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探测Higgs玻色子的反常耦合是不依赖于具体模型且无遗漏地探测超出标准模型的新物理效应的有效办法.探测Higgs玻色子的反常规范耦合更有特殊意义,它与电弱对称破缺的机制相关.我们曾提出在LHC上通过WW散射来探测Higgs玻色子反常规范耦合的灵敏方法.本文简要综述这种方法的物理思想及所得结论.  相似文献   

研究在各种实验限制下CMSSM参数空间,尤其是以双比率R形式探讨Bs→μ+μ-的限制,并讨论了该参数空间的唯象学性质.得出在30fb-1积分亮度下,LHC只能发现一个与标准模型Higgs粒子性质非常相似的粒子(即通常文献所言Lone Higgs Scenario)这一重要结论.  相似文献   

 本文首先介绍1964年Peter Higgs及Francois Englert等提出的Higgs机制及其在电弱标准模型的建立中所起的重要作用,说明为什么2012年实验上发现一个Higgs玻色子后,2013年的诺贝尔奖就颁给Englert和Higgs。然后指出,接下来重要的是在实验上进一步探测这个Higgs玻色子对标准模型预言的偏离,和探索可能的新物理。LHC的升级实验和将来的高能对撞机对实现这个目标至关重要。最后展望粒子物理的发展前景。  相似文献   

Rare decays in flavor physics often suffer from Helicity suppress and Loop suppress. Helicity flip is a direct consequence of chiral \(U(3)\) symmetry breaking and electroweak symmetry breaking. The identical feature is also shared by the mass generation of SM fermions. In this review, we use the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) as an example to illustrate an explicit connection between bottom Yukawa coupling and rare decay process of \(b\rightarrow s\gamma \) . We take a symmetry approach to study the common symmetry breaking in supersymmetric correction to bottom quark mass generation and \(b\rightarrow s\gamma \) . We show that Large Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaking effect and \(R\) -symmetry breaking effect required by \(b\rightarrow s\gamma \) inevitably lead to significant reduction of bottom Yukawa \({y}_{b}\) . To compromise the reduction in \(b\bar{b}\) , a new decay is also needed to keep the Higgs total width as the SM value.  相似文献   

2012年7月,欧洲核子中心CERN的大型强子对撞机(LHC)上的CMS与ATLAS实验组相继宣布发现了质量在125GeV附近的新粒子.其后,基于更多的数据和更深入的分析,CERN于2013年3月14日发表声明:“新的结果表明CERN发现的粒子是Higgs玻色子”.在简要回顾标准模型Higgs的理论以及在LHC之前的寻找结果之后,我们将结合近年来参-9CMS实验及Higgs寻找的工作经历,详细介绍LHC上Higgs玻色子的发现历程,以及对Higgs质量、耦合、自旋、宇称等性质的测量现状.  相似文献   

The test of the Standard Model and search for New Physics signal are main aim of LHC experiment. With the increasing of the measurement accuracy at the LHC, it is a major task in future to exceed the current accuracy of the theoretical predictions for important processes, in particular ones involving Higgs boson and top quark. In this review we briefly summarize some recent theoretical progress in Higgs boson and top quark physics, especially the fixed-order and resummation predictions in QCD at both the Tevatron and the LHC.  相似文献   

The lighter chargino three body decays ~χ±1→~χ0 1ff ′ via the W^± boson and the charged Higgs boson H^± were studied in the R-parity conserved Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). We treat ~χ±1 decays as production and decay of W^± and H^± i.e.,~χ±1→~χ01W^±(H^±) → χ0 1ff ′. Both higgsino- like and wino-like ~χ±1 decays were well investigated. These decays are calculated at 1-loop level and the loop corrections are found to be less than three percent. The signal of the charged Higgs H^± production from ~χ±1 decays is discussed. It will offer important information about the chargino and neutralino sector, as well as the charged Higgs sector in the MSSM.  相似文献   

希格斯(Higgs)粒子是迄今为止发现的第一个标量粒子.在粒子物理标准模型中,希格斯粒子起到了非常重要的作用.另一方面,在宇宙暴涨时期,使宇宙加速膨胀的往往是也一个标量场,或者标量粒子,被称为暴涨子.由于能标的不同,希格斯粒子不能直接作为暴涨子,但通过一些间接的手段,暴涨子却有可能是希格斯粒子在高能标时的另一种表现形式.本文作者回顾了希格斯暴涨模型,并且着重讨论了宇宙学常数在暴涨中所起到的作用.  相似文献   

希格斯三重态模型(HTM)预言了类标准模型的中性希格斯玻色子h,还预言了单电荷和双电荷希格斯玻色子(H~±,H~(±±))的存在.主要研究了在高能光子对撞机上的两个三体产生过程:γγ→hH~+H~-和γγ→hH~(++)H~(--).计算结果表明,在合理的参数空间内,两种过程的产生截面分别达到几十fb和一百多fb,分析了主要的标准模型背景并计算了信噪比.由于较低的标准模型背景,在未来的高能直线对撞机上实验中可以通过这些过程探测到带电标量粒子H~±和H~(±±)的信号.  相似文献   

Along with the running of Large Hadron Collider (LHC) located at CERN in November 2009, a large number of data samples of \(B_c\) meson have been collected and some hadronic \(B_c\) decay modes have been measured by the LHC experiments. In view of the special and important roles of \(B_c\) meson decays playing in the heavy flavor sector, we here give a short review on the status of two body hadronic decays \(B_c \rightarrow M_1 M_2\) at both experimental and theoretical aspects. For the theoretical progresses, specifically, we will show lots of theoretical studies on two body hadronic \(B_c\) decays involving pseudoscalar, vector, scalar, axial-vector, even tensor meson(s) in the final states by employing the perturbative QCD (pQCD) factorization approach. We will present a general analysis about the two-body hadronic decays of the heavy \(B_c\) meson and also provide some expectations for the future developments.  相似文献   

 2017年高能物理领域的探究主要围绕标准模型的高精度检验、新物理的探寻这2个方面前进。本文盘点2017年在标准模型的检验与新粒子直接探测、重味物理与CP破坏、量子色动力学与强子物理、中微子物理、暗物质探测5个方面取得的进展,并对高能物理的未来发展作一展望。  相似文献   

The standard model of particle physics contains parameters--such as particle masses--whose origins are still unknown and which cannot be predicted, but whose values are constrained through their interactions. In particular, the masses of the top quark (M(t)) and W boson (M(W)) constrain the mass of the long-hypothesized, but thus far not observed, Higgs boson. A precise measurement of M(t) can therefore indicate where to look for the Higgs, and indeed whether the hypothesis of a standard model Higgs is consistent with experimental data. As top quarks are produced in pairs and decay in only about 10(-24) s into various final states, reconstructing their masses from their decay products is very challenging. Here we report a technique that extracts more information from each top-quark event and yields a greatly improved precision (of +/- 5.3 GeV/c2) when compared to previous measurements. When our new result is combined with our published measurement in a complementary decay mode and with the only other measurements available, the new world average for M(t) becomes 178.0 +/- 4.3 GeV/c2. As a result, the most likely Higgs mass increases from the experimentally excluded value of 96 to 117 GeV/c2, which is beyond current experimental sensitivity. The upper limit on the Higgs mass at the 95% confidence level is raised from 219 to 251 GeV/c2.  相似文献   

Renton P 《Nature》2004,428(6979):141-144
The standard model of particle physics describes the strong and electroweak interactions of fermions (spin-1/2), gauge bosons (spin-1) and a final vital ingredient--the spin-0 Higgs boson, which gives masses to the other particles. But the Higgs boson has yet to be discovered, and its own mass is not specified by the theory. There is some evidence (although statistically not very significant) for its detection at a mass of about 115 GeV/c2, from electron-positron interactions at LEP (the Large Electron Positron collider). Indirect methods can also be used to constrain the mass of the Higgs boson, because it affects other observable quantities (for example, the mass of the W boson and some measurable properties of the Z boson). An indirect determination of the Higgs boson mass from the most recent measurements of such quantities yields a value compatible with 115 GeV/c2, but with some important caveats arising from inconsistencies in the present data.  相似文献   

何红建 《前沿科学》2011,5(4):14-18
本文评述OPERA实验声称的中微子超光速测量结果及其可信度;指出超光速效应将预示洛伦兹对称性破坏。然后,着重分析可能的洛伦兹对称性破坏效应应该发生的合理能量尺度,揭示这个尺度应该是普朗克能标1019GeV,比OPERA实验测量的实际能标17GeV高出18个数量级,这表明理论上预期OPERA实验可能观测到的超光速效应应该是1018量级,而非目前OPERA实验结果宣称的10-5量级。本文进一步指出,现代相对论性量子场论完全可以自洽地描述中微子;但是,包括中微子在内的一切已知基本粒子质量的起源都必须借助于希格斯粒子(或称"上帝粒子"),而上帝粒子至今尚未被发现,其质量又必须位于100-1000GeV范围,远远低于普朗克尺度。对这个粒子的探测是目前欧洲核子中心CERN正在运行的大型强子对撞机LHC的核心目标,发现或者彻底排除这个"上帝粒子"并由此揭示自然界一切基本粒子质量的起源是整个物理学界乃至科学界翘首期盼的划时代革命。  相似文献   

粒子物理学是研究微观物质基本组成及其相互作用的前沿基础学科.聚焦粒子物理领域的几大研究热点方向——暗物质物理、中微子及粒子天体物理、缪子反常磁矩、重味物理与强子物理、希格斯物理与电弱物理及其他超标准模型新物理现象寻找,回顾了2021年粒子物理领域所取得的重要进展,并对相关方向的未来研究前景及未来大科学工程计划作了初步的...  相似文献   

By generalizing the Holstein-Primakoff realization and the Dyson realization of the Lie algebra SU(2),various realizations of the deformed angular momentum algebra Rc0,c1,c2q,s,a five-parameter deformed SU(2) by combining Witten’s two deformation schemes,are investigated in terms of the single boson and the single inversion boson respectively.For each kind,the unitary realization,the non-unitary realization,and their connection by the corresponding similarity transformation are respectively discussed.  相似文献   

电弱规范玻色子之间的反常相互作用对于进一步检验标准模型和寻找超出标准模型的新物理信号都具有重要意义.首先详细推导了粒子物理标准模型中电弱规范玻色子自相互作用的显示形式,然后在介绍探索新物理的有效拉氏量方法基础上,用有效拉氏量方法给出了电弱规范玻色子间反常相互作用的具体形式.根据洛仑兹结构的不同,这些反常相互作用被分成3类:(1)只含Higgs场协变微商的项;(2)同时含Higgs场协变微商和规范场强张量的项;(3)只含规范场强张量的项.  相似文献   

Stapnes S 《Nature》2007,448(7151):290-296
The best way to study the existence of the Higgs boson, supersymmetry and grand unified theories, and perhaps the physics of dark matter and dark energy, is at the TeV scale. This is the energy scale that will be explored at the Large Hadron Collider. This machine will generate the energy and rate of collisions that might provide evidence of new fundamental physics. It also brings with it the formidable challenge of building detectors that can record a large variety of detailed measurements in the inhospitable environment close to the collisions points of the machine.  相似文献   

Higgs真空对称性自发破缺的思想在现代物理学中占有十分重要的地位,本文揭示了这一重要思想是如何从固体物理研究中移植到粒子物理学中的;并成为粒子物理学的重要观念的,最后指出:这一思想的发展改变了人们对对称性探索的传统方式;以及我们应从Higgs机制发展中所获得的启示。  相似文献   

In this short review, we present the current status about the theoretical and experimental studies for some important semileptonic decays of \(B/B_s\) mesons. We firstly gave a brief introduction for the experimental measurements for \(B/B_s \rightarrow P (l^+l^-, l^-\bar{\nu }_l, \nu \bar{\nu })\) decays, the BaBar’s \(R(D)\) and \(R(D^*)\) anomaly, the \(P_5^\prime \) deviation for \(B^0 \rightarrow K^{*0} \mu ^+ \mu ^-\) decay. We then made a careful discussion about the evaluations for the relevant form factors in the light-cone QCD sum rule, the heavy quark effective theory, and the perturbative QCD factorization approach. By using the form factors calculated in the perturbative (pQCD) approach, we then calculate and show the pQCD predictions for the decay rates of many semileptonic decays of \(B/B_s\) mesons. We also made careful phenomenological analysis for these pQCD predictions and found, in general, the following points: (a) For all the considered \(B/B_s\) semileptonic decays, the next-to-leading order pQCD predictions for their decay rates agree well with the data and those from other different theoretical methods; (b) For \(R(D)\) and \(R(D^*)\) , the pQCD predictions agree very well with the data, the BaBar’s anomaly of \(R(D^{(*)})\) are therefore explained successfully in the standard model by employing the pQCD approach; and (c) We defined several new ratios \(R_D^{l,\tau }\) and \(R_{D_s}^{l,\tau }\) , they may be more sensitive to the QCD dynamics which controls the \(B/B_s \rightarrow (D^{(*)},D_s^{(*)} )\) transitions than the old ratios, we therefore strongly suggest LHCb and the forthcoming Super- \(B\) experiments to measure these new ratios.  相似文献   

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