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New Development of the Basic Theory of Extenics   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1Preface Extenicshasbeeningreatprogress.Thegreatprogresswasmadeinbothbasictheoryandapplicatoryresearch .Theunderstandingofthebasicconceptionsandtheoreticalframehasgonefurtheraswell.Soitishightimetosummarizewhathasbeendone . Withitsestablishmentanddevelopment ,anysubjectwillbemoreandmoreperfectandaccurate .Inrecentyears,thetendencyofbasicconceptionsandbasictheoriesofExtenicsistobeprecise .Itsymbolizesthematurityofthesubject.Soitisnecessarytosumuptheseachievementsintimeforthefurtherdevelopme…  相似文献   

In this paper,the new development of three basic theories of Extenics,incluing basic-element theory,extension set theory and extension logic theory ,has been introduced.And the new theoretical frame of Extenics has also been set forth.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe theory of shape aesthetics , social standard andsubjective consciousness influence the results of design prin-ciples . The design structure , belongs to visual thoughts ,isemanative and optional in its characteristic because of itsspecialty in its for m. The emanative indicates that in theter ms of wideness and flexibility the design principle is notrestrict to logical deduce rigorously .It may come out froma senior point to several junior points and again the juniorpoints may …  相似文献   

The theory of Pansystems Multionomial forecasting (TPMF) is a theory which researches this kind of multinomial forecasting problem:Suppose S(t) is an undnown multinomial, S(j) is the value vector of S(t) at t=t_j. If we get a set of data(S_0, S_1,…, S_n), S_j is an approximate vector of the vector S(j), then how to forecast the vector S(n+1) and what is the maximum of the distance between the forecasting vector and the vector S(n+1) under the condition that S(t) unchanges during the discussion procedure and the range of error is knowm.The purpose of the paper is to give a brief introduction of TPMF.  相似文献   

本文将通过对《傲慢与偏见》中例句的分析, 重点探讨照应衔接手段的英汉转换及其差异, 及在翻译实践中的一些规律, 力图从不同的角度丰富翻译理论及实践。  相似文献   

LossofCoolantExperimentsfortheTestNuclearHeatingReactorMaChangwen(马昌文);BoJinhai(博金海);JiaHaijun(贾海军)(InstituteofNuclearEnergyT...  相似文献   

Before the present of basic model,one example is given in section 2 to illustrate the economic intuition behind the SSE. The general model,including the three hypotheses,adaptive play setting and basic results is laid out in section 3. Sections 4 study the asymptotic behavior of this model. This review concludes with a comment.  相似文献   

1 Results On the basis of previous work,the general theory,least square methods and computing programs have been proposed and developed,which can separate the two-fold broadening effect caused by crystallite-micro strain,crystallite-stacking faults,strain-faults and which can also separate the three fold broadening effect caused by crystallite-strain-faults in closed-parked hexagonal (CPH) nano-materials.The method is applied to characterize and investigate the microstructure in β-Ni(OH)2 as negative material for nickel/metal (Ni /MH) batteries.The results indicate that in the raw β-Ni(OH)2 there are only two-fold broadening effect of crystallite-faults,however after activation and cycle test three fold broadening effect of crystallite-strain-faults is available.  相似文献   

Agricultural eco-engineering is not only the important content of eco-agriculture construction, but also the important measure for operating eco-agriculture construction. Applying principle of ecology, and combining the method of systemic engineering with the measure of modem technology, the essential of agriculture ecologic engineering is to build the production mode of using agriculture resource with high effectiveness, and technique system of realizing sustainable development. This article gives an introduction of what the agricultural eco-engineering is and the basic theory and the design principle of agricultural eco-engineering.  相似文献   

The controller designed according to classical or modern control theory will not satisfy the performance requirements when the controlled object in industrial field can not be described by exact mathematical model or the disturbance of the controlled system. In order to make the controlled system stable and having good performance, H∞ control theory was put forward to solve this practical problem. Taking the position of a rolling mill as the controlled object, it was rectified by optimal engineering way. Then, three different plans were put forward according to Bang-Bang control, LQ control and H∞ control, respectively. The result of the simulation shows that the controller designed according to H∞ method whose robust performance and ability to restrain colors disturbance is satisfactory.  相似文献   

在光的衍射实验中,一般看到的是由通过衍射片的直射光形成的衍射图样,但在衍射片的另一面,同样存在着另一个衍射图样,它是由衍射片的背面反射光形成的,两个衍射图样关于衍射片对称.文章给出了这种实验现象,并用巴比涅原理解释了这种现象.  相似文献   

在光的衍射实验中,一般看到的是由通过衍射片的直射光形成的衍射图样,但在衍射片的另一面,同样存在着另一个衍射图样,它是由衍射片的背面反射光形成的,两个衍射图样关于衍射片对称.文章给出了这种实验现象,并用巴比涅原理解释了这种现象.  相似文献   

孙慕渊 《咸宁学院学报》2004,24(6):69-70,78
讨论了夫琅和费双狭缝衍射的振幅、光强分布、衍射图样.从单缝衍射效应和缝间干涉效应出发,来分析不等宽夫琅和费双缝衍射的基本方法.  相似文献   

学校教学活动作为教育工作的中心环节,它能否顺利进行决定着整个教育工作的质量与效果。本文以计算机教学为例,分析了晕轮效应的影响及其在教学中的应用,以期对做好教学工作有新的启发。  相似文献   

本文根据重铬酸盐明胶的性质,提出了一种处理重铬酸盐明胶板的新方法——两步法,得到了较好的实验结果。  相似文献   

强流离子直线加速器因其可作为次临界装置的驱动器,近来在放射性洁净核能系统等方面的应用中出现了一些新的动向,引起人们极大的关注,同时。这些新的应用对加速器低束损也提出了苛刻的要求,使得对粒子损失的主要来源之定的束晕问题的研究成为当前加速器物理研究中的热点,本文采用束核-试验粒子模型,通过在哈密顿动力学系统中同时求解KV包络方程和Hill方程,单向自洽地研究了空间电荷控制的束流的传输问题,借助Poin  相似文献   

本文给出了描述圆环光栅的透过率函数,并讨圆环光栅产生的夫朗和费衍射光场复振幅和光强分布的简单表达式,所得的理论结果,很好地解释了圆环光栅的实验现象。  相似文献   

在相对论连续谱Hartree-Bogoliubov(RCHB)理论框架下,采用非线性核子-核子有效相互作用NL-LN参数组系统计算了从锂到镁(3≤Z≤12)同位素原子核的基态性质,包括中子、质子和物质均方根半径以及密度分布.计算结果不仅再现了中子晕候选核11Li,11Be,14Be和17B中的中子晕现象,而且还预言了13 Be,14,15B,31F,23,24O和31,32,34Ne也存在中子晕.  相似文献   

本文就利用国产天津Ⅰ型全息干版提出新颖的显影液配方,利用此显影液制作的全息图衍射效率高,稳定性好  相似文献   

全息图像实验的噪声及衍射效率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全面地讨论全息噪声产生的各种来源和抑制办法。在拍摄全息时,一般总希望提高衍射效率,但应依据拍摄对象来源来选择参物比,以求得总的衍射效率和整体效果最佳。在考虑到外部环境的影响时,拍摄时间不宜过长。在一定的条件下,为了获得最佳的效果,存在着一个最佳曝光时间的问题。在电镜观察下,记录材料的分辨率不够时,干涉条纹的信息将破坏。  相似文献   

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