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利用SDS-PAGE对43个新疆及外引的小麦种质资源高分子量谷蛋白亚基(HMW)的构成、不同等位基因变异及出现频率进行系统分析,并按照Payne等人的评分方法,计算了其品质得分分析。结果表明:43个小麦种质资源的Glu-1的平均分为5.47分,低于全国的平均水平,高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基构成中以2 12亚基居多,5 10亚基较少,部分地影响了新疆小麦品质的改良。  相似文献   

高粱总DNA导入春小麦新品系高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过花粉管通道法将高粱总DNA导入春麦甘麦8号、陇春13号和陇春10号,经过多代选择获得了5个稳定遗传新品系.在高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基分析中,甘麦8号后代89144的高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基发生突变,较其受体多了5 10亚基,而少了2 12亚基;其他几个转基因后代与其受体比较,高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基组成未发生变化;但是各亚基的相对质量分数有较大变化.高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基的组成和各亚基质量分数的变化直接影响小麦品质.本研究对外源总DNA花粉管通道法导入小麦在改良小麦品质方面的作用进行了讨论.  相似文献   

不同来源小麦品种(系)高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS—PAGE)对青海省不同来源114个小麦品种(系)品质得分、高分予量麦谷蛋白亚基构成、等位基因不同亚基变异及出现频率进行了分析。结果表明:小麦品种(系)间高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基组成存在一定差异,国外引进品种和当地培育品系亚基组成多于其他品种,而当地培育品系的分布最均匀;在A1位点上N亚基出现的频率最高,在D1位点上2+12亚基出现的频率最高;共有25种亚基组合,国外引进的小麦品种和当地培育的小麦品系亚基组合类型明显多于其他品种,(N,7+8,2+12)组合的出现频率最高;品质平均得分当地培育品系最高(6.40)。  相似文献   

利用SDS-PAGE技术对山羊草属18个种的46份材料进行高分子谷蛋白亚基电泳分析.18个种各电泳出2~5条带,共有24种不同的电泳条带,26种不同的麦谷蛋白亚基类型,每个种有1~3种类型.山羊草与小麦的麦谷蛋白亚基存在着较大的差异,山羊草属中各种间在高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基组成与其亚基的电泳迁移率方面也存在广泛差异.  相似文献   

本文利用MonteCarlo方法,研究利用太谷核不育小麦创建的小麦异交群体在长期选择下,不同选择方法所产生的选择效果及群体遗传结构的变化.模拟结果表明:对遗传力较低的性状进行改良时,适当运用相关选择在早代是可行的;指数选择在改良小麦异交群体时比单性状选择更有效,经验指数选择稍优于理论指数选择,在指数选择时,提高选择强度是可行的,可在保持群体一定遗传变异的基础上提高群体改良的速度.群体遗传结构在每项选择过程中要发生变化.加性方差和遗传力作衰减变化;当选性状与非当选性状间的遗传相关在单性状选择下趋于0,而在指数选择情况下,各遗传相关变化的结果不利于指数选择进展.  相似文献   

小麦谷蛋白亚基的快速提取分离及SDS-PAGE分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用70%乙醇和50%异丙醇除去醇溶蛋白,以二硫苏糖醇(DTT)为还原剂,在50%异丙醇,0.08mol/L Tris-HCl(pH为8.0)缓冲液中提取总麦谷蛋白亚基,加入丙酮至浓度为40%时,高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(HMW-GS)沉淀析出;继续加入丙酮至80%时,析出低分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(LMW-GS).在3.3%浓缩胶和10%分离胶的不连续体系中进行SDSPAGE电泳,结果表明,该方法可以有效地除去醇溶蛋白对麦谷蛋白亚基电泳分析的背景干扰,HMW-GS和IMW-GS的提取、分离一步完成,操作简便,时间短,对大量小麦样品的HMW-GS和LMW-GS可以快速分离、提纯和鉴定.  相似文献   

小麦与高冰草体细胞杂种F5代麦谷蛋白及SDS沉降值分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过对普通小麦与高冰草体细胞杂种F5代 175个株系的麦谷蛋白及SDS沉降值分析 ,发现杂种F5代有 10种不同的麦谷蛋白组成 ,并出现了 1Ax1,1Ax2 ,1Bx13,1By16 ,1By8,1Dx5等 6种不存在于亲本小麦中的高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基及 1Bx13 1By16 ,1Bx7 1By8,1Dx5 1Dy12等 3种新亚基组合 ,部分杂种中出现了高冰草的麦谷蛋白特征谱带 ;杂种株系的SDS沉降值表现出较大的差异 ,其中一些杂种的SDS沉降值明显高于亲本普通小麦 .结果表明 ,通过体细胞杂交有可能将野生禾草的优良性状引入普通小麦 ,创造出多种不同组成及组合的新种质 ,为小麦品质育种开辟新途径  相似文献   

以转1Dx5基因小麦3个高分子量麦谷蛋白突变株系B73-6-1-1、B73-6-1-2和B73-6-1-3及转基因受体L88-6为材料,对其主要农艺性状、低分子量麦谷蛋白表达情况及染色体核型进行研究.结果表明:在田间栽培条件下,纯合稳定转基因突变株系之间及其与转基因受体之间主要农艺性状存在差异,其中株高和千粒重存在显著差异(P=0.05);同时,SDS-PAGE结果显示,在小麦低分子量麦谷蛋白区域,突变株系之间无明显差异,而突变株系与转基因受体之间部分区域表达量存在明显差异并产生一个突变条带;通过核型分析比较,得出突变株系之间及其与转基因受体之间,染色体无论是相对长度还是臂比值都没有显著差异.  相似文献   

利用丙酮沉淀法对小麦高分子量谷蛋白亚基(HMW—GS)进行快速高效纯化,以纯化后的蛋白做为抗原,免疫白兔,制备了相应的多克隆抗体.与大肠杆菌裂解液共温育去除交叉反应性抗体,并用饱和硫酸铵沉淀法对抗体进行了初步纯化.电泳及免疫印迹结果表明,所制备的多克隆抗体能与小麦的高分子量谷蛋白亚基发生强烈反应,而与小麦中的水溶性蛋白、醇溶蛋白及低分子量谷蛋白亚基不反应.该抗体的制备为进一步研究小麦高分子量谷蛋白亚基的功能及其品质改良提供了基础材料和有用工具.  相似文献   

小麦的品质分营养品质和加工品质,其中,加工品质的好坏是小麦品质好坏的最重要指标之一。国内外自1979年至今,对品质的研究发现,5+10谷蛋白亚基是影响小麦加工品质的主要因素。国内对其研究的深入以及杂交时配合力对其的影响和低分子量谷蛋白亚基对品质的影响构成了我国目前小麦品质育种和品质改良的理论基础。  相似文献   

利用基于混合模型的QTL定位方法,可以分析水稻DH群体在4个年份下剑叶宽度的QTL及其上位性效应和环境互作效应.结果发现,QTL除了具有自身的效应外,还可以参与上位性效应的形成,一个QTL可与多个QTL发生互作,可能起到诱发和修饰其他位点的作用.QTL与环境的互作效应以及上位性与环境的互作效应更多地被检测到,表明控制剑叶宽度的遗传因素易受环境影响.  相似文献   

本文系统地总结了国内外小麦品质性状QTL定位研究的主要性状、所用群体、标记类型、QTL定位所在的染色体位置及贡献率的大小,提出了小麦品质性状QTL定位中存在的问题,展望了小麦品质性状QTL定位的发展方向。  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) deficiency in the soil is one of the major abiotic stresses that limit plant growth and crop productivity throughout the world. Development of cultivars with improved P-deficiency tolerance is an efficient strategy for sustainable agriculture. Plant roots play an important role in crop growth and development, especially in nutrient uptake and improvement of P-efficiency. Mapping quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for root traits and their response to low P stress at seedling stage will facilitate the development of P-efficient wheat cultivars. In this study, 30 QTLs (LOD>2.0) were mapped for the three root traits, such as root length, root number and root dry matter under different P supply conditions and their response to P-stress. These QTLs were distributed on 14 chromosomes, with each of the 5 QTLs explaining more than 10% phenotype variance. Analyses showed that root traits and their response to P-deficiency were controlled by different QTLs. In addition, alleles with positive effects were separated on both parents, and wheat cultivars with improved P-efficiency could be developed by accumulating these positive effect alleles together.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) deficiency in the soil is one of the major abiotic stresses that limit plant growth and crop productivity throughout the world. Development of cultivars with improved P-deficiency tolerance is an efficient strategy for sustainable agriculture. Plant roots play an important role in crop growth and development, especially in nutrient uptake and improvement of P-efficiency. Mapping quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for root traits and their response to low P stress at seedling stage will facilitate the development of P-efficient wheat cultivars. In this study, 30 QTLs (LOD>2.0) were mapped for the three root traits, such as root length, root number and root dry matter under different P supply conditions and their response to P-stress. These QTLs were distributed on 14 chromosomes, with each of the 5 QTLs explaining more than 10% phenotype variance. Analyses showed that root traits and their response to P-deficiency were controlled by different QTLs. In addition, alleles with positive effects were separated on both parents, and wheat cultivars with improved P-efficiency could be developed by accumulating these positive effect alleles together.  相似文献   

Most of the important agronomic traits in crops,such as yield and quality,are complex traits affected by multiple genes with gene × gene interaction as well as gene × environment interaction.Understanding the genetic architecture of complex traits is a long-term task for quantitative geneticists and plant breeders who wish to design efficient breeding programs.Conventionally,the genetic properties of traits can be revealed by partitioning the total variation into variation components caused by specific genetic effects.With recent advances in molecular genotyping and high-throughput technology,the unraveling of the genetic architecture of complex traits by analyzing quantitative trait locus (QTL) has become possible.The improvement of complex traits has also been achieved by pyramiding individual QTL.In this review,we describe some statistical methods for QTL mapping that can be used to analyze QTL × QTL interaction and QTL × environment interaction,and discuss their applications in crop breeding for complex traits.  相似文献   

Quality traits in wheat (Triticum aestirum L.) were studied by quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis in a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population, a set of 131 lines derived from Chuan 35050 × Shannong 483 cross (ChSh). Grains from RILs were assayed for 21 quality traits related to protein and starch. A total of 35 putative QTLs for 19 traits with a single QTL explaining 7.99-40.52% of phenotypic variations were detected on 10 chromosomes, 1D, 2A, 2D, 3B, 3D, 5A, 6A, 6B, 6D, and 7B. The additive effects of 30 QTLs were positive, contributed by Chuan 35050, the remaining 5 QTLs were negative with the additive effect contributed by Shannong 483. For protein traits, 15 QTLs were obtained and most of them were located on chromosomes 1 D, 3B and 6D, while 20 QTLs for starch traits were detected and most of them were located on chromosomes 3D, 6B and 7B. Only 7 QTLs for protein and starch traits were co-located in three regions on chromosomes 1D, 2A and 2D. These protein and starch trait QTLs showed a distinct distribution pattern in certain regions and chromosomes. Twenty-two QTLs were clustered in 6 regions of 5 chromosomes. Two QTL clusters for protein traits were located on chromosomes 1D and 3B, respectively, three clusters for starch traits on chromosomes 3D, 6B and 7B, and one cluster including protein and starch traits on chromosome 1D.  相似文献   

Dissecting the architecture of a quantitative trait locus in yeast   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Most phenotypic diversity in natural populations is characterized by differences in degree rather than in kind. Identification of the actual genes underlying these quantitative traits has proved difficult. As a result, little is known about their genetic architecture. The failures are thought to be due to the different contributions of many underlying genes to the phenotype and the ability of different combinations of genes and environmental factors to produce similar phenotypes. This study combined genome-wide mapping and a new genetic technique named reciprocal-hemizygosity analysis to achieve the complete dissection of a quantitative trait locus (QTL) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A QTL architecture was uncovered that was more complex than expected. Functional linkages both in cis and in trans were found between three tightly linked quantitative trait genes that are neither necessary nor sufficient in isolation. This arrangement of alleles explains heterosis (hybrid vigour), the increased fitness of the heterozygote compared with homozygotes. It also demonstrates a deficiency in current approaches to QTL dissection with implications extending to traits in other organisms, including human genetic diseases.  相似文献   

Gompel N  Carroll SB 《Nature》2003,424(6951):931-935
Some morphological traits differ greatly between related species, but it is not clear whether diversity evolves through changes in the same genes and whether similar, independent (that is, convergent) changes occur by the same mechanism. Pigmentation in fruitflies presents an attractive opportunity to explore these issues because pigmentation patterns are diverse, similar patterns have arisen in independent clades, and numerous genes governing their formation have been identified in Drosophila melanogaster. Here we show that both evolutionary diversification and convergence can be due to evolution at the same locus, by comparing abdominal pigmentation and trichome patterns and the expression of Bric-à-brac2 (Bab2), which regulates both traits in D. melanogaster, in 13 species representing the major clades of the subfamily Drosophilinae. Modifications of Bab2 expression are frequently correlated with diverse pigmentation and trichome patterns that evolved independently in multiple lineages. In a few species, Bab2 expression is not correlated with changes in pigmentation but is correlated with a conserved pattern of trichomes, indicating that this locus can be circumvented to evolve new patterns when a correlated trait is under different constraints.  相似文献   

石河子地区播期对春小麦主要品质性状的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2005年采用3个不同基因型春小麦品种新春6号、新春13号和中作8131,研究了播期对春小麦主要品质性状的影响,结果表明播期对春小麦主要品质性状有一定的影响,其中湿面筋含量、粗蛋白含量、沉淀值以及SIG值随播期推迟呈现递增趋势,而膨胀势随播期推迟呈现下降趋势.播期对某些品质性状的影响因基因型不同而存在差异,这与其适宜播期不同有关。在该试验条件下,试验结果分析说明适期晚播可能会有利于湿面筋含量、粗蛋白含量及沉淀值的提高,但是会降低膨胀势,不利于淀粉品质的提高。  相似文献   

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