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用扫描电子显微镜、石蜡切片和组织化学等方法研究了油菜花蜜腺的发育过程,探讨了油菜花蜜腺发育与传粉之间的协调关系,旨在揭示油菜花蜜腺的生殖生物学意义.油菜花共有4枚蜜腺,蜜腺随着花蕾膨大生长发育,盛花期蜜腺体积达到最大.蜜腺表皮上有正常气孔和退化的气孔,退化的气孔失去开闭功能,演变成花蜜分泌的出口.在泌蜜盛期,雄蕊发育成熟,油菜传粉受精.之后,花萼花瓣开始萎缩进入花败期,此时蜜腺呈绿色,继续存在,没有衰退现象.随着花萼花瓣的衰败脱落,子房明显开始膨大,进入幼果期,蜜腺开始衰老,直至完全脱落.解剖观察发现油菜花蜜腺内无维管组织,细胞内有叶绿体,证明其蜜腺分泌的蜜汁主要是由蜜腺自身光合作用产生的.泌蜜盛期与传粉期吻合,有利于传粉和提高结实率.  相似文献   

拟南芥花蜜腺的高尔基体活动及其分泌途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用高压冷冻和冷冻置换电镜技术对拟南芥Arabidopsis thaliana L.花蜜腺发育过程中蜜腺细胞内高尔基体的活动进行了观察,并且对高尔基体分泌泡的分泌途径进行了探讨。结果认为:蜜腺发育初期、泌蜜盛期和蜜腺发育后期,高尔基体的活动较为频繁。蜜腺细胞中,高尔基体分泌泡向细胞外输送物质时并未遵循“胞吐作用”途径,而是分泌泡整体进入到细胞壁内,最后在细胞壁内解体并释放内容物。  相似文献   

白香草木樨花蜜腺的发育解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶世蓉  辛华 《山东科学》2000,13(3):30-33
白香草木樨花蜜腺位于子房与雄蕊之间的花托上,属于花托蜜腺。蜜腺由分泌表皮和泌蜜组织构成,属于结构蜜腺,分泌表皮具波纹状角质层,表皮上分布有大量的气孔器。泌蜜组织细胞5-6层,由花托内表皮及其内侧细胞恢复分裂能力形成。在发育过程中,液泡、淀粉、蛋白质都呈现一定的消化规律。原蜜来源于花托维管束的韧皮部,通过泌蜜组织加工成蜜汁,以后由气孔泌出。  相似文献   

酸枣的花蜜腺环绕在子房基部的周围,属花盘蜜腺,由分泌表皮和泌蜜组织构成,花托维管束末端终止于泌蜜组织基部。分泌表皮外覆盖有较厚的角质层。蜜腺下方薄壁组织中分布有大的粘液腔和含单宁细胞,据组化测验,粘液腔中含有大量的多糖物质,可能与原蜜汁的来源有关。在花的发生和发育过程中,花盘有其自身的原始细胞,但蜜腺是由花盘表层细胞分化而来。原蜜汁来源于维管束末端韧皮部,经泌蜜组织加工成蜜汁,分泌到气孔下腔,最后通过张开的气孔泌出体外。  相似文献   

芥菜的花蜜腺共4枚。侧蜜腺2枚,类肾形,类肾形;中蜜腺2枚,乳头状,属花托蜜腺。它们均由分泌表皮及泌蜜组织组成,侧蜜腺的泌蜜组织内还具维管束(仅含韧皮部)。4枚蜜腺都由花托的表层细胞发生并同步发育,但中蜜腺先于侧蜜腺衰败。蜜腺发育过程中多糖及线粒体消长呈规律性变化。侧蜜腺原蜜汁直接源于韧皮部,中蜜腺原蜜汁主要来自蜜腺基部的维管束,两者产生的花蜜均先由泌蜜组织泌至胞间隙后经变态气孔排出或由分泌表皮细  相似文献   

井冈山江西杜鹃的物候观测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以分布于井冈山的野生花卉江西杜鹃为研究对象,经2009~2010连续两年对其萌芽期、新梢生长期、展叶期、开花期、果熟期等主要物候期进行观测,获得了该野生花卉的物候期数据,结果表明:(1)4月中旬叶芽和新梢开始萌动和生长,此时植株进入生长期;(2)9月初花芽开始膨大,次年3月25~28日始花,4月15~18日开始进入开花盛期,随后进入果实生长期;(3)8月下旬至10月中旬为果实成熟盛期,10月中旬以后果实开始脱落。  相似文献   

4种蜜源植物花蜜腺比较解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荠、酸枣、老瓜头和宁夏枸杞4种植物花蜜腺形态结构各异。荠具4枚颗粒状花托蜜腺;酸枣蜜腺位于花盘表面;老瓜头的花蜜腺位于5个花丝凹糟中,形成蜜腺分泌毛;宁夏枸杞花蜜腺位于子房基部。4种花蜜腺都属结构蜜腺。它们发育早期均无特殊的原始细胞,都是由花器官表层细胞恢复分裂能力,分化形成蜜腺原基,进一步发育成蜜腺。在泌蜜前后,4种蜜腺组织细胞的液泡化程度发生了规律性的变化;荠和宁夏枸杞花蜜腺中多糖物质也发生了同样的变化.  相似文献   

栝楼雄株在花期常是一具长梗的单生花和—总状花序并生于叶腋。花部按花萼、花冠、雄蕊、退化心皮的顺序依次发生。花的各轮基部并合。在花芽的幼期,雄蕊原基三个,二大一小,大的发育成的花药具二药室,小的具单药室。当花芽高约1.1—1.2cm时,花药内的小孢子为四分体时期。成熟的花粉粒近球形,二核,具三孔沟。三个退化心皮边缘的联合处形成三个突起物,发育的初期与雌花同,但其内维管束数目不固定,不发生离心的弯曲,不发生胎座,亦不形成柱头和花柱。退化心皮联合处上方,有三个长条状蜜腺,蜜腺常二长一短,贴生于花管与雄蕊花丝基部互隔排列.  相似文献   

<正>滇楸和楸树花柱是介于中空和实心的中间类型。花柱表皮细胞外切向壁极其加厚并具有明显的角质层。花柱皮层由6~10层薄壁细胞组成,含有粗糙内质网、壁旁体、次生液泡和造粉质体等细胞器。引导组织形成时,发育成不同程度的传递型壁—膜结构,并具有分泌型传递细胞的各种特点。 引导组织的发育分三个时期:1.开花前壁内突开始发育为初期;2.开花期为引导组织发育盛期;3.传粉期为发育后期。此外,还比较了滇楸和楸树花柱在发育和结构方面的区别,并解释了楸树花而不实的现象。  相似文献   

通过对油菜、蚕豆、毛莨和三色堇等四种植物花蜜腺的外部形态、显微切片和扫描电镜观察,了解到油菜和蚕豆的花蜜腺是花托类型,蜜主要通过变态气孔分泌;毛莨是花被类型,蜜由表皮细胞分泌;三色堇是雄蕊类型,蜜由具乳头状突起的特化表皮细胞分泌。该四种植物花蜜腺中维管组织的分化有三种不同的情况。油菜同一朵花上四个蜜腺有不同的特化程度。  相似文献   

通过对油菜、蚕豆、毛莨和三色堇等四种植物花蜜腺的外部形态、显微切片和扫描电镜观察,了解到油菜和蚕豆的花蜜腺是花托类型,蜜主要通过变态气孔分泌;毛莨是花被类型,蜜由表皮细胞分泌;三色堇是雄蕊类型,蜜由具乳头状突起的特化表皮细胞分泌。该四种植物花蜜腺中维管组织的分化有三种不同的情况。油菜同一朵花上四个蜜腺有不同的特化程度。  相似文献   

The sexual compatibility between genetically modified (GM) glyphosate-resistant rapeseed variety Q3 (Brassica napus L.) and 5 cruciferous weeds is studied through the observation of fluorescence microscopy and cross-fertility after manual pollination. The results indicated that Q3 (as male) was highly incompatible with Thlaspi arvense L., Capsella bursa?pastoris (L.) Medic, Cardamine hirsuta L. and Rorippa palustris (L.) Besser (as female). Fluorescence microscopic observation showed that growing of pollen tubes terminated on the stigma surface or at the upper 1/3 part of the style. However, B. juncea×Q3 was compatible, and the compatibility index was 1.65. Under the neighboring growth and natural pollination conditions, the rates of gene flow from Q3 to T. arvense, C. bursa-pastoris, C. hirsute and R. palustris were all 0, while it was 0.86% for B. juncea. These results indicate that there is difference in the rate of gene flow between GM rapeseed and cruciferous wild weeds, and frequency of gene flow is highly correlated with sexual compatibility.  相似文献   

Cross-pollination and high cross-compatibility are frequently found in many cruciferous plants, which implies that there might be potential risk of alien gene flow among crucifers. In this work, the alien glyphosate-resistant gene flow between GM (Genetically modified) rapeseed variety Q3 (Brassica napus) and 6 varieties from 5 cruciferous species was assessed by sexual compatibility through aniline blue fluorescence observation, manual cross, mentor pollination with the mixture pollen and DNA identification. The results indicated that the compatibility indices of two B. napus varieties, B. juncea vat. multiceps Tsen et Lee and Chinese cabbage (B. chinensis) (as female) with Q3 (as male) were 16.15, 12.77, 2.345 and 0.85, respectively. FI plants were examined by PCR and all of these samples were confirmed as positive. Crossing between Orychophragmus violaceus, Descurainia sophia (as female) and Q3 (as male) expressed high cross-incompatibility. Fluorescence microscope observation indicated that growing of pollen tube terminated at the upper 1/3 part of the style of O. violaceus and on the stigma surface of D. sophia. The mentor plants were further analyzed by PCR and all were shown to be negative. Under the neighboring growth and natural pollination conditions, the rates of gene flow to two B. napus varieties were 2.3278% and 2.1487%, respectively, B. juncea var. multiceps Tsen et Lee and Chinese cabbage were 1.0157% and 0.9236%, respectively. No gene flow was observed in O. violaceus and D. sophia. Frequency of gene flow was highly correlated with sexual compatibility. Due to possible alien gene flow among crucifers, special consideration and care should be taken to grow GM rapeseed.  相似文献   

为了探究miRNA在油菜花器官发育、角果和种子发育中的功能,本研究在甘蓝型油菜不同发育阶段角果和种子小RNA测序数据分析中,筛选到一个新的miRNA,命名为Bna-novel-miR432,并将其转化至拟南芥中进行功能分析.研究发现过表达Bna-novel-miR432拟南芥开花时间显著提前,并且发现其雄蕊发育存在缺陷,导致雌蕊授粉不完全. 在对其花粉育性进行检测时发现过表达材料花粉育性显著降低. 对角果发育统计发现,过表达拟南芥株系的角果变短,角果中种子数量显著减少,且部分角果存在败育的现象. 此外,在种子发育方面,过表达材料种子中胚的发育也出现滞后的现象. 以上结果表明,Bna-novel-miR432参与调控植物开花时间、雄蕊和花粉的发育以及果实的形成等生物学过程中发挥一定的调控功能.  相似文献   

青海省新型甘蓝型油菜品系主要性状研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对甘蓝型油菜(039、E144)与青藏高原白菜型油菜浩油11种间杂交获得的66个新型甘蓝型油菜品系的生育期、产量性状、含油量、脂肪酸组成、抗虫性和对波里马细胞质雄,陛不育的恢复性等性状进行了研究。结果表明:66个品系中出现了具有以下特征的新型甘蓝型油菜品系,即生育期极短(西宁地区100d以内)、产量性状优于甘蓝型亲本、含油量高于甘蓝型亲本、油酸含量大于70%、饱和脂肪酸含量小于5%、能够完全恢复波里马细胞质雄性不育、抗虫性(茎象甲)强于甘蓝型亲本。这些品系将为今后甘蓝型油菜育种提供优良的亲本资源。  相似文献   

Transgene directionally integrated into C-genome of Brassica napus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Transgenic Brassica napus has been widely planted in Canada, the United States, and some other countries. In China, although the policy for genetically modified foods has not yet opened, genetically modified rape- seed oil as raw material for biodiesel of…  相似文献   

During compatible pollination in tobacco, an extracellular matrix (ECM) is secreted from the stigma surface; however, it is unknown whether the pattern of secretion across the stigma depends on the pollen source. In fact, technical limitations have prevented clear observation of ECM secretion. Here, we report the detailed topographic changes on the stigma surface that accompanies intraspecies and interspecies pollination in tobacco using contact mode atomic force microscopy (AFM). Our results, which show the dynamics and time course of ECM secretion after pollination, indicate that a certain pattern of secretion already exists on the stigma prior to pollination. Intraspecies induced a two-step response, characterized by topographical changes on the stigma surface several hours after pollination, which was distinct from the pattern of ECM secretion induced by interspecies pollination. This difference was confirmed by root-mean-square analysis, which assessed the roughness of the stigma surface. Our findings indicate that compatible pollination not only induces ECM secretion from the stigma, but also results in a specific distribution of the ECM. Thus, this study demonstrates the powerful potential of AFM in studying the pollen-stigma interaction.  相似文献   

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