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Mineralogical alternation of thermally treated siderite in air atmosphere has been systematically analyzed by Mössbauer effects. It was preliminarily estimated from the area of subspectra that 4%, 39% and 62% of magnetite were formed at 410 °C, 490 °C and 510 °C respectively. After being incrementally heated at 530 °C the spectra consist of two sextets of Fe3O4. Sextet of γ-Fe2O3 with hyperfine field of 50T was observed at 550 °C. Spectra at 580 °C consisted of two sextets with hyperfine fields caused by γ-Fe2O3 and α-Fe2O3. Fe3O4 disappeared and the amount of γ-Fe2O3 decreased, while the quantity of α-Fe2O3 increased to 34% and 77% at 640 °C and 690 °C, respectively. During the early stage of decomposition and oxidation, FeO was probably produced but quickly oxidized to magnetite and unidentified in our experiment. These results, in good agreement with the X-ray diffraction analyses and microscopic observation, provide an interpretation to anomalous magnetic property changes of siderite-bearing rock samples.  相似文献   

对低温蓄冷低温送水中央空调系统中采用回风、新风、露点风混合调节到合适的温、湿度的混合空气送风方式进行了能耗实验测试,测试结果证明混合送风的方式有较好的节能效果.  相似文献   

 美国物理学家索利斯(David J.Thouless)、霍尔丹(F.Duncan M.Haldane)、科斯德里茨(J.Michael Kosterlitz)因“关于拓扑相变和物质拓扑相的理论发现”获得2016年度诺贝尔物理学奖。介绍了这3位诺贝尔物理学奖获得者的学术经历,并从拓扑与拓扑相变、量子霍尔效应中的拓扑、1维量子反铁磁与对称性保护的拓扑态等方面探析拓扑相变和物质拓扑相理论发现的科学意义。  相似文献   

In recent thirty years, with deep-going studies of the problems of regional environmental quality and global climate change, 210Pb has been found to have wide appli-cations in tracing the aquatic sedimentation, catchment’s erosion and the path of atmospheric transfer. 222Rn pro-duced from decay of the U-Ra series in surface rocks and soils diffuses in the atmosphere and continues to decay into 210Pb. This part of the 210Pb, due to separation from its parent 226Ra, is generally referred to a…  相似文献   

在温度为295K~80K范围内,应用穆斯堡尔效应方法,测量了Er2Fe17CxNy系稀土化合物Er2Fe17CN的穆斯堡尔谱.结果表明,用C,N原子掺杂渗入Er2Fe17化合物替换Er3+离子后形成的Er2Fe17CN化合物,影响了Er2Fe17化合物原来的自旋重定转换温度TC,并使自旋重定转换角度θ也发生了变化,出现了两个自旋重定转换温度TC1,TC2.TC1200K,TC280K.这说明稀土化合物Er2Fe17CN磁矩是突变的(一级相变).  相似文献   

We study the ground state entanglement in a three-qubit XY chain under the influence of a magnetization current. It is found that the ground state changes from a W state to a disentangled state as the magnetic field varies. When the Lagrange multiplier λ> , namely under a strong magnetic current, the ground state holds onto a W state for a large range of the magnetic field strength. A phase transition to the magnetization-current phase occurs under a certain condition.  相似文献   

We study the ground state entanglement in a three-qubit XY chain under the influence of a magnetization current. It is found that the ground state changes from a W state to a disentangled state as the magnetic field varies. When the Lagrange multiplier λ> , namely under a strong magnetic current, the ground state holds onto a W state for a large range of the magnetic field strength. A phase transition to the magnetization-current phase occurs under a certain condition.  相似文献   

在对空调系统中冷冻水泵变水量调节分析的基础上,阐述了水泵变频技术的节能原理、控制方法及其在中央空调系统中的应用,并对其节能效果进行了评价.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种局域氧有序的限制通渗模型,从理论上计算出了TBa2Cu3O6+x高温超导体临界温度Tc与氧含量之间的关系曲线,与实验曲线符合得非常好.并对Tc~x实验曲线上出现的"台阶"现象进行了分析.随着x的增加出现了两种结构相变:四方相到正交相、正交(Ⅰ)相到正交(Ⅱ)相的转变.这些转变有逾渗机制.  相似文献   

本实验研究了非驱动放电等离子体中趋向混沌的准周期道路。从实验信号的功率谱分析和Lyapunov指数计算定量地描述了准周期到混沌的转变。同时在这种等离子体混沌中还发现了低维奇怪吸引子。  相似文献   

提出了一种制备相变特性VO_2薄膜的简易方法.将制备好的金属钒薄膜置于440℃空气下氧化处理,获得相变温度为60℃的单斜VO_2薄膜,薄膜方块电阻值在60~85℃范围内变化量达2.2个数量级.X射线衍射分析(XRD)表明薄膜的主要成分为单斜相VO_2.探索了此工艺的一般性规律,分析高价态钒对薄膜相变的影响.  相似文献   

研究了固态发酵微生物蛋白质的提取、纯化条件以及压力脉动对固态发酵微生物蛋白质的影响,并初步探讨了压力脉动固态发酵的作用机理。结果表明在发酵后的酶曲中,加入Tris-HCl提取液,可得胞内蛋白质,FPA酶活与CMCase酶活回收率分别为83.6%与67%,纯化效果较好。从压力脉动外界周期刺激固态发酵干酶曲中提取的胞内蛋白质与从未加周期刺激的微生物中提取的相比,胞外蛋白质的质量、FPA酶活和CMCase酶活分别提高了17.75%、60.08%和21.17%。压力脉动固态发酵5d的微生物胞外蛋白质的酶活,与静态固态发酵6d的相当,发酵周期缩短。压力脉动外界周期刺激使蛋白质组分有所变化,减少了相对分子质量约为80400的组分,但增加了相对分子质量约为28520的组分。  相似文献   

李欢欢  袁春  黄绍文 《江西科学》2014,32(6):811-814
利用NCEP1°×1°资料和常规天气观测资料,对2010年12月15日新余市一次寒潮过程中暴雨转雪天气的环流背景、影响系统及其成因进行了分析。结果表明:1)500 h Pa横槽转竖,低层及地面的冷高压南移,使得冷空气侵入江南地区,是造成此次江南地区降温的主要原因;2)华南准静止锋的长期维持且坡度小、湿层和辐合区较薄且辐合强度较弱,导致本次降水的强度不大,但较长的持续时间使降水达到暴雨量级;3)寒潮带来的降温形成了降雪有利的温度条件,当测站上空整层温度均在0℃以下,925 h Pa温度≤-3℃,地面气温≤1℃时,降水将从雨转变为雪。  相似文献   

Local density functional is investigated using the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) method for YN in the hexagonal structure and the rocksalt structure and for hexagonal structures linking a layered hexagonal phase with wurtzite structure along a homogeneous strain transition path. It is found that the wurtzite YN is unstable and the layered hexagonal phase, labeled as ho, in which atoms are approximately fivefold coordinated, is metastable, and the rocksalt ScN is stable. The electronic structure, the physical properties of the intermediate structures and the energy band structure along the transition are presented. It is noticeable that the study of ScN provides an opportunity to apply this kind of material (in wurtzite[h]-derived phase).  相似文献   

This work presents an experimental and numerical investigation of premixed flame propagation in a hydrogen/air mixture in a closed combustion vessel. In the experiment, high-speed schlieren video photography and pressure sensor are used to examine the flame dynamics and pressure transient. In the numerical study, a large eddy simulation (LES) based on a RNG sub-grid approach and a LES combustion model is applied to reproduce experi- mental observations. The effects of four physical phenomena on the burning velocity are considered in the combustion model, and the impact of grid type on the combustion dynamics is examined in the LES calculations. The flame experiences four stages both in experiment and LES calculations with structured and unstructured grids, i.e., spherical flame, finger-shaped flame, flame with its skirt in contact with the sidewalls, and tulip-shaped flame. The flame speed and pressure in the vessel develop with periodical oscillations in both the experiment and LES simulations due to the interaction of flame front with pressure wave. The numerical simulations compare well with the detailed experimental measurements, especially in term of the flame shape and position, pressure build-up, and periodical oscillation behaviors. The LES combustion model is successfully validated against the bench-scale experiment. It is put into evidence that mesh type has an impact to a certain extent on the numerical combustion dynamics, and the LES calculation on structured grid canpredict the flame dynamics and pressure rise more accu- rately than that on unstructured grid with the same mesh resolution. The flame shape is more asymmetrical in the LES on an unstructured grid than that on a structured grid, and both the flame speed and the pressure rise at the later flame stage are underestimated in the LES on the unstructured grid.  相似文献   

The Beijing City Air Pollution Observation Field Experiment (BECAPEX) is described with emphases on the “point-surface” research approach and composite analysis. The analysis results of measurements from four observation sites across the Beijing urban area from January to March indicate that the overall impact of urban emission sources in the heating season is significant, and the staggered impact of urban emission sources has different features at observation sites over different parts of Beijing in both heating and non-heating seasons. The pollutants NOx, SO2 and CO in the urban boundary layer have the in-phase variation features over a large area. 03 concentrations at different sites have the same variation trend but its change is reversed phases with above pollutants. The pollutants over the urban area in heating and non-heating seasons also have the synchronous variation trend. The comprehensive sounding of BECAPEX indicates that pollutants and aerosol verticalprofiles are closely correlated to the vertical structure of the large-scale inversion layer in the urban boundary layer over the urban area. The localized 3D-structural features of local urban polluting processes associated with the peripheral areas are discussed with a “point-surface” comprehensive sounding technique.  相似文献   

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