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在腔场中两原子共生纠缠度的变化及最大纠缠态的制备   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
讨论了两原子与腔场共振相互作用时两原子共生纠缠度(Concurrence)随时间的演化规律.结果表明:通过控制原子和腔场相互作用时间,可制备两原子的最大纠缠态.另外,还考虑了原子自发辐射和腔场衰变对纠缠度的影响.  相似文献   

用共生纠缠度度量的方法来研究两原子在耗散和非耗散腔场中的量子纠缠.研究结果表明:通过控制相互作用时间能够制备出最大纠缠态;且由于原子的双光子跃迁,导致双光子Tavies-Cummings模型是单光子Tavies-Cummings模型在制备最大纠缠态上所需要的时间的.且原子的自发辐射和腔场的损耗使得两原子的最大相干随时间呈周期性减小.  相似文献   

为了研究原子对光机械系统的影响,将原子引入到一个双模动腔系统中,本文提出了一个由Λ型三能级原子去纠缠两个介观镜以及双模腔场的理论方案。由于原子的介入,使得腔场与移动的镜子之间发生相互作用。利用量子朗之万方程,结合激光的线性近似理论,求出此系统的稳态解。同时,采用西蒙判据,对系统的稳态纠缠进行了数值模拟。研究结果表明,纠缠是由原子的相干态诱导的,即使对于机械品质因子较低的坏腔,当腔场与原子之间的耦合系数取值恰当时,两个移动的镜子,两模腔场以及腔场与较远镜子之间都会产生纠缠。并且得出,耦合系数越大,纠缠越大,即入射率越大,纠缠越大。由于在此混合系统中,任何两体之间都是纠缠的,得出此系统中存在多体纠缠现象。  相似文献   

研究在相干场和微波场驱动下的三能级△型原子与腔模相互作用系统中存在压缩、纠缠特性.通过计算输出场的压缩(纠缠)谱,发现该压缩谱(纠缠谱)的宽度容易受腔衰变系数的影响,而最大压缩(纠缠)度随微波场的增强而减弱,当关闭微波场时,最大压缩度与腔衰变系数无关.这些研究在光通信以及量子信息处理方面有积极意义.  相似文献   

通过计算并发度和线性熵研究了初始处于纠缠态的两个两能级原子与双模场相互作用系统的纠缠动力学特性,讨论了原子初始纠缠度和腔场初始纠缠度对并发度的影响。结果表明,两原子之间的纠缠出现纠缠突然死亡(ESD)现象,纠缠死亡持续的时间长度和原子初始的纠缠度无关,然而依赖于腔场初始纠缠度;在整个时间演化过程中,两原子和腔场之间一直保持着纠缠状态。  相似文献   

将两全同原子囚禁于用光纤连接的两个光腔中,经绝热演化可以制备腔模的高维纠缠态.该方案利用受激拉曼绝热技术,只需恰当地控制原子与腔场的耦合参数,就可以有效地抑制原子的自发辐射以及光纤损耗等消相干因素的影响.  相似文献   

考虑单个二能级原子穿过两个空间分离的单模腔场.由于腔场与原子间的相互作用使得两个腔场间产生纠缠.研究原子质心运动的动能、腔长和腔间距对这种纠缠的影响.结果表明:在原子的动能较小时,原子通过双腔系统的几率较小,腔场间产生纠缠的几率也小;原子动能较大时,原子更容易隧穿双腔系统,腔场间产生的纠缠几率也较大.  相似文献   

研究了在大失谐条件下一位于能量耗散腔中,两个二能级原子与单模辐射场相互作用系统中原子间纠缠的时间演化特性,讨论了两原子的初始状态、腔场衰变常数以及光场的平均光子数对原子纠缠度的影响.结果表明:当两原子均处于激发态或基态时,两原子始终处于分离状态;而当两原子初始均处于激发态与基态的相干叠加态时,腔场损耗对原子纠缠度的影响随时间的演化逐渐消失,但原子偶极一偶极相互作用使原子间的纠缠程度得到加强.  相似文献   

J-C模型中原子的自发辐射与量子纠缠态   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
通过对旋波近似下J-C模型中的二能级原子与单模场相互作用体系的研究,得到激发态原子将演化为场和原子的耦合叠加态--纠缠态,原子偶极矩的期待值总是零,但偶极矩的起伏恒等于一个不为零的常数,因此,原子的自发辐射是由偶极矩的涨落引起的,并非原子偶极矩振荡造成的结果,具体研究这种纠缠态的性质得出:原子与场纠缠体系的信息熵和纠缠度随时间做周期性的振荡,并且和原子与场间的耦合系数及失谐程度有关,量子态在非纠缠态与纠缠态之间变化,在微小失谐量时,量子态将长时间停留在纠缠态。  相似文献   

利用concurrence的纠缠度量方法,研究了两个全同的二能级原子与双模腔场共振相互作用时原子与原子纠缠演化.研究结果表明两原子的纠缠演化受到原于初态类型、光子数的影响,进一步分析了原子间的纠缠猝死现象与原于—腔场的纠缠转移关系.  相似文献   

Blatt R 《Nature》2000,404(6775):231-232

Entanglement is a necessary resource for quantum applications--entanglement established between quantum systems at different locations enables private communication and quantum teleportation, and facilitates quantum information processing. Distributed entanglement is established by preparing an entangled pair of quantum particles in one location, and transporting one member of the pair to another location. However, decoherence during transport reduces the quality (fidelity) of the entanglement. A protocol to achieve entanglement 'purification' has been proposed to improve the fidelity after transport. This protocol uses separate quantum operations at each location and classical communication to distil high-fidelity entangled pairs from lower-fidelity pairs. Proof-of-principle experiments distilling entangled photon pairs have been carried out. However, these experiments obtained distilled pairs with a low probability of success and required destruction of the entangled pairs, rendering them unavailable for further processing. Here we report efficient and non-destructive entanglement purification with atomic quantum bits. Two noisy entangled pairs were created and distilled into one higher-fidelity pair available for further use. Success probabilities were above 35 per cent. The many applications of entanglement purification make it one of the most important techniques in quantum information processing.  相似文献   

Quantum mechanics allows for many-particle wavefunctions that cannot be factorized into a product of single-particle wavefunctions, even when the constituent particles are entirely distinct. Such 'entangled' states explicitly demonstrate the non-local character of quantum theory, having potential applications in high-precision spectroscopy, quantum communication, cryptography and computation. In general, the more particles that can be entangled, the more clearly nonclassical effects are exhibited--and the more useful the states are for quantum applications. Here we implement a recently proposed entanglement technique to generate entangled states of two and four trapped ions. Coupling between the ions is provided through their collective motional degrees of freedom, but actual motional excitation is minimized. Entanglement is achieved using a single laser pulse, and the method can in principle be applied to any number of ions.  相似文献   

Many-particle entanglement with Bose-Einstein condensates   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Sørensen A  Duan LM  Cirac JI  Zoller P 《Nature》2001,409(6816):63-66
The possibility of creating and manipulating entangled states of systems of many particles is of significant interest for quantum information processing; such a capability could lead to new applications that rely on the basic principles of quantum mechanics. So far, up to four atoms have been entangled in a controlled way. A crucial requirement for the production of entangled states is that they can be considered pure at the single-particle level. Bose-Einstein condensates fulfil this requirement; hence it is natural to investigate whether they can also be used in some applications of quantum information. Here we propose a method to achieve substantial entanglement of a large number of atoms in a Bose-Einstein condensate. A single resonant laser pulse is applied to all the atoms in the condensate, which is then allowed to evolve freely; in this latter stage, collisional interactions produce entanglement between the atoms. The technique should be realizable with present technology.  相似文献   

量子纠缠的新理论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用独立态矢特性,首次提出了一个纠缠态的定义及构造纠缠的理论,并进一步给出了多粒子系统的纠缠方式,进而给出基本纠缠方式的纠缠度的定义式,并推导出其公式,得出了三粒子系统的非纠缠判据.  相似文献   

Vedral V 《Nature》2010,468(7325):769-770

Vedral V 《Nature》2008,453(7198):1004-1007
Traditionally, entanglement was considered to be a quirk of microscopic objects that defied a common-sense explanation. Now, however, entanglement is recognized to be ubiquitous and robust. With the realization that entanglement can occur in macroscopic systems - and with the development of experiments aimed at exploiting this fact - new tools are required to define and quantify entanglement beyond the original microscopic framework.  相似文献   

Scalable multiparticle entanglement of trapped ions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The generation, manipulation and fundamental understanding of entanglement lies at the very heart of quantum mechanics. Entangled particles are non-interacting but are described by a common wavefunction; consequently, individual particles are not independent of each other and their quantum properties are inextricably interwoven. The intriguing features of entanglement become particularly evident if the particles can be individually controlled and physically separated. However, both the experimental realization and characterization of entanglement become exceedingly difficult for systems with many particles. The main difficulty is to manipulate and detect the quantum state of individual particles as well as to control the interaction between them. So far, entanglement of four ions or five photons has been demonstrated experimentally. The creation of scalable multiparticle entanglement demands a non-exponential scaling of resources with particle number. Among the various kinds of entangled states, the 'W state' plays an important role as its entanglement is maximally persistent and robust even under particle loss. Such states are central as a resource in quantum information processing and multiparty quantum communication. Here we report the scalable and deterministic generation of four-, five-, six-, seven- and eight-particle entangled states of the W type with trapped ions. We obtain the maximum possible information on these states by performing full characterization via state tomography, using individual control and detection of the ions. A detailed analysis proves that the entanglement is genuine. The availability of such multiparticle entangled states, together with full information in the form of their density matrices, creates a test-bed for theoretical studies of multiparticle entanglement. Independently, 'Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger' entangled states with up to six ions have been created and analysed in Boulder.  相似文献   

Kwiat PG  Barraza-Lopez S  Stefanov A  Gisin N 《Nature》2001,409(6823):1014-1017
Entangled states are central to quantum information processing, including quantum teleportation, efficient quantum computation and quantum cryptography. In general, these applications work best with pure, maximally entangled quantum states. However, owing to dissipation and decoherence, practically available states are likely to be non-maximally entangled, partially mixed (that is, not pure), or both. To counter this problem, various schemes of entanglement distillation, state purification and concentration have been proposed. Here we demonstrate experimentally the distillation of maximally entangled states from non-maximally entangled inputs. Using partial polarizers, we perform a filtering process to maximize the entanglement of pure polarization-entangled photon pairs generated by spontaneous parametric down-conversion. We have also applied our methods to initial states that are partially mixed. After filtering, the distilled states demonstrate certain non-local correlations, as evidenced by their violation of a form of Bell's inequality. Because the initial states do not have this property, they can be said to possess 'hidden' non-locality.  相似文献   

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