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Summary Pretreatment of donor lymphoid cells with cortisone has been shown to depress the T-cell subpopulation responsible for cellular proliferation in the GVH reaction. A quantitative assay as well as the histological criteria of the GVH reaction have been used in this study to demonstrate the presence of cortisone-sensitive T-cells within the Peyer's patches as well as in the spleen and mesenteric lymph nodes in the rat.This work was supported by a grant of the Délégation Générale à la Recherche Scientifique et Technique (No. 74-7-0619).  相似文献   

Anti-lymphocyte (ALS) treatment or adult thymectomy of the donor have been shown to depress respectively the cell proliferation and the cytotoxicity in the graft-versus-host (GVH) reaction. A quantitative assay and the histological criteria of the GVH reaction have been used to demonstrate that all the known subpopulations of T-lymphocytes involved in the GVH reaction are present in the Peyer's patches as well as in the spleen and mesenteric lymph nodes in the rat.  相似文献   

Pretreatment of donor lymphoid cells with cortisone has been shown to depress the T-cell subpopulation responsible for cellular proliferation in the GVH reaction. A quantitative assay as well as the histological criteria of the GVH reaction have been used in this study to demonstrate the presence of cortisone-sensitive T-cells within the Peyer's patches as well as in the spleen and mesenteric lymph nodes in the rat.  相似文献   

Summary A large number of sulphur-containing compounds bearing the thiourea group -NH-CS-NH-, including substituted thiocarbanilides, 1-acyl-4-arylthiosemicar-bazides, 1-(arylaminothioformyl)-thiosemicarbazides, 4-aryl-1-(arylaminothioformyl)- thiosemicarbazides, and other related substances have been tested for potential antiviral activity. Several of these compounds have been found chemotherapeutically active against influenza virus.

Communication présentée au Congrès international de Chimie pure et appliquée de Zürich (Juillet 1955).  相似文献   

Résumé Concernant la durée de l'effet du traitement, le composé Lu 3-010 en combinaison avec l'adrenaline est semblable à la protriptyline, et il est plus actif que Lu 5-003 en ce qui concerne la potentiation de la reaction oculaire provoquée par l'adrenaline. Administrés séparement, les composés Lu 3-010 et Lu 5-003 ont des effets semblables, tandis que la protriptyline est le composé le plus actif. L'accroissement de l'efficacité de ces composés résulte probablement de leur abilité à bloquer le mécanisme de l'incorporation de la catecholamine.

The author acknowledges the technical assistance of Mrs.S. Schaal, Mrs.C. Wood, MissB. Kawchak and Mrs.B. Sumner. The Lu compounds were gifts from H. Lundbeck and Co. Ltd.  相似文献   

Summary A technique was developed for perfusing free airway cells (FAC) obtained by guinea-pig bronchoalveolar lavage. 10×106 FAC (mostly macrophages) were placed on the filter of a Nuclepore chamber perfused with Tyrode's solution or with Eagle's Minimal Essential Medium (MEM); the effluent was collected at intervals and the release of prostaglandin E2 by the perifused cells was used as an index of the inflammatory reaction to toxicants. Zymosan, asbestos fibers and soluble toxic agents stimulated the synthesis of prostaglandins while indomethacin abolished it. Our technique of FAC perifusion allows the sequential study of biochemical events involved in macrophage defense mechanisms as well as providing a simple test for the evaluation of various toxicants.Acknowledgments. The authors thank the Conseil de la Recherche en Santé du Québec and the Centre de recherches médicales de l'Université de Sherbrooke for their generous support, and Miss Solange Cloutier for skilful technical assistance.  相似文献   

Résumé La stimulation des noyaux non-spécifiques du thalamus chez le chat non anesthésié, provoque des réponses de recrutement dans le mésencéphale. Il est démontré que ces réponses sont analogues à celles qu'on enregistre classiquement sur le cortex et que les neurones réticulés participent à cette activité induite. Ces résultats impliquent l'existence de relations réciproques entre les structures diencéphaliques et mésencéphaliques qui contrôlent le niveau d'activation cérébrale.

This work has been sponsored by the Office of Air Research and Development Command, U.S. Air Force, under contract No. A.F. 61(514)-22.  相似文献   

Conclusions Oscillations in the rate of disappearance of labeled-T3 have been observed in this experiment. A 4-h sampling period is insufficient to demonstrate this behavior; and sampling every 2 h appears to be an approximate upper limit on the sampling period. A more detailed knowledge of the character of these oscillations may be obtained by sampling more often than every 2 h during time intervals when the variations are largest. Curve A in Figure 2 suggests that sampling every hour during the mid-day would be desirable.The results about T3 reported here are not necessarily incompatible with reports that thyroxine (T4) concentration may not be diurnal, as discussed in the introduction. Although T3 and T4 are almost the same species, to within a single atom, their dynamics of distribution, binding and metabolism are sufficiently different 6 for one to be observedly diurnal and the other not. Another possibility is that diurnal variations may exist in T4 disappearance which arc too small to measure by currently available techniques.
Résumé Des oscillations dans la réduction du taux de triiodothyronine (marquée125I) ont été observées dans le plasma humain. On a trouvé qu'une période d'échantillonage de 4 h était insuffisante pour révéler ces oscillations. Une période de 2 h constituerait une limite supérieure adéquate.

Reparto Medicina Nucleare, 11° Clinica Medica, Università di Roma (Italia).  相似文献   

Summary The first results of a photophysical study on pterobilin (biliverdin IX , a Lepidopter blue bile pigment) are presented. From the absorption and fluorescence spectra, it is deduced that the low yield of fluorescence indicates a desactivation of the excited singlet state occurring mainly by a non-radiative process. Analyses of the chemical compounds formed after irradiation of pterobilin in methanol show that it is rearranged into a series of new blue pigments among which phorcabilin and sarpedobilin (the two neobiliverdins IX isolated from Lepidopters) have been identified.

Remerciements. Nous remercions le ProfesseurJ. Bergerard pour son intérêt. Ces recherches ont été réalisées dans le cadre de l'ATP CNRS No. 4699-10.  相似文献   

Résumé L'implantation de petites quantités d'stradiol dans l'éminence médiane de l'hypothalamus de rats mâles est suivie par l'atrophie des testicules, des prostates et des vescicules séminales. Au niveau de l'hypophyse des animaux implantés, on rencontre une diminution très significative des concentrations de FSH. Les résultats démontrent d'une façon directe que l'éminence médiane contient des récepteurs sensibles aux strogènes, et qui interviennent dans le contrôle de la sécrétion de la FSH.

This work has been supported by the Grant No. 67-530 of the Ford Foundation, New York, FSH standard samples have been generously provided by the Endocrinology Study Section of the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda. All such support is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary An injection of suspended PVC particles in the caecal vein of mice induces a foreign-body portal granuloma reaction in the liver. Plastic casts of the portal system, after PVC particles implantation, show modifications in the portal bed and are compared with plastic casts obtained in mice infested bySchistosoma mansoni. This technique can be useful to study the cellular dynamics of the portal granuloma and can be a model for schistosomal eggs induced liver pathology.This work was supported by an ATP (INSERM) 18.75.41 and a scholarship from the Société d'Hépatologie Expérimentale.  相似文献   

Summary Alcohol- and aldehyde-dehydrogenasic activities have been measured in different tissues; these activities are modified after chronic alcoholic intoxication and/or withdrawal in digestive tract, spleen, kidney and lung. The results underline the possible relationship between extra-hepatic ethyl-oxidation and withdrawal syndrome.

Ce travail a été réalisé avec l'aide financière de l'INSERM (ATP 75/5/412/49) et de l'IREB.  相似文献   

Résumé L'épithélium ciliaire des yeux d'animaux albinos (rat, souris, cobaye, lapin) contient du DOPA (0,01–0,03µg par il de lapin) au dérnier stade du développement des embryons.

This study was supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (projects No. B 67-12X-712-02A and B 67-14X-56-03A).  相似文献   

Résumé On a étudié les effets phénotypiques et génotypiques de 2 insecticides (Sevin et Zectran) et 2 herbicides (IPC et CIPC) surB. subtilis. Les composés carbamiques inhibent la croissance, induisent une tendance à la formation de longues chaînes. Ils n'ont toutefois pas un effet mutagénique sur le locus de l'indole deB. subtilis.This work was supported by Research Contract No. PH 43-64-57 National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Public Health Service and is paper No. 40 published under this contract.  相似文献   

Résumé Une abondante aspersion de la peau du cobaye avec du dimetil sulfoxide produit de notables changements dans les cellules basales de la couche cornée. Elles s'agrandissent, l'aspect fibrillaire de la kératine disparaît et la couche cornée (barrière cutanée) se décolle de la couche granuleuse.

Supported by Research Career Development Award No. 1-K3-AI-31-210-01 (Dr.Montes) and by National Aeronautics and Space Administration Contracts Nos. 9-2468 and NGR 44-003-018.  相似文献   

Résumé C'est la première fois que l'on décrit une technique pour la préparation des chromosomes de leucocytes d'opossum. Cette technique a l'avantage d'être simple et elle permet en outre de préciser les détails morphologiques de certains chromosomes de l'opossum. Par exemple, les chromosomesX de la femelle de l'opossum laineux (Caluromys derbianus) sont aisément identifiés comme étant la plus petite paire submétacentrique du complément.

Supported in part by grants from U. S. Public Health Service (No. HD 00033-02) and Baylor University College of Medicine General Research Grant (No. P-66-6) and a grant from the James Picker Foundation.  相似文献   

Résumé L'activité de la glucose-6-phosphate déhydrogènase était normale dans les érythrocytes obtenus de sujets atteints de Thalassémie (majeure ou mineure) d'Hémoglobine E - Thalassémie et dans des érythrocytes contenant une variété d'hémoglobines anormales. Chez trois des six sujets atteints d'Hémoglobine H - Thalassémie, la glucose-6-phosphate déhydrogènase était absente.  相似文献   

Summary Various physical, chemical and biological factors are involved in an increased plasma creatine kinase activity. Repeated blood sampling induced in all rabbits studied a reaction of similar pattern but of different intensity, expressed by a maximum of plasma CPK activity. The physiological origins of this variation of CPK activity seems to be, as seen in control animals, the consequence of emotional stress due to handling and possibly an additional stress due to the venepunctures.Supported by Grant No. 73.7.1654 of the Délégation générale à la Recherche scientifique et technique.  相似文献   

Summary While pursuing the study of cortical functioning by the EEG. and after-image methods, we have come to believe that every stimulation evokes in the corresponding area of the cortex not only a simultaneous excitation but also acontinued action, i.e. after stimulation, several successive excitations of progressively diminishing intensity appear in the same area of the cortex.We have investigated the continued groups appearing on corticographical tracings taken from different cortical areas of the experimental animal (the rabbit) after various forms of stimulation (auditory, electrical, and visual). By comparing them with the after-images seen by human subjects in EEG. experiments, we have been led to identify the two phenomena.In order to carry this study further, we have undertaken two series of corticographical experiments, recording tracings takensimultaneously from the parietal and striate areas of the rabbit. The first series was intended to study the effects on the tracings of visual stimuli. The second was concerned with the effects on the same tracings of weak electrical stimuli.

Nous avons consacré à cette propriété répétitive du cerveau une note parue dans les Comptesrendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Juillet 1955, Paris — dont le présent article constitue le développement.  相似文献   

Résumé Une solution de di-(p-chlorophényl)-trifluorométhyl-carbinol dans l'acide sulfurique concentré, diluée à l'eau ou au méthanol, donne naissance à du chloro-3-hydroxy-(ou méthoxy-)-6-trifluorométhyl-9 fluorène. Le composé méthoxylé, après l'alcoolyse alcaline du groupement-CF3, a été dégradé au fluorénone correspondant, dont la synthèse a été realisée indépendamment.  相似文献   

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