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To segment the tumor region precisely is a prerequisite for ultrasound navigation and treatment. In this paper, a normalized cut method to segment tumor ultrasound image is proposed by means of simple linear iterative clustering for presegmentation procedure. The first step, we use simple linear iterative clustering algorithm to divide the image into a number of homogeneous over-segmented regions. Then, these regions are regarded as nodes, and a similarity matrix is constructed by comparing the histograms of each two regions. Finally, we apply the Ncut method to merging the over-segmented regions, then the image segmentation process is completed. The results show that the proposed segmentation scheme handles the strong speckle noise, low contrast, and weak edges well in ultrasound image. Our method has high segmentation precision and computation efficiency than the pixel-based Ncut method.  相似文献   

Neither the finite element method nor the discontinuous deformation analysis method can solve problems very well in rock mechanics and engineering due to their extreme complexities. A coupling method combining both of them should have wider applicability. Such a model coupling the discontinuous deformation analysis method and the finite element method is proposed in this paper. In the model, so-called line blocks are introduced to deal with the interaction via the common interfacial boundary of the discontinuous deformation analysis domain with the finite element domain. The interfacial conditions during the incremental iteration process are satisfied by means of the line blocks. The requirement of gradual small displacements in each incremental step of this coupling method is met through a displacement control procedure. The model is simple in concept and is easy in numerical implementation. A numerical example is given. The displacement obtained by the coupling method agrees well with those obtained by the finite element method, which shows the rationality of this model and the validity of the implementation scheme.  相似文献   

The fractal image encoding method has received much attention for its many advantages over other methods, such as high decoding quality at high compression ratios. However, because every range block must be compared to all domain blocks in the codebook to find the best-matched one during the coding procedure, baseline fractal coding (BFC) is quite time consuming. To speed up fractal coding, a new fast fractal encoding algorithm is proposed. This algorithm aims at reducing the size of the search window during the domain-range matching process to minimize the computational cost. A new theorem presented in this paper shows that a special feature of the image can be used to do this work. Based on this theorem, the most inappropriate domain blocks, whose features are not similar to that of the given range block, are excluded before matching. Thus, the best-matched block can be captured much more quickly than in the BFC approach. The experimental results show that the runtime of the proposed method is reduced greatly compared to the BFC method. At the same time, the new algorithm also achieves high reconstructed image quality. In addition, the method can be incorporated with other fast algorithms to achieve better performance. Therefore, the proposed algorithm has a much better application potential than BFC.  相似文献   

In this paper the authors present an analysis and the implementation of microprocessor-baseddigital phase-locked loop speed control system for an induction motor which is actuated by aSPWM-GTR inverter.The system is controlled by a 16-bit single chip microprocessor.A new type of frequency and phase detector is presented in detail,An adaptive method isadopted in speed controller.A three mode control scheme is used.These techniques are very use-ful to the improvement of the dynamic behavior of digital AC motor drive system.Experimental results show that the system is of good stability,high precision and good dynam-ic performance.  相似文献   

Motion planning issues encountered in assembling airplanes by employing the 6PURU parallel mechanism are analyzed in this paper. A sine curve of the change rate of acceleration, which is called as jerk in the following text, is proposed for uniaxial flexible acceleration and deceleration planning based on the optimal time and velocity and acceleration constraints. Compared with other curves, the proposed curve can realize a continuous n-order derivative and the smooth change of the speed and acceleration. The method is computationally simple and suitable for programming. In addition, a multiaxial coordinated movement scheme is proposed. The motion trajectory is no longer simply split into many single-direction trajectories nor are all single-direction planning trajectories combined directly. The multiaxial coordinated movement scheme aims to achieve synergic movement in multiple directions to ensure smoothness of the movement in the event of a kinematic error when maintaining a stable value. If the movement fails to achieve this goal, driving force mutations will deteriorate the effect of synergic movement. A physical model of the parallel mechanism is developed in sim Mechanics, and a holistic system model is completed in SIMULINK. The feasibility of the new planning algorithm is simulated and tested, and then, the multiaxial synergic movement planning method is proposed and verified.  相似文献   

A new wave modeling method and a level of detail (LOD) scheme are proposed for ocean surface simulation in this paper.The modeling method describes ocean wave by modifying the sine wave,and gets wave direction at any position of ocean surface under any ocean floor conditions using wave num decomposition.LOD scheme is proposed based on quad-tree block,which simplifies the ocean surface regular mesh and realizes the real-time rendering of large-scale ocean surface.Experimental results show that these methods can get realistic effect and fast rendering speed,which are appropriated to the applications of 3D games and battlefield simulation.  相似文献   

A new method to design parity-check matrix based on Henon chaos model is presented. The designed parity-check matrix is with rather random behavior. Simulation results show that the proposed method makes an improvement in bit error rate (BER) performance by 0.4 dB compared with that of Luby for AWGN channel. The proposed method decreases the complexity of decoding significantly, and improves the error correcting performance of LDPC codes. It has been shown that Henon chaotic model is a powerful tool for construction of good LDPC codes, which make it possible to apply the LDPC code in real communication systems.  相似文献   

In this paper,we employ genetic algorithms to solve the migration problem (MP).We propose a new encoding scheme to represent trees,which is composed of two parts;the pre-ordered traversal sequence of tree vertices and the children number sequence of corresponding tree vertices.The proposed encoding scheme has the advantages of simplicity for encoding and decoding,ease for GA operations,and better equilibrium between exploration and exploitation.It is also adaptive in that,with few restrictions on the length of code,it can be freely lengthened or shortened according to the characteristics of the problem space.Furthermore,the encoding scheme is highly applicable to the degreeconstrained minimum spanning tree problem because it also contains the degree information of each node.The simulation results demonstrate the higher performance of our algorithm,with fast convergence to the optima or sub-optima on various problem sizes.Comparing with the binary string encoding of vertices,when the problem size is large,our algorithm runs remarkably faster with comparable search capability.  相似文献   

A hybrid learning method combining immune algorithm and least square method is proposed to design the radial basis function(RBF) networks. The immune algorithm based on information entropy is used to determine the structure and parameters of RBF nonlinear hidden layer, and weights of RBF linear output layer are computed with least square method. By introducing the diversity control and immune memory mechanism, the algorithm improves the efficiency and overcomes the immature problem in genetic algorithm. Computer simulations demonstrate that the RBF networks designed in this method have fast convergence speed with good performances.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of interconnected high performance workstations has produced a new computing paradigm called clustered of workstations computing. In these systems load balance problem is a serious impediment to achieve good performance. The main concern of this paper is the implementation of dynamic load balancing algorithm, asynchronous Round Robin (ARR), for balancing workload of parallel tree computation depth-first-search algorithm on Cluster of Heterogeneous Workstations ( COW ) Many algorithms in artificial intelligence and other areas of computer science are based on depth first search in implicitty defined trees. For these algorithms a load- balancing scheme is required, which is able to evenly distribute parts of an irregularly shaped tree over the workstations with minimal interprocessor communication and without prior knowledge of the tree's shape. For the ( ARR ) algorithm only minimal interprocessor communication is needed when necessary and it runs under the MPI (Message passing interface) that allows parallel execution on heterogeneous SUN cluster of workstation platform. The program code is written in C language and executed under UNIX operating system (Solaris version).  相似文献   

迭代检测算法在比特交织编码调制系统中的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
迭代检测技术不仅局限于在传统的级联码系统中的应用,还可用于解决现代数字通信中的许多检测/译码问题.随着Turbo码的出现,人们对迭代译码算法进行深入研究,并提出一些简化译码算法.比特交织编码调制及迭代检测(bit-interleaved coded modulation with iterative decoding, BICM-ID)是一种高效数据传输系统.比特交织和迭代译码是BICM-ID系统具有卓越性能的关键因素,译码算法的选择不仅影响接收机的性能,也决定了系统的复杂度.文中研究迭代译码算法对BICM-ID系统性能的影响,分析各种译码算法的计算复杂度.仿真结果表明log-APP算法有好的性能同时复杂度也高,简化的译码算法能降低译码器的复杂度,但会带来一定的性能损失;随着信道条件的改善,算法简化带来的性能损失也随之减小.  相似文献   

在分析音频解码标准MP3和AAC及其实现方案基础上,提出了基于FPGA的支持多制式的音频解码算法设计方案。将分步查表法引入霍夫曼解码,并提出了无乘法器的反量化变换及可兼容的IMDCT变换算法的FPGA实现方案。板上测试验证表明,该方案可准确完成多制式音频的解码,并提高解码速度与精度。  相似文献   

奇偶校验多胞体投影是交替方向乘子法(ADMM)译码算法中最为复杂的部分,复杂的投影计算使得ADMM译码算法复杂度较高且无高效的硬件实现方案。使用线段投影算法(LSA)计算校验多胞体投影可以省去复杂的排序和迭代操作,仅需进行简单的加减与比较运算,十分适合硬件实现。本文首先针对硬件实现对线段投影算法进行简化,并设计了完整的ADMM译码硬件实现方案,在FPGA中搭建了完整译码平台进行实验。实验表明:相较于已有的译码器,本文实现的ADMM-LSA译码器误码率性能基本一致,译码速度提高了30.6%,且在硬件资源消耗上有大幅减少,其中LUT资源使用量减少了40.3%,FF资源减少67.6%,DSP资源减少54.5%。  相似文献   

通过改进传统线性分组码的伴随式译码算法,提出了一种低复杂度的列表译码算法,该算法通过组合线性分组码校验矩阵中权重较小的列向量进行译码并正确计算出各码字元素的软输出信息,应用该算法可以构造乘积码迭代译码器,比较其他同类算法,该算法不仅性能较好,适用码型范围较广,而且可以根据具体情况在译码复杂度和译码性能两者之间做出折衷选择,分析和仿真结果表明,该译码算法在误码性能和译码复杂度方面都优于传统的乘积码失代译码算法,能够有效应用于通信系统中实现纠错,具有很大的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

提出了一种采用QAM调制RS乘积码的TURBO译码算法,由于该算法充分利用了乘积码行码和列码之间软判决信息的交互传递,从而发挥了乘积码的巨大潜力,与以往的乘积码的译码算法相比大大提高了编码增益,另外,本算法避免了以往的二进制BCH码在QAM调制下所需的信息分离而引起的信息损失,因而具有更好的性能,通过计算机模拟,表明了这种码的性能距离它的香农限约2.7dB。  相似文献   

针对二进制分组turbo码提出了一种加快译码速度的软判决译码算法-自适应门限Chase译码算法(ATC).该算法以迭代Chase算法为基础,根据传输系统编码方案和信道条件联合确定Chase算法中不可靠比特数,从而可以减少测试序列的数目,并利用外信息的三角函数代替迭代译码时的归一化因子,以达到降低软判决译码复杂度的目的;与迭代Chase译码算法相比,该算法可在译码复杂性和译码性能之间达到平衡.仿真结果表明:ATC算法能在保持turbo码的译码性能基础上,提高译码速度,降低译码复杂度.  相似文献   

乘积码的一种新的迭代译码算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
乘积码是利用线性分组码实现长码的典范,能纠正大量的随机错误和突发错误,当以Turbo码的思想实现乘积码的迭代译码时,可获得很高的编码增益.针对乘积码提出一种新的迭代译码算法,该算法的反馈方式有别于Turbo码的传统迭代译码,是通过输出软信息与接收软信息进行线性叠加来实现的,此时子译码器的候选码字个数将大为降低,同时译码输出也无须做复杂的LLR计算,直接映射为由-1, 1组成的软输出矩阵,从而在牺牲较小性能的情况下很大程度地降低了译码复杂度.  相似文献   

次最佳软输入软输出译码算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对两种次最佳软输入输出译码算法(简化的最小误符合率(BCJR)和软输出维持比算法(SOVA)的优缺点进行简化比较分析,并就进一步简化BCJR算法作了探讨。导出了以减少单步译码运算量为目的的两种简化算法递推公式;提出了一种更具一般性的活动窗BCJR算法实现方案。该方案用于级联码的迭代译码,通过适当调整活动窗参数,在尽可能降低算法复杂度的同时,获得与基于非活动窗BCJR算法时几乎相同的误比特性能。  相似文献   

一种迭代方法的RS喷泉码的编译码算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
数字喷泉编码可以解决类似广播通信等应用中因为重发带来的效率下降和时延增加等问题,而Reed-Solo-mon编码(RS码)在理论上可以作为数字喷泉码使用,但是传统的RS译码算法太过复杂,针对这个问题,提出了RS数字喷泉码的编码方案,给出了RS数字喷泉码的迭代译码算法,与传统RS译码方案相比,该方案运算量小,译码延时降低明显.仿真结果表明,采用RS数字喷泉码的系统能够明显地降低数据包的发送数量,提高系统效率.  相似文献   

提出一种稀疏二进制序列构造的LDPC码作为分量码,译码采用串行迭代的多层码方案.每次串行迭代译码逐层进行,低层向高层传递译码软信息.采用该方案分别对8PSK和16QAM调制的多层码进行串行迭代译码和并行迭代译码的性能仿真.仿真结果表明:该方案的编码复杂度较低,相比于并行迭代译码,串行迭代译码简化了译码结构,且2种迭代译码算法复杂度相同;在AWGN信道和平坦瑞利衰落信道中,串行迭代译码的误比特性能优于并行迭代译码.  相似文献   

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