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一种基于DEA与Nash讨价还价博弈的固定成本分摊方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合DEA和Nash讨价还价博弈方法研究固定成本分摊问题.本文证明了如果将分摊成本作为新的投入,存在某些分摊方案在绩效评估中可以同时满足组织的整体理性和组织内子决策单元的个体理性.在此基础上,本文引入Nash讨价还价博弈模型,给出了唯一的分摊方案.最后经过算例说明该方法的有效,以及与现有DEA分摊方法相比在可实施方面具有一定的优势.  相似文献   

考虑救灾管理中有限资金的合理配置问题,将数据包络分析(DEA)与Nash讨价还价博弈模型相结合,建立了一类新的资金配置方法.该方法在保证资金配置效率的前提下,通过各决策单元(DMUs)对于评价标准权重的竞争与合作,得到唯一一组公共权重,在此基础上,形成所有DMU共同接受的资金配置方案,在实现资金高效配置的同时,确保了公平分配.最后,过算例说明了该方法的合理性与可行性.  相似文献   

考虑现实中存在信息不完全情景,采用合作博弈理论思想,在Rubinstein无限期讨价还价的基础上,通过重新定义折损因子,将不完全信息引入三方相互威慑讨价还价博弈模型中,并具体给出了不完全信息情景下各局中人Nash均衡分配份额的计算公式.应用一个数值算例说明了所建立模型与方法的可行性及有效性.研究方法可为解决不完全信息情景下多方相互威慑问题提供一种新的途径.  相似文献   

个体与群体之间的一类博弈问题分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
分析个体与群体之间的一类博弈问题,构造一对多博弈模型。其同时具有Stackelberg模型、演化博弈模仿者动态模型的特点:在博弈的第一阶段,有限理性的群体参与者采取模仿者动态行为;在博弈的第二阶段,完全理性的个体参与者根据群体参与者的策略分布,确定自己的反应函数。博弈达到稳定状态后,群体参与者采取演化稳定策略,而个体参与者的风险占优策略将收敛于Nash均衡策略。讨论模型的一些性质:有限理性的群体在模仿过程中存在收益损失;老练的个体参与者存在欺骗行为;在个体参与者完全理性决策的带引下,可以解决多重Nash均衡的选择问题。  相似文献   

收益分配是虚拟企业发展形成的关键因素,合作剩余的公平分配是合作博弈成败的基础。本文运用收益分配模型与博弈论的相关方法,设计了基于旁支付的激励机制模型。研究结果表明,在旁支付激励机制下,成员企业的努力水平与虚拟企业期望总收益均得到了一定的提升,说明了该机制的有效性;随后,应用博弈论的分配理论与Nash讨价还价方法设计了利润分配模型,在满足个体理性与集体理性的条件下,将合作博弈产生的合作剩余进行了分配,得到了可行的分配方案。  相似文献   

具溢出效应的有限理性双寡头博弈的动态演化   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
研究一个具溢出效应的有限理性双寡头重复博弈模型.试图从演化的观点来分析,当有限理性双寡头进行博弈时。产量在动态调整过程中是怎样达到均衡的、指出寡头的理性决定着寡头重复博弈是否能达到Nash均衡.溢出效应将增加博弈达到Nash均衡的可能性,文章用数字模拟的方法观测到了这一现象,并对混沌现象的出现及其对市场、企业的影响做了有益的探索.  相似文献   

基于参与人是完全理性的期望效用理论是分析经典非合作博弈问题的基本理论,然而越来越多的研究表明,博弈中的参与人往往呈现出有限理性的特点.本文考虑有限理性参与人具有损失厌恶的行为特点,并对此类n人非合作博弈的Nash均衡进行详细研究.首先,根据参与人损失厌恶的行为特点,设置了n人非合作博弈安全水平参照点,并证明此参照点存在且唯一.然后,基于该参照点定义了竹人非合作博弈的损失厌恶Nash均衡,借助Brouwer不动点定理证明了该博弈均衡的存在.最后利用算例进行分析和验证,结果表明参与人的损失厌恶行为会对博弈的均衡策略产生影响,同时参与人的支付效用也会随之发生变化.  相似文献   

不确定需求下供应链合作广告与订货策略的博弈   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于报童类型产品的二级供应链结构,放宽了市场需求为确定性的假设,引入了订货量这一决策变量,先后考察了Stackelberg主从博弈和Nash合作博弈时制造商与零售商的最优广告策略及零售商的最优订货策略,比较了不同博弈均衡下的策略选择及系统期望利润,探讨了市场需求随机性对制造商与零售商广告投入水平的抑制作用.并利用Nash讨价还价理论对合作利益进行了分配.最后,通过一个数学算例验证了有关结论.  相似文献   

首先讨论在考虑定价、生产能力和原料采购的VMI系统非合作博弈的基础上实现VMI系统Pareto最优的一般条件,其次给出了在Stackelberg博弈下的可行Pareto最优集问题,然后提出了实现生产商和定货商Pareto最优的Nash讨价还价模型,最后给出了算例加以说明合作给企业带来了较大的利润增加.  相似文献   

寡头发电商报价动态模型及其混沌控制   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
在寡头发电商报价古诺博弈模型基础上,考虑自适应报价动态与有限理性报价动态, 分别建立两发电商与三发电商报价动态系统模型, 并分析系统Nash均衡的稳定性,然后对Nash均衡的稳定域、分岔图、混沌吸引子进行了数值仿真;在此基础上, 运用状态滞后反馈控制方法,对报价动态系统的混沌控制进行了解析分析与数值仿真,结果表明选择合适的控制变量和控制参数,可使报价动态系统稳定在Nash均衡.  相似文献   

参与方地位非对称条件下PPP项目风险分配的博弈模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
相对于现有的关于PPP项目风险分配的研究都是基于参与方地位对称的情形, 该文利用讨价还价博弈理论, 结合项目参与方地位非对称的现实情况, 分别构建了完全信息条件下和不完全信息条件下PPP项目风险分配的讨价还价博弈模型, 并分别得出了对应的子博弈精炼纳什均衡. 该文的研究成果不仅在理论上有益地补充了PPP 项目风险分配研究的不足, 而且对保障我国准公共项目的建设也具有非常重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

针对零售商主导供应链在碳交易和消费者低碳偏好下的减排合作决策问题,以供应商不减排投资分散决策模型为基础,建立了供应商减排投资的斯坦伯格博弈和垂直纳什博弈不合作模型及集中决策合作博弈模型.给出了供应商减排投资和选择垂直纳什博弈的条件,分析了零售价、减排量、需求和供应链成员利润的变化.研究发现,供应商投资减排,供应商和零售商的利润均增加且供应商利润在垂直纳什博弈均衡时比斯坦伯格博弈均衡时大,但斯坦伯格博弈和垂直纳什博弈均不能实现低碳供应链协调;特定条件下的垂直纳什博弈和集中决策的零售价格低于供应商不进行减排投资下的普通产品零售价格,即低碳并不一定高价.指出零售商具有选择与供应商进行投资减排合作的动力,从而构建了供应商和零售商共同决策批发价格的纳什讨价还价博弈模型来实现供应链减排合作与利润分配.最后,通过算例对模型进行了验证分析.  相似文献   

Wang  Menghan  Li  Lin  Dai  Qianzhi  Shi  Fangnan 《系统科学与复杂性》2021,34(6):2231-2249

Resource allocation is one of the most important applications of data envelopment analysis (DEA). Usually, the resource to be allocated is directly related to the interests of decision-making units (DMUs), thus the dynamic non-cooperative game is one of the representative behaviours in the allocation process. However, it is rarely considered in the previous DEA-based allocation studies, which may reduce the acceptability of the allocation plan. Therefore, this paper proposes a DEA-based resource allocation method considering the dynamic non-cooperative game behaviours of DMUs. The authors first deduce the efficient allocation set under the framework of variable return to scale (VRS) and build the allocation model subjecting to the allocation set. Then an iteration algorithm based on the concept of the non-cooperative game is provided for generating the optimal allocation plan. Several interesting characteristics of the algorithm are proved, including i) the algorithm is convergent, ii) the optimal allocation plan is a unique Nash equilibrium point, and iii) the optimal allocation plan is unique no matter which positive value the initial allocation takes. Some advantages of the allocation plan have been found. For example, the allocation plan is more balanced, has more incentives and less outliers, compared with other DEA-based allocation plans. Finally, the proposed method is applied to allocate the green credit among the 30 Chinese iron and steel enterprises, and the results highlight the applicability of the allocation method and solution approach. Therefore, the approach can provide decision makers with a useful resource allocation tool from the perspective of dynamic non-cooperative game.


Liu  Jia  Wang  Xianjia 《系统科学与复杂性》2021,34(2):673-691
This paper studies the effect of veto right on players' income in multi-player dynamic bargaining game. Based on a basic multi-person dynamic bargaining model generalized by the Rubinstein's two-person alternating-offer bargaining model, the authors construct a dynamic multi-player bargaining game with veto players by adding a constraint to its negotiation process, which is obtained by studying the influence of exercising the veto right exercised by veto players. The authors emphatically describe the strategic game form of this dynamic bargaining game and study its equilibrium,then we analyze the relationship between the minimum acceptable payoff of the veto players and the equilibrium income. The research shows that veto right may increase the benefits of veto players and decrease the benefits of non-veto players. Veto players will not affect the players' benefits and the form of equilibrium when the minimum acceptable payoff of every veto player is relatively low. When the minimum acceptable payoff of the veto player is high enough, he can only get the minimum acceptable payoff, and his benefit increases as his minimum acceptable payoff increases. In this case, the veto player has intention to obtain more resources by presenting a higher minimum acceptable payoff.  相似文献   

针对蜈蚣博弈实验结果与传统博弈论预测的纳什均衡结果存在系统性偏离的现象,本文从行为博弈的角度,假设人是有限理性的,用人的公平偏好特征来解释这种系统性的偏离.通过运用Fehr和Schmidt(1999)模型来刻画博弈参与者的公平偏好,考虑不公平厌恶系数的异质性,构建行为博弈模型来模拟蜈蚣博弈的实验过程.模拟结果显示,本文建立的模型不仅能够解释蜈蚣博弈实验结果的所有定性特征,而且估计出了不公平厌恶系数的均值范围.根据极大似然准则,本文的模型有很好的拟合效果.  相似文献   

在成本内生的条件下,应用三阶段博弈模型分析了具有网络外部性的产品横向差异化问题,并对产品价格、生产商利润、消费者剩余以及社会福利分别与成本外生时的结果作了比较.研究发现,双寡头企业的产品定位由网络外部性参数与供应商的相对谈判能力共同决定;产品间的相对差异程度只受后者影响;供应商Nash谈判参数的存在提高了产品价格,增加了生产商利润,但降低了消费者剩余,减少了社会福利.  相似文献   

This paper explores the application of noncooperative game theory together with the concept of Nash equilibrium to the investigation of some basic problems on multi-scale structure, especially the meso-scale structure in the multi-phase complex systems in chemical engineering. The basis of this work is the energy-minimization-multi-scale(EMMS) model proposed by Li and Kwauk(1994) and Li, et al.(2013) which identifies the multi-scale structure as a result of ‘compromise-in-competition between dominant mechanisms' and tries to solve a multi-objective optimization problem. However,the existing methods often integrate it into a problem of single objective optimization, which does not clearly reflect the ‘compromise-in-competition' mechanism and causes heavy computation burden as well as uncertainty in choosing suitable weighting factors. This paper will formulate the compromise in competition mechanism in EMMS model as a noncooperative game with constraints, and will describe the desired stable system state as a generalized Nash equilibrium. Then the authors will investigate the game theoretical approach for two typical systems in chemical engineering, the gas-solid fluidization(GSF) system and turbulent flow in pipe. Two different cases for generalized Nash equilibrium in such systems will be well defined and distinguished. The generalize Nash equilibrium will be solved accurately for the GSF system and a feasible method will be given for turbulent flow in pipe. These results coincide with the existing computational results and show the feasibility of this approach, which overcomes the disadvantages of the existing methods and provides deep insight into the mechanisms of multi-scale structure in the multi-phase complex systems in chemical engineering.  相似文献   

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