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用中国西沙站1962-2004年月蒸发量、日照时间和近地面风速资料,分析了西沙各季节蒸发量的时间变化特征及其与日照时间、近地面风速变化的关系。结果表明:西沙春、夏和冬季蒸发量以年代际变化方差占优,年际变化方差次之;秋季蒸发量的年际变化方差和年代际变化方差相当。四季蒸发量年代际变化与近地面风速、日照时数的年代际变化都有显著的正相关。而蒸发量的年际变化仅与日照时数的年际变化有显著的正相关。四季蒸发量减弱的变化趋势是由近地面风速的减弱和太阳辐射的减少造成的。  相似文献   

热带西太平洋暖池对中国降水和沿海自然灾害的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用暖池指数研究了热带西太平洋暖池对中国降水和沿海自然灾害的影响。结果表明,暖池面积指数对中国降水有一定的预报意义,北界指数对中国长江中下游地区及其他一些地区的降水具有很好的预报性,面积指数与中国沿海台风次数的年际变化呈负相关关系,与1950年以后海冰灾害有明显的相关关系,与灾害性海浪的发生频数关系不大,与海啸的发生有一定的关系。  相似文献   

在安西极旱荒漠自然保护区的典型植物群落中选取6个平行样方,连续3年调查植物数量、盖度和物种数量的季节变化和年际变化以及气候对植物群落季节变化和年际变化的影响。结果显示:植物群落物种数量和植株数量的季节变化主要是由一年生草本植物的季节变化引起的,而多年生灌木盖度的季节变化是植物群落盖度变化的主要原因。植物群落物种数量、植株数量和盖度的年际变化主要源于一年生草本植物物种数量、植株数量和盖度的变化。植物群落物种数量、植株数量和盖度的季节变化与降雨量和气温的变化正相关,而年际变化与降雨量和气温的变化关系不大。因此,降雨和气温仅影响荒漠植物群落结构的季节变化,而对年际变化影响不大。在气候条件变化较小的范围内,荒漠植物群落结构保持相对稳定的结构。  相似文献   

利用1993—2008年法国空间局的AVISO多卫星融合高度计资料,采用随机动态、EOF等方法分析全球海平面变化的长期趋势、变化幅度以及季节变化的空间分布特征.结果表明:(a)1993—2008年间太平洋海平面呈西升东降的形态,印度洋绝大部分海区海平面呈上升趋势,大西洋除湾流流域外的其他海区海平面的长期趋势以上升为主;(b)全球海平面变化存在显著的年变化和半年变化等季节信号,无论是半球平均还是洋盆平均,北半球海平面季节变化的振幅明显大于南半球,中纬度海区季节变化的振幅最大;(c)北印度洋海平面季节变化的振幅高于同纬度带的北太平洋和北大西洋;(d)太平洋、印度洋、大西洋三大洋受西边界流、赤道流系等强流影响的海域海平面变化幅度大于周围海域;(e)赤道海域各大洋东、西边界和大洋内区海平面变化不同步,可能受赤道海洋波动的影响较大;(f)厄尔尼诺年,西太平洋暖池和赤道太平洋中部海平面明显降低,赤道东太平洋海域海平面明显升高,赤道印度洋海域东、西边界的海平面变化与其相反.  相似文献   

海温季节和年际变化对东亚区域气候变率模拟的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用P-σ区域气候模式通过数值试验分析和探讨了海温季节变化和年际变化对东亚地区气候变率模拟的影响.数值分析试验结果发现,实际海温强迫下模拟的500hPa高度场年际变率较有或没有海温季节变化强迫模拟的结果在冬夏两季基本上是增强的,海温的年际变化对模拟500hPa高度场年际变率是尤为重要的.海温的季节变化强迫使得模拟的500hPa高度场在冬季增强,夏季减弱,且在高纬度地区变化幅度较大.海温的年际和季节变化使得东亚地区的500hPa温度在冬季升高,而夏季在低纬度地区的温度降低,其中在华南沿海、南海北部和盂加拉湾地区降低最甚,高纬地区变化不明显.此外,海温的季节和年际变化强迫对华南地区降水率差值的影响远比对长江中下游地区明显.  相似文献   

我国极端降水过程频数时空变化的季节差异   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用我国586个气象测站的逐日降水资料,在对每个站点极端降水过程阈值进行科学界定的基础上,揭示了近45年我国年和各季极端降水过程频数的线性变化趋势及其年际、年代际变化特征.结果表明:我国年和季节极端降水过程频数主要为趋势性变化,不同地区不同季节趋势性变化差异显著,极端降水量在降水总量的趋势变化中占主导地位 长江中下游、西北地区北部和西南地区西部年极端降水过程频数呈现趋势性增加,而我国华北等地区呈现趋势性减少,并且主要反映的是夏季的特征 年和季节极端降水过程频数具有明显不同的年际和年代际变化特征 我国各季极端降水过程时空变化异常型明显不同,但与极端日降水的时空变化是一致的.  相似文献   

马杰  李建平 《自然科学进展》2007,17(11):1524-1531
对1948—2005年冬季(12月—次年2月)的质量流函数进行了经验正交分析(EOF),结果显示其主要是由两个空间模态组成,即关于赤道非对称和对称模态.进一步分析表明这两个模态具有明显不同的时间变化特征,它们分别代表了冬季北半球Hadley环流圈在年代际和年际尺度上的变化.非对称模态的时间系数(定义为非对称模态的强度指数AMI)呈现出显著的年代际增强趋势,表明该模态对北半球冬季Hadley环流圈在最近几十年的增强具有显著贡献.同时它还与热带海洋,尤其是印度洋到西太平洋暖池地区的海温相关显著.而对称模态时间系数(定义为对称模态强度指数SMI)主要体现了Hadley环流在年际尺度上的变化,它与ENSO之间的相关系数在整个时段都是显著的.结果还显示:冬季北半球Hadley环流与ENSO之间的相关系数在20世纪70年代中后期发生的年代际突变也很可能是由于非对称模态引起的.  相似文献   

臭氧总量的纬度带变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用NOAA卫星的SBUV/2(SBUV:太阳反向散射紫外辐射测量仪)观测仪资料来分析大气臭氧总量多年(1989~2000年)在不同纬度带的趋势变化、年际变化和季节变化。结果表明:各纬度带臭氧总量都是下降的,但下降幅度和速率各不相同。南北纬度带具有不同的年际变化特征。各纬度带臭氧总量在春季最大,秋季最小,夏冬两季处于中间,对于不同纬度带,臭氧总量季节变化也不同。  相似文献   

首先对850 hPa夏季西太平洋副高位置和面积指数进行了定义,分析了副高位置和面积的年际变化规律以及与赤道东太平洋海温异常的关系.研究表明,近代西太平洋副高面积和位置指数的年际变化周期为3-5年,冬、春两季海温与夏季副高的脊线位置、西脊点位置关系密切,赤道东太平洋海温持续偏高有利于夏季副高偏西、偏南,反之偏东、偏北.冬、春季赤道东太平洋海温异常对西太平洋副高季节变化有明显影响,冬、春两季海温偏暖年副高偏南、偏西,偏冷年副高则偏北、偏东,五月和九月除外.冷年7月副高北跳较暖年显著,进入秋季后南撤较缓慢.  相似文献   

日本海混合层深度季节和年际变化的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于垂向混合坐标系统的海洋模式HYCOM模拟了北太平洋1981~2001年间的月平均三维水动力学和热力学结构.在对模拟结果验证的基础上,得到日本海混合层时空场的分布情况,剖析了日本海混合层深度的季节及年际变化特征.对模拟结果分析表明,日本海混合层存在着显著的季节和年际变化:冬季混合层深度深,夏季混合层深度浅,其深度变化范围在10~100 m之间.日本海混合层深度的年际变化与季节变化存在共性而又各具特色.研究证实,日本海地形、环流、海面风场和温度梯度场等的综合作用,导致日本海混合层深度的变化.  相似文献   

利用海表温度的遥感资料,分析了吕宋海峡及其周边海域海表温度的季节变化及其区域特征,并初步分析了其主要特征的形成原因.研究结果表明:冬季海表温度除受太阳辐射、东北季风的影响外,还受该区域海流、海陆分布的影响,因此温度场呈现出多个水舌结构;夏季海表温度空间分布较均匀,冬季的水舌结构基本消失;同时在台湾梅峡西岸以及吕宋岛东、西两侧海域分别出现上升流导致的低温区和大于30.0 C的高温区,后者主要受海面辐射、海流等的影响.绝大部分研究海域内的海表温度极大值出现在7月,但在吕宋岛以西海区、台湾海峡中北部海区海表温度极大值分别出现在5月和8月;相对而言,海表温度的极小值主要出现在1月,研究区域东北部124°~126°E海域推迟到2月.  相似文献   

根据1992年11月至1993年2月在太平洋暖池强化通量阵海域,四艘海洋调查船同步连续观测的气象资料,统计出该海域气温、海表温、气压和风和逐月变化。  相似文献   

The East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) consists of subsystems such as the Siberian high, Aleutian low, East Asian trough, low-level northerly wind and high-level East Asian jet stream. It is revealed that the interannual variation of the EAWM-related atmospheric circulation has exhibited an obvious weakening since the mid-1980s. During 1956-1980, significant negative correlations between the EAWM and sea surface temperature are observed in the oceans along the east coast of East Asia, accompanied by significant positive correlations in the western Warm Pool. However, the significant interannual relationship in the previous period is found to have been disrupted during 1986-2010. Further analysis reveals that the Arctic Oscillation after the mid-1980s tends to suppress the interannual variability of the EAWM. In addition, it was found that the large-scale warming after the mid-1980s is favorable to reduce the land-sea thermal contrast variability on both the interdecadal and interannual time scales.  相似文献   

南海海表温度的低频变化及影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用1950-2010年HadISST1海表温度分析了1950-2010年南海海表温度的季节、年际、年代际变化规律和空间分布,并探讨了太平洋年代际振荡、厄尔尼诺/南方涛动、表面风和EI Nino Modoki对南海海表温度的影响.结果表明:南海海表温度存在显著的季节、年际和年代际变化,1975年左右发生1次由低到高的跃...  相似文献   

The global sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly data from 1950 to 1996 were used to analyze spatial characters of interdecadal SST variations. A wavelet transform was made for the equatorial eastern Pacific SST anomaly time series. Results show that there are three remarkable timescale SST variations: 130-month interdecadal variation, 57-month interannual variation and 28-month quasi-2-a variation. Based on this result, an El Nino event was predicted in the early part of 1997.  相似文献   

Time series of solar radiation and north Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) index were used to analyze their causality relationship with various periodic oscillations in reconstructed millennial global-mean temperature series. The three long-term periods of the Medieval Warm Period (MWP), Little Ice Age (LIA) and recent Global Warming Period (GWP) were distinct in the temperature series. 21-year, 65-year, 115-year and 200-year oscillations were derived from the temperature series after removing three long-term climatic temperatures. The phases of temperature oscillations significantly lagged behind oceanic SST and solar radiation variability. The recent decadal warm period was caused by the quasi-21-year temperature oscillation. At this century-cross period, the four oscillations reached their peaks simultaneously, which did not occur during the last millennium. Based on the long-term trend during the GWP and the four periodic oscillations, global-mean temperature is expected to drop to a new cool period in the 2030s and then a rising trend would be towards to a new warm period in the 2060s.  相似文献   

运用相关分析和滑动相关方法,分析了江淮流域5个代表站1903-2000年梅雨期雨量的变化特征及其与太平洋海温的相关关系及年代际差异.结果表明,江淮地区梅雨期雨量在近百年来存在明显的年际和年代际变化特征.通过分析梅雨期雨量与太平洋海温的年代际相关特征发现,江淮流域梅雨期雨量与前期及同期太平洋海温关系密切,前一年冬季及梅雨期东北太平洋海温与江淮流域梅雨期雨量负相关,在热带东太平洋的Nino1 2区两者正相关显著,同年春季西太平洋部分海域海温与江淮流域梅雨期雨量正相关.从年际相关分析发现,前一年冬季太平洋海温与梅雨期雨量正相关,同年春季以及梅雨期两者相关不明显.通过分析年代际差异发现,江淮流域梅雨期雨量与前期及同期热带太平洋关键区海温的21a滑动相关存在显著的年代际差异,这种差异与海温的21a滑动平均的年代际冷暖背景关系密切,热带太平洋海温关键区前一年冬季冷海温背景下,梅雨期雨量同海温正相关显著,同年春季暖海温背景下,两者之间负相关显著,而江淮流域梅雨期雨量同中国近海海温之间(从冬季到梅雨期)维持显著的正相关,与该区海温冷暖背景的关系则并不明显.  相似文献   

The relationship between cloud amount and sea surface temperature (SST) over western tropical Pacific cloudy regions during TOGA COARE is investigated based on hourly grid simulation data from a two-dimensional coupled ocean-cloud resolving atmosphere model. The model is forced by the large-scale vertical velocity and zonal wind observed and derived from TOGA COARE for a 50-day period. The cloud amount becomes smaller when the ocean surface gets warmer, which is similar to previous relations obtained from observational analyses. As SST increases, the atmospheric temperature increases whereas the surface sensible heat flux decreases. The atmospheric water vapor is not sensitive to SST whereas the surface evaporation flux decreases as SST increases. These indicate that the oceanic effects do not play an important role in determining atmospheric heat and water vapor budgets. The cold atmosphere produces a larger amount of ice clouds that cover a larger area than the warm atmosphere does. The large amounts of ice clouds lead to cooling of the ocean surface through reflecting large amount of solar radiation back to the space. Thus, the negative correlation between the cloud amount and SST only accounts for the important atmospheric effects on the ocean.  相似文献   

The tropical oceans are important source areas for global heat and water vapor transport, and changes in tropical sea surface tem-perature (SST) will have important impacts on high-latitude and global climate change. It is crucial to establish the precise phase relationship between tropical and high-latitude climate variability to gain insight into the mechanisms of global climate change. Here, we present multi-proxy records across the penultimate deglaciation (Termination II) from sediment Core SO18459, which is located in the outflow area of the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) of the Timor Sea. These proxy records include planktonic and benthic foraminifera δ18O, planktonic foraminifera G. ruber Mg/Ca-derived SST, and δ18Ow of sea surface water. The Mg/Ca-SST records indicate a warming of 4.1°C in the Timor Sea over Termination II, which is in phase with decrease in planktonic and benthic δ18O. Our results suggest that at millennial timescales, climate change of the tropical oceans is synchronous with high-latitude ice volume changes. Furthermore, warming of the Timor Sea is almost simultaneous with warming of the Antarctic, suggesting a rapid heat transfer from the tropics to the Antarctic via the atmosphere and/or ocean circulations. The G. ruber δ18O and SST records of Core SO18459 show a marked YD-like event during Termination II, which is probably caused by decrease in Australian rainfall or strengthening of the Western Pacific Warm Pool. However, a similar YD-like event is not observed in East Asian rainfall records. This discrepancy indicates that different tropical climate systems may have different responses to the same forcing, such as El Niño Southern Oscillation. A similar YD-like event is observed in the global benthic foraminiferal δ18O records during Termination II, implying teleconnection of millennial scale climate change between the tropical regions and high latitudes.  相似文献   

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