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由广东省实验动物监测所牵头的省试验动物专项(国家重点攻关配套项目)——“实验恒河猴和Beagle犬组织图谱制定及数据库建立”,于2005年3月通过省科技厅鉴定。  相似文献   

GLP(Good Laboratory Practivel)条件下开展药物安全性评价,必须符合AAALAC动物福利要求,所以研究过程中,兽医对动物身体状况的判断,以及对动物疾病的救治都是非常重要的。开展降糖药的研究,可能引起动物脑部损伤致使实验失败,同时动物应有福利得不到保障。本实验主要开展某种胰岛素类降糖药(供试品A)长期毒性研究,采用Beagle犬作为实验动物,每天皮下给予供试品A,连续给药4周,每天进行血糖监测及症状观察,实验过程中,发现Beagle犬出现不同症状的低血糖现象,兽医根据动物出现不同症状给予一定措施,确保了本次实验的完成,同时确保动物得到了应有的福利。  相似文献   

GLP(Good Laboratory Practivel)条件下开展药物安全性评价,必须符合AAALAC动物福利要求,所以研究过程中,兽医对动物身体状况的判断,以及对动物疾病的救治都是非常重要的。开展降糖药的研究,可能引起动物脑部损伤致使实验失败,同时动物应有福利得不到保障。本实验主要开展某种胰岛素类降糖药(供试品A)长期毒性研究,采用Beagle犬作为实验动物,每天皮下给予供试品A,连续给药4周,每天进行血糖监测及症状观察,实验过程中,发现Beagle犬出现不同症状的低血糖现象,兽医根据动物出现不同症状给予一定措施,确保了本次实验的完成,同时确保动物得到了应有的福利。  相似文献   

摘要: 目的 探讨 Beagle 犬遥测动物模型建立及应用过程中遇到的问题,并提出相应的预防处理措施。方法 回顾了我单位 32 例 Beagle 犬遥测动物模型在建立及应用中出现的问题,分析了常见的切口感染、动物自主拆线、毛 囊炎等临床异常的产生原因,介绍了解决上述临床异常情况的预防和处理方法。结果 分析并解决了 Beagle 犬遥 测动物模型建立过程中出现的临床异常情况。结论 成功建立 Beagle 犬遥测动物模型,对国内遥测模型在安全药 理学评价方面的使用和维护起到一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

建立GLP机构试验用Beagle犬的标准饲养规程,加强对饲养人员及试验人员的管理,保证实验犬的饲养管理科学规范。  相似文献   

目的 通过建立一种新的手术模型,实现对脑脊液(CSF)的多次采集。方法 研究Beagle犬头颅结构,定位 手术钻孔,手术穿刺、埋管采集脑脊液。结果 动物手术存活率为80%,模型成功率为60%。结论 新模型设计 合理,有利于多次采集,此方法可成为Beagle犬脑脊液采集新手段。  相似文献   

国家啮齿类实验动物种子中心简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家啮齿类实验动物种子中心是 1998年由国家科委批准建立的 (国科财字 [1998]0 10号 ) ,设在中国药品生物制品检定所实验动物中心。根据《实验动物质量管理办法》 ,国家实验动物种子中心的主要任务是 :“引进、收集和保存实验动物品种、品系 ;研究实验动物保种新技术 ;培育实验动物新品种、品系 ;为国内外用户提供标准的实验动物种子。”中心建立以来 ,先后两次向全国发布供种公告 ,提供种子动物。据 1998— 2 0 0 2年的不完全统计 ,已经向全国二十个省市的 5 0多家单位 ,供应了SPF级实验动物种鼠近 1 5万只。通过几年来的供种服务 ,种子…  相似文献   

目的对2006年~2008年北京地区普通Beagle犬、大耳白兔和清洁以上大鼠(Wistar和SD品系)、小鼠(KM和ICR品系)微生物和寄生虫的抽检结果进行分析,为实验动物生产管理提供参考。方法按现行国标《实验动物微生物学检测方法》和《实验动物寄生虫学检测方法》,抽检动物所携带的微生物和寄生虫。结果普通Beagle犬的质量虽在逐渐提高,但体外寄生虫时有检出;普通大耳白兔体外寄生虫的携带较为普遍;清洁大鼠和小鼠的微生物检测结果基本合格,但有体内寄生虫的阳性样本;SPF级大鼠和小鼠的供应数量较少,尚不能充分满足科研工作的需要。建议有关实验动物生产单位加强普通动物的防疫工作,同时改进饲养管理水平,以有效避免传染病和寄生虫病的发生;加强清洁动物的净化及物料的消毒工作,以确保清洁动物的质量合格、稳定;进一步提高实验动物的净化水平并扩大SPF动物的生产规模,以充分满足科研工作的需要。  相似文献   

摘要:实验动物福利理念在我国已得到广泛认同,实验动物福利伦理审查制度已初步建立,福利相关的法规和标准也陆续出台。 如何利用目前良好的环境,发展我国实验动物福利工作是我们面临的重要问题。 倡导实验动物福利的目的是在减轻动物痛苦的基础上促进科技进步,而实现这一目标的主要途径是发展实验动物福利技术。 本文将从为什么要推进实验动物福利技术、从哪些方面推进实验动物福利技术及如何推进实验动物福利技术三方面进行分析和讨论,以期为有志于推动我国实验动物福利工作的各领域同仁提供新的视角和有益参考。  相似文献   

20 0 2年 5月 2 2日— 30日 ,北京实验动物学会副秘书长贺争鸣作为中国实验动物学会代表团成员 ,参加了在日本名古屋举行的第 4 9届日本实验动物年会。参加此次大会的还有来自美国、俄国、韩国、菲律宾、Bangladesh、台湾等国家和地区的代表。共有 2 30多名学者就实验动物的饲养管理、环境设施、遗传学、微生物检测、遗传检测、动物资源的开发与利用、人类疾病动物模型的建立、实验动物解剖学、动物试验技术、行为学、动物福利等专题进行了发言。另外还有的学者以墙报形式进行了学术交流。此次年会是以大会和专题分会场两种形式进…  相似文献   

Process modeling of fuel cell vehicle power system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Constructed here is a mathematic model of PEM Fuel Cell Vehicle Power System which is composed of fuel supply model, fuel cell stack model and water-heat management model. The model was developed by Matlab/Simulink to evaluate how the major operating variables affect the output performances. It shows that the constructed model can represent characteristics of the power system closely by comparing modeling results with experimental data, and it can be used in the study and design of fuel cell vehicle power system. Supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2007AA05Z145), State Key Development Program for Basic Research of China (Grant No. 2007cb209707) and Shanghai Science and Technology Project (Grant Nos. 06SN07115 and 07JC14024)  相似文献   

Many practical problems in commerce and industry involve finding the best way to allocate scarce resources a-mong competing activities. This paper focuses on the problem of integer programming, and describes an evolutionary soft a-gent model to solve it. In proposed model, agent is composed of three components: goal, environment and behavior. Experimental shows the model has the characters of parallel computing and goal driving. Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China( 60205007) , Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province(001264), Research Foundation of Software Technology Key Laboratory in Guangdong Province and Research Foundation of State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology at Nanjing University Biography: Yin Jian ( 1968-), male, Associate professor, research direction: artificial intelligence, data mining.  相似文献   

本文通过对日本《科学技术基本法》和《中华人民共和国科学技术进步法》的比较;日本"关于国家研究开发评估的大纲指针"和"中国国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)"项目评估、"国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)"项目评估等的比较,说明了:中日关于公共研究开发评估有很多类似的地方,起步相差不多,水平大致相当,在理念、方法、实践层面都需要不断探索,相互学习、相互借鉴。  相似文献   

 制定、发布科学计划,对重要科学领域、重大前瞻问题的超前研判、提前部署、重点支持、集中研发具有重要的促进作用.本文遴选、报道国际组织、科技大国2013 年发布、启动的28 项重大科学计划.这28 项科学计划涉及航空航天、生命科学、地球环境、能源材料、综合研发5 个重要科技领域,分别是:①航空航天:"2013-2020 年俄罗斯航天行动"国家计划,中国"2013 年航天计划",英国"国家航天技术计划",日本新版"宇宙基本计划",美国"战略太空技术投资计划",印度"火星探测计划",韩国"2040 宇宙远景"计划,美国"小行星捕获计划","2013-2015 年俄罗斯航空工业发展计划",美国"XS-1 空天飞机计划";②生命科学:欧盟"人脑工程计划",美国"推进创新神经技术脑研究计划",世界卫生组织"2013-2020 年预防控制非传染性疾病行动计划";③地球环境:中国"天气研究计划(2013-2020 年)",中国"气候研究计划(2013-2020 年)",美国"北极研究5 年计划",中国"应用气象研究计划(2013-2020 年)",中国"综合气象观测研究计划(2013-2020 年)",日本"海洋基本计划(2013-2017)",中国"大气污染防治行动计划","国际海洋发现计划(2013-2023)";④能源材料:欧盟"石墨烯计划",美国"清洁能源制造计划";⑤综合研发:中国"循环经济发展战略及近期行动计划",韩国"第三次科学技术基本计划",法国"未来10 年投资计划(PIA)",中国"信息化和工业化深度融合专项行动计划(2013-2018)",欧盟"地平线2020".  相似文献   

In the 1910s, TiO2 began to be used in building materials as pigments and opacifier due to its excellent optical property. Since the photocatalytic property of TiO2 was observed in 1972, its application field was expanded to air cleaning and sterilization. Thereafter, people added TiO2 into building materials to develop novel and facile building materials. These materials were widely used for air cleaning, sterilization, self-cleaning, anti-fogging, decoration, and building cooling. The combination of building and other functions can serve simultaneously. Although TiO2-based building materials have bright prospects, some aspects such as improving the stability and enhancing photoactive performance of the materials are of importance for future research. Supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program (“863” Program) of China (Grant No. 2007AA061402), Chinese Key Technology Research and Development Program of the Eleventh Five-year Plan (Grant No. 2006BAJ02A08), Hangzhou Science & Technology Development Program (Grant No. 20061133B27) and Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (Grant No. 20070335197)  相似文献   

Forms enhance both the dynamic and interactive abilities of Web applications and the system complexity. And it is especially important to test forms completely and thoroughly. Therefore, this paper discusses how to carry out the form testing by different methods in the related testing phases. Namely, at first, automatically abstracting forms in the Web pages by parsing the HTML documents; then, ohtai ning the testing data with a certain strategies, such as by requirement specifications, by mining users' hefore input informarion or by recording meehanism; and next executing the testing actions automatically due to the well formed test cases; finally, a case study is given to illustrate the convenient and effective of these methods.  相似文献   

With the explosion of services in grid environment, it's necessary to develop a mechanism which has the ability of discovering suitable grid services efficiently. This paper attempts to establish a layered resource management model based on the locality principle which classifies services into different domains and virtual organizations (VOs) according to their shared purposes. We propose an ontologybased search method applying the ontology theory for characterizing semantic information. In addition, we extend the UD- D1 in querying, storing, and so on. Simulation experiments have shown that our mechanism achieves higher performance in precision, recall and query response time.  相似文献   

In 2006, an article published in Cell by Shinya Yamanaka took by surprise the stem cell research community. By performing systematic retroviral transduction of factors enriched in embryonic stem (ES) cells, the authors demonstrated the reprogramming of mouse fibroblasts into an ES cell-like state. These cells, baptized iPS (induced pluripotent stem) cells, were immediately recognized as a ground-breaking discovery. Subsequently, the same authors and other groups reported a similar achievement with human fibroblasts. Two years later, the number of top quality papers on iPS is astonishing, and interest in the scientific community has risen to a fever pitch. But although iPS has the potential to revolutionize Regenerative Medicine, important questions still remain unanswered. Work from multiple laboratories worldwide including ours is focused on deciphering the molecular mechanisms of iPS, and trying to improve the technique to make it suitable for the clinic. In this review article we briefly discuss the past, present and future of iPS, with emphasis on urgent issues to be solved. Supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 30725012, 30630039 and 90813033), Knowledge Innovation Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KSCX2-YW-R-48), National Key Basic Research and Development Program of China (Grant Nos. 2006CB701504, 2006CB943600, 2007CB948002, 2007CB947804. 2007CB947900) and Guangzhou Science and Technology Development Funds (Grant No. 2008A1-E4011)  相似文献   

Facing the increasing security issues in P2P networks, a scheme for resource sharing using trusted computing technologies is proposed in this paper. We advance a RS-UCON model with decision continuity and attribute mutability to control the usage process and an architecture to illustrate how TC technologies support policy enforcement with bidirectional attestation. The properties required for attestation should include not only integrity measurement value of platform and related application, but also reputation of users and access history, in order to avoid the limitation of the existing approaches. To make a permission, it is required to evaluate both the authorization and conditions of the subject and the object in resource usage to ensure trustable resources to be transferred to trusted users and platform.  相似文献   

2007年2月15日,由科技部基础研究管理中心和中国科学技术协会学会学术部共同举办的2006年度“中国基础研究十大新闻”评选活动在京揭晓,10项具有重大原创性和新闻性的代表性基础研究成果入选。  相似文献   

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