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利用气候系统模式(CESM1.0)研究陆地地形改变对大气?海洋经圈环流的影响。模式首先给出真实海陆分布及陆地地形情况下的大气?海洋气候态, 然后给出平板陆地情况下(陆地海拔均匀10 m)的气候态。与真实世界相比, 平板陆地情形下大气?海洋经圈环流发生重大改变: 首先, 年平均大气对流中心南移到赤道附近, 使得大气哈德雷环流相对于赤道对称; 其次, 海洋的经向翻转流变强, 大西洋经向翻转流完全消失, 取而代之的是在太平洋出现强大的经向翻转流及热盐环流。在平板陆地情形下, 北半球中高纬度大气抬升减弱, 向北的大气热量输送减少, 北半球温度降低, 大气对流中心因而向赤道迁移; 同时, 海洋向极地的热量输送也减弱, 中高纬度海洋变冷, 北太平洋海水密度增加很多, 北大西洋海水密度降低, 导致海洋经向翻转流从大西洋转移到太平洋。  相似文献   

利用1993—2008年法国空间局的AVISO多卫星融合高度计资料,采用随机动态、EOF等方法分析全球海平面变化的长期趋势、变化幅度以及季节变化的空间分布特征.结果表明:(a)1993—2008年间太平洋海平面呈西升东降的形态,印度洋绝大部分海区海平面呈上升趋势,大西洋除湾流流域外的其他海区海平面的长期趋势以上升为主;(b)全球海平面变化存在显著的年变化和半年变化等季节信号,无论是半球平均还是洋盆平均,北半球海平面季节变化的振幅明显大于南半球,中纬度海区季节变化的振幅最大;(c)北印度洋海平面季节变化的振幅高于同纬度带的北太平洋和北大西洋;(d)太平洋、印度洋、大西洋三大洋受西边界流、赤道流系等强流影响的海域海平面变化幅度大于周围海域;(e)赤道海域各大洋东、西边界和大洋内区海平面变化不同步,可能受赤道海洋波动的影响较大;(f)厄尔尼诺年,西太平洋暖池和赤道太平洋中部海平面明显降低,赤道东太平洋海域海平面明显升高,赤道印度洋海域东、西边界的海平面变化与其相反.  相似文献   

利用一个完全耦合的海气模式, 通过对比分析两组试验中海表温度、盐度、风应力等气候态变化特征以及ENSO强度和频率的变化, 研究热带太平洋气候平均态及年际变率对热盐环流减弱的响应。在北大西洋高纬地区注入1 Sv淡水后, 大西洋经向翻转流(AMOC)减弱约90%, 这直接导致向北的经向热量输送减少, 使北大西洋有明显降温, 南大西洋略有升温。这些变化会经过大气和海洋的远程传播以及局地海气反馈作用, 影响热带太平洋气候平均态: 赤道东西太平洋的SST都略有增温, 但纬向温度梯度和纬向风应力并没有太大变化, 赤道太平洋温跃层的深度和倾斜度也基本保持不变。相应地, ENSO强度和频率也没有明显变化。由此得出结论: 热盐环流减弱会引起全球气候平均态的变化, 但对热带太平洋的年际变率没有太大影响。  相似文献   

大气对流层顶热量收支变化的时空结构研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 利用1948~2006年NCEP/NCAR的温度场、风场和对流层顶气压场的逐日资料,对全球对流层顶热量收支及其方差进行了计算.通过对计算结果的分析发现:①南北两半球对流层顶断裂区附近以及青藏高原是对流层顶热量收支变化的显著区域,南半球纬向平均加热率随纬度的波动比北半球剧烈;②赤道附近对流层顶的热量收支处于相对的准平衡态,而加热率突变性最强的区域位于海陆交界的洋面上空;③全球对流层顶的平均热量收支是处于大气冷却为主的热力学状态结构中,而且平均加热强度的主要年代际演变呈现出整体降低的趋势,年际变化则具有显著的QBO现象;④南北半球对流层顶正负加热率存在着随季节变化的空间波列结构,夏季加热率的经向梯度较弱,而冬季经向梯度增强并具有多样性;⑤对流层顶断裂带所在区域为加热率方差常年显著的带状区域,方差的高值带随着季节的转换存在着南北向的移动和东西向的伸缩现象,冬季是对流层顶空间热量收支变化最活跃的季节.  相似文献   

利用完全耦合的气候模式(FOAM), 通过两组理想的水球试验, 研究水球气候系统中的平均气候态和经向热量输送。两组水球试验分别是Aqua和Ridge, 前者整个星球完全被水覆盖, 没有任何陆地, 后者与前者的唯一区别是从南极到北极有一道连续的地脊。相比于现实世界, 水球世界的气候更加温暖, 极地几乎没有海冰。北半球的经向温度梯度较现实世界弱, 导致北半球的大气经向热量输送较小。这些差别主要来源于海陆分布改变造成的行星反照率的改变, 而云量的增加部分抵消了这种改变。尽管在两个水球试验中海洋环流和平均温度场差别很大, 但大气平均气候态差别不大。不同于Ridge, 在Aqua中赤道区域出现“反”哈德雷环流, 使得低纬度大气向赤道方向输送热量。尽管水球世界的海洋环流与现实世界相比发生了巨大改变, 但总的经向热量输送及其在大气和海洋之间的分配依然保持稳定。中小尺度的涡旋和扩散引起的经向热量输送部分抵消了大尺度环流引起的经向热量输送, 尤其在中纬度起着重要作用。  相似文献   

太平洋海表面温度季节内振荡特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了研究太平洋海表面温度季节内振荡的特征,利用NOAA(national oceanic and atmospheric ad-ministration)周平均SST资料,采用谐波方法重构了太平洋海表面温度季节内振荡信号,针对不同海域,用小波分析等方法,揭示了SST季节内振荡的空间、频谱、季节性和传播特征.结果表明:海表面温度季节内振荡在黑潮区、黑潮续流区和赤道东太平洋较活跃,在赤道东西太平洋有相对重要的地位;在北太平洋谱特征均为单峰结构,在赤道东西太平洋呈双峰结构.不同海域海表面温度季节内振荡的活跃期分别为:北太平洋夏秋季,赤道东太平洋春和秋季,热带西太平洋活跃期较分散;在北太平洋以缓慢东传为主,在赤道东太平洋以西传为主,在热带西太平洋无明显传播.  相似文献   

通过资料分析,探究了东太平洋开始型(EP-onset)和中太平洋开始型(CP-onset)厄尔尼诺发生发展过程中赤道太平洋次表层海温异常(SOTA)的变化情况及其对风场的响应,并将两者进行对比,结果发现:EP-onset型的赤道西太平洋暖池SOTA与赤道中东太平洋的海表温度异常(SSTA)有很好的负相关性,而CP-onset型在爆发前的暖池SOTA与赤道中东太平洋SSTA没有显著相关性.EP-onset型在爆发前,赤道西太平洋暖池区域有较显著的暖水积聚,且其积聚时间较长,强度较强,位置偏西,其发生发展伴随着非常显著的SOTA冷暖循环;而CP-onset型的发生发展没有显著的循环特征,看上去更多是独立事件.分析还表明:EP-onset型和CP-onset型厄尔尼诺在SSTA模态、风应力分布及温跃层结构等方面存在差异.EP-onset型在爆发前,赤道中西太平洋会出现大范围的东风异常,这种东风异常通过密度流、温跃层反馈及海气耦合等机制对其爆发起到关键作用;而CP-onset型在爆发前,赤道地区风异常较小,赤道外尤其是热带中太平洋的西南风异常却较强劲,通过Ekman输送及海气耦合作用等机制对其爆发起到关键作用.  相似文献   

利用1979-2021年全球海表面温度(SST)、气象再分析资料等数据,探讨冬季Hadley环流(HC)的变率及其与热带SST异常的关系,研究其对中国同期降水量和气温的影响.结果表明, HC的EOF1模态(46.2%)是上升支在10°S左右的主体位于北半球的非对称模态,包含年代际和年际变率.年代际变率与印度洋(20°S~20°N, 50°~90°E)SST南北不均匀增暖趋势有关(南半球大于北半球);年际变率与El Ni?o事件下印度洋(10°S~10°N, 50°~90°E)异常SST经向梯度沿正方向为0的位置出现在南半球有关. EOF2模态(16.7%)是关于赤道对称模态,仅体现年际变率,与El Ni?o事件下热带东太平洋(180°E~90°W)异常对称的经向热力结构有关.两个主模态与中国同期降水量和气温均呈正相关.在EOF1(EOF2)模态影响下,中国东南沿海地区(南方地区东南部)降水偏多,与110°~120°E异常反环流有关. EOF1模态下,中国西北-中部地区存在气温正...  相似文献   

中尺度涡在影响海洋物质和能量的输送以及生物、化学过程方面都发挥重要作用.利用27年(1993—2019年)的AVISO卫星高度计数据集,基于闭合等值线法对西北太平洋及其邻近边缘海(10°~30°N, 115°~155°E)中尺度涡进行识别追踪,并着重讨论了生命周期大于4周的涡旋特征.涡旋在15°~25°N纬度带产生频率较高,多数涡旋向西传播,并在研究区域西侧与黑潮相互作用后消失于吕宋岛和台湾岛以东海域.随着纬度的增加,涡旋半径急剧减小,振幅则不断增大;而17°~22°N纬度带是涡动能高值区,在吕宋海峡东部最为明显.涡旋参数表现出明显的季节和年际变化特征,涡旋产生数在春、冬季较多,夏、秋季较少;涡动能则在春季较高,冬季较低.涡动能的年际变化明显受厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)调制作用,相位滞后1个月呈显著正相关.不稳定性分析结果表明,副热带逆流和北赤道流垂向剪切的斜压不稳定性是涡旋产生的主要机制,在春季这一效应达最大.  相似文献   

亚澳季风区的水汽输送特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用1950-2004年NCAR/NCEP再分析资料计算得到逐日垂直积分水汽输送通量矢量Q,然后进行月平均处理,分析了亚澳季风区的水汽输送特征。结果表明,北半球冬季,亚洲季风区低纬地区为东北风水汽输送,它经过赤道偏转为西北风水汽输送,将水汽输送到澳大利亚季风区和低纬南印度洋。北半球夏季,澳大利亚季风区和低纬南印度洋为东南风水汽输送,它经过赤道偏转为西南风水汽输送,将水汽输送到亚洲季风区。夏季的水汽输送要比冬季强盛得多。无论是冬季还是夏季,赤道上存在两个显著的水汽经向输送大值区,分别在35°-65°E和100°-135°E。冬季100°-135°E的平均值稍强;夏季35°-65°E的平均值远大于100°-135°E的水汽输送值,这说明夏季索马里越赤道气流在亚、澳季风区之间的水汽交换中占主要地位。两支越赤道水汽输送是相互独立的。每支越赤道水汽输送本身在冬、夏季存在显著负相关,当冬季从亚洲季风区向澳大利亚季风区和低纬南印度洋的水汽输送偏强时,接下来的夏季,从澳大利亚季风区和低纬南印度洋向亚洲季风区的水汽输送也偏强;反之亦然。  相似文献   

利用耦合的气候模式CESM, 定量研究青藏高原对全球大气温度和水汽分布的影响。通过对比采用真实地形的参考实验(Real)和去掉青藏高原的敏感性实验(NoTibet)发现, 去掉青藏高原会使北半球大气变冷、变干, 对南半球的影响不明显。北半球中高纬度从地表至平流层均有强烈降温, 地表的降温中心在北大西洋, 年平均降温幅度达5ºC, 高空的降温中心在100 hPa的平流层, 年平均降温幅度达2ºC。北大西洋和南亚地区湿度减少, 南大西洋和东非地区湿度增加。北半球变冷主要是海洋向北经向热量输送减少的结果, 一方面增强了北半球的经向温度梯度, 导致Hadley环流增强, 加强了中低纬地区向北的大气热量输送, 部分补偿了海洋向北减少的热量输送, 维持了北半球中低纬度的能量平衡; 另一方面, 使得北半球中高纬度蒸发作用减弱, 大气中水汽含量减少, 北半球变得寒冷干燥。初步的研究表明, 青藏高原对北半球气候有重大影响, 影响范围可达北半球高纬度地区。  相似文献   

Cane MA  Molnar P 《Nature》2001,411(6834):157-162
Global climate change around 3-4 Myr ago is thought to have influenced the evolution of hominids, via the aridification of Africa, and may have been the precursor to Pleistocene glaciation about 2.75 Myr ago. Most explanations of these climatic events involve changes in circulation of the North Atlantic Ocean due to the closing of the Isthmus of Panama. Here we suggest, instead, that closure of the Indonesian seaway 3-4 Myr ago could be responsible for these climate changes, in particular the aridification of Africa. We use simple theory and results from an ocean circulation model to show that the northward displacement of New Guinea, about 5 Myr ago, may have switched the source of flow through Indonesia-from warm South Pacific to relatively cold North Pacific waters. This would have decreased sea surface temperatures in the Indian Ocean, leading to reduced rainfall over eastern Africa. We further suggest that the changes in the equatorial Pacific may have reduced atmospheric heat transport from the tropics to higher latitudes, stimulating global cooling and the eventual growth of ice sheets.  相似文献   

Response of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation (THC) to global warming is examined by using the climate system model developed at IAP/LASG. The evidence indicates that the gradually warming climate associated with the increased atmospheric carbon dioxide leads to a warmer and fresher sea surface water at the high latitudes of the North Atlantic Ocean, which prevents the down-welling of the surface water. The succedent reduction of the pole-toequator meridional potential density gradient finally results in the decrease of the THC in intensity. When the atmospheric carbon dioxide is doubled, the maximum value of the Atlantic THC decreases approximately by 8%. The associated poleward oceanic heat transport also becomes weaker. This kind of THC weakening centralizes mainly in the northern part of the North Atlantic basin, indicating briefly a local scale adjustment rather than a loop oscillation with the whole Atlantic “conveyor belt” decelerating.  相似文献   

The pathway of the interdecadal variability in the Pacific Ocean   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
Cases of the interdecadal variability in the Pacific Ocean and their evolution were examined in the paper with the statistic methods (CEOF and composite analysis) over the period of 1950–1993. Observations of oceanic temperatures in the upper 400 m revealed an obvious region of the interdecadal signals in the central North Pacific. Such signals propagated southwestward, then subducted to the subtropics. The hypothesized link for interdecadal oceanic variability between the subtropics and the tropics, especially with the western tropical Pacific was unraveled in order to detect the cause of decadal signals in the tropics. The thermal anomalies subducted in the central North Pacific east to the dateline only reach 18°N. There has been no further southward propagation since then due to a certain barrier. The origin of the interdecadal signals in the western tropical Pacific was traced to the southern tropical Pacific. There is a meridional pathway around the dateline where the signals were loaded. These variabilities were in the nature of the thermocline circulation.  相似文献   

Indonesian Throughflow in an eddy-permitting oceanic GCM   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An eddy-permitting quasi-global oceanic GCM was driven by wind stresses from reanalysis data for the period of 1958-2001 to get the time series of the upper circulation in the Indonesian Sea. The model represents a reasonable pathway of Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) with Makassar Strait making the major passage transfer the North Pacific water southward. The simulated annual mean ITF transport is 14.5 Sv, with 13.2 Sv in the upper 700 m. Annual cycle is the dominant signal for the seasonal climatology of the upper layer transport. Both the annual mean and seasonal cycle agree well with the observation. The overall correlation between the interannual anomaly of the ITF transport and Nino 3.4 index reaches -0.65 in the simulation,which indicates that ENSO-related interannual variability in the Pacific is dominant in controlling the ITF transport. The relationship between the interannual anomalies of ITF and sea surface temperature in the Pacific, the Indian Ocean is not fixed in the simulation. In 1994, for instance, the intensive Indian Ocean sea surface temperature anomaly plays a dominant role in the formation of an impressive large transport of ITF.  相似文献   

利用美国国家环境预报中心(National Centers for Environmental Prediction,NCEP)/美国国家大气研究中心(National Center for Atmospheric Research,NCAR)再分析资料,采用判定和追踪反气旋的客观方法统计分析了1948~2016年北半球冬季温带反气旋活动特征。研究发现,北半球温带反气旋主要活动在中东部的北太平洋、东北大西洋、北美的沿落基山脉东部和美国东部、欧亚的环地中海、伊朗高原、青藏高原以北且贝加尔湖以南地区。海洋上、北美洲和环地中海地区上的反气旋夏季频数最高,而伊朗高原、青藏高原以北且贝湖以南的反气旋均冬季最多。海洋上的反气旋生成区域分布较分散,且主要向偏东方向移动、发展,且具有季节变化。相比于海洋,大陆上反气旋生成的纬度较低,主要向东南方移动、发展。北美大陆上的反气旋夏季生成的较多,冬季移动范围较广。北半球反气旋年平均过程数呈缓慢上升趋势。夏季过程数最多,且从1970年开始呈上升趋势。欧亚地区的反气旋过程数最多,其次太平洋,大西洋最少,但是同一个区域的四季相差较小。反气旋的中心气压大值区的形态和高频区的分布形态相似,且中心气压有明显的季节变化。四季中冬季反气旋最强。秋冬季节是欧亚地区的反气旋最强,大西洋的最弱。春夏季大西洋的反气旋最强,欧亚地区的最弱。四季均是欧亚地区的反气旋的平均纬度较低,且冬季最低。北美地区的反气旋除秋季均是移动纬度范围最大的。反气旋数随生命史的变长而急剧下降,90%左右的反气旋的生命史在4 d内,四季均是大洋上的反气旋生命史较大陆上的长。  相似文献   

Reversed flow of Atlantic deep water during the Last Glacial Maximum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The meridional overturning circulation (MOC) of the Atlantic Ocean is considered to be one of the most important components of the climate system. This is because its warm surface currents, such as the Gulf Stream, redistribute huge amounts of energy from tropical to high latitudes and influence regional weather and climate patterns, whereas its lower limb ventilates the deep ocean and affects the storage of carbon in the abyss, away from the atmosphere. Despite its significance for future climate, the operation of the MOC under contrasting climates of the past remains controversial. Nutrient-based proxies and recent model simulations indicate that during the Last Glacial Maximum the convective activity in the North Atlantic Ocean was much weaker than at present. In contrast, rate-sensitive radiogenic (231)Pa/(230)Th isotope ratios from the North Atlantic have been interpreted to indicate only minor changes in MOC strength. Here we show that the basin-scale abyssal circulation of the Atlantic Ocean was probably reversed during the Last Glacial Maximum and was dominated by northward water flow from the Southern Ocean. These conclusions are based on new high-resolution data from the South Atlantic Ocean that establish the basin-scale north to south gradient in (231)Pa/(230)Th, and thus the direction of the deep ocean circulation. Our findings are consistent with nutrient-based proxies and argue that further analysis of (231)Pa/(230)Th outside the North Atlantic basin will enhance our understanding of past ocean circulation, provided that spatial gradients are carefully considered. This broader perspective suggests that the modern pattern of the Atlantic MOC-with a prominent southerly flow of deep waters originating in the North Atlantic-arose only during the Holocene epoch.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of the Pacific subtropical-tropical meridional cell to global warming is examined by using a global ocean-atmosphere coupled model developed at LASG/IAP. Results indicate that associated with the increasing of atmospheric carbon dioxide, the most prominent signals of global warming locate at high latitudes, and the change of middle and low latitudes, in particular the surface wind, is relatively weak, which leads to a weak response of the Pacific subtropical-tropical meridional cell. At the time of atmospheric carbon dioxide doubling, the change of the meridional cell strength is smaller than the amplitude of natural variability.  相似文献   

Dengler M  Schott FA  Eden C  Brandt P  Fischer J  Zantopp RJ 《Nature》2004,432(7020):1018-1020
The existence in the ocean of deep western boundary currents, which connect the high-latitude regions where deep water is formed with upwelling regions as part of the global ocean circulation, was postulated more than 40 years ago. These ocean currents have been found adjacent to the continental slopes of all ocean basins, and have core depths between 1,500 and 4,000 m. In the Atlantic Ocean, the deep western boundary current is estimated to carry (10-40) x 10(6) m3 s(-1) of water, transporting North Atlantic Deep Water--from the overflow regions between Greenland and Scotland and from the Labrador Sea--into the South Atlantic and the Antarctic circumpolar current. Here we present direct velocity and water mass observations obtained in the period 2000 to 2003, as well as results from a numerical ocean circulation model, showing that the Atlantic deep western boundary current breaks up at 8 degrees S. Southward of this latitude, the transport of North Atlantic Deep Water into the South Atlantic Ocean is accomplished by migrating eddies, rather than by a continuous flow. Our model simulation indicates that the deep western boundary current breaks up into eddies at the present intensity of meridional overturning circulation. For weaker overturning, continuation as a stable, laminar boundary flow seems possible.  相似文献   

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