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In this paper, we propose a partially non-cryptographic security routing protocol (PNCSR) that protects both routing and data forwarding operations through the same reactive approach. PNCSR only apply public-key cryptographic system in managing token, but it doesn't utilize any cryptographic primitives on the routing messages. In PNCSR, each node is fair. Local neighboring nodes collaboratively monitor each other and sustain each other. It also uses a novel credit strategy which additively increases the token lifetime each time a node renews its token. We also analyze the storage, computation, and communication overhead of PNCSR, and provide a simple yet meaningful overhead comparison. Finally, the simulation results show the effectiveness of PNCSR in various situations.  相似文献   

In order to minimize the energy consumption in the discovery of the routing path, this paper introduces a novel concept of effective transmission (ET) that ensures each forwarding node is not only farther from the source node, but also nearer to the destination node with respect to its sender, An energ-aware routing protocol based on ET is proposed. It enables the energy consumption for each hop to be the least for the transmission. The simulation results show the routing protocol is effective in the performance of energy consumption comparing with some other routing protocols.  相似文献   

Ad hoc网络中基于节能的AODV路由算法改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ad hoc网络是一种没有中心的特殊自组织网络,目前,移动Ad hoc网络已经成为研究的热点.由于其移动性,路由问题一直是其关键的课题.另一方面,由于网络中的移动节点是便携式设备,能量有限,因此,ad hoc的节能问题也日益受到关注.文中试图提出一种基于节能的路由策略,在原有的AODV的路由算法的基础上,通过调整节点的发射功率,改变路由代价函数,能动的关闭无线接口,来达到节能的目的.文中完整描述了新策略,并给出了NS-2下的仿真结果,从结果可以看出,改进后的AODV在节能方面效果明显.  相似文献   

基于OPNET的Ad Hoc网络AODV路由协议仿真   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为更好地解决多种 Ad Hoc路由协议的有效性差、控制开销大等问题,利用OPNET仿真工具对AODV(Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector)路由协议的性能进行仿真, 阐述了利用OPNET仿真平台进行Ad Hoc路由协议仿真的一般方法和过程。网络传输时延、网络吞吐量和网络负载等关键参数的仿真结果表明,AODV路由协议的性能比较稳定,即按需路由协议比主动路由协议更适合Ad Hoc网络,为研究Ad Hoc网络提供了参考。  相似文献   

Ad hoc网络是一种无线特定网络,没有固定的路由器,对Ad hoc网络的关注不断的升温并促使其逐步走向实际应用.笔者阐述了Ad hoc网络路由研究现状、路由协议要求及应用,阐述了已被IESG通过并成为RFC标准的基于按需距离向量与最佳链路状态的Ad hoc网络路由协议的技术关键、特点及其应用.  相似文献   

针对AODV路由协议的几种攻击方案和解决方案进行了分析与比较,提出了用k跳加密/解密法改进AODV路由协议的安全性,其原理简单,负载较轻,适合Ad hoc网络的运行特点.  相似文献   

在移动Ad Hoc网络环境中,链路失效和路由改变的事件经常发生.TCP应用在这样的环境中性能是低下的,因为它总是认为数据包的丢失是由于网络拥塞造成的.提出一种改进的AODV路由协议(E-AODV),此协议在选路时会选择一条稳定的路径,进而提高TCP的吞吐量.仿真结果表明E-AODV协议是有效的.  相似文献   

An ad hoc network is a group of wireless mobile computers (or nodes), in which individual nodes cooperate by forwarding packets for each other to allow nodes to communicate beyond direct wireless transmission range. Because of node mobility and power limitations, the network topology changes frequently. Routing protocol plays an important role in the ad hoc network. A recent trend in ad hoc network routing is the reactive on-demand philosophy where routes are established only when required. As an optimization for the current Dynamic Source Routing Protocol, a secure and pragmatic routes selection scheme based on Reputation Systems was proposed. We design the Secure and Pragmatic Routing protocol and implement simulation models using GloMoSim. Simulation results show that the Secure and Pragmatic Routing protocol provides better experimental results on packet delivery ratio, power consumption and system throughput than Dynamic Source Routing Protocol.  相似文献   

本文提出一种新的路由协议ASTR(Ad hoc Subarea Tree Routing),用于支持多跳无线Ad hoc网络。ASTR属于分级路由协议,通过建立分区树,在逻辑上将网络划分为多个分区,每个分区由一棵树组成。由于分区树具有路由选择功能,所以ASTR结合了先应式路由协议和按需路由协议的优点。文中给出了ASTR协议的建立过程,证明了ASTR协议的正确性,并对其路由存储代价和路由更新代价进行了分析,相比其他分级路由协议,ASTR在路由更新代价方面具有明显的优势。  相似文献   

一种基于最小负载的移动Ad hoc网络路由协议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了一种基于最小负载的动态路由协议,使用负载信息作为主要的路由选择度量,以平衡分配数据业务,从而降低网络拥塞,充分利用网络资源。性能分析结果表明,该算法能够减轻节点拥塞,降低端到端时延,减小分组丢失率。  相似文献   

为了研究Ad Hoc网络DSR(Dynamic Source Routing)、DSDV(Destination Sequenced Distance Vector Routing)、AODV(Ad hoc Dem and Distance Vector Routing)3种路由协议的TCP(Transfer Control Protocol)传输性能,在原理上对其进行了分析,并通过仿真实验予以验证。结果表明,DSDV适用于跳数较少的TCP连接,DSR和AODV适用于跳数较多的TCP连接,复杂场景中DSDV总体性能最优。  相似文献   

在分析AODV路由发现机制安全性的基础上,提出使用不对称加密机制保护AODV的路由发现信息,实现有效的端到端路由认证,以弥补AODV协议安全性的不足.  相似文献   

Ad Hoc网络中基于AODV的拥塞适应路由协议   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
该文提出邻居拥塞表概念,利用旁路、邻居拥塞表、hello消息和下一绿色节点请求技术,对自组网按需距离矢量(AODV)协议进行改进,提出自组网拥塞适应按需距离矢量(CA-AODV)路由协议.在CA-AODV协议中,主节点利用邻居拥塞表,能在第一时间感知网络拥塞.当拥塞发生时,拥塞节点的上一节点能按需建立绕过拥塞节点的旁路,当数据流到达已建立旁路的节点时,被按比例分流在主路由和旁路上,实现了拥塞适应功能.仿真结果显示,与AODV相比,CA-AODV协议的平均端到端延迟更短、数据包递交率更高、规格化路由开销更少.  相似文献   

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