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针对非织造布疵点自动检测问题,提出一种基于二维Gabor滤波器的非织造布疵点检测方法.该方法采用3个尺度和4个方向的滤波器分别对经过Gamma矫正以及同态滤波处理的正常图像和疵点图像进行滤波,进而得到偏差图像,并做融合处理,经二值化后将疵点从织物背景中提取出来,从而实现非织造布的自动检测.试验结果表明,该方法对非织造布各类疵点的检测,尤其是对隐性疵点是非常有效的.  相似文献   

采用连续小波变换对非结构化畸变疵点进行自动检测.介绍了具有代表性的连续小波——墨西哥草帽小波基本原理及其对疵点的边缘增强效应;设计疵点自适应小波,确定最佳的小波参数;并将其应用于织物疵点的自动检测;通过对两种非结构化畸变织物疵点的实际检测来验证该方法的可行性.实验表明,该方法的检测速度最高可达6.5m/min.  相似文献   

Wiener滤波器分解织物图像在织物疵点自动检测中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
首先介绍了 Wiener滤波器的算法和织物图像经 Wiener滤波后的分解 ,然后对分解后的经向和纬向子图像划分为 6 4个矩形块 ,对每个矩形块提取灰度极差作为特征值 ,再对特征值进行分析以实现对疵点的自动检测。实验证明了该方法的简单有效性 ,对素色织物的常见疵点具有快速、准确的检测效果  相似文献   

根据织物图像纹理自身特点,从图像纹理的方向性入手,提出了基于纹理方向性分析的织物疵点检测方法.通过对不同方向性织物疵点图像检测实验,证明本文提出方法对具有方向性的斜纹类织物疵点检测具有较好的有效性和可靠性.  相似文献   

由于受到光照、噪声以及组织纹理等因素的影响,使得织物疵点图像分割一直是织物疵点检测研究中的热点和难点问题.针对常见织物疵点大多在相邻纱线上带有纬向或经向的方向性变异的特点,提出了提取织物图像变异度特征及基于此的简化脉冲耦合神经网(Pulse-Coupled Neural Network,PCNN)的织物图像疵点分割的新方法.实验结果表明,本方法不仅对常见的织物疵点能进行快速、准确地分割,而且具有一定的健壮性.  相似文献   

为准确检测织物在生产过程产生的疵点,提出一种基于改进的Gabor滤波方法、数学形态学处理法和多尺度小波检测的方法库的系统检测法.首先采用改进的Gabor滤波方法,选出最优滤波结果,进行高斯平滑,确定正常织物图像的两个阈值门限,进而分割出织物的疵点图像;其次采用数学形态学处理法对织物图像进行检测;最后采用多尺度小波检测的方法,检测最终结果.由于织物的纹理不同,在生产过程中产生疵点的种类众多,算法采用级联检测,保证了检测疵点的准确有效性.试验证明,所提出的算法检测结果较好,能准确定位疵点的位置.  相似文献   

基于机器视觉的坯布疵点实时自动检测平台   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了克服人工检测坯布疵点过程中存在的低效率、高误检率、高漏检率等问题,设计并实现了一款能兼顾实时性和准确性要求的坯布自动检测平台.该平台包括织物传动系统、光源和成像系统、图像采集与处理系统、人机交互系统4个组成部分.在详细阐述了图像采集与处理系统的设计之后,结合AR谱算法对坯布自动检测平台进行了相关调试和试验验证,结果表明该平台已实现了预期的研发要求.  相似文献   

基于织物自适应正交小波的疵点检测   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
应用织物自适应正交小波对织物疵点的检测和识别进行了分析,首先介绍了织物图像的小波分解算法和紧支撑正交小波,在此基础上提出了织物自适应小波的构造,由自适应小波对织物图像分解,然后对分解后的纬向和经向子图像提取特征,由特征什检测和识别疵点。实验证明了该方法对素色织物的常见疵点具有快速、准确的检测效果。  相似文献   

针对现有织物疵点图像分割方法对光照不均匀敏感的问题,提出了一种基于局部熵和变异度的织物疵点图像分割方法。首先对织物图像进行局部熵和变异度计算,提取疵点的类边缘和区域信息;然后基于人工神经网络脉冲耦合(PCNN )的区域生长法分割织物疵点图像。通过对T ILDA数据库中的疵点图像和基于线阵CCD在线检测的织物疵点图像进行测试,并与已有的相关方法进行对比实验和评价。结果表明,该方法不仅能有效地抑制光照不均匀和复杂背景干扰的影响,而且分割质量有了明显改进。  相似文献   

用于疵点检测的织物自适应正交小波的实现   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
应用随机算法并给以一定的约束条件,可以有效地由满足正交归一条件的滤波器中,优化获得与织物纹理相匹配的滤波器。应用这种织物自适应滤波器对织物灰度图像进行小波分解,就可使分解后的子图像能很好地分别包含织物的纬向和经向纹理信息,从而可有效地应用于织物疵点的自动检测。  相似文献   

基于二维连续小波变换的织物疵点检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
同正常织物纹理比较,疵点区域由于其纹理不规则及变形而导致不同的局部纹理特征。利用二维连续小波特征,能在时域和频域上对织物图像同时实现任意尺度和旋转角度的变换。通过纹理模型和频谱分析,确定出最优的变换尺度和旋转角度,并由预先确定的全局阈值从小波变换系数的模中进行疵点的分割。实际疵点的检测结果表明该方法是可行的。  相似文献   

在运用小波变换进行疵点检测的基础上,运用图像处理技术对检测出的疵点进行分割表征,根据人工验布的评分标准结合小波疵点检测和图像分割疵点的特点制定的自动评分准则,并对表征的疵点进行评分,从而实现对织物等级的自动评定.  相似文献   

The wavelet adapted to the fabric texture can be developed from the orthogonal and normal series which are selected randomly by means of Monte Carlo method and optimized by adding certain constraint conditions. Then the fabric image can be decomposed into the subimages by the adaptive wavelet transform and the horizontal and vertical texture information will be perfectly contained in the subimages. Therefore this method can be effectively used for the automatic inspection of the fabric defects.  相似文献   

Automatic visual inspection of fabric is not only one of the potential application of machinevision but a considerable challenge in textile engineering as well.This paper mainly discusses howto inspect fabric defects using machine vision.The introduced inspection system has a feature of:(?)Categorizing the fabric defects into 4 groups,for each group diffcrent image processing and recog-nizing methods are designed for fast and efficient inspection:2.The inspection and recognitionparameters are determined by training and self learning,these parameters vary with different kindsof fabric;3.Human inspetor's experiences are summed up as rules to ensure the system has a s(?)lar evaluation performance of human inspector.This system can detect most of the fab(?) defects.the total recognition error is less than 5% except for the detection error of yarn irregularity,whichcould be as high as 20%.  相似文献   

Based on an efficient improved genetic algorithm, a pattern recognition approach is represented for textile defects inspection. An image process is developed to automatically detect the drawbacks on textile caused by three circumstances: break, dual, and jump of yams. By statistic method, some texture feature values of the image with defects points can be achieved. Therefore, the textile defects are classified properly. The advanced process of the defect image is done. Image segmentation is realized by an improved genetic algorithm to detect the defects. This method can be used to automatically classify and detect textile defects. According to different users' requirements, different types of textile material can be detected.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the identification of the defects on the fabric by using two-double neural network and wavelet analysis. The purpose is to fit for the automatic cloth inspection system and to avoid the disadvantages of traditional human inspection. Firstly, training the normal fabric to acquire its characteristics and then using the BP neural network to tell the normal fabric apart from the one with defects. Secondly, doing the two-dimeusional discrete wavelet transformation based on the image of the defects, then wiping off the proper characteristics of the fabric, and identifying the defects utilizing the trained BP neural network. It is proved that this method is of high speed and accuracy. It comes up to the requirement of automatic cloth inspection.  相似文献   

A feasible approach fog the recognition of silk fabric defects based on wavelet transform and SOM neural network is proposed in this paper, the indispensable processes of which are defect images denoising and enhancement, image edge detection, feature extraction and defects identification. Both geometrical and textural feature panuneters are extracted from the edge image and the enhanced defect image, and utifize SOM neural network to recognize the common defects which silk fabrics have, including warp- lacking, weft-lacking, double weft, loom bars, oll-stalin. Experimental results show the advantages with high identification correctness and high inspection speed.  相似文献   

A novel method based on independent component analysis and phase congruency is proposed for detecting defects in textile fabric images. By independent component, we can obtain textile structural features of fabric-free images. By phase congru- ency, structure information is reduced, which can distinguish the defect region from the defect-free regions. Finally, we have the detecting result from binary image which is obtained by a thresh- old step, Compared with other algorithms, the proposed method not only has robustness with high detection rate, but also detects various types of defects quite well.  相似文献   

IntroductionComputervision,alsocalledmachinevision,isthekindoftechnologyusedfortheidentification,trailing,measurementandevaluation,etc.,oftheobjectsthroughthesubstitutionofcameraandcomputerforhumanvision.Stimulatedbyboththerapidprogressofthecomputerindustryandthedevelopmentofvariousdisciplinesofartificialintelligence,suchasimageanalysis,parallelprocessingandneuralnetwork,etc.,computervisionsystemsarebecomingmoreandmorepracticableandbeingusedintheresearchofagreatdealofcomplicatedvisionprocess,h…  相似文献   

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