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植物DNA C-值在种间和种内的变异及其生物学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
植物的DNA C-值在不同的分类群和生活型之间存在巨大差异,这种差异与地理分布、生态适应、植物的入侵能力等有一定的相关性.DNA C-值对于物种来讲也不是特异的,其变异幅度在不同种之间又存在差异.资料表明:在某些物种中DNA C-值的种内变异有一定的生物学意义,但是在另外一些类群中又不很明确.植物DNA C-值能够用于鉴定某些近缘种及它们的杂交种,对于了解某些类群的内多倍化现象有一定科学价值.  相似文献   

比较系统地对丛藓科11属18种藓类植物孢子萌发和原丝体发育过程进行研究,分析了其发育过程中的不同特征.参照Nishida对藓类植物孢子萌发和原丝体发育类型的划分标准,将丛藓科18种藓类植物的原丝体发育类型划分成真藓型(Bryum-type)、光藓型(Schistostega-type)、虎尾藓型(Hediwigia-type)和蓑藓型(Macromitrium-type)4种孢子萌发型.根据孢子萌发型的特点,探讨分析了孢子萌发型与丛藓科植物的系统进化、生态适应和生殖策略之间的关系.  相似文献   

蓑藓属(Macromitrium Brid.)苔藓植物在山东分布4种,即中华蓑藓(M.cavaleriei Cardot et Thér.)、福氏蓑藓(M.ferriei Card.et Thér.)、缺齿蓑藓(M.gymnostomum Sull.et Lesq.)和钝叶蓑藓(M.japonicum Dozy et Molk.).基于连续系统的调查研究,认为曾广布于山东各大山区的蓑藓属苔藓植物在山东境内已濒临绝迹,分析了相关原因,同时提出了挽救措施.  相似文献   

流式细胞术及DNA倍体分析在胃肿瘤研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解胃癌的生物学行为.方法采用流式细胞术测定68例胃癌细胞DNA含量、S期及G2/M期细胞比率,并与胃癌生物学特性进行分析.结果二倍体癌浆膜受侵者S期细胞比率明显高于未受侵者(P<0.05),团块生长者G2/M期细胞比率明显高于弥漫状生长者(P<0.05)、淋巴结转移阴性和转移枚数少于5枚者(P<0.05),淋巴结转移至第2站,以远者G2/M期细胞比率明显高于淋巴结转移阴性和转移至第1站者(P<0.05).结论胃癌细胞DNA含量和细胞比率与胃癌生物学行为有一定关系.  相似文献   

将曲柄藓(Campylopus flexuosus)、大灰藓(Hypnum plumaeforme)、东亚砂藓(Racomitrium japonicum)、大羽藓(Thuidium cymbifolium)、毛尖紫萼藓(Grimmia pilifera)和曲尾藓(Dicranum scoparium)这6种观赏藓类植物栽植于表面有薄层泥炭土—蛭石的棕榈垫这一立体绿化载体上.经过2个月的生长,测定了6种藓类植物的最大量子产量,计测了它们新枝覆盖率、新枝和旧枝长度比、叶绿素含量、单位面积鲜重等生长指标,比较了6种藓类植物在立体绿化载体上的综合适生指数.结果表明:适生指数由高到低分别为大灰藓、东亚砂藓、大羽藓、曲柄藓、曲尾藓和毛尖紫萼藓,结合景观效果观察,推荐大灰藓和东亚砂藓作为墙体绿化的藓类植物.  相似文献   

本文定义了平面上代数体函数关于其导函数的相对亏值和绝对亏值. 进而研究了具有公共值的两个$v$值代数体$W(z),M(z)$分别在条件 $N(r,\frac{1}{W})=S(r,W),~~N(r,\frac{1}{M})=S(r,M)$与$T(r,W')\sim lT(r,W),~~T(r,M')\sim lT(r,M)$下关于公共值的相对亏值, 所得结果推广了Singh A.p.关于亚纯函数的结果.  相似文献   

河北省侧蒴藓类植物新记录(Ⅰ)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
对河北省藓类植物进行考察、整理、鉴定 ,发现了河北省侧蒴藓类植物新记录 7种 1变型 ,它们是 :中华白齿藓 Leucodon sinensis Thèr.、拟草藓 Pseudoleskeopsiszippelii( Dozy & Molk.) Broth.、硬枝小羽藓H aplocladium strictulum( Card.) Reim.、粗肋镰刀藓北方变型 Drepanocladussendtneri( Schimp.) Warnst.f.borealis Moenk.、撒氏青藓 Brachythecium sakuraii Broth.、细疣绢藓 Entodon verruculosus X.S.Wen、赤茎小锦藓 Brotherella erythrocaulis( Mitt.) Fleisch.、粗叶拟垂枝藓 Rhytidiadelphus squarosus( Hedw.) Warnst..根据标本初步讨论了这些植物的识别特征、生境、产地和地理分布特点 ,并绘制了形态解剖图 ,以期对河北省藓类植物的系统研究和植物多样性的统计分析提供资料 .鉴定标本保存在河北师范大学生命科学学院植物标本室 ( HBNU) .  相似文献   

以披碱草属老芒麦(Elymus sibiricus)为材料,分别用简易提取法、十六烷基三乙基溴化铵(CTAB)法、十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)法提取其基因组DNA,利用分光光度计测定其OD260与OD280的吸光值,计算比率估计核酸的纯度和浓度,并利用0.8%琼脂糖凝胶电泳观察DNA片段在凝胶中的位置.结果表明,3种方法都可以提取到基因组DNA,但SDS法所提取的DNA质量明显优于简易提取法和CTAB法,且分离的DNA产率高,纯度高,质量好,纯化后电泳检测带型清晰.因此,SDS法是实验室提取老芒麦基因组DNA的较有效而实用的方法.  相似文献   

一种简单、快捷植物RAPD分析DNA提取方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随机引物扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)分析实验中的植物总DNA提取方法已有很多文献进行过详细阐述和讨论[1~5],同时,邹喻萍等[6]对于濒危植物RAPD分析,尤其是植物DNA难于提取的种类如银杉、矮壮丹、南川剑麻的总DNA提取鉴定进行了较理想的改进.但以往的DNA提取一般费时较长、工序繁琐.本实验采用普遍使用的CTAB法提取曼陀罗DNA,根据在实验中的摸索,对植物总DNA的提取条件作了较大改进.用此方法提取的DNA能直接用于R APD,PCR,RFLP等分子生物学实验.  相似文献   

在可分的Banach空间X上C-半群T(t)是有界的假设下,研究C-半群T(t)的超循环与混沌性,得到了C-半群T(t)是超循环的充分必要条件;且分别给出了易于判断C-半群T(t)是超循环的、混沌的充分条件.  相似文献   

岩陀DNA提取方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以岩陀植物嫩叶为材料,用不同方法对岩陀叶片DNA进行提取,比较提取的质量差异,寻找适合岩陀叶片总DNA的提取方法,以满足多基原民族药岩陀DNA条形码识别系统构建的研究需要。采用十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)法、改良的CTAB法、十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)法及碱裂解法提取岩陀叶片总DNA,利用琼脂糖凝胶电泳、紫外分光光度法及PCR扩增效果检查DNA提取的质量。结果显示四种方法均能从岩陀植物叶片中提取到基因组DNA,改良CTAB法提取的DNA纯度和完整性明显好于其他方法,且采用此法进行PCR扩增获得的目标条带明亮单一,扩增效率达到100%。改良的CTAB法是岩陀叶片总DNA的提取中最为合适的提取方法,能够满足后续DNA条形码的研究需要。  相似文献   

马氏珠母贝与解氏珠母贝的随机扩增多态DNA分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
用OPM组20种碱基随机引物对采自海南洋浦的马氏珠母贝(Pincada martensii)和解氏珠母贝(P.chemmitri)天然群体进行RAPD分析,其中6种引物扩增有效,这6种引物对马氏珠母贝和解氏珠母贝的总扩增带数分别为52条和58条。每一引物的扩增带数为3~16条,同一引物对两种贝类的扩增带数不同(OPM19B除外),对两贝类的扩增带型也有较大差异。群体内的各个个体(实验个体为10个)RAPD扩增带谱全部呈多态,表明在同一群体中,各个体存在着明显的个体特征带,由于样品数量及引物数均少,2种贝类各自种群的共同特征尚未能确定。  相似文献   

针对目前贝类产品质量安全易受环境影响和体内易存留泥沙等问题,建立一种更适于贝类含沙量测定的方法,为贝类净化提供技术参考和理论指导。以文蛤Meretrix meretrix为研究对象,取3份未经净化的文蛤样品,通过新建立的超声法和常用的比重法对贝肉中含沙量进行测定,对比分析两种测定方法及不同来源文蛤含沙量的差异。结果表明:3份样品经超声法测定导出的含沙量均远高于比重法,约为比重法的7-10倍。因此,超声法更为精准,在测定贝肉中含沙量时,推荐使用超声法。经超声法测定,山东河口海域和山东无棣海域滩涂增养殖的文蛤含沙量分别是浙江乐清池塘养殖文蛤含沙量的45倍和17倍,不同来源文蛤的含沙量差异较大。  相似文献   

对模拟空间微重力条件下大鼠T细胞发育受阻的神经免疫调节机理进行初步探究.采用流式细胞检测技术测定模拟微重力大鼠胸腺中不同发育阶段T淋巴细胞的数量变化,用ELISA法测定胸腺组织中去甲肾上腺素(NE)和内源性糖皮质激素(GC)的含量.结果表明模拟微重力模型大鼠出现明显胸腺萎缩(p<0.05),CD3+CD4+CD8-和CD3+CD4-CD8+T细胞数量明显减少(p<0.05);模拟微重力大鼠胸腺中NE和GC含量有升高的趋势.模拟微重力大鼠胸腺中发生了从双阳性T细胞向单阳性T细胞的发育阻滞,这种异常可能与神经内分泌免疫调控相关.  相似文献   

This paper presents development of a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) biosensor for real-time detection of E. coil O157:H7 DNA based on nanogold particles amplification. Many inner Au nanoparticles were immobilized onto the thioled surface of the Au electrode, then more specific thiolated sin- gle-stranded DNA (ssDNA) probes could be fixed through Au-SH bonding. The hybridization was induced by exposing the ssDNA probe to the complementary target DNA of E. coli O157:H7 gene eaeA, then resulted in a mass change and corresponding frequency shifts ( △f ) of the QCM. The outer avidin-coated Au nanoparticles could combine with the target DNA to increase the mass. The electrochemical techniques, cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were adopted to manifest and character each step. The target DNA corresponding to 2.0×10^3 colony forming unit (CFU)/mL E. coil O157:H7 cells can be detected by this biosensor, so it is practical to develop a sensitive and effective QCM biosensor for pathogenic bacteria detection based on specific DNA analysis. The piezoelectric biosensing system has potential for further applications, such as food safety and environment monitoring, and this approach lays the groundwork for incorporating the method into an integrated system for in-field bacteria detection.  相似文献   

从"植物DNA C-值数据库"检索到2 852种单子叶植物的核DNA含量数据,沿经度方向均分为10条样带,每条样带沿纬度又均分成19个样块.从"世界气候数据网站"下载的19个生物气候因子数据,应用Arc GIS 9.3获得每个样块生物气候因子的平均值.根据"全球生物多样性信息网站"记录,计算每个样块的单子叶植物的平均核DNA含量.分析了最冷季度平均温度和最干季度雨量对单子叶植物核DNA含量的影响.应用分位数回归分析了核DNA含量不同的单子叶植物在全球范围的纬度梯度变化特点,以及气候适应性的差异.结果发现:单子叶植物的核DNA含量沿着纬度呈现非线性的规律变化;受气候因素影响,在中等温度和雨量环境下其核DNA含量最高,温度和水分趋向极端的环境下其核DNA含量较低,可以用"单峰"函数拟合;核DNA含量低的类群具有更广泛的全球分布.  相似文献   

A circular DNA molecule, designated as DNAβ, was identified in tobacco plants infected with Tobacco leaf curl virus (TLCV) isolates Y5 and Y8 by PCR using primers based on the conserved region of the two reported DNAβ sequences of whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses (WTGs). The complete nucleotide sequences of DNAβ of Y5 and Y8 (TLCV DNAβ) were determined. Y5 DNAβ comprises 1333 nucleotides encoding 8 predicted ORFs with 4 ORFs in virion-sense DNA and 4 ORFs in complementary-sense DNA; Y8 DNAβ consists of 1338 nucleotides encoding 7 predicted ORFs with 4 ORFs in virion-sense DNA and 3 ORFs in complementary-sense DNA. TLCV DNAβ has little sequence homology to DNA-A of TLCV., except that it shares conserved TAATATTAC loop sequence with TLCV DNA-A. Sequence comparison showed that Y5 DNAβ shared 85% sequence homology with Y8 DNAβ, and both Y5 DNAβ and Y8 DNAβ had relatively low sequence identity (51%–65%) with the reported DNAβ molecules associated with Ageratum yellow vein virus and Cotton leaf curl virus. The immunotrapping PCR and whitefly transmission tests showed that DNAβ molecule could be encapsidated in virus particle and transmitted by Bemisia tabaci. This is the first report of DNAβ associated with WTGs in China.  相似文献   

Araucariaceae is one of the most primitive families of the living conifers, and its phylogenetic relationships and divergence times are critically important issues. The DNA sequences of 8 genes, i.e., nuclear ribosomal 18S and 26S rRNA, chloroplast 16S rRNA, rbcL, matK and rps4, and mitochondrial coxl and atpl, obtained from this study and GenBank were used for constructing the molecular phylogenetic trees of Araucariaceae, indicating that the phyiogenetic relationships among the three genera of this family should be ((Wollemia, Agathis), Araucaria). On the basis of the fossil calibrations of Wollemia and the two tribes Araucaria and Eutacta of the genus Araucaria, the divergence time of Araucariaceae was estimated to be (308± 53) million years ago, that is, the origin of the family was in the Late Carboniferous rather than Triassic as a traditional view. With the same gene combination, the diver- gence times of the genera Araucaria and Agathis were (246 ± 47) and (61 ±15) Ma, respectively. Statis- tical analyses on the phylogenetic trees generated by using different genes and comparisons of the divergence times estimated by using those genes suggested that the chloroplast matK and rps4 genes are most suitable for investigating the phylogenetic relationships and divergence times of the family Araucariaceae.  相似文献   

In somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) technologies, the donor cell's nuclei need to be epigenetically reprogrsmmed for embryonic development. The incomplete reprogramming of donor cell nuclei has been Implicated as s primary reason for the low efficiency of SCNT. DNA methylstion is s major epigenetic modification of the genome that regulates crucial aspects of genome function, including establishment of genomic imprinting. In order to make sure whether the DNA methylstion reprogramming is efficient in SCNT animals, we analyzed the DNA methylstion status of two imprinting genes, H19 and Xist, in lungs of deceased SCNT bovines that died within 48 h of birth using bisulfite sequencing analysis. Our findings demonstrated that cloned bovines showed significantly lower DNA methylstion of H19 than controls (P〈0.05), and three tested CpGs sites (1, 2, 3) exhibited unmethylstion in one cloned bovine (9C3); however, Xist showed similar DNA methylation levels between clones and controis, and both showed hypermethylstion (96.11% and 86.67%).  相似文献   

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