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针对日益增长的卫星对地观测需求,提出了一种双层卫星星座设计方案.首先,分析了我国目前对地观测卫星的覆盖性能,以时间分辨率和空间分辨率作为对地观测星座的评价指标;然后,通过优化卫星轨道高度,得到满足任务要求的最优轨道;最后,通过设置轨道相位使得整个星座构成全连通链路,单个地面站与卫星相连便可以与整个星座相连,从而摆脱了对中继卫星的依赖.该方案充分结合了中轨星座时间分辨率高、低轨星座空间分辨率高的优点,相对于传统的单层卫星组网方案,双层星座能够以高空间分辨率和时间分辨率对全球任意目标1 d观测多次,并实现遥测指令与观测数据的实时传输.  相似文献   

飞行或着陆于月球背面的探测器,无法从地面直接观测,必须利用更高轨道的探测器中继才能进行跟踪.作为月球背面探测器的一种有效的跟踪手段,本文以SELENE为例,系统性地给出了4程多普勒观测系统的组成、数据处理和应用方法、定轨和重力场解算结果,并分析了天线相位特性和自旋对4程多普勒测量精度的影响及改正方法.这些内容对月球背面探测器的跟踪、测控和数传系统的研发和应用提供了参考实例.  相似文献   

简述了卫星通信应用从固定地卢、通信扩伸至移动通信的趋向;详细说明了空间卫星从传统的对地静止轨道发展至新设想的低轨道和中轨道的过程,对中、低轨道移动通信系统技术的具体情况加以比较分析,作出综合评述;最后扼要介绍了利用卫星的全球个人通信系统和全球定位系统,并表明卫星通信在“信息高速公路”和国家信息基础结构中具有与光纤通信同样重要的地位.  相似文献   

月球探测SELENE的科学成果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
日本探月卫星SELENE(KAGUYA)携带了14种仪器设备用于对月球进行多方面的测量,其中的3种设备用于对月球进行大地测量观测.这包括两个子卫星和一台激光高度计测量设备.这些设备所获得的科学成果主要包括:利用多普勒和同波束VLBI测量得到了精度为10m的精密轨道确定结果;利用四程多普勒测量首次获得了月球背面精确的重力场;首次获得了纬度高于86°区域的月面地形图;通过使用月球全球地形信息与月球全球重力场信息得到了全球重力异常分布图;获得了月壳厚度全球分布图以及月球南北极区光照率图.这些成果的取得进一步加深了人类对于月球的认识.  相似文献   

在我国探月工程四期中,将利用地面望远镜和月球轨道射电望远镜共同组成的超长基线,开展X频段空间VLBI试验.由于地月基线长达400000 km, UV覆盖不均匀,不适合开展常规的VLBI成图观测,相关科学研究应充分利用地月基线高角分辨率的特点并充分考虑其基线灵敏度.该试验中的空间望远镜口径仅为4.2 m,相应的中国VLBI网所属X频段射电望远镜均为25–65 m的中等口径,且地月基线长度远超过地球直径.为尽可能提高地月基线灵敏度,本文提出利用国内多面中等口径地基VLBI望远镜参与地月基线观测,通过对相关处理机输出的各条地月基线VLBI互功率谱进行综合,将各个中等口径VLBI望远镜信号进行合成,达到一个100 m级的地基大口径望远镜与月球轨道小口径望远镜进行VLBI干涉的效果.本方法基本思路为,基于软件相关处理机的输出结果,通过对齐各基线的相位,补偿基线时延,对各条地月基线的互功率谱进行相干合成,从而达到提升信噪比的目的.基于此方法,我们利用火星探测器"天问一号"实测数据进行信号合成VLBI试验.结果表明,通过进行基线的互功率谱合成,可以使基线信噪比有明显提升.此方法也可应用于未来其他有类似需求的空间VLBI数据处理.  相似文献   

在分析了我国可采用的静止轨道和中轨道跟踪与数据中继卫星系统的系统结构和特点的基础上,给出了2 个系统方案。通过仿真计算,对它们的覆盖性能和实现的复杂程度进行了比较。仿真结果表明,中轨道跟踪与数据中继卫星系统能够提供更好的覆盖性能,但实现难度大于静止轨道跟踪与数据中继卫星系统。因此,现阶段我国采用双星静止轨道跟踪与数据中继卫星系统是合理的选择。  相似文献   

基于嫦娥一号卫星激光测高观测的月球地形模型CLTM-s01   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用中国第一颗探月卫星嫦娥一号第一次正飞阶段获取的约300多万个有效激光测高数据点, 得到了改进的360阶次球谐函数展开月球全球地形模型CLTM-s01(Chang’E-1 Lunar Topography Model s01). 该模型以月球质心为参考球心, 以月球平均半径1738 km正球面为参考基准, 径向高程测量精度约为31 m, 沿赤道区域空间分辨率约为0.25°(7~8 km). 该模型首次利用激光测高数据得到月球极区高精度高分辨率月球地形图, 在空间覆盖、模型精度和空间分辨率上较早期模型均有较大改进. 利用该模型得到的月球平均半径为(1737013±2) m, 月球的赤道半径为(1737646±4) m, 月球的极半径为(1735843±4) m, 月球的形状扁率为1/963.7526, 月球的形状中心和质量中心在月固坐标系下的偏差为(-1.777, -0.730, 0.237) km. CLTM-s01所得到的月球形状基本参数与历史值相当, 但由于有更强的两极观测数据约束, 由该模型计算出的这些参数可信度更高.  相似文献   

孙宏金 《科技潮》1998,(4):40-41
气象卫星按运行和工作状态可分为极轨气象卫星、静止气象卫星和气象卫星观测网。它们又与地面接受没备,即数据接收站和数据处理系统,共同构成了卫星气象系统。极轨气象卫星因其近圆形运行轨道每绕地球一周都要穿过南北两极地区而得名,也称太阳同步轨道卫星,观测高度在1000公里以下。每圈观测地面东西宽度为2800公里,14圈可覆盖地球表面一次。它对某一地区每天只能进行两次气象观测,观察间隔为12小时左右,其优点是可获得全球的气象资料,缺点是因地球自转云图资料不连续,赤道地段衔  相似文献   

针对X射线脉冲星导航(XNAV)难以获取准确的过程噪声统计特性及导航精度低的问题,提出基于自适应差分卡尔曼滤波器(ADDF),融合地月夹角的多信息融合XNAV.首先通过处理从光学相机获得的月球图像得到视场角度和方向矢量的测量模型;然后将该测量模型和传统脉冲星计时观测模型集成到航天器轨道动力学中,以建立ADDF滤波模型;最后对所提方法进行仿真验证.实验结果表明:在相同的初始状态和初始噪声误差下,与无迹卡尔曼滤波器(UKF)和差分滤波器(DDF)相比,ADDF具有良好的噪声自适应能力,其导航位置估计精度提高60%以上,速度估计精度提高25%以上;较之传统计时观测XNAV,融合视场角和月球方向矢量的XNAV方法能够将导航精度提高50%以上.  相似文献   

面向轨道列车造型设计与文化相结合的趋势,针对中低速轨道列车造型设计研究较少,文化特征不全面,特别是湖湘文化研究不足的问题.首先,从湖南轨道交通对省内外旅客运输的作用机制出发,分析其对湖湘文化的地理覆盖现状,归纳核心覆盖和延伸覆盖的特点,并从感性意象的角度分析湖湘文化的意态文化层、物态文化层和行为文化层,提出湖南轨道交通对湖湘文化传播的本体和客体的双重属性.其次,通过品牌案例和特征识别实验,提取中低速轨道列车造型的主要点特征、线特征和面特征,分析造型设计语言和趋势,提出设计模型.最后,以湖南传统民间文化意象为例,进行中低速轨道列车造型设计应用.研究对地域文化视角下轨道列车造型设计具有参考意义,并补充中低速轨道列车造型设计理论.  相似文献   

Ward WR  Canup RM 《Nature》2000,403(6771):741-743
The Moon is generally believed to have formed from the debris disk created by a large body colliding with the early Earth. Recent models of this process predict that the orbit of the newly formed Moon should be in, or very near, the Earth's equatorial plane. This prediction, however, is at odds with the known history of the lunar orbit: the orbit is currently expanding, but can be traced back in time to reveal that, when the Moon formed, its orbital inclination relative to the Earth's equator was I approximately = 10 degrees. The cause of this initial inclination has been a mystery for over 30 years, as most dynamical processes (such as those that act to flatten Saturn's rings) will tend to decrease orbital inclinations. Here we show that the Moon's substantial orbital inclination is probably a natural result of its formation from an impact-generated disk. The mechanism involves a gravitational resonance between the Moon and accretion-disk material, which can increase orbital inclinations up to approximately 15 degrees.  相似文献   

针对近地小行星撞击地球的威胁,分析研究了各类典型天地基光学监测系统的短期预警能力.提出了短期预警圈的概念,利用太阳系内天体光学反射模型,仿真计算了以LSST为代表的大口径地基望远镜,以日-地L1点、类金星轨道和大幅值逆行轨道三种典型轨道为代表的天基光学监测系统的短期预警能力,并比较了三种天基系统对太阳方向来袭的近地小行星的预警能力.结果表明,L1点预警覆盖稍好但可提供的预警时间较短;类金星轨道星座预警时间长、天区覆盖广,但存在相位间隙会导致漏警;大幅值逆行轨道针对太阳方向具有覆盖率高、预警时间长等优势.可见,通过部署若干天基系统监测节点,可以为地基监测系统提供有力补充,解决太阳方向的覆盖盲区问题,全方位预警近地小行星撞击地球风险.   相似文献   

Origin of the Moon in a giant impact near the end of the Earth's formation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Canup RM  Asphaug E 《Nature》2001,412(6848):708-712
The Moon is generally believed to have formed from debris ejected by a large off-centre collision with the early Earth. The impact orientation and size are constrained by the angular momentum contained in both the Earth's spin and the Moon's orbit, a quantity that has been nearly conserved over the past 4.5 billion years. Simulations of potential moon-forming impacts now achieve resolutions sufficient to study the production of bound debris. However, identifying impacts capable of yielding the Earth-Moon system has proved difficult. Previous works found that forming the Moon with an appropriate impact angular momentum required the impact to occur when the Earth was only about half formed, a more restrictive and problematic model than that originally envisaged. Here we report a class of impacts that yield an iron-poor Moon, as well as the current masses and angular momentum of the Earth-Moon system. This class of impacts involves a smaller-and thus more likely-object than previously considered viable, and suggests that the Moon formed near the very end of Earth's accumulation.  相似文献   

随着1994年的“克莱门汀”号和1998年的“月球勘探者”号月球探测器的发射成功和取得的新的科学发现,在21世纪初,世界各国相继宣布以月球和火星探测为中心的深空探测计划,掀起自阿波罗计划之后的第二次月球探测高潮。中国在卫星应用和载人航天取得突破性进展之后,适时开展月球探测,填补了中国在深空探测领域的空白。绕月探测工程的实施经历了长达10年的政治、经济、科技等方面的综合论证,于2004年初开始正式启动。2007年初,第一颗月球探测卫星——嫦娥1号的各项设施已经全部准备就绪,待命出厂,择机发射,以确保首发必成。嫦娥1号绕月探测卫星的科学目标包括绘制月球立体地图、探测月表物质成分、探测月壤厚度和探测地月空间环境等4项科学任务。  相似文献   

Precise orbit determination for GRACE with zero-difference kinematic method   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Thanks to the high performance of the spaceborne GPS receiver and the availability of precise IGS orbit and clock products, ze-ro-difference kinematic precise orbit determination (POD) has been turned out to be a new effective method in orbit determination for the LEO satellites. Zero-difference kinematic POD, which is based on the GPS measurements only from the spaceborne GPS receiver, does not depend on the force models and orbit design. From this point of view, kinematic POD is suitable for the Earth observation satellites at very low altitudes, such as CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE, etc. This paper first reviews the basic ze-ro-difference GPS observation model. Then a modified data quality control scheme is put forward. Finally, a block-wise least squares algorithm, which first separates the parameters into several groups and then solves the parameters by elimination and back-substitution, is discussed and proposed for the kinematic orbit determination. With the above algorithms, we developed kinematic POD software to solve the orbit suitable for one-week GRACE observations. Comparisons with the published Rapid Science Orbit (RSO) indicate that, using our approach to determine the orbit, the accuracy in the radial direction can achieve 3―4 cm for GRACE-A, and 3―5 cm for GRACE-B.  相似文献   

For precise orbit determination of geosynchronous earth orbit(GEO)satellites using transfer ranging observations,it is generally assumed that the variation of the satellite transponder delay is very small and that it can be solved as a constant parameter together with satellite orbit parameters.However,this assumption is too general and it reduces the accuracy of orbit determination for GEO satellites.To study and analyse the impact of the satellite transponder delay on GEO satellites orbit determination,two schemes were proposed.First,the satellite transponder delay was eliminated by forming single-difference observations between two ground stations;second,the satellite transponder delay was described as a constant parameter.The preliminary results demonstrate a difference of about1–2 m between the two schemes when used for precise orbit determination of GEO satellites.By fixing the GEO satellite orbit and other relevant parameters estimated by single-difference model,we inversed the instantaneous transponder delay from non-difference observation.It was found that the satellite transponder delay has a distinct diurnal variation,with an amplitude of 3–4 m.The findings of this paper are helpful in establishing an accurate model of satellite transponder delay and in improving the accuracy of GEO satellites orbit determinations and predictions.  相似文献   

基于多目标进化算法的低轨区域通信星座优化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究利用进化算法实现低轨区域通信星座的多目标优化设计。首先分析、确定低轨星座优化的轨道控制参数,然后将基于Pareto最优概念的多目标进化算法引入星座优化中。结合星座覆盖性能的评价准则,给出了一种利用非劣分层遗传算法(NSGA—Ⅱ)实现星座轨道控制参数优化的框架。最后对具体实例进行了优化仿真,结果表明,该方法可以获得一组分布合理的Pareto解,为星座方案决策提供了有力的支持。  相似文献   

根据能量耗散率(EDR)的定义及空间目标的大气阻力摄动加速度公式,推导出一种由卫星两行根数(TLE)数据计算空间目标EDR的方法. 该方法无需计算空间目标弹道系数和大气模型,EDR计算误差可在1%以下,并且运算量极小. 此外,通过空间目标相对轨道的协方差矩阵描述空间目标的定轨精度,并结合扩展卡尔曼滤波方程,提出一种计算平面轨道下不同EDR空间目标的定轨精度-观测需求曲线的方法. 仿真验证了EDR计算方法的有效性,并给出了雷达对不同EDR分类的目标观测时对应的定轨精度-观测需求曲线. 结果表明当观测稀疏时,目标轨道预报误差正比于EDR,而观测较多时,会有观测饱和现象.   相似文献   

Silicon in the Earth's core   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Georg RB  Halliday AN  Schauble EA  Reynolds BC 《Nature》2007,447(7148):1102-1106
Small isotopic differences between the silicate minerals in planets may have developed as a result of processes associated with core formation, or from evaporative losses during accretion as the planets were built up. Basalts from the Earth and the Moon do indeed appear to have iron isotopic compositions that are slightly heavy relative to those from Mars, Vesta and primitive undifferentiated meteorites (chondrites). Explanations for these differences have included evaporation during the 'giant impact' that created the Moon (when a Mars-sized body collided with the young Earth). However, lithium and magnesium, lighter elements with comparable volatility, reveal no such differences, rendering evaporation unlikely as an explanation. Here we show that the silicon isotopic compositions of basaltic rocks from the Earth and the Moon are also distinctly heavy. A likely cause is that silicon is one of the light elements in the Earth's core. We show that both the direction and magnitude of the silicon isotopic effect are in accord with current theory based on the stiffness of bonding in metal and silicate. The similar isotopic composition of the bulk silicate Earth and the Moon is consistent with the recent proposal that there was large-scale isotopic equilibration during the giant impact. We conclude that Si was already incorporated as a light element in the Earth's core before the Moon formed.  相似文献   

The original idea of orbit determination called "determination of satellite orbit by transfer" was proposed by the National Time Service Center,Chinese Academy of Sciences.It shows that the system is very stable and the orbit determination accuracy is improved greatly.A new observation mode called "differenced ranges between master station and slave stations by transfer" is introduced.It is the development of "determination of satellite orbit by transfer".In principle,the differenced ranges between master station and slave stations have a high angular resolution,and strongly constrains in the transverse direction of satellite orbit,perpendicular to the line-of-sight.The principle of "differenced ranges between master station and slave stations by transfer" is discussed in detail.And differenced ranges in combination with ranging data were used to determine satellite’s orbit and orbit prediction under different arc observations.It shows that orbit determination accuracy for orbit prediction can be improved with differenced ranges in combination with ranging data.  相似文献   

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