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三星堆文明的神秘消失,古环境演变应是重要原因,与全球性古气候环境变化直接相关.通过建立成都平原新石器时代以来具有较高分辨率的文化事件序列和古气候环境序列,进而将其进行对比分析,得出成都平原全新世以来气候变迁与中国其它地区基本趋势是一致的.古蜀文化发展的阶段性与全新世以来气候的变迁直接相关并贯穿于古蜀文化演进的始终.其中气候温湿期对应着古蜀文化快速发展或繁荣时期,而古蜀文化的突然中断往往对应出现气候变冷干事件,显示古蜀文化演进与成都平原全新世气侯变迁直接相关.  相似文献   

根据厦门湾—九龙江口地区3个钻孔的孢粉组合特征分析,结合沉积相和年代数据,探讨本区晚更新世以来的古气候和古环境演变。孢粉分析结果表明,MIS4阶段早期以来该区的古气候演变包括:晚更新世偏冷干—早中全新世(约8~5.5 cal.ka BP)温干转热湿—晚中全新世(约5.5~2.5 cal.ka BP)较暖湿转温和稍干—晚全新世(约2.5 cal.ka BP至今)暖湿等的波动和变化。晚更新世全球范围的大幅降温在本区影响较大,全新世气候变化的特点是温湿度在一定幅度中波动,人类活动对植被的干扰在晚全新世以来有明显的体现。  相似文献   

本文在分析我国第四纪新构造运动、古气候、古冰川、黄土及古人类诸方面的基础上,总结出我国第四纪古环境演变的规律——稳定、活跃交替、以活跃为主的新构造运动;冷暖交替,以干冷为主的第四纪古气候:冰川、黄土发育,古人类出现,海平面变化同步发展。  相似文献   

陇西黄土高原新石器文化与环境演变的可能联系   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
本文运用黄土-古土壤磁化率记录、^14C测年以及孢粉组合分析测试手段,研究了该地区全新世以来自然环境的演化(着重古气候的演化过程),揭示了全新世气候存在五个相对温暖湿润的古土壤发育阶段和五个相对干燥寒冷的粉尘堆积阶段。同时结合考古资料,探讨了环境变化与人类文化的产生、迁移、发展之间的可靠联系,指出古气候的变化是文化类型发生转变的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

渑池盆地是黄河中游的一处峡谷,周边的黄河两岸是中华民族的重要发祥地之一.研究盆地区全新世以来的环境变化过程对新石器时代人类文明的研究具有重要意义.本文通过对渑池盆地池底村古湖泊沉积进行剖面观察、连续采样、14C年代测定(校正为日历年龄)和粒度组成分析,发现剖面沉积物的粒度特征较好地反映了渑池盆地的古气候和古湖泊水位变化情况.剖面粒度组成和粒度参数等变化特征揭示,渑池盆地末次冰盛期以来古湖盆流域的气候环境演化序列为:19 543~8 039 cal.a BP期间,早期对应于末次冰期,气候比较干燥,古湖泊尚未形成,进入全新世气候由干冷向暖湿化方向转变,古湖泊开始形成;8 039~3 473 cal.a BP期间,气候环境处在一个相对比较稳定的时期,此阶段相当于全新世大暖期,气候温暖湿润,湖泊水位最高;3 473~2 897 cal.a BP期问,气候波动剧烈,总体上气候较前一段干旱,湖泊水位下降;2 897~2 422 cal.a BP期间,气候干旱,古湖泊干涸.渑池盆地的环境变化过程与周边地区有较好的对应性.  相似文献   

首次通过对浙江象山爵溪镇下沙、大岙和岱山大长涂岛小沙河3个中全新世海滩岩剖面进行以动物群分析为基础,应用δ^18O和^14C等手段相结合的综合研究,初步分析了浙江沿海中全新世的古气候、古环境。  相似文献   

选择青藏高原东北部地区3个典型湖泊:猪野泽(干旱区)、青海湖(高原区)、小柴达木湖(柴达木盆地)为研究对象,基于流域能量与水量平衡模型,利用古岸堤高程和年代学证据重建古湖泊面积、古降水量与古径流量,运用虚拟湖泊能量与水量平衡模型连续模拟全新世湖泊演化过程,结合古气候代用指标分析湖泊演化与气候变化的驱动机制.结果表明, 3个典型湖泊重建结果与模拟结果较为一致;猪野泽中全新世湖泊水位变化主要受降水因素影响,晚全新世湖泊水位变化主要受控于蒸发因素;青海湖全新世湖泊水位变化主要受季风降水影响;小柴达木湖全新世湖泊水位变化幅度小,中全新世湖泊水位变化主要受西风影响,晚全新世湖泊水位主要受控于蒸发因素.  相似文献   

从陆架泥质沉积中寻找高分辨率的全新世东亚季风记录   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前对全新世东亚季风的研究,一是重造了不同地区的季风气候与环境特点,分析、划分了不同的阶段并总结了各阶段的特点;二是通过高分辨率的气候代用指标进一步开展定量古气候研究,揭示其变化与周期,探讨其驱动机制.已有的研究主要来自陆地,而利用海洋沉积物研究季风则集中在深海;且主要体现的是气候整体变化特征或侧重于夏季风,而专门论述全新世东亚冬季风的报道则较少;尚未在短时间尺度上有效地确定全新世东亚冬、夏季风的关系及其驱动机制.该文指出,可以利用中国边缘海陆架泥质沉积开展全新世高分辨率的东亚古季风研究,其粒度和Rb/Sr比值等元素地球化学指标可分别作为高分辨率的东亚冬、夏季风演化的替代性指标.  相似文献   

浙江沿海中全新世古气候、古环境初步分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首次通过对浙江象山爵溪镇下沙、大岙和岱山大长涂岛小沙河3个中全新世海滩岩剖面进行以动物群分析为基础,应用δ18O和14C等手段相结合的综合研究,初步分析了浙江沿海中全新世的古气候、古环境。认为海滩岩中热带贝类的出现是中全新世时气候变暖的结果。当时热带向北扩展到了浙江中北部地区,可分为3个暖期:6 040 aBP前、5 860~3 218 aBP和2 875~2 770 aBP,其中5 860~3 210 aBP较暖,它又可分为:5 860~5 490 aBP,5 490~4 110 aBP和3 765~3 210 aBP3个阶段,以5 490~4 110 aBP为最暖期,由δ18O计算的古气温约比现今当地高5~6℃。还由微量元素等特征推测了当时的古环境。  相似文献   

对西安地区全新世以来的环境演变特征进行系统研究,建立该地区全新世以来黄土—古土壤沉积年代序列,揭示其反映的东亚冬、夏季风变迁规律,为预测西安地区乃至中国和全球未来环境的发展趋势提供依据.通过对西安白鹿塬刘家坡典型剖面全新世黄土—古土壤地层的岩性描述、地层划分和对比,结合泾阳县新庄村AMS14 C的年代测定和其他学者的测年数据,建立了该地区全新世以来黄土沉积年代序列.根据磁化率气候替代指标显示的曲线特征,阐述了这一替代指标在剖面上的变化规律,探讨了该黄土剖面所反映的东亚冬、夏季风强弱变化特点,论证和详细分析了西安地区全新世以来环境变化的特征和规律,进而对该剖面磁化率曲线特征与其他学者的孢粉谱建立的温度曲线对比,对西安地区全新世以来古气候的阶段性进行了详细分析和论证.将西安地区10 000年以来的气候演变划分为7个气候阶段.  相似文献   

在总结与分析前人研究工作的基础上,提出目前洞庭盆地全新世古环境研究存在的主要问题,并提出了今后的努力方向。目前,对洞庭盆地全新世古环境演化特征的认识还是比较浅薄的,存在的主要问题包括:1)未进行详细的全新统地层划分与对比;2)缺乏多指标约束;3)时间分辨率很低;4)未进行定量古环境研究。今后努力方向主要包括:1)建立精细的全新统年代地层框架;2)加强对微体古生物古环境意义的研究;3)采用高分辨率岩心取样方法;4)进一步加强考古研究工作。  相似文献   

High-resolution environmental records from the Tibetan Plateau are essential to understand past global climatic and environmental changes. Magnetic minerals in lake sediments are important proxies to reconstruct environmental and climatic changes. Nam Co (lake) is a typical great lake in the transitional region of southwest monsoon in the Tibetan Plateau. Previous studies have extensively focused on geochemistry, microfossils, sedimentology and biochemistry analysis of Nam Co, which provides sound interpretation of paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental changes. However, up to now, no systematic environmental magnetic studies have been carried out. Therefore, high-resolution and systematic magnetic studies combined with geochemical parameters were carried on lake sediments of core NC 08/01 from Nam Co for the Holocene period (11.3 cal ka BP) in order to explore how magnetic properties of the sediments respond to climatic changes. Based on variations of magnetic proxies, the sequence can be separated into 3 units. Unit 1 (236-199 cm, 11.3-7.8 cal ka BP) contains dominantly coarse-grained magnetite with homogeneous grain size. A positive correlation between magnetite and Ti strongly suggests that these coarse-grained detrital magnetites reflect detrital input signals due to insignificant effects of postdepositional dissolution processes on these coarse-grained magnetite particles. For Unit 2 (198-102 cm, 7.8-2.1 cal ka BP), magnetic grain size is finer and the corresponding concentration of magnetite is also reduced. This is mainly due to significant dissolution of these fine-grained detrital magnetite particles, which were transported under reduced water flow conditions during this period. For Unit 3 (101-0 cm, 2.1-0 cal ka BP), the bulk magnetic properties are dominated by a mixture of single domain biogenic magnetite and detrital magnetite. The concentration of magnetic minerals is not correlated with the Ti content. In conclusion, the preservation of magnetic minerals in the lake sediment and thus the corresponding magnetic properties are related to the initial grain size. Combination of magnetic properties (including variation of grain size and concentration) and other proxies of detrital inputs (e.g. Ti) can be used to infer the variation of redox conditions in Nam Co. These results provide a viable framework for reconstructing the paleoenvironmental changes of this lake.  相似文献   

Environmental magnetic studies of lacustrine sediments   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In recent decades, environmental magnetism has become an important method for studying past global climatic and environmental changes. For an environmental magnetic study, it is important to understand the magnetic properties, of various magnetic minerals in lacustrine sedimcuts and the processes involved in the formation, transport,and preservation of these magnetic minerals. The magnetic response of lacustrine sediments to climatic change may vary widely from lake to lake. To reconstruct the processes contributing to paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental change, it is, therefore, necessary to derive a complete understanding of the potential origin of the magnetic signal observed.  相似文献   

The temporal-spatial distribution of Neolithic sites shows a long period of absence of human settlements during the early Holocene on the Yangtze Delta, and the area has not been colonized until 7000 aBP, corresponding to the onset of the Majiabang culture. Besides the regions east to the sandbar of Maqiao Site in Shanghai, foraminifera are not found in Neolithic cultural layers since 7000 aBP, indicating a widespread transgression between 10000 and 7000 aBP Evidence of radiocarbon-dated cultural relics, foraminifera and pollen records from the Hemudu Site suggests that the Hemudu culture emerged and developed during the mid-Holocene Climatic Optimum. Therefore, the hypothesis of a mid-Holocene sea-level highstand along the Yangtze Delta and Ningshao Plain from 7000 to 5000 aBP is an open debate. New evidence from archaeological excavations and bio-stratigraphy suggests that, prior to 7000 aBP, a high sea level occurred along the Ningshao Plain. Subsequently, the sea level was lowered between 7000 and 5000 aBP, and the area suffered from freauent floods from 5000 to 3900 aBP.  相似文献   

Conclusion Lipids present in different modes of occurrence in lacustrine sediments vary obviously in their composition. The ester-bound and amide-bound lipids are more likely to be derived from autochthonous input such as bacteria, algae and fungi in the lake, and they were more stable than the free lipids in the process of early diagenesis. Bound lipids record the more actual information about the paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental changes. Amide-bound P-hydroxy fatty acids can be used as a fingerprint of the past bacterial communities which is informative to the paleoenvironment.  相似文献   

Multi-proxy data are presented and a discuss is made of paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental changes during Holocene from a 225-cm-long sediment core from Wulungu Lake, located in westerly area of China. The chronology is constructed from six AMS radiocarbon dates on the bulk organic matter. Analyses of pollen, TOC, TN, δ^13Corg, ostracod assemblages and the shell stable isotopes, suggest Holocene climate pattern as follows: temperate and dry (10.0-7.6 cal. ka BP) -warm and wet (7.6-5.3 cal. ka BP) -warm and moist (5.3-3.6 cal. ka BP) -temperate and dry (3.6-2.1 cal. ka BP)-temperate and moist (2.1-1.3 cal. ka BP) -cool and dry (1.3 cal. ka BP-present). With the climatic change, Wulungu Lake experienced two large-scale retreat (5.3-3.6 cal. ka BP and 1.3 cal. ka BP-present) and an obvious transgression (7.6-5.3 cal. ka BP). The records of climatic and environmental evolution of Wulungu Lake were in good accordance with those of adjacent areas. It responded to regional environmental change, global abrupt climate events and followed the westerly climate change mode.  相似文献   

文学艺术往往被定位为对社会生活的反映。陈大声的《滑稽余韵》中大量对市井景态和市民众生相的描写,被人们肯定为“不可多得的认识古代市井社会的奇文”。其认识价值在:呈现了明中期经济发展与繁荣的面貌、展示了明代中期逐富重利的社会趋向、反映了明代士人交往下移对文学创作的影响。  相似文献   

唐代有两次影响较大的儒学复古运动,天宝年间一次以张说为首,贞元至元和年间一次则以韩愈为首。两次儒学复古因形势环境不同,其内容亦有差别。本文即从两次复古运动的背景、内容及影响方面探寻,以窥探唐代儒学发展之一隅,同时探询唐代儒学的走向规律。  相似文献   

Laterally continuous dark and orange microlaminations are observed in rock varnish from the northern Tianshan, Xinjiang. Microprobe chemical analyses indicate that dark layers in the varnish are rich in Mn and orange layers are poor in Mn. Microscopic examinations of varnish ultra-thin sections reveal a lamination pattern that is regionally consistent and comparable. Based on geomorphic age control, the Holocene varnish lamination sequence is tentatively established and its paleoclimatic implications are explored within the framework of existing paleoclimatic data in the region.  相似文献   

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