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近几年来,我区棉花面积不断扩大,随着栽培模式、气候条件的变化,棉铃虫的为害有上升的趋势.棉铃虫是危害蕾铃,影响产量、品质,威胁棉花生产最大的一种害虫.为此,笔者对这几年的防治对比调查,结合自身的综合防治实践,分析、总结出以下认识和防治措施,供同行参考.  相似文献   

前人曾对棉铃虫做过大量的细致的研究工作,而新疆米兰垦区的棉铃虫近年发生比较严重,该地区有关这方面的研究报道很少;2000-2002年,我们对该虫发生规律进行了研究,以为棉铃虫综合防治提供依据。  相似文献   

本文针对2004年三代棉铃虫大发生的特点及原因进行分析,并提出防治措施。  相似文献   

麦蚜是我区小麦上的主要虫害之一,具有普发、暴发性强的特点。年际间发生差异较大,大发生年,蚜虫危害损失产量可达30%。面对我区麦蚜防治长期以氧化乐果为主,用药比较单一的状况。为了有效控制麦蚜在大发生年的危害和新农药的更新换代,我们在97年进行了几种杀虫...  相似文献   

棉铃虫是棉花的一种常发性害虫,但一直为害较轻,在棉花“三虫”的防治上处于弱势地位。2002年石总场仅有两块棉田棉铃虫发生较重,占棉花总面积的0.2%;2004年棉铃虫发生达8.5万亩,平均减产6.8%,最高百株幼虫量为50头,减产幅度达20 ̄30%。2005年垦区加大了对棉铃虫的系统调查和棉  相似文献   

棉铃虫幼虫蜕皮过程及RH-5992对其蜕皮的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用透射电镜技术研究了棉铃虫4龄幼虫在蜕皮过程中表皮层及皮细胞的变化,同时用含蜕皮激素类杀虫剂RH-5992的饲料饲喂4龄幼虫,导致其产生早熟,异常的致死蜕皮,在超微结构水平比较了正常蜕皮和RH-5992对皮细胞和新表皮形成的影响。  相似文献   

根据棉蚜、棉铃虫在阿在苏地区的发生、发展规律及发生特点,针对1997年发生严重的原因和存在问题提出了九八年防治对策。  相似文献   

新疆塔里木植棉区棉铃虫的综合防治技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新疆塔里木盆地植棉区棉铃虫的发生,逐年发生较重,只有掌握棉铃虫在植棉区发生规律,采取合理的综合防治方法,才能减轻棉铃虫的发生危害,保证棉花产业的高产优质高效。  相似文献   

<正>20%杀灭神乳剂是一种综合性广谱杀虫剂,为探索其在新疆特定的气候条件下对棉叶螨、棉蚜、棉铃虫等害虫的药效进行不同浓度的小区试验为今后大面积推广示范提供科学依据。现将93年试验结果整理如下: 一、试验材料和方法 供试药剂:①20%杀灭神乳剂,江苏昆山农药厂生产提供。②10%中西溴氟菊酯,上  相似文献   

对长治市郊区老顶山镇核桃树上黄连木尺蛾虫害进行了调查与研究。结果表明,黄连木尺蛾在该市每年发生一代,其幼虫为害盛期在7月下旬至8月上旬,用10%灭百可防治,防效达到89.82%。  相似文献   

新疆北部棉铃虫发生趋势及影响因子分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对90年代以来新疆北部棉区棉铃虫发生有回升的趋势,通过查阅大量区内外文献资料,在对北疆有代表性的棉区,石河子、莫索湾、下野地、玛纳斯、呼图壁、奎屯、车排子等实地调查的基础上,比较了北疆与内地省份近年来的棉铃虫发生情况,并参考80年代前后棉铃虫的数量动态,较系统地阐述了影响棉铃虫质量、数量动态的生物学、生态学以及人为因子,并提出防治对策。  相似文献   

黄河故道生态区,一般年份棉铃虫发生4个世代,若气温偏高,有第五代或不完整的第五代发生。经调查,摸清了第五代棉铃虫发生规律与为害的特点,为测报和防治提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

新疆棉铃虫地理种群差异的酯酶同工酶分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对新疆不同地区的棉铃虫进行酯酶同工酶电泳,计算出酯酶同工酶的迁移率,并利用SPSS对其迁移率进行聚类分析,结果表明南北疆棉铃虫种群存在差异性。  相似文献   

There are currently three kinds of transgenic Bt insect-resistant cotton germplasm lines, Shanxi 94-24, Zhongxin 94 and R19, in China. They showed high resistance to the neonate larvae of bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera). Transgenic Bt insect-resistant cotton varieties or hybrids have been bred using the three kinds of germplasm lines as parents. Our researches reveal that there exist different expressions in resistant level at different developmental stages in the three categories of germplasm lines. When neonate larvae are fed with leaves of cotton plant at the seeding stage with less than 10 leaves on the main stem, the mortality of the neonate larvae is 100%, but the resistance level will decline at later season. When Bt gene has been transferred to the cotton genome, it can be steadily transferred to the progeny, the level of resistance to bollworm keeps fundamentally uniform. Such insects as tobacco budworm (Heliothis virencens) in laboratory directive selection are very apt to produce resistance to the Bt insecticidal crystal protein. From the present crop system of cotton region in the Yangtze and Yellow River Valleys, and the expression characteristic of transgenic Bt resistant cotton, we suggest that the resistance to toxin protein in bollworm is not apt to be produced if the transgenic Bt insect-resistant cotton varieties are released and grown in the regions except in the Xinjiang cotton region. The managing strategies to delay or retard the resistance are discussed.  相似文献   

荧光增白剂对苏云金杆菌制剂毒力影响的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用棉铃虫为试虫,在一定浓度的Bt溶液中加入一定浓度的荧光增白剂后,感染棉铃虫的初孵幼虫,72小时以后,对其死亡率进行统计分析,结果表明:荧光增白剂对Bt有增效作用。  相似文献   

:用高渗酮增效的四种不同的高渗农药制剂在室内对棉铃虫幼虫的杀伤力进行了试验。结果表明 :高渗酮对农药具有显著的增效作用 ,加有高渗酮的农药可使用药量减少 5 0 %以上 ,而对棉铃虫幼虫的杀灭率明显提高。另外也表明 :高渗酮在农药增效方面优于氮酮产品  相似文献   

对昌吉市棉花害虫种类进行了调查.结果表明:棉花害虫(螨)有17种,其中害螨4种,为害严重的害虫(螨)有棉铃虫、棉蚜、棉叶螨等.文章阐述了昌吉市棉花主要害虫的危害及防治现状,提出了今后对棉花害虫(螨)综合治理的意见和建议.  相似文献   

The potential ecological risks ofBacillus thurigiensis (Bt) insecticides and Bt-crops have caused increasing concern since their commercial release in the field, among which pests’ resistance to Bt-crops is the major ecological risk. Refuge tactic, which can produce sensitive populations, has proved to be a key and sound resistance management strategy in USA and Australia; however, no tactics have been performed in China where Bt-cotton is mostly planted with other host crops of cotton bollworm. Genetic variation and gene flow among different host populations of the cotton bollwormHelicoverpa armigera were analyzed using PCR fingerprinting method. The results show that maize and castor-oil plant, as well as cotton can take effect as refuges to prevent resistance of cotton bollworm to Bt-cotton, while peanut and sesame are not as suitable for planting with Bt-cotton as refuges in the field as low gene flow was detected among populations on peanut, sesame and Bt cotton.  相似文献   

There are eight examples briefly given in this paper, namely, (1) Polymyxa graminis and the cereal viruses it transmits; (2) the geographical types and facultative migration of cotton bollworm as well as the safety of Bt transgenic cotton; (3) development of crop near-isogenic lines with resistance to diseases; (4) molecular-biological researches induced resistance of rice by infection of blast fungus;(5) to use cytological and molecular-biological techniques for breeding wheat varieties resistant to barley yellow dwarf virus; (6) mass rearing and field releasing of Microplitis mediator for cotton bollworm control; (7) identification and recombination of insecticidal crystal genes of Bacillus thuringiensis; and (8) interplanting of diverse resistance rice varieties for sustainable control of blast disease; which reflect the general situation of recent advances in plant protection researches of China.  相似文献   

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