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记述四川省四极虫Chloromyxum Mingazzini3种,球孢虫Sphaeros pora Thelohan1种,冠孢虫Mitraspora Fujita3种,粘体虫Myxosoma Thelohan6种。四极虫2新种,即黄颡四极虫,新种Chloromyxum pelteobagrus Ma,sp.nov.,马边四极虫,新种Cholromyxum mapiensis Ma et Zhao,  相似文献   

秦岭植物区系一新种和一新记录种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 秦岭丁毛荚艹迷迷(忍冬科Caprifoliaceae),新种(图1)ViburnumversatileRHMiau,WBLiaoetQYSun,spnov常绿灌木.嫩枝有钝棱,薄被丁字毛,老枝圆形,几无毛.叶薄革质,卵形,长35~57cm,宽25~35cm,顶端渐尖,基部?..  相似文献   

描述了河南玉兰属Yulania Spach两新种:两型玉兰Y.dimorpha T.B.Zhao et Z.X.Chen,sp.nov.和信阳玉兰Y.xinyangensis T.B.Zhao,Z.X.Chen et H.T.Dai,sp.nov..两型玉兰形态特征是:叶2种类型,玉蕾2种类型.花2种类型:①单花花被片9枚,有萼、瓣之分,瓣状花被片先端具喙,边部明显波状起伏;②单花花被片9枚,花瓣状,先端无喙,边缘微波状起伏.信阳玉兰的形态特征是:叶宽倒卵圆状三角形,先端最宽,通常微凹,或具短尖头,有时2裂,或具3个短三角状尖头.玉蕾顶生,小,卵球状,或短柱状.花喇叭型,单花花被片6~9枚,匙形.  相似文献   

广东厚壳桂,新种小乔木,高2—6.5米,嫩枝被褐色短柔毛,老枝禿净.叶革貭,长椭园形,长9—11.5厘米,宽3—4厘米,先端銳尖,或略鈍,基部闊楔形稍不等側,上面绿色有光泽,下面嫩时被黄褐色短柔毛,旋变禿净,带灰白色,侧脉6—7对,在上面不大显著,在下面略突起,网脉在上下两面均不明显,全缘,叶柄长6—10毫米。花序頂生及腋生,园錐状或总状,长2—3厘米,被黃褐色短柔毛,花細小,长約2毫米,被短柔毛,花被裂片比花被管略长,花药內藏,子房有微毛,花梗极  相似文献   

发表了碎米荠属一新种,即文县碎米荠Cardamine wenhsienensis K.L.Chang et J.Z.Sun Sp.nov。  相似文献   

记述了采自江西省的凸额蝗属一新种:九连山凸额煌Traulia jiulianshanensis sp.nov。该新种近似于短翅凸额蝗Traulia brevipennis Zheng et Ma。  相似文献   

灌木或乔木,小枝圆,灰褐色.嫩枝有白色柔毛,后蜕去.叶椭圆形到倒卵形,革质,长7—10厘米,宽2.8—4厘米,先端急尖,有钝头,微凹陷,基部宽楔形,上面极秃净,中脉凹陷,侧脉细,不甚明显,下面中脉降起,沿中脉有疏柔毛,其余部分无毛,侧脉略明显,9—12对,叶缘具细齿;叶柄长11一13毫米,具翅,翅宽1.5毫米,被白色柔毛,后脱落.总状花序腋生,花序梗短,长2—4毫米;花芽小,径约5毫米;花  相似文献   

记述原四川省鱼类寄生粘孢子两极虫MyidumBustchli8各,楚克拉虫Zschokkella6种,楔形两极虫MynidumcuniformeFujita,卡氏两极虫MyidumkagayamaiKudo,鲑两极虫MynidumtruttaleLeger,畸形两极虫MyidummonstruosumSchulamn为我国新记录,楚克拉虫2个新种,即沙鳅楚克拉虫,新种Zschokkellaboti  相似文献   

多年生草本,无茎或近无茎,高4—20厘米。托叶卵状披针形,灰白色,密被白色贴伏柔毛;奇数羽状复叶,小叶3—7对,椭圆形或矩圆状卵形,长3—15毫米,宽2—7毫米,先端钝,基部圆形,上面无毛或稍被毛,下面密被白色贴伏柔毛。  相似文献   

Z.W.Mo(FuzzySetsandSystems,1995,72:365)建立了完全分配格上的共生结构的一般理论,研究了余拓扑、拟一致和T结构的一致化结构问题.本文在此基础上引进了完全分配格上的半拓扑生成序加细的概念,研究了其性质,得到了一系列重要结论,为进一步研究完全分配格上的共生结构的加细奠定了基础.  相似文献   

There are numerous geometric objects stored in the spatial databases. An importance function in a spatial database is that users can browse the geometric objects as a map efficiently. Thus the spatial database should display the geometric objects users concern about swiftly onto the display window. This process includes two operations:retrieve data from database and then draw them onto screen. Accordingly, to improve the efficiency, we should try to reduce time of both retrieving object and displaying them. The former can be achieved with the aid of spatial index such as R-tree, the latter require to simplify the objects. Simplification means that objects are shown with sufficient but not with unnecessary detail which depend on the scale of browse. So the major problem is how to retrieve data at different detail level efficiently. This paper introduces the implementation of a multi-scale index in the spatial database SISP (Spatial Information Shared Platform) which is generalized from R-tree. The difference between the generalization and the R-tree lies on two facets: One is that every node and geometric object in the generalization is assigned with a importance value which denote the importance of them, and every vertex in the objects are assigned with a importance value,too. The importance value can be use to decide which data should be retrieve from disk in a query. The other difference is that geometric objects in the generalization are divided into one or more sub-blocks, and vertexes are total ordered by their importance value. With the help of the generalized R-tree, one can easily retrieve data at different detail levels.Some experiments are performed on real-life data to evaluate the performance of solutions that separately use normal spatial index and multi-scale spatial index. The results show that the solution using multi-scale index in SISP is satisfying.  相似文献   

Instead of following Fock’s expansion,we solve the Schrodinger equation for some quantum mechanical manybody systems such as electrons in atoms and charged excitons in quantum wells in a similar way in hyperspherical coordinates by expanding the wave functions into orthonormal complete basis sets of the hyperspherical hannonics(HHs)of hyperangles and generalized Laguerre polynomials(GLPs)of the hyperradius.This leads the equation to  相似文献   

Future mobile communication systems aim at providing very high data transmission rates, even in high-mobility scenarios such as high-speed wheel-track trains, maglev trains, highway vehicles, airplanes, guided missiles or spacecraft. A particularly important commercial application is the strong and increasing worldwide demand for high- speed broadband wireless communications (up to 574.8 km/ h test speeds or 380 km/h commercial speeds) in railways, providing data, voice and video services for applications such as onboard entertainment services to passengers, train control, train dispatch, train sensor status handling and sur- veillance. In such high-mobility scenarios, there are a number of communication challenges, including fast hand- over, location updating, high-speed channel modeling, estimation and equalization, anti-Doppler spreading tech- niques, fast power control, and dedicated network architec- ture. Because signal transmission in very high-speed scenarios will inevitably experience serious deterioration, it is imperative to develop key broadband mobile communi- cation techniques for such high-speed vehicles.  相似文献   

Being the primary media of geographical information and the elementary objects manipulated, almost all of maps adopt the layer-based model to represent geographic information in the existent GIS. However, it is difficult to extend the map represented in layer-based model. Furthermore, in Web-Based GIS, It is slow to transmit the spatial data for map viewing. In this paper, for solving the questions above, we have proposed a new method for representing the spatial data. That is scale-based model. In this model we represent maps in three levels: scale-view, block, and spatial object, and organize the maps in a set of map layers, named Scale-View, which associates some given scales.Lastly, a prototype Web-Based GIS using the proposed spatial data representation is described briefly.  相似文献   

为了有助于提高英文爱好者的个人情操、文化素养和学习兴趣,以及专业人员对英语学习和研究进行多途径的探索,本文通过一些精选诗歌的引证和分析,着重论述了喻类修辞法在英文诗歌中的运用其及效果。  相似文献   

Tennessee Williams is considered as one of the most important American playwrights since World War II.The Glass Menagerie is his first successful drama,which describes a tragic situation of family and means to say that Man is unable to change the miserable life,no matter whatever means he try,This essay focuses on the analysis of the arrangement of the four main characters:Laura.Amanda,Jim and Tom to reveal the theme.Laura is fragile.Amanda is brave.Jim is vital.Tom is sensible.And all of them develop and try the different means to struggle against life,but fail tragically.With the evidence,the paper comes to conclusion naturally that Man is unable to change the miserable life,and he dooms to fail.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the diversity of Retama raetam root-nodule bacteria isolated from arid regions of Tunisia. Twelve isolates, chosen as representative for different 16S rRNA gene patterns, were characterized by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and phenotypic analysis. Isolates were assigned to Sinorhizobium, Rhizobium and Agrobacterium. Symbiotic properties of Sinorhizobium and Rhizobium isolates showed a large diversity in their capacity to infect their host plant and fix atmospheric nitrogen. Strain RK 22 identified as Rhizobium was the most effective isolate.  相似文献   

正Recently,docking has been widely used to predict the binding-modes of protein-inhibitors,when the crystal complexes structure was absent.Most docking algorithms are able to generate a large number of probable conformations,it,however,is difficult to effectively evaluate these docking poses and identify the most reasonable bindingmode.In the present study,on the basis of the crystallographic data of human 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme  相似文献   

介绍了WiMAX与Wi-Fi两种无线宽带接入技术,并对两者之间的关系及相互之间的影响做了对比及分析,并对WiMAX的关键技术进行了详细说明,最后对两者的联合组网方式做了简单的探讨。  相似文献   

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