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目的:探讨云南血竭及其提纯物血竭素高氯酸盐对三叉神经节细胞电压门控性钠通道电流的影响.材料与方法:在急性分离的TRG细胞膜上,阻断电压门控性钙通道和钾通道,在-70mV的钳制电位下,从-60mV起,给予10mV步幅递增、80ms步宽的去极化脉冲刺激,进行全细胞膜片钳记录.观察不同浓度的云南血竭及其提纯物血竭素高氯酸盐对TRG细胞电压门控性钠通道电流的影响.结果:各种浓度的云南血竭均显著抑制TRG细胞膜上电压门控性钠通道电流,并呈浓度依赖性,而血竭素高氯酸盐无此效应.结论:除了因消炎而止痛外,云南血竭尚可能通过直接干预TRG细胞的痛觉信息传入而发挥其镇痛作用,其有效作用成分有待进一步探讨.  相似文献   

目的:观察血竭总黄酮对小鼠三叉神经节(TG)细胞河豚毒素敏感型(TTX-S)钠通道电流的影响,确定血竭对TG细胞电压门控性钠通道电流产生抑制效应的有效部位.方法:酶解法急性分离昆明种小鼠(1月龄)三叉神经节细胞,应用全细胞膜片钳技术记录TG 细胞TTX-S钠通道电流,观察血竭总黄酮对其影响.结果:在钳制电位为-90 mV时,3种浓度(0.001 %,0.01 %,0.1 %)的血竭总黄酮对锋钠电流的抑制率分别为17.02±5.42 %,33.23±5.12 %,49.30±5.14 %(P值均小于0.05),抑制效应呈典型的浓度依赖性,血竭总黄酮对TG细胞TTX-S锋钠电流的半数抑制浓度(IC50)为0.101 3 %.结论:血竭总黄酮是血竭抑制TG细胞TTX-S钠通道电流的有效部位,该研究为血竭有效成分的提取缩小了研究范围.  相似文献   

在获取大鼠背根神经节神经元后,全细胞膜片钳技术记录动作电位和钠电流,探讨大鼠背根神经节细胞的分离方法和细胞形态以及电生理特征.结果显示,本实验能得到完整圆形或椭圆长条形的大鼠背根神经节体.正常的单个背根神经节神经元呈圆形或椭圆形,大小不等,胞膜清晰,折光性好,隐约可见细胞核.在背根神经节细胞上记录的动作电位呈正立锐角三角形,静息电位小,动作电位时程短.背根神经节神经元的钠通道最大电流密度为(-62.04±4.45)pA/pF,几乎能被河豚毒素(TTX)完全抑制.本实验分离方法简单易行,背根神经节神经元容易获得和辨认,电生理特征明确,适用于神经系统疾病的电生理特征研究和治疗药物观察.  相似文献   

应用全细胞膜片钳技术记录急性分离的小鼠三叉神经节细胞电压门控性钠通道电流,观察白细胞介素-1β对河豚毒素敏感性钠电流的影响,拟从离子通道水平探讨白细胞介素-1β调节颜面部痛的分子机制.结果发现白细胞介素-1β双相调节三叉神经节细胞河豚毒素敏感性钠通道,低浓度白细胞介素-1β(1ng/mL和10ng/mL)抑制三叉神经节细胞河豚毒素敏感性钠电流锋值,其中1ng/mL白细胞介素-1β使河豚毒素敏感性钠通道半失活电压向超极化方向偏移,复活时间常数延长.高浓度白细胞介素-1β(100ng/mL)在给药即刻增强三叉神经节细胞河豚毒素敏感性钠电流锋值,使河豚毒素敏感性钠通道半激活电压向超极化方向偏移,而不影响其失活及复活特性.高、低浓度白细胞介素-1β对三叉神经节细胞河豚毒素敏感性钠电流锋值的效应具有可逆性特点.结果表明白细胞介素-1β双相调节三叉神经节细胞河豚毒素敏感性钠通道,可部分解释白细胞介素-1β双相调节痛觉的产生及对神经元的损害和保护双相效应.  相似文献   

利用全细胞膜片钳技术检测了新型杀虫剂烯啶虫胺(Nitenpyram)对急性离体培养的棉铃虫Helicoverpaarmigera(Hübner)中枢神经细胞电压门控钠和钙通道的影响.结果表明:烯啶虫胺对棉铃虫神经元TTX敏感型钠通道和L-型钙通道的峰值电流有显著抑制作用;药物作用后,钠及L-型钙通道的激活曲线均左移,钠通道半数激活电压向超极化方向移动约3 mV,钙通道半数激活电压向超极化方向移动约7 mV,均具有统计学差异;烯啶虫胺对钠和L-型钙通道的失活也有影响,使半数失活电压均向超极化方向移动,钠通道的V0.5偏移约2 mV,钙通道的V0.5偏移约5 mV,均具有显著性差异. 另外,烯啶虫胺可显著增大钠通道和L-型钙通道的窗口电流. 最终确认烯啶虫胺对棉铃虫幼虫中枢神经元TTX敏感钠通道和L-型钙通道的峰值电流及通道的激活和失活都有影响,使钠、钙通道窗口电流增大,棉铃虫中枢神经细胞的钠、钙通道为烯啶虫胺的潜在作用靶标.  相似文献   

使用全细胞膜片钳技术,在急性分离的大鼠背根神经节细胞上,观察了剑叶龙血素B(CB)对辣椒素(CAP)诱发电流和电压反应的影响.在-60 mV的钳制电压下,剑叶龙血素B快速、可逆地抑制了辣椒素诱发电流,并且该抑制呈浓度依赖性,半数抑制浓度(IC50)为0.92 mmol/L;在电流钳条件下,剑叶龙血素B抑制了辣椒素诱发的去极化.0.38 mmol/L的剑叶龙血索B产生的抑制率为38.6士1.9%,而0.76 mmol/L的剑叶龙血素B几乎全部抑制了辣椒素诱导的去极化.这些结果表明:剑叶龙血素B对CAP/VR1反应的抑制可能用来解释一些血竭的镇痛效应.  相似文献   

用全细胞膜片钳技术分析了棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera(Hübner)幼虫中枢神经细胞电压门控Ca~(2+)通道的电生理学特性,并检测了三氟氯氰菊酯(cyhalothrin,Cyh)对Ca~(2+)通道功能特性的影响.结果表明,Ca~(2+)通道电流(I_(Ca))激活阈值-40 mV,峰值电压介于-10 mV-10 mV.约82%细胞的I_(Ca)在-20 mV激活,93%细胞的I_(Ca)在0 mV左右达峰值.棉铃虫表达高电压激活、对Cd~(2+)敏感的Ca~(2+)通道和高电压激活、对Cd~(2+)不敏感的Ca~(2+)通道.Cyh作用后,I_(Ca)在幅值减小的同时,I-V曲线和激活曲线均向超极化方向移动10-20 mV,表明Cyh不仅对I_(Ca)有抑制作用,对Ca~(2+)通道的激活也有影响,棉铃虫幼虫腹神经索中枢神经细胞高电压门控Ca~(2+)通道也是Cyh的作用靶标之一.  相似文献   

以急性分离的棉铃虫神经细胞为实验材料,利用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜技术,探究2种拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂——七氟菊酯(Ⅰ型)和溴氰菊酯(Ⅱ型)对神经细胞内游离钙离子浓度([Ca2+]i)的影响,并进行机理初探.研究结果表明:七氟菊酯和溴氰菊酯都可刺激神经细胞内钙离子浓度升高,但这种反应只有在细胞外存在钙离子时才会发生,且该反应可以被河豚毒素(tetrodotoxin,TTX,电压门控钠通道阻断剂)阻断.这表明七氟菊酯和溴氰菊酯触发的胞内钙离子浓度升高与电压门控钠通道有关,很可能是拟除虫菊酯作用于电压门控钠通道后所引发的反应.  相似文献   

用全细胞膜片箝技术在大鼠新鲜分离的背根神经节 (DRG)细胞上观察到baclofen对GABA和NMDA激活电流有调制作用。单独给予DRG细胞baclofen (1~ 10 0 μmol/L)未记录到可测的电流改变 ,但预加baclofen对GABA和NMDA激活电流具有明显的抑制作用 ,且呈剂量依赖性。 10 0 μmol/Lbaclofen对GABA和NMDA激活电流分别抑制(5 1.2± 10 .9) % (X±SE ,n=8,P <0 .0 1)和 (6 4 .1± 2 1.1) % (X±SE ,n=6 ,P <0 .0 1) ,此抑制作用是可逆的 ,可被GABAB 受体拮抗剂saclofen(10 0 μmol/L ) 所取消 (n =4 )。  相似文献   

几乎所有蜈蚣都是肉食动物,都依靠其毒液来捕杀和消化猎物,蜈蚣粗毒为混合物,其主要成分为蛋白质.本文以蜈蚣粗毒为原料,通过反相高效液相色谱进行分离纯化,将纯化产物进行MALDI-TOF-MS鉴定,发现蜈蚣粗毒中具有多肽组分.收集多肽组分在DRG细胞上进行全细胞膜片钳电生理实验研究,发现其中4个组分具有抑制电压门控钠通道电流活性、4个组分具有抑制电压门控钾通道电流活性.表明蜈蚣毒素具有很好的开发应用前景,为后续工作打下了良好的实验基础.  相似文献   

This study addressed the effects of Yb3+ on voltage-gated sodium currents in rat hippocampal neurons using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. Voltage-clamp recordings in single neurons were filtered and stored in a computer. Yb3+ increased the amplitude of sodium currents in a concentration-dependent and voltage-dependent man- ner. The 50 % enhancement concentration of Yb3+ on sodium currents was about 8.97 μmol/L, which was dif- ferent from the inhibitory effects of Yb3+ on potassium current. The analysis on the activation and inactivation kinetics of Na+ current showed that 100 μmol/L Yb3+ did not change the process of activation and inactivation. In addition, the times reaching the peak of current (t) and inactivated time constant (τ) were voltage dependent. 100 μmol/L Yb3+ significantly prolonged the time to peak at -70 and -80 mV. The effect disappeared at the positive direction of -70 mV. Furthermore, Yb3+ decreased r val- ues to more positive values than -80 mV. In total, Yb3+ did not change the process of activation, but impelled inacti- vated process. Yb3+ mainly increased the Na+ current through changing its conductance. It might be one of the mechanisms that Yb3+ affected the hippocampal neurons.  相似文献   

Long SB  Tao X  Campbell EB  MacKinnon R 《Nature》2007,450(7168):376-382
Voltage-dependent K+ (Kv) channels repolarize the action potential in neurons and muscle. This type of channel is gated directly by membrane voltage through protein domains known as voltage sensors, which are molecular voltmeters that read the membrane voltage and regulate the pore. Here we describe the structure of a chimaeric voltage-dependent K+ channel, which we call the 'paddle-chimaera channel', in which the voltage-sensor paddle has been transferred from Kv2.1 to Kv1.2. Crystallized in complex with lipids, the complete structure at 2.4 ?ngstr?m resolution reveals the pore and voltage sensors embedded in a membrane-like arrangement of lipid molecules. The detailed structure, which can be compared directly to a large body of functional data, explains charge stabilization within the membrane and suggests a mechanism for voltage-sensor movements and pore gating.  相似文献   

J Zimmerberg  V A Parsegian 《Nature》1986,323(6083):36-39
Osmotic stress can be used to estimate the internal volume change during the opening and closing of a voltage gated ionic channel. Mitochondrial voltage-dependent anion channels, from rat liver and from Neurospora, reconstituted into planar lipid bilayers show a change of 2 to 4 X 10(4) A3 in internal volume, a large change inconsistent with a blocking or local gating model but supporting models with major closure of the channel space.  相似文献   

介绍了基于USB接口的卵母细胞电压钳系统的数据采集分析系统,应用Delphi语言开发了系统的人机操作实验界面,探讨了电压钳的USB同步传输、数据采集和和显示的实现方法.在细胞模型测试中,电压钳放大器的跨膜电流分辨达到了0.01nA,噪声测试低于10pA.在非洲爪蟾卵母细胞表达Kv4.2钾通道实验中,记录跨膜电流波形清晰,数据分析可靠.与国外同类仪器相比:该系统操作简单,价格低,数据采集和分析方便,适用于卵母细胞表达实验.  相似文献   

B Sakmann  A Noma  W Trautwein 《Nature》1983,303(5914):250-253
Acetylcholine (ACh) released on vagal stimulation reduces the heart rate by increasing K+ conductance of pacemaker cells in the sinoatrial (S-A) node. Fluctuation analysis of ACh-activated currents in pacemaker tissue showed this to be due to opening of a separate class of K+ channels gated by muscarinic ACh receptors (m-AChRs). On the other hand, it has been suggested that m-AChRs may simply regulate the current flow through inward rectifying resting K+ channels (gk1). We report here the measurement of ACh-activated single channel K+ currents and of resting K+ channel currents in isolated cells of the atrioventricular (A-V) and S-A node of rabbit heart. The results show that the ACh-dependent K+ conductance increase in nodal cells is mediated by K+ channels which are different in their gating and conductance properties from the inward rectifying resting K+ channels in atrial and ventricular cells. The resting K+ channels in nodal cells are, however, similar to those activated by ACh.  相似文献   

The properties of the inward current of medulla terminalis-X-organ (MTXO) cells isolated from the Penaeus japonicus eyestalk were studied with the whole-cell clamp technique in the presence of Ca2+ and K+ channel blockers. The inward currents had a threshold at about −50 mV and peaked at −10 mV. The reversed potential (Vrev) was very close to VNa, the theoretical Nernst equilibrium potential for Na+. Vrev followed VNa when the external Na+ concentration was varied and the currents were entirely suppressed by 30 nM tetrodotoxin (TTX), indicating that it was carried by Na+. The smooth line of concentration-dependent inhibition of sodium currents by TTX represented the best fit with the Hill equation, yielding an IC50 of 2.1 ± 0.1 nM. The values of the half-maximal activation voltage Vh were −20.6 ± 0.5 and −19.3 ± 0.5 mV, respectively, in the absence and presence of 2 nM TTX. TTX had no significant effect on the voltage dependence of steady-state activation and inactivation of INa. Taken together, the results suggest that the inward current recorded under our experimental conditions was carried by sodium ions flowing through fast voltage-dependent Na+ channels.  相似文献   

Existence of distinct sodium channel messenger RNAs in rat brain   总被引:85,自引:0,他引:85  
M Noda  T Ikeda  T Kayano  H Suzuki  H Takeshima  M Kurasaki  H Takahashi  S Numa 《Nature》1986,320(6058):188-192
The sodium channel is a voltage-gated ionic channel essential for the generation of action potentials. It has been reported that the sodium channels purified from the electric organ of Electrophorus electricus (electric eel) and from chick cardiac muscle consist of a single polypeptide of relative molecular mass (Mr) approximately 260,000 (260K), whereas those purified from rat brain and skeletal muscle contain, in addition to the large polypeptide, two or three smaller polypeptides of Mr 37-45K. Recently, we have elucidated the primary structure of the Electrophorus sodium channel by cloning and sequencing the DNA complementary to its messenger RNA. Despite the apparent homogeneity of the purified sodium channel preparations, several types of tetrodotoxin (or saxitoxin) binding sites or sodium currents have been observed in many excitable membranes. The occurrence of distinguishable populations of sodium channels may be attributable to different states of the same channel protein or to distinct channel proteins. We have now isolated complementary DNA clones derived from two distinct rat brain mRNAs encoding sodium channel large polypeptides and present here the complete amino-acid sequences of the two polypeptides (designated sodium channels I and II), as deduced from the cDNA sequences. A partial DNA sequence complementary to a third homologous mRNA from rat brain has also been cloned.  相似文献   

C R Artalejo  S Rossie  R L Perlman  A P Fox 《Nature》1992,358(6381):63-66
Bovine chromaffin cells have two components of whole-cell Ca2+ current: 'standard' Ca2+ currents that are activated by brief depolarizations, and 'facilitation' Ca2+ currents, which are normally quiescent but can be activated by large pre-depolarizations or by repetitive depolarizations to physiological potentials. The activation of protein kinase A can also stimulate Ca2+ current facilitation, indicating that phosphorylation can play a part in facilitation. Here we investigate the role of protein phosphorylation in the recruitment of facilitation Ca2+ currents by pre-pulses or repetitive depolarizations. We find that recruitment of facilitation by depolarization is a rapid first-order process which is suppressed by inhibitors of protein phosphorylation or by injection of phosphatase 2A into cells. Recruitment of facilitation Ca2+ current by voltage is normally reversible but phosphatase inhibitors render it irreversible. Our results indicate that recruitment of these Ca2+ currents by pre-pulses or repetitive depolarizations involves voltage-dependent phosphorylation of the facilitation Ca2+ channel or a closely associated regulatory protein. Voltage-dependent phosphorylation may therefore be a mechanism by which membrane potential can modulate ion channel activity.  相似文献   

L A Blair  V E Dionne 《Nature》1985,315(6017):329-331
A developmental change in the ionic basis of the inward current of action potentials has been observed in many excitable cells. In cultured spinal neurones of Xenopus, the timing of the development of the action parallels that seen in vivo. In vitro, as in vivo, neurones initially produce action potentials of long duration which are principally Ca-dependent; after 1 day of development the impulse is brief and primarily Na-dependent. At both ages, however, both inward components are present and the mechanism underlying shortening of the action potential is unknown. One possibility is that the outward currents change during development. Using the patch-clamp technique, we have recorded single K+-channel currents in membrane patches isolated from the cell bodies of cultured embryonic neurones. The unitary conductance of one class of K+ channels was approximately 155 pS and depolarization increased the probability of a channel being open. Neither conductance nor voltage dependence seemed to change with time in culture; in contrast, the Ca2+-sensitivity of this K+ channel increased. In younger neurones, Ca2+-sensitivity was greatly reduced or absent, whereas in more mature neurones, the activity of this channel was Ca-dependent. Such a change could account for the shortening of the action potential duration by increasing the relative contribution of outward currents.  相似文献   

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