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量子纠缠的制备是量子信息科学研究的一个重要课题.利用已有的控制路径门和融合门,给出一类重要的多光子最大纠缠态——W态的制备方案.区别于此前线性光学方案,该方案的实现是确定性的,并且不是基于后验选择的方式,因此可以避免线性光学方案的概率问题以及制备出来的量子态在使用上的局限性.同时方案实现所需的资源仅随光子数的增加而呈线性增长,比之传统线路量子计算模式下的多项式增长有着极大的优化.总之方案的确定性、适用性、高效性等特点,将使得方案更具可行性,也更适用于大规模量子信息过程.  相似文献   

在量子信息处理过程中,量子纠缠态扮演着极为重要的角色,其特殊的物理性质,使得量子信息具有经典信息所没有的许多新的特征,为信息传输和信息处理提供了新的物理资源.针对非对称偏振三维纠缠态的制备,基于交叉相位调制技术,以纠缠光子对和两个单光子比特作为初态,通过单光子与相干光的相互作用以及双光子干涉来实现.如果通过三个非计数单光子探测器来预警制备三维最大纠缠态,其概率为3/64.而如果采用特殊的分段式光子探测器,其概率可以提高到3/8,达到理论极限值.该方案在理论上是可行的,效率相对较高,而且预警式的制备为其后续在量子信息过程中的使用提供了很大的灵活性.  相似文献   

通过两个全同巨原子分别有效地耦合到一维波导的两个位置,探索了波导中单光子的散射特性,提出了非互易量子开关的理论实现方案.方案中,基于两个全同原子与一维波导组成的耦合系统哈密顿量,计算得到了系统约束态,并通过调整巨原子与波导的耦合位置和耦合系数等参数模拟得出了单光子的散射特性.研究发现:当巨原子的两个引脚的间距L满足kL≠nπ(n为整数)且巨原子与波导耦合的两个耦合系数存在相位差时,光子从两侧分别输入得到的光子输运呈现非互易量子现象.尤其是光子从一侧输入时几乎全部被吸收,而从另一侧输入时则可以通过.研究结果可以用于单光子量子开关和单光子二极管等量子器件的研究.  相似文献   

提出了利用四光子纠缠态进行联合退相位噪声和联合转动噪声下的量子离物传态方案.信息态的发送者Alice,根据噪声的不同,制备不同的四光子纠缠态,并把其中两个光子发送给Bob,另两个光子保留.Alice对手中的信息态和其中一个保留态进行联合Bell基测量,从而把信息态的部分信息转移到了Bob手中的光子上,然后Alice和Bob再对相应的光子做单光子测量,Bob根据单光子测量结果对手中未做单光子测量的光子实施合适的酉算符操作,从而得到信息态,实现联合噪声下的量子离物传态.本方案牵涉到两方(Alice和Bob),可以推广到多方可控离物传态.另外方案中仅需要进行联合Bell基测量和单光子测量,在实验上具有可行性.  相似文献   

纠缠态与高维量子态是量子信息科学关注的焦点,在光学领域,如何有效制备高维纠缠态是值得探讨的问题.基于交又相位调制技术,利用单光子高维空间态作为辅助,通过纠缠光子对与单光子之间的相互作用,以及多光子的干涉,可以制备出任意系数的两体高维偏振纠缠态.其成功概率由高维偏振量子态,也就是多光子干涉决定.同时,这一方案可以很容易推广到任意多体高维偏振纠缠态的制备.所制备纠缠态的灵活性,将为研究高维纠缠态的性质、多体相互作用等问题提供一定的便利.  相似文献   

本文首先利用单光子作为量子资源提出一个无信息泄露量子对话(Quantum Dialogue,QD)协议,其中每个单光子被直接编码用于传送秘密消息.通信双方事先共享量子态制备规则.制备方通过量子安全直接通信读取另一方的秘密消息.另一方借助于从制备方发送过来的指示单光子制备基的一个经典信息序列来解码出制备方的秘密消息.这样,信息泄露问题被避免.所提出的基于单光子的协议只需要单光子测量.与Shi的最近两个基于单光子的QD协议不同的是,所提出的基于单光子的协议既不需制备两个相邻的单光子处于相同的量子态也不需执行控制非(Controlled-Not,CNOT)操作.最后,本文利用逻辑量子比特作为量子资源将所提出的基于单光子的协议分别推广到抗集体退相位噪声和抗集体旋转噪声的情形.  相似文献   

如何有效地实现高维量子态的制备和操控是量子信息科学研究的一个热点,我们在光学领域,基于线性光学技术和交叉相位调制技术,利用偏振高维量子态与单光子空间高维量子态的纠缠操作,实现这两类高维量子态之间的相互转换.由此,利用单光子空间高维量子态幺正操作的易实现性,可以间接实现偏振高维量子态的幺正操作.这一实现模式超越以往只适用于三维量子态操作的限制,适用于任意维度的单体高维量子态操作,可为高维量子态的深入研究提供一定的便利.  相似文献   

量子Dicke态对于多粒子量子纠缠结构和性质的研究,以及量子网络的构建有着重要的意义.基于线性光学和交叉相位调制技术,利用三个基本量子门,给出了四光子Dicke态制备、任意系数W态制备以及任意系数和光子数的Dicke态制备方案.这些方案的确定性、任意性、高效性将为研究量子纠缠结构性质以及量子网络提供一定的便利.  相似文献   

基于低Q腔的单光子输入输出过程实现量子信息处理任务.将2个光子的极化态编码为1个逻辑量子比特,编码方式对于集体旋转噪声免疫.提出了实现原子和逻辑量子比特之间的混合控制相位翻转门,2个逻辑量子比特之间的CNOT门,逻辑量子比特的纠缠制备,原子到逻辑量子比特的量子态转移等方案.  相似文献   

量子态远程制备为量子信息的传输提供了一种有效的方法.基于共享的部分超纠缠Bell态,提出了任意单光子极化-时间自由度量子态的远程制备方案.发送方根据待制备的量子态信息对手中光子进行幺正操作,通过单光子投影测量和单向经典通信帮助接收方制备出初始量子态,并给出了该方案的成功概率.  相似文献   

Entanglement purification for quantum communication   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Pan JW  Simon C  Brukner C  Zeilinger A 《Nature》2001,410(6832):1067-1070
The distribution of entangled states between distant locations will be essential for the future large-scale realization of quantum communication schemes such as quantum cryptography and quantum teleportation. Because of unavoidable noise in the quantum communication channel, the entanglement between two particles is more and more degraded the further they propagate. Entanglement purification is thus essential to distil highly entangled states from less entangled ones. Existing general purification protocols are based on the quantum controlled-NOT (CNOT) or similar quantum logic operations, which are very difficult to implement experimentally. Present realizations of CNOT gates are much too imperfect to be useful for long-distance quantum communication. Here we present a scheme for the entanglement purification of general mixed entangled states, which achieves 50 per cent of the success probability of schemes based on the CNOT operation, but requires only simple linear optical elements. Because the perfection of such elements is very high, the local operations necessary for purification can be performed with the required precision. Our procedure is within the reach of current technology, and should significantly simplify the implementation of long-distance quantum communication.  相似文献   

As information carriers in quantum computing, photonic qubits have the advantage of undergoing negligible decoherence. However, the absence of any significant photon-photon interaction is problematic for the realization of non-trivial two-qubit gates. One solution is to introduce an effective nonlinearity by measurements resulting in probabilistic gate operations. In one-way quantum computation, the random quantum measurement error can be overcome by applying a feed-forward technique, such that the future measurement basis depends on earlier measurement results. This technique is crucial for achieving deterministic quantum computation once a cluster state (the highly entangled multiparticle state on which one-way quantum computation is based) is prepared. Here we realize a concatenated scheme of measurement and active feed-forward in a one-way quantum computing experiment. We demonstrate that, for a perfect cluster state and no photon loss, our quantum computation scheme would operate with good fidelity and that our feed-forward components function with very high speed and low error for detected photons. With present technology, the individual computational step (in our case the individual feed-forward cycle) can be operated in less than 150 ns using electro-optical modulators. This is an important result for the future development of one-way quantum computers, whose large-scale implementation will depend on advances in the production and detection of the required highly entangled cluster states.  相似文献   

De Martini F  Buzek V  Sciarrino F  Sias C 《Nature》2002,419(6909):815-818
In classical computation, a 'bit' of information can be flipped (that is, changed in value from zero to one and vice versa) using a logical NOT gate; but the quantum analogue of this process is much more complicated. A quantum bit (qubit) can exist simultaneously in a superposition of two logical states with complex amplitudes, and it is impossible to find a universal transformation that would flip the original superposed state into a perpendicular state for all values of the amplitudes. But although perfect flipping of a qubit prepared in an arbitrary state (a universal NOT operation) is prohibited by the rules of quantum mechanics, there exists an optimal approximation to this procedure. Here we report the experimental realization of a universal quantum machine that performs the best possible approximation to the universal NOT transformation. The system adopted was an optical parametric amplifier of entangled photon states, which also enabled us to investigate universal quantum cloning.  相似文献   

Single photons on demand from a single molecule at room temperature   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Lounis B  Moerner WE 《Nature》2000,407(6803):491-493
The generation of non-classical states of light is of fundamental scientific and technological interest. For example, 'squeezed' states enable measurements to be performed at lower noise levels than possible using classical light. Deterministic (or triggered) single-photon sources exhibit non-classical behaviour in that they emit, with a high degree of certainty, just one photon at a user-specified time. (In contrast, a classical source such as an attenuated pulsed laser emits photons according to Poisson statistics.) A deterministic source of single photons could find applications in quantum information processing, quantum cryptography and certain quantum computation problems. Here we realize a controllable source of single photons using optical pumping of a single molecule in a solid. Triggered single photons are produced at a high rate, whereas the probability of simultaneous emission of two photons is nearly zero--a useful property for secure quantum cryptography. Our approach is characterized by simplicity, room temperature operation and improved performance compared to other triggered sources of single photons.  相似文献   

Baugh J  Moussa O  Ryan CA  Nayak A  Laflamme R 《Nature》2005,438(7067):470-473
The counter-intuitive properties of quantum mechanics have the potential to revolutionize information processing by enabling the development of efficient algorithms with no known classical counterparts. Harnessing this power requires the development of a set of building blocks, one of which is a method to initialize the set of quantum bits (qubits) to a known state. Additionally, fresh ancillary qubits must be available during the course of computation to achieve fault tolerance. In any physical system used to implement quantum computation, one must therefore be able to selectively and dynamically remove entropy from the part of the system that is to be mapped to qubits. One such method is an 'open-system' cooling protocol in which a subset of qubits can be brought into contact with an external system of large heat capacity. Theoretical efforts have led to an implementation-independent cooling procedure, namely heat-bath algorithmic cooling. These efforts have culminated with the proposal of an optimal algorithm, the partner-pairing algorithm, which was used to compute the physical limits of heat-bath algorithmic cooling. Here we report the experimental realization of multi-step cooling of a quantum system via heat-bath algorithmic cooling. The experiment was carried out using nuclear magnetic resonance of a solid-state ensemble three-qubit system. We demonstrate the repeated repolarization of a particular qubit to an effective spin-bath temperature, and alternating logical operations within the three-qubit subspace to ultimately cool a second qubit below this temperature. Demonstration of the control necessary for these operations represents an important step forward in the manipulation of solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance qubits.  相似文献   

Ultracold atoms trapped by light offer robust quantum coherence and controllability, providing an attractive system for quantum information processing and for the simulation of complex problems in condensed matter physics. Many quantum information processing schemes require the manipulation and deterministic entanglement of individual qubits; this would typically be accomplished using controlled, state-dependent, coherent interactions among qubits. Recent experiments have made progress towards this goal by demonstrating entanglement among an ensemble of atoms confined in an optical lattice. Until now, however, there has been no demonstration of a key operation: controlled entanglement between atoms in isolated pairs. Here we use an optical lattice of double-well potentials to isolate and manipulate arrays of paired (87)Rb atoms, inducing controlled entangling interactions within each pair. Our experiment realizes proposals to use controlled exchange coupling in a system of neutral atoms. Although 87Rb atoms have nearly state-independent interactions, when we force two atoms into the same physical location, the wavefunction exchange symmetry of these identical bosons leads to state-dependent dynamics. We observe repeated interchange of spin between atoms occupying different vibrational levels, with a coherence time of more than ten milliseconds. This observation demonstrates the essential component of a neutral atom quantum SWAP gate (which interchanges the state of two qubits). Its 'half-implementation', the root SWAP gate, is entangling, and together with single-qubit rotations it forms a set of universal gates for quantum computation.  相似文献   

提出以四模纠缠相干态作为量子信道,待传的量子信息为三模相干叠加态,系统组成的系综态经过一个由分束器和移相器组成的线性光学系统,然后通过奇偶态测量,并把测量结果通过经典信道告诉对方,对方选择合适的幺正变换就可以恢复待传的量子信息,通过计算,该方案所得到的成功传态概率几乎完美,同时保真度也趋近于1.  相似文献   

Universal quantum computation with the exchange interaction   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
DiVincenzo DP  Bacon D  Kempe J  Burkard G  Whaley KB 《Nature》2000,408(6810):339-342
Various physical implementations of quantum computers are being investigated, although the requirements that must be met to make such devices a reality in the laboratory at present involve capabilities well beyond the state of the art. Recent solid-state approaches have used quantum dots, donor-atom nuclear spins or electron spins; in these architectures, the basic two-qubit quantum gate is generated by a tunable exchange interaction between spins (a Heisenberg interaction), whereas the one-qubit gates require control over a local magnetic field. Compared to the Heisenberg operation, the one-qubit operations are significantly slower, requiring substantially greater materials and device complexity--potentially contributing to a detrimental increase in the decoherence rate. Here we introduced an explicit scheme in which the Heisenberg interaction alone suffices to implement exactly any quantum computer circuit. This capability comes at a price of a factor of three in additional qubits, and about a factor of ten in additional two-qubit operations. Even at this cost, the ability to eliminate the complexity of one-qubit operations should accelerate progress towards solid-state implementations of quantum computation.  相似文献   

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