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宝钢制造业流程铁钢界面物流参数的解析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
利用钢铁制造流程的多维物流管制理论,对宝钢炼铁炼钢生产界面中的空间组织、时间因素、铁水流量和温度等物流参数进行了解析,并对流程物流调控进行了量化处理,使得高炉-铁水预处理-转炉流程的整体优化具有数据支撑.分析结果表明,流程的衔接匹配是稳定生产的关键,同时指出了宝钢生产流程衔接的不合理之处.  相似文献   

通过对高炉--转炉区段物流过程的解析,提出区段经历3次大的发展,形成2种典型布局,简要论述了各工离功能;着重阐述了该区段流程布局的变化及工序间衔接、匹配的重要性;总结出流程布局发展的必然性和本质特点。  相似文献   

将"一包到底"模式下的铁水包周转过程抽象为有系统容量限制的3个串联接近闭合的排队系统,即高炉出铁、铁水脱硫以及转炉兑铁排队系统。在此基础上,提出基于有限系统容量排队论的铁水包理论周转个数计算模型。应用该模型,对重钢新区铁水包理论周转个数进行计算,结果表明:铁水包周转到达统计平衡的时间为294min,理论周转个数为17个。研究表明,减少铁水包周转个数的关键在于优化系统容量值,实际生产中主要从改进高炉配罐制度、加强炼铁炼钢工序协调等方面采取措施,并应用模型计算相关参数为:铁水包周转时间为260min,理论周转个数为15个。  相似文献   

基于二氧化碳与氧气混合喷吹(简称COMI)炼钢工艺热力学理论计算及实验研究,建立了转炉全铁水COMI炼钢工艺物料与能量模型.研究发现:应用COMI炼钢工艺进行转炉全铁水冶炼工艺研究不仅能解决转炉全铁水常规冶炼过程中存在的大渣量及大喷溅问题,而且在提高转炉煤气热值,降低转炉吨钢氧耗及石灰消耗、调节矿石加入量方面有显著效果.  相似文献   

针对转炉炼钢知识发现的特点,采用粗糙集理论进行分析,应用数据清洗、标准化及离散等方式对转炉炼钢生产数据进行预处理,以炼钢生产的主要影响因素作为知识发现的条件属性,以转炉冶炼终点控制目标作为知识发现的决策属性,建立了基于粗糙集方法的转炉炼钢知识发现模型,实现转炉炼钢生产知识的自动发现、获取和规则提取。以转炉冶炼终点钢水温度的变化规律做为知识发现的决策属性,采用210 t转炉炼钢实际生产数据进行模型的应用测试,结果表明提取出的铁水硅含量、铁矿石质量、氧气消耗量等影响因素对转炉冶炼钢水终点温度存在重要影响,且模型提取出的转炉炼钢终点钢水温度知识规则与现行转炉炼钢现场的变化规律一致,证明基于粗糙集方法的转炉炼钢知识发现模型的有效性。  相似文献   

从宣钢铁水供应的现状出发,提出了"高炉—铁水罐—转炉"这样一个紧凑的高炉—转炉界面模式(铁水罐向转炉直兑铁水).并从时间、铁水质量、能源与环保、设备以及人员配置等五个方面来评价分析铁水直兑的优点,根据铁水直兑的要求,宣钢现有铁水罐必须扩容,提出了现有铁水罐扩容改造的两种方法,并对这两种方法的改造效果进行比较.最后,讨论了铁水罐扩容后相关辅助设施的改造问题,从而为宣钢的铁水供应方案的改造提出了参考依据.  相似文献   

温继勇 《甘肃科技》2014,30(20):47-50
随着钢铁工业生产的进步,炼铁和炼钢工艺均对铁水硅含量提出了越来越高的要求。降低高炉铁水硅含量不仅是高炉的冶炼方向,也是现代炼钢工艺的必然要求。文中以高炉炉温预报和操作指导模型的开发为背景,对影响模型的主要操作参数与铁水含硅量滞后关系进行了相关性和滞后时间的分析,为准确实现高炉炉热判断奠定了基础。  相似文献   

首钢为降低82B生产成本,提高产品质量,在高炉原料中加入了钒钛球团矿.钒钛球团矿的加入导致转炉生产化渣慢,脱磷效率低,溅渣护炉效果不佳等问题.为了解决高钒钛铁水转炉生产82B所遇到的问题,本文以首钢炼钢厂转炉生产82B工艺为研究对象,利用Fluent数值模拟结合工业试验共同优化了转炉高VTi铁水冶炼82B供氧制度.通过供氧制度的优化,提高了转炉处理高VTi铁水的能力,从而保障首钢生产出高品质低成本的82B.  相似文献   

马宝宝 《科技信息》2010,(21):J0064-J0064,J0046
本文从入炉铁水比、转炉冶炼操作、转炉底吹、出钢操作等方面分析了转炉工序对钢水脱氮的影响因素入手,通过研究提出了提高铁水比、改善转炉操作,优化底吹模式,强化出钢口维护管理,优化脱氧制度等措施来提高转炉工序的脱氮效率。  相似文献   

转炉炼钢前期石灰石分解及CO2氧化作用的热力学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用热力学方法,对转炉炼钢前期高碳低温铁水条件下石灰石分解及CO2氧化作用进行了分析,推导出了CO2分压(pCO2)和高碳低温区域碳活度系数fC,%的求解方程.结果表明:石灰石中CaCO3在高碳低温的铁水面附近,其分解反应平衡温度比标准状态时低得多,随着吹炼过程中炉温上升其反应趋势增大,CO2在转炉炼钢吹炼初期与[C]、[Si]、[Mn]和Fe(l)的反应都可以自发进行,其排列次序与各元素被O2氧化的反应相同;在高碳低温铁水条件下pCO2值非常小,转炉炼钢初期pCO2在0.002 2~0.000 5pΘ左右,因此可以认为石灰石分解产生的CO2会全部参与铁水氧化反应.  相似文献   

以SGRS工艺为基础,研究了低碱度脱磷渣在转炉少渣冶炼中的作用.根据少渣冶炼物料平衡原理,脱磷阶段结束炉渣碱度控制越低,相当于转炉回收利用的Ca O量越多,能够实现的钢液去Si量也越多.同时实验结果表明,随着脱磷渣碱度的降低,炉渣的熔化性能逐渐改善,带来脱磷阶段结束转炉倒渣量不断增加以及脱磷渣金属铁含量不断降低的有益效果.当脱磷渣碱度在1.2~1.8范围时,脱磷渣半球点温度基本控制在1 380℃以内,脱磷渣中的游离Ca O质量分数控制在0.7%左右的较低水平,同时转炉脱磷阶段结束转炉倒渣量基本可控制在8 t(210 t转炉)或5 t(100 t转炉)以上.  相似文献   

转炉炼钢厂工序产能和品种钢铸机配置   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以邢钢转炉炼钢厂生产运行研究为基础,从物质量基本参数角度,对转炉、LF、连铸机三者的工序产能进行匹配分析和综合研究.运用OPT技术分析得出连铸机是原流程协调运行的"瓶颈",通过对提升连铸机生产能力的三种方法的分析,提出将连铸机由4流增加至5流是适合邢钢工艺的最佳工序产能匹配方案.最后,对中小吨位转炉流程的转炉、LF和连铸机匹配模式进行探讨,认为三者"一一对应"匹配模式是可行的.  相似文献   

讨论了具有非线性、大时滞、不确定特性的工况复杂的转炉炼钢过程建模与控制问题.针对传统的控制方法控制效果差、精度不高,难以达到期望结果的问题,结合RBF神经网络的特点,提出用基于混合编码方式的混合遗传算法训练的RBF神经网络,同时优化网络的结构和参数,并利用RBF神经网络建立转炉炼钢静态模型.仿真结果表明,该模型具有在线调整和学习的功能,比传统模型具有更好的计算精度和适应能力,为提高转炉冶炼过程的控制精度给出了一个有效的方法.  相似文献   

针对典型钢铁生产流程A,分析实现流程高效运行的铁钢界面、脱磷与脱碳转炉、精炼设备以及铸轧界面的生产组织约束。建立了考虑生产组织约束的钢铁企业合同计划模型,模型中充分考虑了不同生产线的排产紧凑与协调以及合同投产日期的优化,之后采用禁忌搜索算法对模型进行了求解。最后,从钢厂A中随机选取3组不同规模的实际生产合同,并对其进行仿真实验。仿真结果表明:所建立的合同计划模型与求解算法能够有效协调和优化生产,实现钢铁制造流程高效运行。  相似文献   

炼钢厂系统生产模式优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据冶金过程工程理论,针对钢铁制造过程系统中制造过程最为复杂的炼钢厂系统的生产模式优化问题进行探讨,阐述了生产模式在炼钢厂系统运行过程中的地位及其逻辑关系,并结合四个国内高效连铸工厂实际进行了研究,论述了生产模式优化的三个效用:(1)车间平面布置趋向合理、简洁;(2)工序缓冲趋向合理、有效;(3)工序运行趋向高效、优化.此外,上述研究结果已经拓展到特殊钢流程的运行优化与控制研究中,并取得有益的效果.  相似文献   

The slag formation path is important for efficient dephosphorization in steelmaking processes. The phosphorus capacity and the melting properties of the slag are critical parameters for optimizing the slag formation path. Regarding these two factors, the phosphorus par-tition ratio was calculated using the regular solution model (RSM), whereas the liquidus diagrams of the slag systems were estimated using the FactSage thermodynamic package. A slag formation path that satisfies the different requirements of dephosphorization at different stages of dephosphorization in a converter was thus established through a combination of these two aspects. The composition of the initial slag was considered to be approximately 15wt%CaO–44wt%SiO2–41wt%FeO. During the dephosphorization process, a slag formation path that fol-lows a high-iron route would facilitate efficient dephosphorization. The composition of the final dephosphorization slag should be approxi-mately 53wt%CaO–25.5wt%SiO2–21.5wt%FeO. The composition of the final solid slag after dephosphorization is approximately 63.6wt%CaO–30.3wt%SiO2–6.1wt%FeO.  相似文献   

Recycling of iron and steelmaking dusts is a key issue in environmental protection efforts and to ensure efficient utilization. In this investigation, we developed a novel recovery process that uses a dispersedin-situ phase induced by an explosive reaction of composite balls of iron and steelmaking dusts. We designed and prepared composite balls for this function using a laboratory model batch-type balling disc (at 12 r/min) and optimized the feeding modes in 180-t and 260-t basic oxygen furnace (BOF) converters. The results indicate that feeding composite balls into BOF converters is an effective novel technology for recovering iron and steelmaking dusts. The period after hot metal charging and prior to the oxygen-blowing process is the most reasonable time to feed composite balls. Composite ball treatment is not appro-priate for steel production with sulfur requirements lower than 80 ppm. The maximum composite ball feeding amount is 40 kg/t and the iron yield rate is better than 95%. Compared with the conventional recycling process of sludge and dust, this novel technology is more convenient and efficient, saving up to 309 RMB per ton of steel. Further investigation of this novel recycling technology is merited.  相似文献   

Recycling of iron and steelmaking dusts is a key issue in environmental protection efforts and to ensure efficient utilization. In this investigation, we developed a novel recovery process that uses a dispersed in-situ phase induced by an explosive reaction of composite balls of iron and steelmaking dusts. We designed and prepared composite balls for this function using a laboratory model batch-type balling disc (at 12 r/min) and optimized the feeding modes in 180-t and 260-t basic oxygen furnace (BOF) converters. The results indicate that feeding composite balls into BOF converters is an effective novel technology for recovering iron and steelmaking dusts. The period after hot metal charging and prior to the oxygen-blowing process is the most reasonable time to feed composite balls. Composite ball treatment is not appropriate for steel production with sulfur requirements lower than 80 ppm. The maximum composite ball feeding amount is 40 kg/t and the iron yield rate is better than 95%. Compared with the conventional recycling process of sludge and dust, this novel technology is more convenient and efficient, saving up to 309 RMB per ton of steel. Further investigation of this novel recycling technology is merited.  相似文献   

Recycling of iron and steelmaking dusts is a key issue in environmental protection efforts and to ensure efficient utilization. In this investigation, we developed a novel recovery process that uses a dispersed in-situ phase induced by an explosive reaction of composite balls of iron and steelmaking dusts. We designed and prepared composite balls for this function using a laboratory model batch-type balling disc(at 12 r/min) and optimized the feeding modes in 180-t and 260-t basic oxygen furnace(BOF) converters. The results indicate that feeding composite balls into BOF converters is an effective novel technology for recovering iron and steelmaking dusts. The period after hot metal charging and prior to the oxygen-blowing process is the most reasonable time to feed composite balls. Composite ball treatment is not appropriate for steel production with sulfur requirements lower than 80 ppm. The maximum composite ball feeding amount is 40 kg/t and the iron yield rate is better than 95%. Compared with the conventional recycling process of sludge and dust, this novel technology is more convenient and efficient, saving up to 309 RMB per ton of steel. Further investigation of this novel recycling technology is merited.  相似文献   

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