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为解决无线网状网中因多条路径同时传输数据而引起网络性能降低的问题, 提出了一个基于流量的Q-学习路由与调度方案(QRST): 针对每一个路由请求, 首先采用强化学习中的Q-学习算法寻找路径; 然后根据找到的路径结合信道分配完成组合调度, 以启发式的方法尽可能为每个时隙使用网络资源分配路径的连接. 并在不同网络资源配置和多种流量请求下进行虚拟计算实验, 以验证该方案的正确性和有效性. 实验结果表明: 与COSS方案和AODV方案相比,采用QRST方案的无线网状网在吞吐量、激活链路数量和传输完成时间等网络性能上有较好的表现.  相似文献   

路由判据是多跳无线网络路由协议中的核心内容。由于传统的无线网络均是基于单信道的,因此,无线网络中的经典判据不适应于多信道无线mesh网络。分析了影响多信道无线mesh网络路由判据的几个关键因素,讨论了近年来学术界针对多信道无线mesh网所提出的路由判据,并对各种路由判据进行了系统地分类、比较和分析,给出了无线mesh网络路由判据未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

从无线链路干扰的角度为802.11s定义的无线Mesh网络提出一种信道分配策略.首先在现有无线干扰模型和传播模型的基础上,通过仿真研究无线干扰对无线Mesh网络性能的影响;然后根据仿真结论提出无线链路干扰模型,同时利用无线Mesh网络流量呈现树状拓扑汇聚的特点对网络拓扑进行有序分解,从而划分出多跳链路干扰和单跳并行链路干扰;最后提出的802.11s信道分配策略的基本思想是采用循环交叉分配信道的方法尽量减少或消除无线多跳链路干扰.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络中进行数据采集及其运算时均采用电池驱动,能耗便成了无线传感器网络设计时最应考虑的关键因素.采用网络编码时,中间节点发送的数据包是其接收信息的线性组合,传输一定大小数据包时最小化数据传输次数,传输次数越少,功率消耗也越少.分析了网络编码时无线传感器网络传输过程及其节能的原理,比较了是否采用网络编码的2种无线传感器网络传输方式的能效.结果表明,采用网络编码技术,可以有效地减少传输总功率,延长无线传感器网络的生存时间.  相似文献   

为解决无线网状网中多条路径同时传送引起的干扰冲突和资源竞争问题,提出了依托信道分层方法的组合式路由结合调度的方案:首先,给出了路径发现的可行方案,并基于网状网的可用资源提出一种路径选择判据——资源可获得度;然后,确定了多条路径可并发传输的信道分配方案;最后,开发了结合路由、信道分配、调度的组合优化调度方案(COSS算法),以启发式的方法找到每个时隙下尽可能多的可兼容路径,实现可兼容路径的组合优化调度.为验证COSS算法的性能,在不同网络资源配置、多种流量请求下进行仿真实验.实验结果表明:(1)COSS算法在吞吐量、传输延迟、传输完成时间方面有较好的表现;(2)与AODV路由协议相比,COSS算法有效地提高了吞吐量.  相似文献   

无线Mesh网络QoS保障技术综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先,简要回顾了无线Mesh网络的基本概况,分析了在无线Mesh网络中提供QoS保障的必要性和重要意义.然后,系统地介绍了无线Mesh网络的物理层、MAC层和路由层QoS保障技术以及跨层QOS设计技术的国内外研究现状,对其进行了细致而科学的分类.最后,给出了它们的研究难点和研究方向.  相似文献   

在无线通信系统中,用户间干扰总是制约着网络的吞吐量,因此寻求有效的干扰管理方法显得尤为关键.文中首先引出多种传统的干扰管理方法,但基于这些方法的系统容量都会受到干扰的限制,而且随着用户数的增加,很难获取这些方法的一般解.然而干扰对齐算法可使系统的总容量随着用户数的增加线性递增,文中重点综述两类干扰对齐算法:一类是基于信号空间的干扰对齐算法,另一类是基于信号编码级的干扰对齐算法,最后简要分析了干扰对齐算法的可行性和应用前景.  相似文献   

In traditional networks , the authentication is performed by certificate authoritys(CA),which can't be built in distributed mobile Ad Hoc Networks however. In this pa per, we propose a fully self-organized public key management based on bidirectional trust model without any centralized authority that allows users to generate their public-private key pairs, to issue certificates, and the trust relation spreads rationally according to the truly human relations. In contrast with the traditional self-organized public-key management, the average certificates paths get more short, the authentication passing rate gets more high and the most important is that the bidirectional trust based model satisfys the trust re quirement of hosts better.  相似文献   

对多信道无线Mesh网络中的信道分配算法进行了分析,提出了一种基于信道状态的动态信道分配策略(channel-state-based dynamic channel assignment,CSDCA)。该算法利用控制信道交互的信息,通过Hello消息的交换、发送请求(request-to-send,RTS)和允许发送(clear-to-send,CTS)的信道协商、数据传输3个阶段实现信道的动态分配,并通过仿真分析验证了该算法对多信道无线Mesh网络(multichannel wireless mesh networks,MWMN)性能的提高。  相似文献   

无线网状网是一种新型的宽带无线接入网络,其中路由算法的设计是一个非常活跃的研究领域。由于无线网状网具有的一些特性,现有的基于最小跳数的路由算法并不适合无线网状网。为了提高网络性能,文章在综合考虑无线链路质量、链路间的干扰以及节点的负载情况后,提出了一种新的路由判据I-WCETT;仿真结果表明,该方案能显著提高网络的吞吐量。  相似文献   

This paper presents a lighter protocol, and it removes the multicast burdens from RSVP to adapt to unicast applications. At the same time, when RSVP is used in wireless networks, some issues about mobility raise popular concerns. The proposed protocol a lightweight mobile RSVP protocol, solves the problems by the following mechanisms: changeless flow identifier, a new state management and "refresh" mechanism.  相似文献   

基于拓扑化简的多接口无线mesh网络信道分配算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决多接口无线mesh网络的信道分配问题,提出一种能够适应不同接口数和信道数的对不同网络业务量模式具有通用性的低复杂度算法。基于一种启发式信道分配策略,该算法根据各节点配置的接口数去除多余的链路,使信道分配方案能够充分利用多信道资源。在该文研究的网络场景下,该算法可使信道分配方案的总冲突数持续降低并最终达到0,所得到的最佳方案的网络容量可达到单信道情况的约5倍。引入拓扑结构化简技术改进了多接口无线mesh网络的信道分配算法。  相似文献   

为了解决多接口无线mesh网络的信道分配问题,提出了一种能够适应不同接口数和信道数的对不同网络业务量模式具有通用性的低复杂度算法。基于一种启发式信道分配策略,该算法根据各节点配置的接口数去除多余的链路,使信道分配方案能够充分利用多信道资源。在该文研究的网络场景下,该算法可使信道分配方案的总冲突数持续降低并最终达到0,所得到的最佳方案的网络容量可达到单信道情况的约5倍。引入拓扑结构化简技术改进了多接口无线mesh网络的信道分配算法。  相似文献   

According to analyze the facade phenomenon of wire-less sensor networks(WSNs),this paper proposes a feasible method to state clearly and improve the power control efficiency of wire-less sensor networks(WSNs). One of the crucial problems for WSNs is the design of medium access control (MAC) protocol. Our method want to adjust the activities of the MAC protocols control to achieve the enery conservation when the wireless communication module of sensor nodes is running, which is the major consumer of energy consumed by sensors energy. The energy efficiency of MAC protocol makes a strong impact on the network performance. To some extent,our research work describes and analyze the sources of energy consumption in MAC layer and simultaneously present an optimal method for the design of MAC protocol. Then we discusses some factors impacting on the performance of MAC protocol and metrics of performance evaluation. Eventually, the coming research direction is summarized.  相似文献   

传统上对无线多跳网络中传输调度问题的研究是基于协议干扰模型的。该模型对问题的分析比较简单,通常会使调度算法的性能较差。该文提出了一种基于物理干扰模型的分布式调度算法来提高网络吞吐量。物理干扰模型反映了接收节点的信干噪比(SINR),是对现实场景中干扰的一种更精确的抽象。该文将传输调度问题建模为整数线性规划(ILP)问题,然后将其松弛为一般的线性规划(LP)问题,提出一种分布式算法来求解LP问题的最优解,进而计算传输调度问题的最优解。在该分布式算法中,每个节点只需要本地的信道信息便可以计算出最优的传输概率,从而实现最优调度。仿真结果表明:该算法可以很快收敛到最优解,并且吞吐量性能与中心式算法接近。  相似文献   

与传统的无线多跳网络不同,多radio无线mesh网络的路由器是固定的,节点具有异构性。提出一种协作的异构多radio无线mesh系统路由设计模型,该路由协议模型按路由发现过程,分4个子模块,分别为半同步式邻居发现机制r、adio异构刻画的路由metric、分层的信息发布模型、满足业务需求的路由算法。该路由协议模型对多radio的异构性进行了刻画,采用分层协作方式共享网络拓扑信息。实验证明这种适应异构无线环境的跨层路由设计方案比传统方案更符合用户需求。  相似文献   

In wireless network, call completion probability accounts for users‘ satisfaction since the admitted ongoing call may be interrupted during hand off process or even stay in the same cell when dynamically allocaring resource to calls hecause of the loss of resource. We focus on the relationship between call‘s completion probability and these interruptions and develop an analytical relationship model for homogeneous cellular networks based on probability analysis. Then assuming call‘s data source is modeled by on off traffic model, a two dimensional Markov process is established to compute these blocking and dropping probahilities for call‘s completion probability. The impacts of different new call arrival rate. call‘s traffic characteristic, user‘s mobility, call‘s holding time and call‘s admission threshold on call‘s completion are evaluated and compared through numerical examples. These results show that call‘s completion reaches its maximum value if making no difference between hand off call and new call in the case of light traffic load. But some resource should be reserved for the hand off call in high traffic scenario. The analytical model provides a basis for helping to set the call admission threshold.  相似文献   

How to reduce interference among neighbor nodes in wireless mesh networks is still an important and key issue nowadays. In this paper, an optimized channel assignment algorithm(OCA) is proposed to solve this problem based on link throughput and node priority. The effects of the numbers of network interface cards and channels on the network throughput are analyzed and evaluated. When there are seven of the numbers of both network interface cards and channels, the efficiency of utilizing network interface card and channel reaches highest. Compared with centralized channel assignment algorithm(CCA), the proposed algorithm has less packet loss rate and more network throughput significantly.  相似文献   

Web-services are highly distributed programs, and concurrent software is notoriously error-prone. Model checking is a powerful technique to find bugs in concurrent systems. However, the existing model checkers have no enough ability to support for the programming languages and communication mechanisms used for Web services. We propose to use Kripke structures as means of modeling Web service. This paper presents an automated way to extract formal models from programs implementing Web services using predicate abstraction for abstract model checking. The abstract models are checked by means of a model checker that implements automatic abstraction refinement. These results enable the verification of the applications that implement Web services.  相似文献   

Mesh网的可靠性评价方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了对固定无线Mesh网中可用路径多样性带来的可靠性进行评价,将有线网络可靠性算法和无线网络传输模型结合,提出一种Mesh网终端对可靠性计算方法.能够计算出全部链路和节点的故障率,以及基于多跳/多路径链路的性能计算出用户站和基站间链路的总故障率.实验结果表明:能够有效地评价Mesh用户站群与基站连接的可靠性,提高了网络节点选择到基站最可靠通路和避开网络中较差链路,以及在更可靠的链路上获得更低的误码率的能力.  相似文献   

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