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The basic ideas of game theory were originated from the problems of maximum and minimum given by J. von Neumann in 1928. Later, wars accelerated the study of game theory, there are many developments that contributed to the advancement of game theory, many problems of optimum appeared in economic development process. Scientists applied mathematic methods to studying game theory to make the theory more profound and perfect. The axiomatic structure of game theory was nearly complete in 1944. The path of the development of game theory started from finite to infinite, from two players to many players, from expressing gains with quantity to showing the ending of game theory with abstract result, and from certainty problems to random problems, Thus development of game theory is closely related to the economic development. In recent years, the research on the non-differentiability of Shapley value posed by Belgian Mertens is one of the advanced studies in game theory.  相似文献   

Through using game theory,a game model of lendingand borrowing money between banks and individuals isestablished to explain how the risks come into being and are transferred in the dynamic point of view.Some sug-gestions about how to avoid the risks are proposed.  相似文献   

From the viewpoint of game theory, this paper proposes a model that combines QoS index with price factor in overlay access networks, and uses the multinomial logit (MNL) to model the choice behaviour of users. Each service class is considered an independent and competitive entity offered by each provider, which aims at maximizing its own utility. Based on noncooperative game, we prove the existence and uniqueness of equilibriums between QoS levels and prices among various service classes, and demonstrate the properties of equilibriums. Finally, these results are verified via ntunerieal analysis.  相似文献   

One of the remarkable characteristics of the current development of China's national economy is the increase of uncertainties,which makes the traditional method more and more unsuitable for the current economic development in the real estate investment process.Based on the option game theory,the investment decision making of real estate is analyzed here,the investment optimization mathematic model established,and Nash Equilibrium discussed.Through case studies,we analyze the application of game option in the real estate,which is put under symmetrical duopoly.The conclusions will contribute to both the theory on and practice of the present investment in the real estate enterprise.  相似文献   

One of the remarkable characteristics of the current development of China's national economy is the increase of uncertainties, which makes the traditional method more and more unsuitable for the current economic development in the real estate investment process. Based on the option game theory, the investment decision making of real estate is analyzed here, the investment optimization mathematic model established, and Nash Equilibrium discussed. Through case studies, we analyze the application of game option in the real estate, which is put under symmetrical duopoly. The conclusions will contribute to both the theory on and practice of the present investment in the real estate enterprise.  相似文献   

Hardin’s "The Tragedy of the Commons" prophesies the inescapable collapse of many human enterprises.The emergence and abundance of cooperation in animal and human societies is a challenging puzzle to evolutionary theory.In this work,we introduce a new decision-making criterion into a voluntary public goods game with incomplete information and choose successful strategies according to previous payoffs for a certain strategy as well as the risk-averse benefit.We find that the interest rate of the common pool and the magnitude of memory have crucial effects on the average welfare of the population.The appropriate sense of individuals’ innovation also substantially influences the equilibrium strategies distribution in the long run.  相似文献   

In order to make full use of wireless spectrum resources,the behavior of cognitive radio (CR)for dynamic spectrum allocation is analyzed based on the game theoretic framework.The traditional spectrum allocation schemes consider the spectrum allocation among independent frequency bands only,without taking into account mutually overlapped frequency bands.For this reason,an optimal allocation etiquette is defined to promote the cross characteristic of the frequency bands in a dynamic spectrum allocation model.New interference operator and interference temperature constraints are introduced in order to realize calculation of the interference,and the corresponding spectrum allocation scenario can be further formulated as a potential game.Based on the characteristic of dynamic selection using the game theory and the interference avoidance rule of interference temperature,the robustness of CR networks is increased and the scenario is more suitable for the dynamic changing of actual wireless communication and energy saving communication systems.Simulation results show that the signal to interference and noise ratio (SINR) level can be significantly improved through the optimal allocation of any available spectrum.The utilization rate of spectrum and throughput of overall CR networks are increased by fully utilizing the spectrum resources in the dynamic spectrum allocation model.  相似文献   

The availability of a good viewpoint space partition is crucial in three dimensional(3-D)object recognition on the approach of aspect graph.There are two important events,depicted by the aspect graph approach, edge-edge-edge(EEE)events and edge-vertex(EV)events.This paper presents an algorithm to compute EEE events by characteristic analysis based on conicoid theory,in contrast to current algorithms that focus too much on EV events and often overlook the importance of EEE events.Also,the paper provides a...  相似文献   

and buyer in the outsourcing.In this paper,the theory of repeated games is employed to discuss the quality for supplier and buyer under the different circumstances and the game model is set up.It's demonstrated  相似文献   

Within the scope of dual distribution channel(DDC)modes—MET-C and M-TE-C,a game model designed for channel members was proposed.Based on this game model,the game equilibrium under both centralized and decentralized decisionmaking situations was analyzed,the channel members' and overall revenues of two modes under the same decision-making situation are compared,and the influence of demand shift coefficient to the overall and members' revenue was also studied through example analysis.Based on the comparison and analysis of the revenue yielded from the two DDC modes,it's discovered that within a certain hypothetical range,the M-TE-C mode seems to be a better option for the manufacturer than the MET-C mode.Therefore,this discovery can be served as a theoretical reference for manufacturers when choosing the optimal DDC mode in real life.  相似文献   

双矩阵博弈中的一个著名定理——完美均衡等价于非劣纳什均衡的证明依赖于van Damme给出的一个引理.有研究者认为,Damme引理的充分条件并不成立,其结果将导致定理有可能不成立.经过认真研究,得出的结论是,认为Damme引理不成立的理由并不充分,而是忽略掉了一个重要条件导致的结果,并对此进行了说明,并给出了Damme引理的一个严格证明.  相似文献   

在双矩阵博弈中完美平衡点是非劣的.Eric van Damme提出这些非劣的点满足一个引理,但这个引理在证明过程中的充分性不成立,在实例中也表明了引理的结论不正确.  相似文献   

针对企业集团化过程中的不足,提出了将博弈论应用于企业集团组建的全过程的观点;结合现代管理理论和产业组织理论,系统分析了集团化过程中的现实问题,建立了3种博弈模型即吸纳成员企业的重复谈判博弈模型、整合阶段的博弈模型和收益分配的合作博弈模型,能为企业联合提供决策支持.  相似文献   

政治博弈论应用博弈论的分析方法研究政治互动中理性主体如何做出战略选择的过程。政治博弈论的研究在我国还处于起步阶段。从政治博弈论的基本概念与假设出发,介绍其研究的基本内容、国内外研究状况以及存在的问题与发展前景,将引出许多有价值的研究课题,势必拓展政治博弈论的研究深度与广度。  相似文献   

在合成博弈的基础上,提出了竞争博弈及竞争博弈转移量的概念,给出了竞争博弈转移量及稳定集的判定定理.通过例子说明了竞争博弈与合成博弈的区别:竞争博弈使两个不同的博弈变成一个博弈,合成博弈使两个不同的博弈保持各自的独立性;竞争博弈的转移量从联盟外部获得,合成博弈的转移量从联盟内部获得.从理论上,竞争博弈丰富了博弈论的内容;从应用上,竞争博弈与合成博弈基本上涵盖了战略联盟之间兼并与重组的各种类型,使得博弈论关于联盟之间再联盟的模型更趋完善.  相似文献   

运用博弈论方法和贝叶斯原理,将不完全信息动态博弈方法应用于智能决策支持系统,为如何将博弈论与决策支持系统相结合提供了一种崭新的思路。  相似文献   

多目标Nash协商对策理论及应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对于具有非结盟合作对策特征的多人多目标决策问题,本文首先讨论了 Nash协商对策理论的推广结果——多目标Nash 协商对策理论.它是基于多属性效用理论与对策论的有机结合.在模型中引入了多目标的描述.它的解除了保持原 Nash协商对策解的所有性质之外.还具有多目标决策非劣解意义下的合理性.建立了城乡经济协调发展投资决策分析的多目标Nash 协商对策模型和相应的人机交互式决策分析系统.通过人机交互介面,决策者设定有关情景和参数.系统自动识别,同时生成相应协商对策模型并求解,这种交互过程可一直进行到决策者满意为止.  相似文献   

将简约对策模型和模糊简约模型进行了拓展,加入重复模糊对策理论,构建了重复模糊简约合作对策模型并研究了其核心的公理化特征.  相似文献   

进化博弈论是把博弈理论分析和动态演化过程分析结合起来的一种理论,基于进化博弈论分析一个监察博弈模型,通过复制动态方程的动态趋势及稳定性分析及基于雅可比矩阵的局部稳定分析法对监察博弈模型进行讨论,分析结果表明,该监察博弈模型的委托人和代理人在委托代理过程中行为策略的自发演化过程的所有均衡点都是鞍点,没有进化稳定策略。  相似文献   

合作博弈理论研究已经涉及经济学多个领域,成为经济研究的重要组成部分。对合作与非完全合作博弈理论的演进阶段、基本问题、博弈的策略与解等方面的研究进行综述。并建议以合作博弈的思想解析中国所面临的国内外合作问题,完善相应的合作策略,化解相应的冲突与磨擦,以利于构建和谐社会与和谐世界,促进中国经济的稳定发展。  相似文献   

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