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松毛虫赤眼蜂个体发育研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

记述了赤眼蜂科Trichogrammatidae缨翅赤眼蜂属MegaphragmaTimbelake和寡索赤眼蜂属OligositaWal中二新种;异索缨翅赤眼蜂Megaphragma anomalifuniculi,sp.nov.和黑翅寡索赤蜂Chaetostrichella pungens(Mayr)模式标本存于沈阳农业大学,纪录种:彭根多毛赤蜂Chaetostrichella pungens  相似文献   

1985~1996年在研究中国东北地区赤眼蜂科Trichogrammatidae分类过程中,发现赤眼蜂族Trichogrammatini、断脉赤眼蜂属MirufensGirault中3新种,其中1种已发表(娄巨贤1991),现将另外的2种记述如下.模式标本(玻片)存于沈阳农业大学昆虫标本室  相似文献   

用扫描电镜观察了松毛虫赤眼蜂和玉米螟赤眼蜂的雌性触角,得到两种蜂触角上的感受器各有九种。发现分布在棒节腹面“探索区”的i型感器数目和形状在两种蜂之间有明显差异,因此具有鉴定种类的价值。用光学显微镜也能分辨出这种感器。本文详细描述了各种感器的细微结构和形态特征。  相似文献   

为比较不同赤眼蜂酚氧化酶(PO)活性的大小,明确赤眼蜂种间免疫防御能力强弱,本研究通过研磨、离心提取松毛虫赤眼蜂Trichogramma dendrolimi、螟黄赤眼蜂T.chilonis、玉米螟赤眼蜂T.ostriniae匀浆液,首次测定了几种化学因子(Ca2+、昆布多糖、纤维素、右旋糖酐、脂多糖和丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂)对3种供试赤眼蜂匀浆液中酚氧化酶原激活系统(proPO-AS)的激活程度。结果表明:玉米螟赤眼蜂匀浆液PO活性最高,螟黄赤眼蜂次之,松毛虫赤眼蜂最低。Ca2+是激活供试赤眼蜂proPO的必需因子,且在0.03mol/L浓度下激活作用最强;昆布多糖和脂多糖也能有效激活proPO,0.01及0.05mg/mL昆布多糖能强烈激活PO活性;纤维素和右旋糖酐对PO活性存在显著抑制作用。结果证明了赤眼蜂种间存在明显的免疫能力差异。本研究建立了小型昆虫proPO-AS研究体系,为研究Wolbachia-小型昆虫的免疫互作体系奠定了基础。  相似文献   

本试验是为探求松毛虫赤眼蜂在蕃茄地防治棉铃虫的可能性及其效果。通过试验表明:在放蜂区,松毛虫赤眼蜂对棉铃虫卵的寄生率平均为82.3%;蕃茄果实被害率压低到1.60%——2.83%以下。绝对防治效果为70.76%——82.68%,利用松毛虫赤眼蜂防治蕃茄地棉铃虫效果良好。  相似文献   

评价戊唑醇对天敌赤眼蜂急性毒性的风险性。在指形管中加入定量的供试药液,将药液在指形管中充分滚吸直至晾干制成药膜管,然后将供试赤眼蜂放入药膜管中爬行1h后转入无药指形管中,饲喂10%蜂蜜水,并封紧管口,对照组的成蜂数量与处理组相同,对照组与处理组同时进行,在转入无药指形管中24h后检查并记录管中死亡和存活蜂数。采用概率单位图解法对正式试验的药液配置浓度与供试玉米螟赤眼蜂死亡情况进行统计分析,戊唑醇对玉米螟赤眼蜂的毒性为高风险性。  相似文献   

北京市农林科学院植物保护环境保护研究所在国内率先建立天敌昆虫品质资源和应用数据库.是全国多种/品系天敌昆虫资源收集和保存单位的排头兵。设计出松毛虫赤眼蜂、螟黄赤眼蜂、瓢虫、草蛉等多种天敌昆虫产品工厂化生产工艺流程.并实现了全年规模化生产。  相似文献   

新疆赤眼蜂、缨小蜂研究初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文根据近几年采自新疆各地的赤眼蜂科标本约1200号,缨小蜂科标本约3000号,经初步制片研究,已鉴定出新疆地区的赤眼蜂科资源15属,缨小蜂科资源12属,除了赤眼蜂属Trichogramma Westwood在新疆地区过去曾有记载外,其余赤眼蜂、缨小蜂各属资源都是首次发现。为方便进一步调查这两类寄生蜂资源,特将新疆已知的15属赤眼蜂和12属缨小蜂的主要鉴别特征以检索表形式简报如下。  相似文献   

分别利用差分方法和有限元方法对一类含有迁移的赤眼蜂-螟虫生态系统进行数值模拟,导出了差分方程计算格式和L^∞模误差估计,并利用极值原理证明了数值解的非负性;建立了一种可行的有限元计算格式,并在此基础上导出了最优阶的L^2模和H^1模误差估计。  相似文献   

分别利用差分方法和有限元方法对一类含有迁移的赤眼蜂 — 螟虫生态系统进行数值模拟,导出了差分方程计算格式和 L∞ 模误差估计,并利用极值原理证明了数值解的非负性;建立了一种可行的有限元计算格式,并在此基础上导出了最优阶的 L2 模和 H1 模误差估计  相似文献   

李保平  刘小宁 《武夷科学》2002,18(1):317-317
赤眼蜂是棉铃虫卵的主要天敌 ,但自然种群数量很低 ,需人工繁蜂释放到田间 ,方可达到助益控害的目的。由于新疆地处内陆 ,干旱少雨 ,加上实行高密度矮化的独特栽培模式 ,使田间小气候以高温低湿为特点。所以 ,筛选适合当地气候特点的赤眼蜂种 (品系 )就成为工厂化繁蜂的首要任务。对此 ,我们对新疆棉铃虫赤眼蜂进行了种系筛选和赤眼蜂对温湿度反应的比较研究。对寄生新疆棉铃虫的暗黑赤眼蜂 (Trichogramma pintoi)和广赤眼蜂 (T.evanescens) 2个蜂种的 6个地理品系 (4个采自新疆棉铃虫 ,2个从乌孜别克斯坦引进 )进行了寄主选择性测定。当同时面临棉铃虫卵和米蛾卵时 ,根据接触卵次数和寄生量等特性 ,暗黑赤眼蜂乌兹别克 II品系对棉铃虫卵表现很强的选择性 ,其次是暗黑赤眼蜂库尔勒品系 ,其余品系对棉铃虫卵的选择性不明显或对米蛾卵表现强选择性。对采自新疆棉铃虫的 2个暗黑赤眼蜂地理品系和 1个广赤眼蜂品系以及从乌孜别克斯坦引进的 2个暗黑赤眼蜂地理品系进行了对温湿度反应的比较研究。各赤眼蜂种 (系 )后代性比之间的差异受温湿度组合的影响较小。同一种系中 ,雌蜂倾向于在较高温度下产更多的卵 ,达到更高的寄生率 ,但性比 (雄 /雌 )随温度升高而增大。在高温 (35℃ )低湿 (45 % )条件下 ,暗黑赤  相似文献   

基于吉林调研农户数据,采用多个Logit模型比较分析赤眼蜂防治玉米螟技术采用的影响因素,研究发现,赤眼蜂防治玉米螟的技术特性决定了该技术的采用不仅与微观农户技术需求有关,也与技术供给有关,实证也验证了农业技术供给和玉米种植规模对农户技术采用有显著的正向影响。样本数据反映,如此经济、环保又增产的农业技术并未能在我国得到广泛应用,与我国农技推广力度严重不足密切相关。从符合WTO规则及更好地实现我国粮食安全角度来看,我国应加大粮食主产区的农技推广力度。  相似文献   

林霞  林乃铨 《武夷科学》2011,27(1):29-33
通过检查采自我国河北、山东、河南三省部分地区的赤眼蜂科Trichogrammatidae和缨小蜂科Mymaridae 标本共6000多号,重点研究了其中已制片的500多号标本,鉴定出该地区赤跟蜂科17属、缨小蜂科19属.除赤眼蜂属Trichogramma Westwood、寡索赤眼蜂属Oligosita,Walker和邻赤眼蜂属Paracentrobia Howar外,其余各属均为该地区首次报道.分别编制了该地区赤眼蜂科和缨小蜂科已知属的分属检索表,为进一步的调查和研究提供基础资料.  相似文献   

释放松毛虫赤眼蜂控制苏北地区杨树舟蛾的防效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者进行了林间释放松毛虫赤眼蜂防治杨树舟蛾类害虫卵的试验研究。结果表明:在两种密度下释放赤眼蜂均能有效达到控制杨树舟蛾类危害的目的,使林间赤眼蜂寄生舟蛾卵的寄生率显著提高;以释放赤眼蜂40 000头/667 m2防治处理的舟蛾卵粒寄生率(60%以上)显著高于20 000头/667 m2处理的寄生率(40%)。在3个杨树品种(107杨、46杨、2025杨)的林地内释放松毛虫赤眼蜂,各处理下叶片受害率较对照处理分别由31.84%、41.23%和29.73%降到3.01%、2.42%和4.22%,且差异显著,3个杨树品种林间无显著差异;各处理舟蛾卵粒寄生率与对照相比由10.52%、8.86%和9.36%分别显著提高至69.41%、45.54%和70.7%,3个杨树品种间存在显著差异。在舟蛾卵期利用松毛虫赤眼蜂和蛹期利用白蛾周氏啮小蜂混合防治杨树舟蛾的防效(31.31%)显著优于单种释放的防效(赤眼蜂16.38%,白蛾周氏啮小蜂14.37%)。  相似文献   

NH4HCO3 conversion followed by HCl leaching was performed and proven to be effective in extracting Pb and Sr from zinc extracted residual. The mechanism and operating conditions of NH4HCO3 conversion, including molar ratio of NH4HCO3 to zinc extracted residual, NH4HCO3 concentration, conversion temperature, conversion time, and stirring velocity, were discussed, and operating conditions were optimized by the orthogonal test. Experimental results indicate that NH4HCO3 conversion at temperatures ranging from 25 to 85°C follows the shrinking unreacted core model and is controlled by inner diffusion through the product layer. The extraction ratios of Pb and Sr under optimized conditions reached 85.15% and 87.08%, respectively. Moreover, the apparent activation energies of Pb and Sr were 13.85 and 13.67 kJ·mol?1, respectively.  相似文献   

The effects of picosecond Nd:YAG laser irradiation on chemical and morphological surface characteristics of the commercially pure titanium and Ti–13Nb–13Zr alloy in air and argon atmospheres were studied under different laser output energy values. During the interaction of laser irradiation with the investigated materials, a part of the energy was absorbed on the target surface, influencing surface modifications. Laser beam interaction with the target surface resulted in various morphological alterations, resulting in crater formation and the presence of microcracks and hydrodynamic structures. Moreover, different chemical changes were induced on the target materials’ surfaces, resulting in the titanium oxide formation in the irradiation-affected area and consequently increasing the irradiation energy absorption. Given the high energy absorption at the site of interaction, the dimensions of the surface damaged area increased. Consequently, surface roughness increased. The appearance of surface oxides also led to the increased material hardness in the surface-modified area. Observed chemical and morphological changes were pronounced after laser irradiation of the Ti–13Nb–13Zr alloy surface.  相似文献   

Iron carbon agglomerates (ICA) are used to realize low-carbon blast furnace ironmaking. In this study, the central composite design based on response surface methodology was used to synergistically optimize the compressive strength, reactivity, and post-reaction strength of ICA. Results show that the iron ore addition ratio significantly influences the compressive strength, reactivity, and post-reaction strength of ICA. The iron ore addition ratio and carbonization temperature or the iron ore addition ratio and carbonization time exert significant interaction effects on the compressive strength and reactivity of ICA, but it has no interaction effects on the post-reaction strength of ICA. In addition, the optimal process parameters are as follows: iron ore addition ratio of 15.30wt%, carbonization temperature of 1000°C, and carbonization time of 4.27 h. The model prediction results of compressive strength, reactivity, and post-reaction strength are 4026 N, 55.03%, and 38.24%, respectively, which are close to the experimental results and further verify the accuracy and reliability of the models.  相似文献   

The demand for Li-ion batteries (LIBs) for vehicles is increasing. However, LIBs use valuable rare metals, such as Co and Li, as well as environmentally toxic reagents. LIBs are also necessary to utilize for a long period and to recycle useful materials. The reduction, reuse, and recycle (3R) of spent LIBs is an important consideration in constructing a circular economy. In this paper, a flowsheet of the 3R of LIBs is proposed and methods to reduce the utilization of valuable rare metals and the amount of spent LIBs by remanufacturing used parts and designing new batteries considering the concept of 3R are described. Next, several technological processes for the reuse and recycling of LIBs are introduced. These technologies include discharge, sorting, crushing, binder removal, physical separation, and pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical processing. Each process, as well as the related physical, chemical, and biological treatments, are discussed. Finally, the problem of developed technologies and future subjects for 3R of LIBs are described.  相似文献   

For the purpose of exploring a potential process to produce FeMn, the effects of microwave heating on the carbothermal reduction characteristics of oxidized Mn ore was investigated. The microwave heating curve of the mixture of oxidized Mn ore and coke was analyzed in association with the characterization of dielectric properties. The comparative experiments were conducted on the carbothermal reductions through conventional and microwave heatings at temperatures ranging from 973 to 1373 K. The thermogravimetric analysis showed that carbothermal reactions under microwave heating proceeded to a greater extent and at a faster pace compared with those under conventional heating. The metal phases were observed in the microstructures only under microwave heating. The carbothermal reduction process under microwave heating was discussed. The electric and magnetic susceptibility differences were introduced into the thermodynamics analysis for the formation of metal Mn. The developed thermodynamics considered that microwave heating could make the reduction of MnO to Mn more accessible and increase the reduction extent.  相似文献   

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