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近58年登陆广东热带气旋位置和生成源地的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 根据1949-2006年《台风年鉴》和《热带气旋年鉴》资料,采用统计方法分析了近58 a登陆广东及各区域热带气旋的频数、时间、强度及其与生成源地的关系,主要结论如下:① 近58年登陆热带气旋最多(少)集中于粤西西区(粤东中区),7-9月是各区登陆高峰期,其中粤西和珠三角呈现出弱的下降趋势,而粤东无明显变化趋势。② 登陆热带气旋生成源地具有明显的季节分布特征,大部分热带气旋从5月开始生成,随后源地逐渐向东向北扩大,9月达到最东和最北位置,从10月开始逐步南移和西移。但各区登陆时间与发生源地的关系无明显规律性。③ 登陆广东不同强度的热带气旋,其生成区域也不同:登陆时达到热带气旋等级的集中生成于南海、菲律宾海盆和加罗林群岛,登陆时达到热带低压和热带风暴等级的主要生成于南海,登陆时达到强热带风暴和超强台风等级的生成于西太平洋。各区均以强热带风暴和台风登陆居多、热带低压和热带风暴较少,登陆粤东的强度强于粤西。南海地区生成的热带气旋以登陆粤西最多,其次是珠三角,登陆珠三角和粤东的超强台风源地较粤西偏南偏东。登陆粤西和粤东的热带气旋源地分布于在西北—东南走向的带状分布区间内,而珠三角较为分散。  相似文献   

文章采用热带气旋年鉴、本站的观测资料和NC资料,对1960~2008年49年的台风进行研究,统计得出影响南安台风的气候特征、影响南安台风的分类、不同类型的台风对南安市造成的风雨影响情况和早、晚台风影响时南安的风雨影响情况。  相似文献   

多模式集合在统计降尺度应用上的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气候模式(GCMs)由于分辨率过低,进行区域气候的模拟和预测的能力很差;而统计降尺度可以通过建立气候模式的输出信息和区域气候要素之间的统计关系来弥补GCMs的不足。在对比动力降尺度和统计降尺度之后首先对统计降尺度的基本原理和方法进行了介绍。强调了产生模拟预测结果的不确定来源,据此讨论集合思想在统计降尺度的应用的必要性。并重点追踪了其在国内外的研究进展,提出了未来多模式集合统计降尺度的发展方向。  相似文献   

从《Science》和《Nature》看关于台风研究的热点问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
热带气旋是形成在热带或副热带洋面上,具有有组织的对流和确定的气旋性地面风环流的非锋面性的天气尺度系统.世界气象组织将最大风速在32.7 ms-1以上的热带气旋称为台风或飓风.由台风引起的强风、暴雨、巨浪等气象灾害给人类带来巨大的损失,其影响范围广,发生频率高,使得对台风的研究成为全球关注的气象课题.本文侧重总结了近8年来(1998~2005)Science和Nature杂志中有关台风研究的文章,综合了国际权威科学家对台风关注的最新进展和研究成果.其中在台风观测手段改进方面,如Doppler雷达对于边界层强滚动现象的发现,GPS风廓线仪对于台风中海-气边界层理论拖曳系数的修正;而在动力结构的研究方面,海气相互作用的重要性,特别是对台风强度预报的影响有了新的认识;在全球变暖的大背景下,气候变化对台风活动趋势的影响成为科学家日益关心和争论的话题.  相似文献   

把变分同化中的伴随方法应用于热带气旋路径预测的统计动力预报方案(SD-90)中,利用前面时刻热带气旋中心位置的观测值,同时确定出初始速度和气压梯度力,然后进行预报.理想试验表明,热带气旋路径无明显转向时,该方案具有较高的预报精度;当热带气旋路径有明显转向时,随着同化时段内的热带气旋路径(作为观测值)趋向于转向处,该方案的预报误差会加大,其主要特征是预报路径的方向有较大偏差;当同化时段内的热带气旋路径(作为观测值)离开转向处时,该方案又趋向于有较高的预报精度.最后结合最优控制思想,对9807号台风进行了同化试验,试验结果表明,效果十分明显.  相似文献   

利用海南省1982—2017年的气象观测资料、台风和暴雨灾情资料以及社会经济数据,构建了可较好去除物价上涨因素的灾害影响综合评估指数,并按照百分位法确定了灾害的气候年景等级阈值,给出了历年灾害年景的评估结果,分析了灾害年景的变化及其影响因素,结果表明:(1)所研制的灾害年景评估方法可以客观地反映海南省台风和暴雨灾害的年景分布;(2)近36年海南省台风和暴雨灾害年景等级年际间的波动剧烈,且在20世纪80年代后期至20世纪末存在3~6年的显著周期,21世纪初期存在短暂的4~5年和2~3年的显著周期.在年代际变化方面,1982—1996年期间,灾害年景等级基本处于相对偏高的阶段,1997—2017年灾害等级进入相对偏低的阶段,但未发生突变;(3)近36年来,尽管登陆海南岛的热带气旋的年最强登陆强度有增强趋势,热带气旋所造成的重度区域性暴雨过程的年频次亦有增加趋势,但由于热带气旋年登陆频数的减少以及防灾减灾能力的增强,台风和暴雨灾害所造成的人员死亡、房屋倒塌以及直接经济损失均有减少趋势,因而导致了台风和暴雨灾害年景有转好趋势;(4)海南省台风和暴雨灾害年景的年际变化与登陆海南岛的热带气旋年频数、年最强登陆强度以及热带气旋造成的重度以上区域性暴雨过程的年频次密切相关.  相似文献   

针对中国地区的气候预估问题,开发一套高时空分辨率(空间分辨率:0.25°;时间分辨率:逐日)的统计降尺度气候变化数据集.降尺度气候预估结果表明:1)在传统降尺度方法的基础上引入人工神经网络算法,开发高时空分辨率的降尺度气候数据,技术上简便可行;2)将这种新方法应用到模式的历史模拟数据上,温度和降水的气候态偏差显著减小,...  相似文献   

影响华南西部的登陆热带气旋的若干气候特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用1950-1999年台风年鉴资料,结合广西89个测站的降水资料,统计和分析了登陆影响华南西部热带气旋的若干气候特征.结果表明,进入华南西部的热带气旋数占登陆华南沿海地区总数的75%;年均有1.9个热带风暴级别以上的热带气旋进入广西,其中强热带风暴强度以上的占84%.进入华南西部和登陆华南地区的热带气旋都具有显著的年际变化特征.不同月份、不同热带气旋登陆后的维持时间差异极大,平均维持时间的长短与登陆后12 h内强度的衰减程度密切相关.热带气旋引起暴雨的多寡和低压环流在广西境内的滞留时间成正相关,而与登陆时的强度没有明显的关系.  相似文献   

福建沿海受热带气旋影响严重,研究分析其强度规律及时空特征等要素对福建沿海防灾减灾工作具有重要的意义。基于福建省1945-2019年登陆型热带气旋及2004-2019年影响型热带气旋数据资料,对福建沿海地区热带气旋的活动规律、时空分布特征及灾害损失情况进行统计分析。结果表明:福建省登陆型热带气旋频数年际分布大致呈现“增-减-增-减-增-减”变化,而强度年际分布呈现相反趋势。影响型热带气旋频数整体呈现减小趋势,预计未来几年继续减小。登陆型热带气旋在8月份登陆次数最多,其中以登陆强度为台风的热带气旋次数最多。福州市为登陆次数最多的城市,75年共登陆39次,且登陆强度呈现标准正态分布;宁德市登陆型热带气旋强度整体最大。从防灾角度出发,热带气旋由海域向陆域移动过程中,强度逐渐减小,且严重灾情在北部出现的频数较南部高。  相似文献   

利用美国联合台风警报中心(JTWC)整编的热带气旋(TC)最佳路径资料,采用不同的方法,分别定义TC近中心风速24 h变化达到25 kt、30 kt、35 kt为TC快速增强的阈值。统计结果表明:热带风暴和台风是快速增强热带气旋的主要组成部分。TC快速增强概率最高的月份是9月,分别达到了21.7%,22.3,21.9%;TC快速增强概率最高的初始强度是[65 kt,75kt)。在菲律宾以东(12.5"N,130"E)为中心的区域是TC经历快速增强过程的高频率中心。我国的台湾岛和东南沿海附近也是TC经历快速增强区域。  相似文献   

Observational evidence for an ocean heat pump induced by tropical cyclones   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sriver RL  Huber M 《Nature》2007,447(7144):577-580
Ocean mixing affects global climate and the marine biosphere because it is linked to the ocean's ability to store and transport heat and nutrients. Observations have constrained the magnitude of upper ocean mixing associated with certain processes, but mixing rates measured directly are significantly lower than those inferred from budget analyses, suggesting that other processes may play an important role. The winds associated with tropical cyclones are known to lead to localized mixing of the upper ocean, but the hypothesis that tropical cyclones are important mixing agents at the global scale has not been tested. Here we calculate the effect of tropical cyclones on surface ocean temperatures by comparing surface temperatures before and after storm passage, and use these results to calculate the vertical mixing induced by tropical cyclone activity. Our results indicate that tropical cyclones are responsible for significant cooling and vertical mixing of the surface ocean in tropical regions. Assuming that all the heat that is mixed downwards is balanced by heat transport towards the poles, we calculate that approximately 15 per cent of peak ocean heat transport may be associated with the vertical mixing induced by tropical cyclones. Furthermore, our analyses show that the magnitude of this mixing is strongly related to sea surface temperature, indicating that future changes in tropical sea surface temperatures may have significant effects on ocean circulation and ocean heat transport that are not currently accounted for in climate models.  相似文献   

研究气候变化对水资源的可能影响,能让人类在面临气候变化时能够及时地采取相应措施。利用大气环流模式HadCM3的结果和国家气象局提供的钱塘江流域7个站点1961-1990年逐日实测气象资料,选取A1B排放情景,分别通过动力降尺度方法和统计降尺度方法,分析2011-2030时期(2020s)的日设计暴雨,并对两种方法计算得出的设计暴雨进行比较。结果表明,除个别站点外,在A1B情景下,两种降尺度方法下极端暴雨出现的频率相比基准期都有所增加,其中动力降尺度方法下不同重现期的设计暴雨值增幅更大。  相似文献   

In terms of the basic idea of combining dynamical and statistical methods in short-term climate prediction, a new prediction method of predictor-based error correction (PREC) is put forward in order to effectively use statistical experiences in dynamical prediction. Analyses show that the PREC can reasonably utilize the significant correlations between predictors and model prediction errors and correct prediction errors by establishing statistical prediction model. Besides, the PREC is further applied to the cross-validation experiments of dynamical seasonal prediction on the operational atmosphere-ocean coupled general circulation model of China Meteorological Administration/ National Climate Center by selecting the sea surface temperature index in Niño3 region as the physical predictor that represents the prevailing ENSO-cycle mode of interannual variability in climate system. It is shown from the prediction results of summer mean circulation and total precipitation that the PREC can improve predictive skills to some extent. Thus the PREC provides a new approach for improving short-term climate prediction.  相似文献   

In terms of the basic idea of combining dynamical and statistical methods in short-term climate prediction, a new prediction method of predictor-based error correction (PREC) is put forward in order to effectively use statistical experiences in dynamical prediction. Analyses show that the PREC can reasonably utilize the significant correlations between predictors and model prediction errors and correct prediction errors by establishing statistical prediction model. Besides, the PREC is further applied to the cross-validation experiments of dynamical seasonal prediction on the operational atmosphere-ocean coupled general circulation model of China Meteorological Administration/National Climate Center by selecting the sea surface temperature index in Nifio3 region as the physical predictor that represents the prevailing ENSO-cycle mode of interannual variability in climate system. It is shown from the prediction results of summer mean circulation and total precipitation that the PREC can improve predictive skills to some extent. Thus the PREC provides a new approach for improving short-term climate prediction.  相似文献   

Meteorology: hurricanes and global warming   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Landsea CW 《Nature》2005,438(7071):E11-2; discussion E13
Anthropogenic climate change has the potential for slightly increasing the intensity of tropical cyclones through warming of sea surface temperatures. Emanuel has shown a striking and surprising association between sea surface temperatures and destructiveness by tropical cyclones in the Atlantic and western North Pacific basins. However, I question his analysis on the following grounds: it does not properly represent the observations described; the use of his Atlantic bias-removal scheme may not be warranted; and further investigation of a substantially longer time series for tropical cyclones affecting the continental United States does not show a tendency for increasing destructiveness. These factors indicate that instead of "unprecedented" tropical cyclone activity having occurred in recent years, hurricane intensity was equal or even greater during the last active period in the mid-twentieth century.  相似文献   

The future climate dynamical downscaling method is that output of general circulation models (GCMs) is employed to provide initial conditions,lateral boundary conditions,sea surface temperatures,and initial land surface conditions to regional climate models (RCMs).There are two methods of downscaling:offline coupling and online coupling.The two kinds of coupling methods are described in detail by coupling the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) with the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences Atmospheric General Circulation Model Version 4.0 (IAP AGCM4.0) in the study.And the extreme precipitation event over Beijing on July 21 2012 is simulated by using the two coupling methods.Results show that online coupling method is of great value in improving the model simulation.Furthermore,the data exchange frequency of online coupling has some effect on simulation result.  相似文献   

Cobb KM  Charles CD  Cheng H  Edwards RL 《Nature》2003,424(6946):271-276
Any assessment of future climate change requires knowledge of the full range of natural variability in the El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon. Here we splice together fossil-coral oxygen isotopic records from Palmyra Island in the tropical Pacific Ocean to provide 30-150-year windows of tropical Pacific climate variability within the last 1,100 years. The records indicate mean climate conditions in the central tropical Pacific ranging from relatively cool and dry during the tenth century to increasingly warmer and wetter climate in the twentieth century. But the corals also document a broad range of ENSO behaviour that correlates poorly with these estimates of mean climate. The most intense ENSO activity within the reconstruction occurred during the mid-seventeenth century. Taken together, the coral data imply that the majority of ENSO variability over the last millennium may have arisen from dynamics internal to the ENSO system itself.  相似文献   

澳门气候及主要气象灾害   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对澳门气象观测资料的统计、分析,总结出澳门的气候及其主要气象灾害。澳门的气候是温度高、湿度和平均风速大、日照多、降水量大;其主要气象灾害是台风灾害和暴雨灾害。澳门的气候属热带海洋性季风气候。  相似文献   

Surface ocean conditions in the equatorial Pacific Ocean could hold the clue to whether millennial-scale global climate change during glacial times was initiated through tropical ocean-atmosphere feedbacks or by changes in the Atlantic thermohaline circulation. North Atlantic cold periods during Heinrich events and millennial-scale cold events (stadials) have been linked with climatic changes in the tropical Atlantic Ocean and South America, as well as the Indian and East Asian monsoon systems, but not with tropical Pacific sea surface temperatures. Here we present a high-resolution record of sea surface temperatures in the eastern tropical Pacific derived from alkenone unsaturation measurements. Our data show a temperature drop of approximately 1 degrees C, synchronous (within dating uncertainties) with the shutdown of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during Heinrich event 1, and a smaller temperature drop of approximately 0.5 degrees C synchronous with the smaller reduction in the overturning circulation during the Younger Dryas event. Both cold events coincide with maxima in surface ocean productivity as inferred from 230Th-normalized carbon burial fluxes, suggesting increased upwelling at the time. From the concurrence of equatorial Pacific cooling with the two North Atlantic cold periods during deglaciation, we conclude that these millennial-scale climate changes were probably driven by a reorganization of the oceans' thermohaline circulation, although possibly amplified by tropical ocean-atmosphere interaction as suggested before.  相似文献   

基于Tweedie分布的广义线性模(generalized linear model,简称GLM),并结合Kriging模型,发展了日降水量统计降尺度的GLM-Kriging模型.首先用GLM拟合研究区域内日降水量与数值模式输出的影响局地降水的物理量之间的关系,日降水量的空间相关性反映在模型的残差中;然后用Kriging模型来拟合GLM的随机化百分位残差(randomized quantile residuals,简称RQ残差).结合NCEP再分析资料应用于2007年7月沂沭泗流域的42站日降水观测,结果表明GLM-Kriging降尺度模型较好地还原了主要降水过程,整体上取得了较高的准确度,可用于气候变化影响评估或数值天气预报产品的释用,还可进一步扩展为日降水量的时空统计模型.  相似文献   

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