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第22太阳活动周软X射线耀斑的统计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据GOES卫星资料 (1~ 8 ) ,统计了第 2 2太阳活动周 (1986 .9~ 1996 .10 )软X射线耀斑数 ,共计 2 0 930个耀斑 ,其中X级最少 ,不到 1% ;M级为 10 % ;C级最多 ,约占 6 0 % .统计发现 ,此活动周有两个峰 ,分别在 1989年和 1991年 ,1989年平均耀斑指数为 4 2 7,1991年为 4 6 8;C、M及X级耀斑数在活动周的上升期迅速增大 ,两年多时间就达到极大 ;而下降期缓慢减小 ,长达 4年多 ;耀斑发生率随软X射线峰值流量的变化呈幂律谱分布 ,谱指数为 - 2 .135 ,相关系数为- 0 .987;小耀斑易受背景影响 ,B级耀斑以及C级耀斑中的较小者在峰年及其前后往往湮没在背景中 ,无法辨别 .还发现X射线耀斑的光学对应体 (Hα耀斑 )与X射线耀斑的比率随X射线耀斑级别的增高而增大 ,X级的光学对应体达 94 % ,M级为 83% ,C级为 6 3% ,B级只有 30 % .  相似文献   

京津冀地区闪电计数对太阳耀斑爆发的响应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  

对各种不同性质、不同级别、不同日面位置及不同时间的耀斑与婴儿出生率变化关系的分析,显示出不同耀斑对人体影响的不同。各级Hα耀斑、质子耀斑的当日效应都很明显,这反映了人体对耀斑电磁辐射和高能粒子辐射的敏感性,耀斑耀发后的第2-5d还有一个出生率高峰,能量越大的耀斑,这个峰出现得越早,这与低能离子云到达地球的时间相符。太阳活动低谷年爆发的1b,1n级Hα耀斑和C级X射线耀斑等低能量耀斑地人体的影响也不能忽视。  相似文献   

本文用“电子-离子束缚态及其引发核聚变”模型对太阳耀斑中的(d,d)聚变给以解释,同时也为具有重大争议的所谓冷聚变现象的存在提供了证据。  相似文献   

A comparative analysis on two solar proton events   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a comparative analysis on the two Solar Proton Events (SPE), which occurred on 14 July 2000 (Bastille Day) and 28 October 2003 (28OCT03) respectively. It is found that although the peak flux of the latter seemed to be greater than that of the former based on geostationary observations, the maximum intensities of the energetic protons (>10 MeV and 30 MeV) during the Bastille Day event were all higher than those of the 28OCT03 event according to the interplanetary observations. Further analysis indicated that the quantity of the seed particles, which could be accelerated to the energies exceeding 10 and 30 MeV by the Coronal Mass Ejection (CME)-driven shock on 14 July 2000, was far larger than that of the 28OCT03 event. In the Bastille Day case, when the CME approached to the height around 14 R⊙, the CME-driven shock would reach its maximum capacity in accelerating the solar en- ergetic protons (>100 MeV). In contrast, on 28 October 2003, when CME approached to the height about 58R⊙, the CME-driven shock reached its highest potential in accelerating the solar energetic protons of the same category. At this moment, the peak flux (>100 MeV) was about 155 pfu, which was much lower than 355 pfu measured on 14 July 2000. This demonstrated that in the Bastille Day event, the quantity of the seed particles, which could be accelerated to the energy beyond 100 MeV, was significantly larger than its counterpart in the 28OCT03 case. Therefore, the peak flux of an SPE event depends not only on the interplanetary intensity of the solar energetic particles, but also on the velocity of the associated CME-driven shock, and the quantity of the seed particles as well as on the interplanetary magnetic en- vironment. This paper also reveals that the magnetic sheath associated with ICME on 28 October 2003 captured a large number of solar energetic protons, including those having energy greater than 100 MeV.  相似文献   

By analyzing the observation data from Dongchuan Debris Flow Observation and Research Station and historical data from year 1965 to 1990 gotten from National Astronomical Ob-servatories/Yunnan Observatory,the responding of debris flow in Jiangjia Ravine to Solar Proton Flare is studied. The following conclusion can be drawn. Solar Proton Flare,as one of most im-portant astronomical factors,affects the activity of debris flow in Yunnan. Generally,from 1965 to1990,the more active Solar Pro-ton Flare is,the greater the probability of high frequency and large runoff of debris flow is. On the contrary,the less active Solar Pro-ton Flare is,the greater the probability of low frequency,small runoff,and low sediment transport of debris flow is.  相似文献   

利用GPS伪距+载波相位联合数据处理方法具体分析了1998-11-22耀斑爆发期间北京、上海,武汉,西安GPS观测数据得到的电离层TEC。  相似文献   

太阳质子事件是很重要的太阳活动,从1956年开始人们对它进行了深入的趼究。概括太阳质子事件的研究进展:从质子事件的研究意义、不同时期的探测技术、质子在行星际介质空间的传播、质子事件的统计特征和相关性、质子峰值流量的分布、质子事件预报研究等几个方面对质子事件做了分析,有助于深入地了解太阳质子事件,从而更好地为空间天气预报服务。  相似文献   

利用Tajima和Sakai提出的解释太阳耀斑现象的电流环结合模型,分析了短厘米波段微波爆发中的精细结构现象.结果表明,观测事实是对这一新的理论模型的有力支持.  相似文献   

北半球冬季大气环流变化对中国汛期雨带类型分布的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 基于1951~2001年1~5月500hPa高度场资料,研究了前期大气环流与中国汛期雨带类型分布的关系.通过分析前期各雨带类型对应的距平合成场和格点样本平均值显著性检验图,以及各雨带类型相应的前期大气环流特征.指出1~2月500hPa层次上,大气环流明显的表现为大尺度分布特征,而3~5月的大尺度分布特征不明显.这表明冬季(1~2月)各雨带类型的显著性关键区的大气环流异常是影响中国汛期雨带类型分布的一个重要因素.从而提出了一些预报线索,可供夏季我国大范围旱涝趋势的长期预报参考.  相似文献   

使用国家气候中心(NCC)沿用的北半球阻塞高压监测公式,利用NCEP/NCAR逐日500hPa环流场再分析资料,计算出1961-2011年逐日阻高指数,分析了北半球阻塞高压出现的关键地区阻高指数的年际和年代际变化特征及其与重庆夏季降水的联系.结果表明,三个关键区阻高的季节分布以鄂霍次克海阻高在冬季和夏季出现的频率最高,而春季和秋季则是乌拉尔山阻高活动频繁的季节,贝加尔湖地区阻高活动不及前两个区域活跃.从变化趋势来看,乌拉尔山阻高和鄂霍次克海阻高有增强的趋势,贝加尔湖阻高有减弱的趋势.各关键区的阻高日数都存在2~5年的显著性周期特点.三个关键区对重庆夏季降水的影响各有其特点,贝加尔湖和鄂霍次克海的阻塞形势对重庆夏季降水的影响较大,鄂霍次克海阻高日数对重庆夏季降水的影响比其强度对重庆夏季降水的影响关系更加显著,夏季鄂霍次克海阻高日数偏多(少),重庆夏季降水偏多(少).  相似文献   

中国东部四季降水量变化空间结构的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用观测资料和史料所重建的中国东部(110°E以东)71站1880?2004年的四季降水量序列,通过EOF分析得到了各个季节降水量空间分布的主要形态,并且按其特点分为两类,冬春秋季为一类,夏季为一类。利用重建的1880?1950年和观测的1951?2004年的500 hPa高度场资料,分析了大气环流对各季降水异常的影响。结果表明,各季的降水异常分布形态与高空环流形势有很好的对应关系,并且近百年来这种对应关系比较稳定。最后研究了各季降水量空间结构的周期变化特征,结果显示各个季节降水量空间分布形态都存在高频的年际变化和低频的年代际变化。功率谱和子波分析表明,高频集中于2~4年、5~8年,而低频则集中在15年、20~25年、60年,共同代表了中国季节降水异常变化的主要周期。  相似文献   

The variations of surface air temperature(SAT)over the Arctic are closely related to global climate change.Based on reanalysis datasets and a newly defined Aleutian Low intensity index,we found a good correlation between intensity of winter Aleutian Low and the SAT over the Arctic during the subsequent summer.Explanations were given using correlation analysis,composite analysis,and singular value decomposition methods.When intensity of winter Aleutian Low was weaker,sea surface temperature appeared higher in the North Pacific in the subsequent spring and summer,resulting in mean meridional circulation anomalies and 500 hPa geopotential height anomalies in spring and summer.Anomalous upward motion in mid-latitudes and downward motion in high latitudes(Ferrel cell weakening)transported the warmer air to the north from lower layer to the upper layer followed by increases in the SAT over the Arctic.Anomalous downward motion over about 75°N also caused consequent adiabatic warming and contributed to inhibit the heat transportation from surface to upper layer.Negative 500 hPa geopotential height anomalies existed in mid-latitudes and positive anomalies existed in high latitudes.The pattern(low-in-south and high-in-north)benefited from increasing the inflow volume flux of the Bering Strait,which also made the SAT over the Arctic increase.The results of this study reveal the process that the summer SAT over the Arctic was modulated by interannual variability of intensity of winter Aleutian Low.  相似文献   

宁夏冬季气温变化与大气环流异常的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1961~2015年冬季(12月到次年2月)宁夏20个气象站月平均气温资料,NCEP/NCAR发布的500 h Pa位势高度场和海平面气压场,200 h Pa、850 h Pa风场月平均再分析资料,运用线性倾向估计、M-K法及合成分析等方法,在研究宁夏冬季平均气温的年际变化及年代际变化特征的基础上,分突变前后的冷、暖期时段进一步分析大气环流场不同影响因子与宁夏冬季气温异常的关系,揭示宁夏冬季气温异常的成因。结果表明:(1)宁夏冬季平均气温由冷变暖的趋势非常显著,在1985年之前为冷期,1985年以后为暖期;冬季平均气温年代际变化在20世纪增暖趋势显著,21世纪后上升趋势趋于平缓。(2)不仅500 h Pa位势高度场的乌拉尔山高压脊和西太平洋副高是影响宁夏冬季气温异常的主要系统,海平面气压场的西伯利亚高压也是影响宁夏冬季气温异常的关键系统;高低空的偏北气流和偏南暖湿气流异常流场也对宁夏冬季气温变化造成一定影响。  相似文献   

利用1979—2018年冬季(12月—次年2月)地面台站的逐日风速和ERA-Interim再分析资料,分析了冬季京津冀区域性大风的变化及其天气环流型. 结果显示,在1979—2018年期间,共计出现区域性大风事件285 d,近40 a大风天气出现的频次以?0.96 d·(10 a)?1(P<0.05)趋势减少. 层次聚类结果显示,导致区域性大风的主要天气环流型有2类:一类环流型事件为110 d,突出特征是欧亚大陆中高纬地区500 hPa位势高度场异常,沿西北–东南方向呈“负-正-负-正-负”分布,合成分析表明其异常信号从上游地区出现、东移、消失于西北太平洋地区,可持续近15 d;另一类环流型事件有175 d,对应的欧亚大陆地区环流异常自西向东呈“正-负-正-负-正”分布,异常信号可持续近18 d. 合成显示,京津冀地区2类天气环流型在对流层中低层均为低压异常,同时近地面有异常强的偏北风和低温. 1979年以来,这2类天气环流型的频次都在显著减少,前者的线性趋势是?0.72 d·(10 a)?1 (P<0.01),后者趋势是?0.23 d·(10 a)?1 (P<0.5),这说明第一类天气型频次的减少可能是近40 a京津冀地区大风事件下降的主要原因.   相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和中国160个站点的月平均降水资料,选取了2008年9月四川汶川地区特大暴雨实例,分析并验证了夏季青藏高原东部热源异常和中国局部降水异常的关系。结果表明:1夏季高原东部热源偏强会引起500h Pa风场能量偏大,其能量大值区与强降水区域分布相对应;2夏季高原东部热源偏强会引起南亚高压偏东偏强,从而引起西太副高西伸,使得水汽源源不断的向降水区域输送;3夏季高原东部热源异常时,通过加热场-高度场-降水场的同期及滞后效应,进一步影响到中国局部地区的降水异常。  相似文献   

Under the condition of land-atmosphere heat and water conservation, a set of sensitive numerical experiments are set up to investigate the response of the East Asian climate system to global frozen soil change. This is done by introducing the supercooled soil water process into the Community Land Model (CLM3.0), which has been coupled to the National Center of Atmospheric Research Community Atmosphere Model (CAM3.1). Results show that:(1) The ratio between soil ice and soil water in CLM3.0 is clearly changed by the supercooled soil water process. Ground surface temperature and soil temperature are also affected. (2) The Eurasian (including East Asian) climate system is sensitive to changes of heat and water in frozen soil regions. In January, the Aleutian low sea level pressure circulation is strengthened, Ural blocking high at 500 hPa weakened, and East Asian trough weakened. In July, sea level pressure over the Aleutian Islands region is significantly reduced; there are negative anomalies of 500 hPa geopotential height over the East Asian mainland, and positive anomalies over the East Asian ocean. (3) In January, the southerly component of the 850 hPa wind field over East Asia increases, indicating a weakened winter monsoon. In July, cyclonic anomalies appear on the East Asian mainland while there are anticyclonic anomalies over the ocean, reflective of a strengthened east coast summer monsoon. (4) Summer rainfall in East Asia changed significantly, including substantial precipitation increase on the southern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, central Yangtze River Basin, and northeast China. Summer rainfall significantly decreased in south China and Hainan Island, but slightly decreased in central and north China. Further analysis showed considerable upper air motion along ~30°N latitude, with substantial descent of air at its north and south sides. Warm and humid air from the Northeast Pacific converged with cold air from northern land areas, representing the main cause of the precipitation anomalies.  相似文献   

利用华北地区实测的月降水量资料,美国NCAR/NCEP 850 hPa的矢量风5、00 hPa和850 hPa的位势高度等再分析资料,分析了华北地区1972年和1997年这2个干旱年干旱的空间分布、强度分布和持续时间,以及西太平洋副热带高压变化、季风进退和欧亚大气环流异常情况.结果表明:1972年是季风正常年,但该年亚洲大陆高压偏强且持续存在、西太平洋副热带高压持续偏弱,导致了干旱的发生与持续;而1997年由于持续偏强的亚洲大陆高压、持续偏弱的季风和西太平洋副热带高压造成该地区严重干旱.  相似文献   

应用奇异值分解(SVD)技术,研究了青藏高原地面加热场与东亚地区上空500hPa高度场及其东侧川渝地区春季气温场的时空联系和冷暖异常成因.结果表明:前期冬季青藏高原地面加热场与后期春季高度场的第1模态代表了两场间的主要耦合特征,具有显著的时空相关;前期冬季青藏高原地面加热场通过影响后期春季500hPa高度场,导致未来春季大气环流变化,是造成川渝地区春季气温异常的重要原因.    相似文献   

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