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R Goursot  A Goze  B Niaudet  S D Ehrlich 《Nature》1982,298(5873):488-490
It is known that some plasmids, such as RP4, can replicate in many Gram-negative bacteria. Certain small Staphylococcus aureus plasmids have an even broader host range, being able to replicate in not only phylogenetically distant Gram-positive bacteria such as Bacillus subtilis or Streptococcus pneumoniae, but also in the Gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli. Here we have examined whether these plasmids can also replicate in a lower eukaryote, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. For this purpose we constructed hybrids between a S. aureus plasmid pC194 and an E. coli plasmid YIp5, which carries a ura-3 gene easy to select for in yeast but cannot replicate in this host. We found that the hybrids transformed yeast with high efficiency (as did hybrids between YIp5 and three other S. aureus plasmids); were maintained extrachromosomally in yeast; and were not modified during residence in yeast. We conclude from this evidence that S. aureus plasmids can replicate in yeast, which raises the questions of whether the replication signals used by prokaryotes and eukaryotes are similar, and how far up the phylogenetic tree the organisms still able to be hosts to S. aureus plasmids may be.  相似文献   

利用大肠杆菌质粒pUC18、pTG206和金黄色葡萄球菌质粒pC194在体外构建3个嵌合质粒pCC10、pCCT7和pST16.3个新质粒均是大肠杆菌和枯草杆菌的穿梭质粒。它们在大肠杆菌中呈Ap~rCm~r型,在枯草杆菌中则为Cm~rAp~5型。其中pCCT7和pST16含有xylE基因,可作为启动子探测质粒。所有的新质粒都具有来自pUC18的多酶克隆位点,适合于在大肠杆菌和枯草杆菌中重组外源DNA以及比较它们的表达情况。  相似文献   

目的:研究新型抗糖尿病药物exendin-4的分子作用机制,为exendin-4的大规模生产奠定基础.方法:采用重叠PCR法扩增出exendin-4的完整序列,并将其克隆至表达载体pET22b上,得到重组质粒pET-Exn4.重组质粒转化入大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中,经IPTG诱导表达后,超声破碎表达产物,Tricine-SDS-PAGE分析exendin-4表达.结果:PCR、酶切鉴定和测序结果证明成功构建了重组表达载体pET-Exn4,Tricine-SDS-PAGE结果表明ex-endin-4基因在大肠杆菌中获得了分泌表达.结论:成功构建了exendin-4的重组表达载体并在大肠杆菌中实现分泌表达.  相似文献   

在携带R100.1和pSO101质粒的Lc2640细胞中分离到重组质粒pXZ2712,该质粒对链霉素、氯化汞、磺胺和四环索有抗性。用仅带有Tn21两个末端的质粒pXZ2作为探针进行分子杂交,发现两者有同源性,说明质粒pXZ2712是由Tn21插入质粒pSC101所组成的。以pXZ2712质粒中分离到的带有链霉素抗性基因的片段,组建了带有抗链霉素基因的pXZ6(14.5kb)、pYP1(9.7kb)、pYP22(9.1kb)和pYP4(4.0kb)等质粒载体。  相似文献   

本实验以1株耐盐细菌My23(耐18%NaCl)作为研究对象,采用碱裂解法对其进行质粒提取,结果表明可以提取得大小2个不同质粒;改变常规提取方法中的部分环节,如加入STE清洗菌体的培养基成分,溶菌酶的使用,以及加入碱裂解液Ⅰ后静置20min,对该耐盐菌质粒的提取有较好的作用。经SDS法将小质粒消除后的菌株与野生型菌株的耐盐功能比较,发现提取出的小质粒与耐盐无关。将大肠杆菌DH5α制备成感受态细胞,将耐盐菌的质粒进行转化,结果进一步表明耐盐性状与质粒没有关系。  相似文献   

A A James  P T Morrison  R Kolodner 《Nature》1983,303(5914):256-259
Some plasmid DNAs, when maintained in wild-type Escherichia coli strains, form high levels of oligomeric species while others remain primarily monomers. One explanation of this observation is that the plasmids that do not form circular oligomers lack a DNA sequence necessary for the formation or maintenance of circular oligomeric species. Here we describe the isolation of segments of DNA from the E. coli genome and other sources that through a recA+ -dependent process: (1) stimulate the conversion of monomeric plasmids to different oligomeric forms, (2) stimulate the conversion of an oligomeric plasmid to a mixture of monomeric and different oligomeric forms, and (3) increase the frequency of recovery of figure-8 molecules. Both cis-acting and trans-acting elements were found. These elements seen to act by stimulating either the frequency of the recombination events that lead to the interconversion of different oligomeric plasmid DNA molecules or some process involved in the maintenance of newly-formed recombinant molecules.  相似文献   

将乙型肝炎表面抗原基因组装进穿梭质粒,经E.coli扩增、鉴定后转入酵母细胞得到了转化子。经放射免疫分析,在此转化子中HBsAg未得到表达,可能是阅读框架不一致造成的。此外,我们对酵母DNA重组技术进行了摸索,并简化和改进了一些步骤。  相似文献   

Beach D  Nurse P 《Nature》1981,290(5802):140-142
The fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, has been used extensively for genetic studies but until now it has not been utilized as a host organism for DNA cloning. Here we describe a method for high-frequency transformation fo a leu 1(-) strain of this yeast with hybrid plasmids containing the Saccharomyces cerevisiae LEu 2(+) gene, a bacterial plasmid and either the S. cerevisiae 2 μm plasmid or autonomously replicating sequences (ars)(1) derived from S. pombe DNA. Some of the plasmids contain unique restriction sites which make them suitable for the isolation of S. pombe genes, and they can also be used for the exchange of DNA between S. pombe and S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

利用RT PCR方法由人外周静脉血淋巴细胞中获得人p53 cDNA片段, 并将其克隆入原核表达载体pQE40中, 构建重组质粒pQE40-p53; 转化于E.coli M15宿主菌, 经IPTG诱导, 表达了N端融合6His的p53融合蛋白. 利用6His与Ni2+高亲合力结合的性质, 经镍柱纯化、 透析袋分级透析复性、 Western Blot鉴定, 结果表明获得了纯化的6His-p53融合蛋白.
  相似文献   

N Datta  V M Hughes 《Nature》1983,306(5943):616-617
Conjugative plasmids were common in enterobacteria isolated before the medical use of antibiotics. Plasmid F of Escherichia coli K-12 was one example and we identified others in over 20% of a collection of strains isolated between 1917 and 1954, the Murray collection. In the past 25 years, conjugative plasmids encoding antibiotic resistances have become common in bacteria of the same genera as those of the Murray Collection--Salmonella, Shigella, Klebsiella, Proteus, Escherichia. The present study was made to show whether the 'pre-antibiotic' plasmids belonged to the same groups, as defined by incompatibility tests (Inc groups), as modern R plasmids. Of 84 such plasmids established in E. coli K-12, none with antibiotic resistance determinants, 65 belonged to the same groups as present resistance (R) plasmids. Thus the remarkable way in which medically important bacteria have acquired antibiotic resistance in the past 25 years seems to have been by the insertion of new genes into existing plasmids rather than by the spread of previously rare plasmids.  相似文献   

两种策略实现1,3-丙二醇关键酶基因的共表达   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
甘油脱水酶(GDHt)和1,3-丙二醇氧化还原酶(PDOR)是甘油歧化为1,3-丙二醇(1,3-PD)的两个关键酶。采用多顺反子重组和质粒共存两种策略,对来自克雷伯肺炎杆菌(Klebsiela pneumoniae)的两个关键酶进行共表达。构建表达载体pET-28a-dhaB1B2B3-dhaT将两酶基因dhaB1B2B3和dhaT用SD序列相隔,在E.coli BL21(DE3)高水平共表达了GDHt 3个亚基和PDOR,表达蛋白分别约占菌体总蛋白的18%、9%、7%和9%。质粒pET-28a-dhaB1B2B3和pET-22b-dhaT共转化E.coli BL21(DE3)得到稳定的双质粒系统,48h后84%的细胞能同时含有两种质粒,GDHt 3亚基和PDOR分别约占菌体总蛋白的16%、8%、6%和14%。两种酶在两种表达方法下均显示高于原始菌株的酶活力。  相似文献   

设计并构建了三种起始密码子ATG上下游不同序列的人GM-CSF原核表达质粒,对其核苷酸序列进行分析验证后,使它们分别在大肠杆菌中表达了人GM-CSF.结果表明:pLGM3对GM-CSF的表达量比pLGM1高约6倍,比pLGM2高约3倍.  相似文献   

Identification of mutations affecting replication control of plasmid Clo DF13   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
A R Stuitje  C E Spelt  E Veltkamp  H J Nijkamp 《Nature》1981,290(5803):264-267

利用增强子样DNA片段提高几丁酶基因的表达   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将来源于环状芽孢杆菌(Bacillus cirulans)C-2中增强子样DNA片段插入质粒pCHT1的几丁酶基因5’-端,构建成重组质粒pCHTX^ 和pCHTX^-。将含pCHT1,pCHTX^ 和pCHTX^-质粒的大肠杆菌转化子分别点种在几丁质平板上,不同菌株产生了不同大小的水解圈。利用比色法测定不同菌种的几丁酶活性发现,在大肠杆菌中,该片段的插入可促进几丁酶基因的表达,而在枯草杆菌中则没有明显的增强作用。  相似文献   

PheAB基因在棒状杆菌染色体上的整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改造大肠杆菌质粒pLCX31,切除其中的xylE基因得到大肠杆菌质粒pJL01.将源于大肠杆菌分枝酸变位酶-预苯酸脱水酶基因2.3kb BamHI片段克隆到大肠杆菌质粒pJL01中启动子P32的下降,构建成质粒pJL02。再在pJL02的HindⅢ位点接入棒状杆菌染色体的HindⅢ消化的随机片段,构建成带不同棒状杆菌染色体片段而不带棒状杆菌自主复制顺序的棒状杆菌整合质粒pJL03。  相似文献   

为大量获取人胰高血糖素样肽-1,利用基因串联的方法构建了人胰高血糖素样肽-1的一组串联体.将化学合成的人胰高血糖素样肽-1(human glucagon like peptide-1, hGLP-1)cDNA基因插入质粒载体pET-32a(+)中,构建成硫氧还蛋白(thioredoxin)及六聚组氨酸(hexahistidine)与rhGLP-1的融合表达载体pET32-GLP-1.在此基础上将该融合基因序列进行同向串联,获得二串和三串的表达载体pET32-GLP-1-2 和pET32-GLP-1-3.将该三种表达载体转化大肠杆菌BLR(DE3)后获得相应的基因工程菌.结果表明:三种基因工程菌经发酵和IPTG诱导后均正确表达目的蛋白,目的蛋白表达量随着基因串数的增加而得到一定提高,重组蛋白经分离纯化后进行生物学活性测试具有明显的降低血糖浓度作用.  相似文献   

构建抑制人DLK1基因表达的重组腺病毒载体,利用腺病毒载体介导的RNA干扰技术评价其在肝癌细胞株中的基因沉默效应.将针对人DLK1基因的RNAi寡核苷酸序列,连接到腺病毒穿梭质粒中,在含有腺病毒骨架质粒pAdEasy-1的大肠杆菌BJ5183内进行同源重组.重组腺病毒载体在HEK-293细胞中包装扩增,得到高滴度的重组腺病毒.通过绿色荧光蛋白示踪腺病毒的感染效果,并通过荧光实时RT-PCR,western blot的方法证实重组腺病毒能够显著抑制DLK1基因在肝癌细胞株中的表达.  相似文献   

为解决胞苷生物合成途径中天冬氨酸氨甲酰转移酶受胞苷三磷酸反馈抑制调节的问题,通过对其碱基序列和蛋白质结构分析,利用基因定点突变的方法构建了大肠杆菌的ATCase突变酶,得到三个突变体:M1(H20L)、M2(K60E)、M3(K94E),并在E.coli DH5α中对融合蛋白进行了表达.酶活测定表明,M1、M2、M3的ATCase酶相对活性都比野生型M0的高,分别为野生型M0的1.10、1.22和1.37倍,且比活力都有不同程度提高.与含野生型pyrBI基因的M0相比,含突变型基因的M1、M2和M3均对15,mmol/L的CTP具有强的抗反馈抑制作用,且M1、M2和M3的抗CTP反馈抑制作用分别是M0的5.4、6.0和8.5倍.最后将各突变质粒转入到E.coli Cyt10(Δcdd)中进行发酵培养,结果表明,与未含突变基因菌株相比,各含突变基因菌株的胞苷积累量均有不同程度的提高,说明ATCase定点突变使胞苷的合成积累途径得到了不同程度的强化.  相似文献   

CpG DNA is DNA sequence that has immune stimulatory effects. Several lines of investigation over the past few years indicate that CpG DNA plays an important role in the induction of immune responses to DNA vaccines. In this study, CpG DNA-containing synthetic oligodeoxynucleotide (CpG-ODN) was cloned into the eukaryotic expression plasmid encoding a fusion protein containing b- galactosidase from E. coli and immunogenic epitopes of foot- and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) type O, and the immune responses induced by the plasmid were assayed. The results showed that guinea pigs immunized with the recombinant plasmid containing CpG-ODN generated a higher level of FMDV-neutralizing antibody and a stronger T cell proliferative response and protection against viral challenge than those receiving the plasmid containing no CpG-ODN. Our study demonstrated that it is an effective route to enhance the efficacy of DNA vaccines by inserting exogenous CpG DNA into the plasmids, and the DNA vaccine developed here is a promising candidate to prevent FMDV infection.  相似文献   

报道了利用tyrB与aspA串联表达来合成苯丙氨酸.首先将抄当与aspA串联在质粒pBV221上,构成串联表达质粒pBV-tyrB-aspA;然后将该重组质粒转化到E.coli K36菌株中表达.对基因编码的相关酶活性以及工程菌利用FA和PPA生成Phe进行研究,结果表明:利用AspA和TyrB的偶联反应可以有效的提高E.coli K36合成L-苯丙氨酸的能力.  相似文献   

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