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国立科研机构作为国家战略科技力量,在解决事关国家全局和长远发展的重大问题上发挥着极其重要的作用。日本作为重要的科技强国之一,国立科研机构在其科技创新的过程中发挥了重要的作用。本文基于日本科技发展变化大背景,从历史发展和科技创新体系两个角度梳理国立科研机构职能定位变化和机构管理的特征。研究发现,日本国立科研机构职能呈现如下特征:国立科研机构职能变迁与日本整体经济社会发展的需求同步;以立法形式确立国立科研机构战略定位与使命,明确国立科研机构的法律地位;以成果评估导向兼顾科研效率的评价体制,保持机构的活力;改革人才管理制度促进人才合理流动与竞争发展。最后针对我国国立科研机构提出如下建议:1)及时根据国家战略需求调整定位,建议国家赋予国立科研机构更多的自主权,以便采用灵活柔性的管理体制与机制,促进科研成果的高效产出;2)针对国立科研机构定位的不同,完善分类评价制度的建设;3)针对科技创新人才、创业领军人才、产业急需人才、优秀青年人才等分类制定人才引进和培养计划以及经费配套政策。  相似文献   

通过梳理美国、英国、德国、法国、日本等科技强国,欧盟以及在某些特定领域领先的其他科技发达国家近年来发布的重大科技战略布局,归纳出科技强国面向未来的科技战略布局趋势与特点,包括:长期战略部署稳定支持基础研究;重点战略部署量子科技、人工智能、先进计算、网络空间与安全科技、未来信息通信、健康与生命科学、现代农业与食品科技、纳米科技与新材料新制造、空间科技、科学与技术大数据等前沿科技领域;重视经济社会可持续发展领域的科技创新;培养与造就适应未来科技创新需求的人才队伍。最后,提出了4点建议,即:长期稳定支持基础科学研究,夯实创新根基;创新组织方式,加强引领性关键核心技术攻关;前瞻规划部署未来重大引领性科技创新领域;营造良好创新生态,培养一流创新人才等,以期促进我国从科技大国走向科技强国。  相似文献   

印度科技政策与科技发展--兼对中印国家创新能力比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
印度科技政策对推动印度科技进步起着重要的促进作用,1958年“科学政策决议”奠定了基本原则,“2003年科学技术政策”明确了印度科技政策目标,还制订了科技战略行动计划。印度科技发展具有科技体制较为完善、科技投入不断增加、科研经费重国防轻民用、科技著作多、专利获得少、科技人才素质高、高科技异军突起等特点。与中国相比,印度国家创新能力评价更高。本文阐述了印度科技政策演变过程,分析了印度科技发展特征,论述了印度十五计划科技发展战略重点,并比较了中印国家创新能力。  相似文献   

科技投入及其成果的有效利用通常被视为日本经济回到稳步增长之路的一个重要条件。在日本,这一观点得到了广泛的支持。当前,科技创新和科技研发支出得到私营部门和政府的高度重视。  相似文献   

作为主张“海洋国家”和“科学技术国家”的日本,海洋科技创新是日本战略政策的重要组成部分。2021年是“联合国海洋科学促进可持续发展十年”正式实施的第一年,日本第一时间发布的《联合国“海洋十年”日本倡议》,详细介绍了日本近年来开展的科研项目,反映了日本海洋科研战略布局与发展方向。本文通过分析日本参与“海洋十年”的举措以及海洋科研项目布局,梳理日本海洋科技最新进展,分析日本海洋国际合作的方向与优劣势,对我国海洋科研布局提出四点建议:1)推动政策制度与科研探索协同发展,激励海洋事业高质量发展;2)积极参与“海洋十年”等国际大型海洋科研计划,提高话语权;3)加强海洋标准体系建设,加速中国标准国际化进程;4)强化“产学研”链条式协同发展。  相似文献   

简要介绍了主要发达国家在金融危机爆发后推出的科技发展与产业振兴战略;通过对这些战略的分析,归纳出共性特征与值得借鉴之处;并指出在此背景下我国科技发展与自主创新面临的机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

世界主要海洋国家海洋发展战略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对美国、英国、加拿大、日本、俄罗斯以及中国周边海洋国家的海洋发展战略进行了不同程度的分析。美、英、加等海洋国家从海洋科技发展入手,实施了中长期海洋行动计划,推动海洋高科技发展;日本强调海洋立法、重视海洋技术的提升;俄罗斯、中国周边国家则注重海洋军事的发展,海洋军事的发展依赖并带动海洋科技的发展。北极海域的争夺成为环北极国家新一轮海洋发展战略的重点。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了韩国科技工作在服务于国家产业战略方面所采取的举措,以期对我国的科技发展有所借鉴。  相似文献   

科技发展模式是对国家科技发展的高度概括与总结,选择合理的科技发展模式是实现国家整体发展战略的重要组成部分。本文深入剖析了美国科技发展模式的基本特点及形成条件,为我国制定21世纪的中长期科技发展战略提供了一些的意见与建议。  相似文献   

气候变化是当今人类面临的重大挑战,应对气候变化已成为全球共识。在此背景下,本文聚焦美国、英国、法国和日本四国新近发布的碳中和战略报告,从战略目标、实施路径、重点领域、科技政策、金融政策和国际合作等角度,开展对比分析。相关结论包括:碳中和战略涵盖多维度发展目标;产业技术发展和碳减排目标设定是碳中和战略行动的主要措施;高碳排部门是碳中和战略部署的重要改革领域;低成本化和基础研究是碳中和科技政策的重要支持方向;融资有效性是碳中和金融政策的重要制定原则;国际科技竞争加剧是碳中和国际合作的重要背景;政策制定协调性是碳中和进程顺利推进的重要保障。结合我国碳减排面临的困难和挑战,提出我国推进碳达峰、碳中和行动的相关政策建议:深入开展碳中和行动关键领域科技攻关;全面推进绿色技术和产品低成本化;建立健全“双碳”战略政策体系;积极推动碳中和行动国际科技合作。  相似文献   

在对本世纪初美、日、德、英、法发达国家主要的人才战略规划和计划进行梳理的基础上,分析其在科技人才政策方面的新思路和新措施,为促进我国科技人才队伍的建设提供参考。  相似文献   

矿产资源是人类赖以生存和发展的物质基础,对国民经济的发展有着举足轻重的作用.在分析社会经济发展对矿产资源科技的需求的基础上,从世界矿业大国的矿产资源科技计划入手,对矿产资源国际科技前沿领域和重点研究方向以及未来发展趋势等进行了分析、阐述,以期为我国制定矿产资源科技发展战略以及开展相关研究工作提供借鉴.  相似文献   

This paper develops a dynamic simultaneous-equations model for analyzing and forecasting the account balances in the income statement of a firm. In the model, the income statement accounts play the role of the dependent variables that are jointly determined and explained by three types of exogenous variables: non-controllable, performance, and controllable. The model is estimated by the three-stage least-squares method using annual series of data for six firms during the period from 1936 or 1950 to 1981. The immediate, delayed, and cumulated impacts of an exogenous shock on the income accounts are analyzed and the implications for managerial decisions and strategies discussed. To run as a standard of comparison for the dynamic interdependency model, the Box-Jenkins approach is also used to develop an autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model for each of the accounts. Assessing the forecasting performance of the dynamic model against a naive model and the ARIMA and Elliott-Uphoff models for the 1982-4 period beyond the estimation period, we conclude that the dynamic model is a better representation of income statement accounts of the firm and increases forecasting accuracy.  相似文献   

全球变暖带来的海洋酸化问题对海洋环境造成的影响已经逐渐引起国际科学界的重视。全球海洋的酸化状况已经成为既成事实,对珊瑚礁、甲壳类动物甚至整个海洋生态系统都造成了不利影响。美国、欧洲以及日本等国都在重要海洋研究计划中做了相关部署,旨在深入了解海洋酸化的机理、可能造成的影响以及相关应对措施。  相似文献   

We present plans for an original holder for long-edged glass knives (Ralph knives). Knives are prepared by hand-breaking of commercial window glass (3 mm thick), for cutting large blocks of tissue embedded in a water-miscible plastic resin, glycol methacrylate.  相似文献   

The outbreak of COVID-19 raised numerous questions on the interactions between the occurrence of new infections, the environment, climate and health. The European Union requested the H2020 HERA project which aims at setting priorities in research on environment, climate and health, to identify relevant research needs regarding Covid-19. The emergence and spread of SARS-CoV-2 appears to be related to urbanization, habitat destruction, live animal trade, intensive livestock farming and global travel. The contribution of climate and air pollution requires additional studies. Importantly, the severity of COVID-19 depends on the interactions between the viral infection, ageing and chronic diseases such as metabolic, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases and obesity which are themselves influenced by environmental stressors. The mechanisms of these interactions deserve additional scrutiny. Both the pandemic and the social response to the disease have elicited an array of behavioural and societal changes that may remain long after the pandemic and that may have long term health effects including on mental health. Recovery plans are currently being discussed or implemented and the environmental and health impacts of those plans are not clearly foreseen. Clearly, COVID-19 will have a long-lasting impact on the environmental health field and will open new research perspectives and policy needs.  相似文献   

The outbreak of COVID-19 raised numerous questions on the interactions between the occurrence of new infections, the environment, climate and health. The European Union requested the H2020 HERA project which aims at setting priorities in research on environment, climate and health, to identify relevant research needs regarding Covid-19. The emergence and spread of SARS-CoV-2 appears to be related to urbanization, habitat destruction, live animal trade, intensive livestock farming and global travel. The contribution of climate and air pollution requires additional studies. Importantly, the severity of COVID-19 depends on the interactions between the viral infection, ageing and chronic diseases such as metabolic, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases and obesity which are themselves influenced by environmental stressors. The mechanisms of these interactions deserve additional scrutiny. Both the pandemic and the social response to the disease have elicited an array of behavioural and societal changes that may remain long after the pandemic and that may have long term health effects including on mental health. Recovery plans are currently being discussed or implemented and the environmental and health impacts of those plans are not clearly foreseen. Clearly, COVID-19 will have a long-lasting impact on the environmental health field and will open new research perspectives and policy needs.  相似文献   

The characteristic features of some of the methodological strategies adopted in scientific research in agroecology are discussed. They reflect that agroecology, as an approach to scientific research, is inextricably entangled with the other strands of agroecology (farming practice, social movement, political project); and that adopting agroecological strategies, and upholding the values of environmental sustainability, food sovereignty, social justice and democratic participation, mutually reinforce each other. After outlining the kinds of questions that agroecological research addresses so that it can produce knowledge that informs agroecological farming practices and the long term aspiration of agroecological movements to create an alternative agricultural/food system, and then making summary remarks about methodological strategies in general, three characteristic features of some agroecological strategies are introduced and discussed. The paper concludes with comments on the value of agroecological research.  相似文献   

FoodMart超市市场部想提高客户满意度和客户保有率,于是计划对会员卡方案重新定义,以便更好地为客户提供服务并且使提供的服务能够更加密切地满足客户的期望。本文基于对FoodMart超市客户数据的分析,适当选取某些客户类型特征作为决策属性,并利用ID3算法从FoodMart超市客户数据中挖掘客户分类规则。并利用java语言编程实现了ID3算法。仿真的结果不仅为FoodMart超市会员卡重新定义制定最佳的指导策略,而且在理论研究和工程实践中都具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

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