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Summary In the astronomical treatise ryabhatya of ryabhata several verses are interpolated, namely all those verses in which either Brahman was mentioned or extremely large periods were introduced. The interpolator was known to AlBrn as ryabhata of Kusumapura, who belongs to the school of the elder ryabhata. The aim of the interpolator was to bring the teaching of the elder ryabhata into accordance with the revelation of Svayambh. Svayambh is another name for Brahm.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Experimentell wurde an hypophysektomierten Ratten, im Vergleich mit intakten Tieren, eine signifikant verminderte diuretische und natriuretische Reaktion auf die isoonkotische Expansion des Blutvolumens festgestellt.

Acknowledgments. We wish to thank Mrss.E. Blaková, Z. Opralová andE. ajgalíková for skilled technical assistance.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Heterogeneität der alkalischen Phosphatase in der Rattenleber wird beschrieben. Anodische und kathodische Isoenzyme unterscheiden sich unter anderem durch ihre Reaktion auf die Neuraminidase Behandlung.

V. Volek, J. tpán, E. Beneová andF. Hemanský, Sb. lék. in print (1973).  相似文献   

Summary Experimental results indicate that rat's paw oedema development by PGs is inhibited by 35 AMP and increased by 35 GMP. This research confirms the opposite effect to that of cyclic nucleotides. The respective behaviour of 35 AMP and 35GMP in their primary oedema-induced activity is discussed.We gratefully acknowledge the technical assistence of Mr.Sauro Pellegrini.  相似文献   

Summary The vast majority of oil-droplets in the dark and light-adapted retinal twin-cones ofPoecilia reticulata is of the matrix-type. In bright light (day light+overhead strip light) there occurs in some regions a very pronounced numerical change from matrix to cristate-type, whereas other regions remain unaffected. The functional significance of these differences is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary (–)--Fenchol, a compound occurring in plants but not heretofore reported to occur in an animal product, was isolated from volatiles released by adult male Mediterranean fruit flies,Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann, with the male's previously identified sex pheromones. It neither attracts females nor synergizes the pheromones, and its function remains unknown.The editors do not hold themselves responsible for the opinions expressed in the authors' brief reports. — Les auteurs sont seuls responsables des opinions exprimées dans ces brèves communications. — Für die Kurzmitteilungen ist ausschliesslich der Autor verantwortlich.—Per le brevi comunicazioni è responsabile solo l'autore. — . — Solo los autores son responsables de las opiniones expresadas en estas communicationes breves.Mention of a proprietary product in this paper does not constitute a recommendation or an endorsement of the product by the US Department of Agriculture.Acknowledgments. We thank C. Harding for assistance with extractions and fractionations, R.M. Waters for spectral analyses, M.S. Fujimoto and H. Higa for collecting the volatiles and conducting laboratory and cage bioassays, and T. Urago and S. Nakagawa for conducting the field tests.  相似文献   

In this essay, I examine the metaphysical and metalogical ramifications of Gottlob Frege's controversy with David Hilbert and Alwin Korselt, over Hilbert's Grundlagen der Geometrie. These ramifications include(1) Korselt's original appeals to general metatheoretic Deutungen (interpretations);(2) Hilbert's puzzling belief that whatever is consistent in some sense exists; and(3) Frege's semantic monist conviction that theoretical sense and reference (mathematical and other) must be eindeutig lösbar (uniquely solvable).My principal conclusions are(4) that Frege's position in (3) represented a pervasively dogmatic presumption that his newly discovered quantification theory must have a propositional metatheory (the True; the False); and(5) that this needless assumption adversely affected not only his polemic against the moderate semantic relativism of Hilbert and Korselt, but also his reception of type-theoretic ideas, and greatly facilitated his vulnerability to the sort of self-referential inconsistency Russell discovered in Grundgesetz V.These conclusions also seem to me to provide a conceptual framework for several of Frege's other arguments and reactions which might seem more particular and disparate. These include(6) his arbitrary restrictions on the range of second-order quantification, which undercut his own tentative attempts to give accounts of independence and semantic consequence;(7) his uncharacteristic hesitation, even dismay, at the prospect that such accounts might eventuate in a genuinely quantificational metamathematics, whose Gegenstände (objects) might themselves be Gedanken (thoughts); and, perhaps most revealingly(8) his otherwise quite enigmatic, quasi-stoic doctrine that genuine formal deduction must be from premises that are true.A deep reluctance to pluralize or iterate the transition from theory to meta-theory would also be consonant, of course, with Frege's vigorous insistence that there can be only one level each of linguistic Begriffe (concepts) and Gegenstände (objects). With hindsight, such an assumption may seem more gratuitous in the philosophy of language (where it contributed, I would argue, to Wittgenstein's famous transition to the mystical in 6.45 and 6.522 of the Tractatus); but its more implausible implications in this wider context seemed to emerge more slowly.In the mathematical test-case discussed here, however, such strains were immediately and painfully apparent; the first models of hyperbolic geometry were described some thirty years before Frege drafted his polemic against Hilbert's pioneering exposition. It is my hope that a careful study of Frege's lines of argument in this relatively straightforward mathematical controversy may suggest other, parallel approaches to the richer and more ambiguous problems of his philosophy of language.Niemand kann zwei Herren dienen. Man kann nicht der Wahrheit dienen und der Unwahrheit. Wenn die euklidische Geometrie wahr ist, so ist die nichteuklidische Geometrie falsch, und wenn die nichteuklidische wahr ist, so ist die euklidische Geometrie falsch.No one can serve two masters. One cannot serve truth and untruth. If Euclidean geometry is true, non-Euclidean geometry is false, and if non-Euclidean [geometry] is true, Euclidean geometry is false. Über Euklidische Geometrie [Frege 1969], p. 183.  相似文献   

Summary Uptake ofd-glucose anomers by isolated rat retina was studied. After 3 min incubation at 37°C in the presence of or anomer (750 g/ml), a significantly greater uptake (1.32 mg/g wet tissue) of -anomer was observed compared with that of -d-glucose (1.11 mg/g wet tissue). This result and other data suggest that the carrier ford-glucose transport in the retina prefers the -anomer stereospecifically.Acknowledgment. The authors are grateful to Mr S. Suzuki for his technical assistance.  相似文献   

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