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制备姜黄素纳米混悬剂,并对其体外释放行为进行研究.方法采用溶剂沉淀法制备姜黄素纳米混悬剂;以纳米混悬剂的粒径大小、多分散系数(PDI)和Zeta电位为指标,通过单因素试验设计优化处方及制备工艺;利用差示扫描量热法对其形态表征;使用桨法考察其体外释放行为.结果制备的纳米混悬剂平均粒径为(159.6±2.95)nm,PDI为0.175±0.014,Zeta电位为-24.3±0.23,平均载药量为(16.5±0.04)%,平均包封率为(95.3±0.02)%;姜黄素以无定形存在;30 min时纳米混悬液累积溶出达(97.4±3.46)%,纳米混悬剂能显著提高药物的体外溶出度.结论姜黄素纳米混悬剂制备方法简单易行,稳定性良好,为改善姜黄素溶解性差问题提供了一种方法,具有较好的应用前景.  相似文献   

为了延长吡非尼酮口服给药半衰期,减少药物用量从而降低不良反应,同时响应肺纤维化的酸性微环境,设计将吡非尼酮包载在pH敏感脂质体中,考察脂质体的制备方法,根据包封率及粒径确定最佳工艺,并对制备的脂质体进行表征。采用硫酸铵梯度法制备的脂质体包封率为(88.25±1.85)%,平均粒径为109.0±3.4 nm。脂质体在pH为7.4的PBS中释放缓慢,24 h内可释放50%左右,而在p H为5.5的PBS中释放迅速,24 h内可释放80%左右。体外释放实验表明pH敏感脂质体能够响应于酸性微环境释放药物,以减少药物的不良反应,提高生物利用度和半衰期,为吡非尼酮的扩大应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

目的:制备替莫唑胺长循环纳米脂质载体,考察其理化性质和体外释放。方法:采用高温乳化-低温固化法制备莫唑胺长循环纳米脂质载体,超滤离心法测定其包封率和载药量,通过单因素考察,分别考察药脂比、液固脂质比、水浴温度、两种固体脂质比、滴加速度、搅拌速度对包封率的影响,通过正交设计法确定最佳处方。制备冻干制剂,并进行理化性质的考察和体外释放的研究。结果:根据单因素考察和正交设计得到的最佳处方制备三批莫唑胺长循环纳米脂质载体,其包封率为22.98%±2.6,载药量为3.71%±0.16,p H值为5.18±0.34,电镜照片显示替莫唑胺纳米脂质载体外观呈圆整的球形或类球形实体,粒径均匀;冻干制剂外观呈白色粉末,复溶后包封率略有增大,平均包封率为23.92%±2.6;体外释放显示出缓释效果。结论:采用高温乳化-低温固化法制备替莫唑胺长循环纳米脂质载体方法简单,冻干制剂稳定,包封率变化不大,缓释效果良好。  相似文献   

用高剪应力乳化法制备了布洛芬固体脂微颗粒(SLM),考察了制备过程中乳化温度、冷却温度、搅拌速率以及初始药物含量等因素对体系性能的影响.发现随乳化温度升高、搅拌速率增大、冷却温度降低,SLM的粒径减小,粒径分布更趋均匀.较低的乳化温度和冷却温度有利于布洛芬在SLM中的包封;而初始药物含量的变化对粒径大小、分布和药物的包封率影响较小.制备布洛芬SLM适宜的工艺条件为:乳化温度85℃、冷却温度5℃、搅拌速率12000 r/min、初始药物含量10%,在该条件下,所制备的布洛芬SLM平均粒径为(3.81±0.12)μm,粒径分布均匀,药物包封率达91.35%±1.18%.相对于纯布洛芬晶体,SLM的完全释放时间从3 h延长至12 h.  相似文献   

探索加味脉君安脂质体片剂的制备方法及其体外同步释放特征.采用薄膜-超声分散法制备大豆苷元与和厚朴酚复方长循环脂质体,再按处方剂量与氢氯噻嗪、钩藤碱及辅料压片制备加味脉君安脂质体片剂.采用桨法测定片剂的体外释放度,以相似因子f2为指标,考察加味脉君安脂质体片剂中主要降压活性成分的体外同步释放情况.大豆苷元与和厚朴酚复方长循环脂质体为圆形或椭圆形,粒径为(172.43±1.40) nm, zeta电位为(-44.3±1.25) mV,大豆苷元与和厚朴酚的包封率分别为58.8%和97.0%.加味脉君安脂质体片剂中的大豆苷元、和厚朴酚、氢氯噻嗪和钩藤碱在8 h的累积释放率分别为90.3%,93.4%,100.0%和84.9%,24 h各组分的累积释放率均为100%.各组分之间同步释放因子f2均大于50.表明加味脉君安脂质体片剂中各活性成分在释放介质中的体外同步释放情况较好,预期体内将具有较好的协同降压作用.  相似文献   

采用熔融乳化法与冷冻干燥法制备雨生红球藻油柔性纳米脂质体冻干粉(Hpo-FNL-LP),并研究其包封率、载药量、粒径、Zeta电位、微观形态及稳定性.采用桨法测定Hpo-FNL-LP体外累积溶出率,扩散池法测定皮肤累计渗透量,高效液相色谱法(HPLC)法测定虾青素血药质量浓度.结果表明:Hpo-FNL-LP的包封率为(89.16±1.21)%,载药量为(1.34±0.04)%,粒径为(165.75±0.11)nm,Zeta电位为(-18.45±0.48)mV,微观形态为双层膜的圆形结构,稳定性较好;与雨生红球藻油乙醇溶液相比,Hpo-FNL-LP具有一定的缓释效果;Hpo-FNL-LP中虾青素24 h的皮肤累计渗透量达到(12.84±0.36)μg·cm-2,显著高于雨生红球藻油普通脂质体;与虾青素油溶液相比,Hpo-FNL-LP的t1/2延长,ρmax与AUC0-t增大,相对生物利用度高达(422.53±3.30)%.  相似文献   

制备吉非罗齐纳米脂质体并对其进行质量评价,研究其体外缓释和体内降脂作用.方法:建立吉非罗齐HPLC体外分析方法测定含量.通过乙醇注入法制备吉非罗齐纳米脂质体,考察脂质体理化性质.进行体外溶出实验检验吉非罗齐脂质体的缓释效果,小鼠体内实验检验降脂功效.结果:制得脂质体外观呈淡蓝色乳光,无沉淀,透射电镜图显示其呈类球状,分布均匀.最优处方包封率为(80.73±1.65)%,粒径为(122.82±3.61)nm,PDI为0.181±0.01,Zeta电位(-23.77±0.60)mV.吉非罗齐纳米脂质体体外24h累积释放量达到90.45%.在药效学实验中,吉非罗齐高剂量组降脂效果最好,各血浆指数均有显著变化.结论:乙醇注入法制备吉非罗齐纳米脂质体操作易行,包封率高、粒径小而均一、稳定性强,释放缓慢无突释,降血脂效果显著,为后期吉非罗齐新剂型的设计提供依据.  相似文献   

目的:通过对青蒿素脂质体的处方和制备工艺研究,研制高包封率和稳定的脂质体。方法:采用乙醇注入法制备脂质体,以正交实验优化处方,测定了脂质体中药物的包封率,并初步考察了脂质体的稳定性。结果:优化处方与工艺所得脂质体形态均匀,包封率大于85%,载药量达27.22%,粒径约为90 nm,Zeta电位约为-68.4 mV,具有良好的稳定性。结论:乙醇注入法制备脂质体工艺简便,包封率高,制备的脂质体稳定好。  相似文献   

制备醉椒素脂质体并对其稳定性进行考察.采用薄膜-超声分散法制备脂质体,利用高效液相色谱法测定其主药含量,并考察其粒径、Zeta电位、包封率等指标及在室温与4℃保存14 d的稳定性.所得脂质体粒径小而均匀,粒径均值为(161±5)nm,Zeta电位为(2.37 ±0.2) mV,包封率均在77.09%以上,稳定性考察各项指标均无明显改变.由此可以得出结论,所制制剂包封率较高,稳定性良好.  相似文献   

采用冷冻干燥法制备茶多酚前体脂质体,并对其稳定性进行研究。通过考察冷冻保护剂的种类、冷冻保护剂的用量、预冻时间、冷冻干燥时间等因素对茶多酚前体脂质体复水后包封率的影响。在最佳制备工艺条件下:海藻糖为冷冻保护剂,海藻糖与卵磷脂的质量比为4∶1,预冻时间为6h,冷冻干燥时间为36h,制备得到的茶多酚前体脂质体复水后包封率45.5%,稳定性高。该法制备的茶多酚前体脂质体包封率高,稳定性好,可以长时间贮藏。  相似文献   

There are numerous geometric objects stored in the spatial databases. An importance function in a spatial database is that users can browse the geometric objects as a map efficiently. Thus the spatial database should display the geometric objects users concern about swiftly onto the display window. This process includes two operations:retrieve data from database and then draw them onto screen. Accordingly, to improve the efficiency, we should try to reduce time of both retrieving object and displaying them. The former can be achieved with the aid of spatial index such as R-tree, the latter require to simplify the objects. Simplification means that objects are shown with sufficient but not with unnecessary detail which depend on the scale of browse. So the major problem is how to retrieve data at different detail level efficiently. This paper introduces the implementation of a multi-scale index in the spatial database SISP (Spatial Information Shared Platform) which is generalized from R-tree. The difference between the generalization and the R-tree lies on two facets: One is that every node and geometric object in the generalization is assigned with a importance value which denote the importance of them, and every vertex in the objects are assigned with a importance value,too. The importance value can be use to decide which data should be retrieve from disk in a query. The other difference is that geometric objects in the generalization are divided into one or more sub-blocks, and vertexes are total ordered by their importance value. With the help of the generalized R-tree, one can easily retrieve data at different detail levels.Some experiments are performed on real-life data to evaluate the performance of solutions that separately use normal spatial index and multi-scale spatial index. The results show that the solution using multi-scale index in SISP is satisfying.  相似文献   

The discovery of the prolific Ordovician Red River reservoirs in 1995 in southeastern Saskatchewan was the catalyst for extensive exploration activity which resulted in the discovery of more than 15 new Red River pools. The best yields of Red River production to date have been from dolomite reservoirs. Understanding the processes of dolomitization is, therefore, crucial for the prediction of the connectivity, spatial distribution and heterogeneity of dolomite reservoirs.The Red River reservoirs in the Midale area consist of 3~4 thin dolomitized zones, with a total thickness of about 20 m, which occur at the top of the Yeoman Formation. Two types of replacement dolomite were recognized in the Red River reservoir: dolomitized burrow infills and dolomitized host matrix. The spatial distribution of dolomite suggests that burrowing organisms played an important role in facilitating the fluid flow in the backfilled sediments. This resulted in penecontemporaneous dolomitization of burrow infills by normal seawater. The dolomite in the host matrix is interpreted as having occurred at shallow burial by evaporitic seawater during precipitation of Lake Almar anhydrite that immediately overlies the Yeoman Formation. However, the low δ18O values of dolomited burrow infills (-5.9‰~ -7.8‰, PDB) and matrix dolomites (-6.6‰~ -8.1‰, avg. -7.4‰ PDB) compared to the estimated values for the late Ordovician marine dolomite could be attributed to modification and alteration of dolomite at higher temperatures during deeper burial, which could also be responsible for its 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7084~0.7088) that are higher than suggested for the late Ordovician seawaters (0.7078~0.7080). The trace amounts of saddle dolomite cement in the Red River carbonates are probably related to "cannibalization" of earlier replacement dolomite during the chemical compaction.  相似文献   

AcomputergeneratorforrandomlylayeredstructuresYUJia shun1,2,HEZhen hua2(1.TheInstituteofGeologicalandNuclearSciences,NewZealand;2.StateKeyLaboratoryofOilandGasReservoirGeologyandExploitation,ChengduUniversityofTechnology,China)Abstract:Analgorithmisintrod…  相似文献   

Instead of following Fock’s expansion,we solve the Schrodinger equation for some quantum mechanical manybody systems such as electrons in atoms and charged excitons in quantum wells in a similar way in hyperspherical coordinates by expanding the wave functions into orthonormal complete basis sets of the hyperspherical hannonics(HHs)of hyperangles and generalized Laguerre polynomials(GLPs)of the hyperradius.This leads the equation to  相似文献   

Future mobile communication systems aim at providing very high data transmission rates, even in high-mobility scenarios such as high-speed wheel-track trains, maglev trains, highway vehicles, airplanes, guided missiles or spacecraft. A particularly important commercial application is the strong and increasing worldwide demand for high- speed broadband wireless communications (up to 574.8 km/ h test speeds or 380 km/h commercial speeds) in railways, providing data, voice and video services for applications such as onboard entertainment services to passengers, train control, train dispatch, train sensor status handling and sur- veillance. In such high-mobility scenarios, there are a number of communication challenges, including fast hand- over, location updating, high-speed channel modeling, estimation and equalization, anti-Doppler spreading tech- niques, fast power control, and dedicated network architec- ture. Because signal transmission in very high-speed scenarios will inevitably experience serious deterioration, it is imperative to develop key broadband mobile communi- cation techniques for such high-speed vehicles.  相似文献   

本文叙述了对海南岛及其毗邻大陆边缘白垩纪到第四纪地层岩石进行古地磁研究的全部工作过程。通过分析岩石中剩余磁矢量的磁偏角及磁倾角的变化,提出海南岛白垩纪以来经历的构造演化模式如下:早期伴随顺时针旋转而向南迁移,后期伴随逆时针转动并向北运移。联系该地区及邻区的地质、地球物理资料,对海南岛上述的构造地体运动提出以下认识:北部湾内早期有一拉张作用,主要是该作用使湾内地壳显著伸长减薄,形成北部湾盆地。从而导致了海南岛的早期构造运动,而海南岛后期的构造运动则主要是受南海海底扩张的影响。海南地体运动规律的阐明对于了解北部湾油气盆地的形成演化有重要的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   

Being the primary media of geographical information and the elementary objects manipulated, almost all of maps adopt the layer-based model to represent geographic information in the existent GIS. However, it is difficult to extend the map represented in layer-based model. Furthermore, in Web-Based GIS, It is slow to transmit the spatial data for map viewing. In this paper, for solving the questions above, we have proposed a new method for representing the spatial data. That is scale-based model. In this model we represent maps in three levels: scale-view, block, and spatial object, and organize the maps in a set of map layers, named Scale-View, which associates some given scales.Lastly, a prototype Web-Based GIS using the proposed spatial data representation is described briefly.  相似文献   

Various applications relevant to the exciton dynamics,such as the organic solar cell,the large-area organic light-emitting diodes and the thermoelectricity,are operating under temperature gradient.The potential abnormal behavior of the exicton dynamics driven by the temperature difference may affect the efficiency and performance of the corresponding devices.In the above situations,the exciton dynamics under temperature difference is mixed with  相似文献   

The elongation method,originally proposed by Imamura was further developed for many years in our group.As a method towards O(N)with high efficiency and high accuracy for any dimensional systems.This treatment designed for one-dimensional(ID)polymers is now available for three-dimensional(3D)systems,but geometry optimization is now possible only for 1D-systems.As an approach toward post-Hartree-Fock,it was also extended to  相似文献   

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