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非灰气体的宽带吸收系数模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立了以宽带模型为基础的关联k模型和重新排列的吸收系数模型,并用它们产生了H2O和CO2的吸收系数,为进一步计算气体介质参与的辐射换热问题提供辐射特性数据·将这两种模型计算所得的有效带宽与Edwards的指数宽带模型进行了比较,结果表明这两种模型都可用于实际的工程计算,当路径长度较小时,关联k模型的结果较准确,而当路径长度较大时,重新排列的宽带吸收系数模型较为准确  相似文献   

维里系数是再现非理想流体热物性必不可少的基本参数。该文改进了Weber对比态型第三维里系数经验预估式,使其与第二维里系数相关联。由于第二和第三维里系数之间的关联性,可以适当改善预估偏差;并且减少了输入参数,与第二维里系数预估式的输入参数相同,仅仅需要临界温度、临界压力、偏心因子和对比偶极;同时改善了对非极性和极性流体的再现情况,预估结果与最新高精度的实验数据和常用预估式的预估结果符合得很好。得到的截断维里方程可以用来很好地再现纯净流体的pVT热力学性质。  相似文献   

本文从BBGKY方程链出发,给出了处于热平衡状态的多组元有心力势体系的二体密度关联函数的一般公式,得出了包含两种不同粒子并同时考虑粒子间的库仑相互作用及非库仑相互作用的体系的关联性质。另外,还给出了含有三种不同粒子的体系的二体密度关联函数。本文结果对于研究液体和稠密气体的物理化学性质是有意义的。  相似文献   

本文提出了一个新的理论模型用以关联沸石单晶膜的渗透行为,根据这个模型,一定温度下,当渗透侧的压力接近于零时,气体的渗透速率与进料压力成正比,如果一组气体的分子明显小于沸石的孔径,而且与沸石骨架的物化作用彼此也相近,那么任意两者之间的渗透速炫之比等于它们分子量的平方根反比。  相似文献   

Koscheev AP  Gromov MD  Mohapatra RK  Ott U 《Nature》2001,412(6847):615-617
Diamond grains are the most abundant presolar grains found in primitive meteorites. They formed before the Solar System, and therefore provide a record of nuclear and chemical processes in stars and in the interstellar medium. Their origins are inferred from the unusual isotopic compositions of trace elements-mainly xenon-which suggest that they came from supernovae. But the exact nature of the sources has been enigmatic, as has the method by which noble gases were incorporated into the grains. One observation is that different isotopic components are released at different temperatures when the grains are heated, and it has been suggested that these components have different origins. Here we report results of a laboratory study that shows that ion implantation (previously suggested on other grounds) is a viable mechanism for trapping noble gases. Moreover, we find that ion implantation of a single isotopic composition can produce both low- and high-temperature release peaks from the same grains. We conclude that both isotopically normal and anomalous gases may have been implanted by multiple events separated in space and/or time, with thermal processing producing an apparent enrichment of the anomalous component in the high-temperature release peak. The previous assumption that the low- and high-temperature components were not correlated may therefore have led to an overestimate of the abundance of anomalous argon and krypton, while obscuring an enhancement of the light-in addition to the heavy-krypton isotopes.  相似文献   

Feld M  Fröhlich B  Vogt E  Koschorreck M  Köhl M 《Nature》2011,480(7375):75-78
Pairing of fermions is ubiquitous in nature, underlying many phenomena. Examples include superconductivity, superfluidity of (3)He, the anomalous rotation of neutron stars, and the crossover between Bose-Einstein condensation of dimers and the BCS (Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer) regime in strongly interacting Fermi gases. When confined to two dimensions, interacting many-body systems show even more subtle effects, many of which are not understood at a fundamental level. Most striking is the (as yet unexplained) phenomenon of high-temperature superconductivity in copper oxides, which is intimately related to the two-dimensional geometry of the crystal structure. In particular, it is not understood how the many-body pairing is established at high temperature, and whether it precedes superconductivity. Here we report the observation of a many-body pairing gap above the superfluid transition temperature in a harmonically trapped, two-dimensional atomic Fermi gas in the regime of strong coupling. Our measurements of the spectral function of the gas are performed using momentum-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, analogous to angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy in the solid state. Our observations mark a significant step in the emulation of layered two-dimensional strongly correlated superconductors using ultracold atomic gases.  相似文献   

武钢焦化厂AS工艺克劳斯尾气处理系统改造探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对焦化行业煤气净化的AS工艺克劳斯尾气处理系统存在的问题,提出了对AS工艺克劳斯尾气处理系统的改造路线,即采用AS工艺中的废碱液吸收克劳断尾气中的二氧化碳,并将其转化为硫化氢,与尾气中原有的硫化氢一起用甲基二乙醇胺溶液吸收。  相似文献   

大量在建和拟建隧道面临非煤系地层有害气体的挑战,厘清非煤系地层隧道围岩有害气体形成机制是解决该问题的基础。基于此,综述了我国非煤系地层隧道围岩有害气体形成机制研究的最新进展,总结了非煤系地层有害气体主要类型,探讨了地质条件对于有害气体形成的影响机理,分析了有害气体的孕育机制,展望了非煤系地层隧道有害气体问题的研究方向。研究表明:非煤系地层隧道有害气体大体可按照成因分为构造连通型、围岩变质型和综合成因型;大型断裂、褶皱及深部循环的水热型高温导热带等地质构造对非煤系地层隧道围岩有害气体的形成、赋存和溢出起到关键作用;CH4、H2S和CO2等的来源相似,但物理化学性质的差异导致其形成机制不同;复杂地质构造、复合组分隧道围岩有害气体的孕育及运移模式、固-液-热-力多场耦合机制等方面值得进一步研究。研究对于非煤系地层隧道围岩有害气体防治的实践和研究具有积极意义。  相似文献   

对范德瓦耳斯气体的热力学函数及热容量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由热力学函数的定义,并结合范德瓦耳斯方程,推导出范德瓦耳斯气体的几个基本热力学函数,分析了其特性,并研究了范德瓦耳斯气体的定容摩尔热容量和定压摩尔热容量的一些性质,指出了其同理想气体的区别。  相似文献   

本文首次使用了氧弹式量热计对工业多元化混合气进行爆炸性质研究 ,通过比较和测定实际混合气体引爆后的温度变化曲线 ,就可达到检测气体能否爆炸的目的 .由于实验设备要求较低 ,为实际的防火防爆工作提供了一种简单而有效的方法 .1 实验部分1 1 实验装置与测试方法  气体爆炸实验是在氧弹式量热计中进行 ,该装置的主要部分如图 1 .实验气体盛装在图 1的氧弹中 ,氧弹内的两根接线柱由两跟细铁丝连接 .通电后 ,电流从铁丝经过 ,产生火花而引爆气体 .爆炸时释放的热量会导致体系的温度骤然升高 ,体系的温度变化则反映了气体的爆炸情况 .…  相似文献   

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