforrandomlylayeredstructuresYUJia shun1,2,HEZhen hua2(1.TheInstituteofGeologicalandNuclearSciences,NewZealand;2.StateKeyLaboratoryofOilandGasReservoirGeologyandExploitation,ChengduUniversityofTechnology,China)Abstract:Analgorithmisintrod…  相似文献   

本文叙述了对海南岛及其毗邻大陆边缘白垩纪到第四纪地层岩石进行古地磁研究的全部工作过程。通过分析岩石中剩余磁矢量的磁偏角及磁倾角的变化,提出海南岛白垩纪以来经历的构造演化模式如下:早期伴随顺时针旋转而向南迁移,后期伴随逆时针转动并向北运移。联系该地区及邻区的地质、地球物理资料,对海南岛上述的构造地体运动提出以下认识:北部湾内早期有一拉张作用,主要是该作用使湾内地壳显著伸长减薄,形成北部湾盆地。从而导致了海南岛的早期构造运动,而海南岛后期的构造运动则主要是受南海海底扩张的影响。海南地体运动规律的阐明对于了解北部湾油气盆地的形成演化有重要的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   

Various applications relevant to the exciton dynamics,such as the organic solar cell,the large-area organic light-emitting diodes and the thermoelectricity,are operating under temperature gradient.The potential abnormal behavior of the exicton dynamics driven by the temperature difference may affect the efficiency and performance of the corresponding devices.In the above situations,the exciton dynamics under temperature difference is mixed with  相似文献   

The elongation method,originally proposed by Imamura was further developed for many years in our group.As a method towards O(N)with high efficiency and high accuracy for any dimensional systems.This treatment designed for one-dimensional(ID)polymers is now available for three-dimensional(3D)systems,but geometry optimization is now possible only for 1D-systems.As an approach toward post-Hartree-Fock,it was also extended to  相似文献   

The explosive growth of the Internet and database applications has driven database to be more scalable and available, and able to support on-line scaling without interrupting service. To support more client's queries without downtime and degrading the response time, more nodes have to be scaled up while the database is running. This paper presents the overview of scalable and available database that satisfies the above characteristics. And we propose a novel on-line scaling method. Our method improves the existing on-line scaling method for fast response time and higher throughputs. Our proposed method reduces unnecessary network use, i.e. , we decrease the number of data copy by reusing the backup data. Also, our on-line scaling operation can be processed parallel by selecting adequate nodes as new node. Our performance study shows that our method results in significant reduction in data copy time.  相似文献   

R-Tree is a good structure for spatial searching. But in this indexing structure,either the sequence of nodes in the same level or sequence of traveling these nodes when queries are made is random. Since the possibility that the object appears in different MBR which have the same parents node is different, if we make the subnode who has the most possibility be traveled first, the time cost will be decreased in most of the cases. In some case, the possibility of a point belong to a rectangle will shows direct proportion with the size of the rectangle. But this conclusion is based on an assumption that the objects are symmetrically distributing in the area and this assumption is not always coming into existence. Now we found a more direct parameter to scale the possibility and made a little change on the structure of R-tree, to increase the possibility of founding the satisfying answer in the front sub trees. We names this structure probability based arranged R-tree (PBAR-tree).  相似文献   

There are numerous geometric objects stored in the spatial databases. An importance function in a spatial database is that users can browse the geometric objects as a map efficiently. Thus the spatial database should display the geometric objects users concern about swiftly onto the display window. This process includes two operations:retrieve data from database and then draw them onto screen. Accordingly, to improve the efficiency, we should try to reduce time of both retrieving object and displaying them. The former can be achieved with the aid of spatial index such as R-tree, the latter require to simplify the objects. Simplification means that objects are shown with sufficient but not with unnecessary detail which depend on the scale of browse. So the major problem is how to retrieve data at different detail level efficiently. This paper introduces the implementation of a multi-scale index in the spatial database SISP (Spatial Information Shared Platform) which is generalized from R-tree. The difference between the generalization and the R-tree lies on two facets: One is that every node and geometric object in the generalization is assigned with a importance value which denote the importance of them, and every vertex in the objects are assigned with a importance value,too. The importance value can be use to decide which data should be retrieve from disk in a query. The other difference is that geometric objects in the generalization are divided into one or more sub-blocks, and vertexes are total ordered by their importance value. With the help of the generalized R-tree, one can easily retrieve data at different detail levels.Some experiments are performed on real-life data to evaluate the performance of solutions that separately use normal spatial index and multi-scale spatial index. The results show that the solution using multi-scale index in SISP is satisfying.  相似文献   

The geographic information service is enabled by the advancements in general Web service technology and the focused efforts of the OGC in defining XML-based Web GIS service. Based on these models, this paper addresses the issue of services chaining,the process of combining or pipelining results from several interoperable GIS Web Services to create a customized solution. This paper presents a mediated chaining architecture in which a specific service takes responsibility for performing the process that describes a service chain. We designed the Spatial Information Process Language (SIPL) for dynamic modeling and describing the service chain, also a prototype of the Spatial Information Process Execution Engine (SIPEE) is implemented for executing processes written in SIPL. Discussion of measures to improve the functionality and performance of such system will be included.  相似文献   

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