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对单原子-腔系统进行缀饰态描述, 并研究Hilbert空间的有效截断及其截断部分的双光子跃迁过程. 通过求解体系的主方程, 计算双光子共振跃迁导致的能级移位, 并计算光子的二阶关联函数, 证实在给定的参数条件下存在光子反聚束效应.  相似文献   

本文探讨平衡态下的双光子跃迁过程,建立了双光子黑体辐射公式;给出爱因斯坦几率系数的新定义;进而计算了双光子自发跃迁几率,并对结果作了分析讨论.  相似文献   

提出了一二能级原子的K光子(K≥3)泵溥过程的Dressed变换方法,并研究了其振荧光现象着重讨论了三光子泵浦情形,发现其Dressed变换式与单光子和双光子泵浦情形比较呈现出规律性,其共振荧光仍为三峰结构,但Dressed原子的双光子荧光跃迁速率是其单光子荧光跃迁速率的四倍.  相似文献   

采用量子化辐射场与相对论电子作用的模型,从微扰论得出的跃迁概率表达式出发,导出了n光子集团与电子发生Compton散射的跃迁概率表达式.进而研究了 n光子集团Compton散射的光子散射截面性质,得出了双光子Compton散射的光子散射截面的具体表达式,结果表明n光子Gompton散射的光子微分散射截面不仅与散射角(光子入射方向与散射方向的夹角)有关,还与入射光场的光子数密度以及初始电子的能量有关.  相似文献   

利用五带紧束缚理论计算了均匀模型、反演对称模型、反演非对称模型三种不同模型的单层β12-硼烯的电子能带结构,利用光子-电子相互作用的二阶微扰理论计算了单层β12-硼烯在可见光到近红外波段的双光子吸收谱,揭示了外加电场对X、K、M、Λ四个能带接触点附近电子能带和双光子吸收峰的调制作用.结果表明外加电场会带来简并能带的分裂,增强外加电场会使得双光子吸收峰发生蓝移且峰值被抑制;仅在反演非对称模型中M点附近施加正向电场且电场的能量在1.5~2.0 eV范围内时,因为双光子共振跃迁而出现吸收峰增强.  相似文献   

本文从二能级原子的双光子和K(K>2)光子Jaynes—Cummings模型出发,研究了初始处于相干态的单模辐射场与原子的相互作用,利用密度矩阵,得出了原子能级算符的平均值和平均光子数随时间演变规律,借以揭示多光子跃迁特有现象。  相似文献   

选择定则在原子物理、量子力学、原子光谱、量子化学等多门学科中都有涉及但都未能较细致地讨论。本文首先从四个方面把选择定则加以分类:从计算条件把它分为严格的与近似的选择定则;从等效模型把它分为电偶极、磁偶极与电四极跃迁选择定则;从参与一次跃迁的光子数分为单光子、双光子、多光子选择定则;从一次跃迁时原子单电子态改变数分为单电子、双电子选择定则。然后从光与物质相互作用出发,利用 SO(3)群的不可约张量算符特性及维格纳——爱卡特定理,根据微扰理论,计算了原子的单光子电偶极、磁偶极及电四极跃迁的选择定则,并作了必要的讨论。  相似文献   

在介绍晶体场导致稀土离子"能级分裂"和4 fN组态内单光子跃迁的宇称禁戒的"部分解除"的基础上,讨论了该组态内单光子、双光子跃迁及电子拉曼散射几率计算的国际动态,总结了我们在此领域的工作并提出了进一步工作设想.  相似文献   

在介绍晶体场导致稀土离子“能级分裂”和4 f^N组态内单光子跃迁的宇称禁戒的“部分解除”的基础上,讨论了该组态内单光子、双光子跃迁及电子拉曼散射几率计算的国际动态,总结了我们在此领域的工作并提出了进一步工作设想.  相似文献   

基于量子相干原理,分析了脉冲激光泵浦的第二类型自发参量下转换产生的同频率纠缠双光子态.研究了同频率纠缠双光子的量子相干性质,并与由脉冲激光所产生的不同频率纠缠双光子的量子相干性质做了对比.结果表明,随着激光脉冲宽度的增加,不同频率纠缠双光子态的相位匹配函数的不对称性增加,纠缠光子对的相干性减小,同频率纠缠双光子态的相位匹配函数仍保持对称,纠缠光子对的相干性达到最大.  相似文献   

考虑具有对称增益和耗散的四体耦合腔阵列, 分析该体系的PT相变及单光子传输. 结果表明: 根据不同参数范围, 该系统可处于PT对称相及PT对称破缺相, 光子局域在不同腔中; 单光子传输均具有双向性.  相似文献   

Klaers J  Schmitt J  Vewinger F  Weitz M 《Nature》2010,468(7323):545-548
Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC)-the macroscopic ground-state accumulation of particles with integer spin (bosons) at low temperature and high density-has been observed in several physical systems, including cold atomic gases and solid-state quasiparticles. However, the most omnipresent Bose gas, blackbody radiation (radiation in thermal equilibrium with the cavity walls) does not show this phase transition. In such systems photons have a vanishing chemical potential, meaning that their number is not conserved when the temperature of the photon gas is varied; at low temperatures, photons disappear in the cavity walls instead of occupying the cavity ground state. Theoretical works have considered thermalization processes that conserve photon number (a prerequisite for BEC), involving Compton scattering with a gas of thermal electrons or photon-photon scattering in a nonlinear resonator configuration. Number-conserving thermalization was experimentally observed for a two-dimensional photon gas in a dye-filled optical microcavity, which acts as a 'white-wall' box. Here we report the observation of a Bose-Einstein condensate of photons in this system. The cavity mirrors provide both a confining potential and a non-vanishing effective photon mass, making the system formally equivalent to a two-dimensional gas of trapped, massive bosons. The photons thermalize to the temperature of the dye solution (room temperature) by multiple scattering with the dye molecules. Upon increasing the photon density, we observe the following BEC signatures: the photon energies have a Bose-Einstein distribution with a massively populated ground-state mode on top of a broad thermal wing; the phase transition occurs at the expected photon density and exhibits the predicted dependence on cavity geometry; and the ground-state mode emerges even for a spatially displaced pump spot. The prospects of the observed effects include studies of extremely weakly interacting low-dimensional Bose gases and new coherent ultraviolet sources.  相似文献   

在线性和非线性Kerr介质Jaynes Cummings(J C)模型中, 考虑多光子跃迁时原子和光场纠缠随时间的演化特性, 给出原子和光场的纠缠度与跃迁光子数、 失谐量、 初始光子数、 初始态参数及非线性项系数之间的解析关系, 并分析其对原子和光场的纠缠度随时间演化的影响. 结果表明, 在非线性Kerr介质中, 当光场与原子初始态接近最大纠缠态, 且跃迁光子数较大时, 纠缠态可稳定接近最大纠缠态, 有利于量子纠缠态的远距离传输.  相似文献   

Using multipohton Tavis-Cummings model, the entanglement evolution of two coupling two-level atoms in Bell states interacting with a single-mode vacuum field is investigated by using Negativity. The influences of coupling constants between atoms, the atomic initial states and the photon number of transition on the entanglement evolution of two coupling two-level atoms are discussed. The results obtained using the numerical method show that the entanglement of two atoms is related with coupling constants between atoms, the atomic initial states and the photon number of transition. The two-atom entanglement state will forever stay in the maximum entanglement state when the initial state is .When the initial state of two atoms is , the entanglement of two atoms displays periodic oscillation behavior.and its oscillation period decreases with increasing of coupling constant between atoms or the photon number of transition. On the other hand, when the initial state is or , the entanglement of two atoms displays quasiperiodic oscillation behavior and its oscillation period decreases with increasing of coupling constant between atoms or the photon number of transition .  相似文献   

McKeever J  Boca A  Boozer AD  Buck JR  Kimble HJ 《Nature》2003,425(6955):268-271
Conventional lasers (from table-top systems to microscopic devices) typically operate in the so-called weak-coupling regime, involving large numbers of atoms and photons; individual quanta have a negligible impact on the system dynamics. However, this is no longer the case when the system approaches the regime of strong coupling for which the number of atoms and photons can become quite small. Indeed, the lasing properties of a single atom in a resonant cavity have been extensively investigated theoretically. Here we report the experimental realization of a one-atom laser operated in the regime of strong coupling. We exploit recent advances in cavity quantum electrodynamics that allow one atom to be isolated in an optical cavity in a regime for which one photon is sufficient to saturate the atomic transition. The observed characteristics of the atom-cavity system are qualitatively different from those of the familiar many-atom case. Specifically, our measurements of the intracavity photon number versus pump intensity indicate that there is no threshold for lasing, and we infer that the output flux from the cavity mode exceeds that from atomic fluorescence by more than tenfold. Observations of the second-order intensity correlation function demonstrate that our one-atom laser generates manifestly quantum (nonclassical) light, typified by photon anti-bunching and sub-poissonian photon statistics.  相似文献   

为了深入理解光子回波产生的物理机制,通过采用预报-校正四阶龙格-库塔数值法求解非均匀展宽二能级体系的Maxwell-Bloch方程,建立了准确计算薄样品和厚样品介质光子回波信号强度的方法。得到了二脉冲、三脉冲和多脉冲光子回波信号的强度特性,并研究了弛豫时间、初始入射光脉冲的面积、失谐量以及样品的厚度等对光子回波信号的影响,进一步研究了编码脉冲在数据存储和读取中的应用。计算结果很好地显示了光子回波信号的特性,所建立的方法对光子回波信号的求解具有普适性。  相似文献   

本文计算了受相干外场驱动时的Jaynes-Cummings系统的准能级和态,计算中令腔模与外场共振,而原子与外场非共振。由准能级可给出移动的Jaynes-Cummings系统的能级分裂.当光子数n=0得到外场存在时的真空Rabi分裂。还计算得准能级与态的公式,并指出仅在外驱动场的振幅小于阈值时才成立。  相似文献   

半导体量子点中双激子的双光子共振吸收   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从基本的非线性光学三阶极化率出发,分析半导体量子点中双激子的双光子共振吸收三阶极化率,得到2个入射频率光电场和只有1个入射频率光电场的简并情况下双光子共振吸收三阶极化率,讨论了三阶极化率的实部和虚部在双光子共振频率附近的行为,随着共振频率宽度的增大,三阶极化率的实部和虚部很快减小,三阶极化率敏感地依赖于共振频率宽度的大小.  相似文献   

采用Lewis-Riesenfeld不变量理论,我们研究了广义Λ-型具有虚光子过程的J-C模型中的动力学特性和几何相位.我们发现在一个周期中几何相位与光场的频率、光子和原子的耦合常数以及原子的跃迁频率毫无关系.如果采用比较精确的设备,虚光子过程中的几何相位可以被观察到,这种过程中的几何相位具有可观测的物理效应.  相似文献   

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