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The accelerating circulation of information and knowledge is one of the most str iking features of the age of globalization .Exchanges of knowledge across region al and linguistic boundaries are one of the distinguishing traits of the emerging “knowledge society”.Yet the issue's topicality must not eclipse the fact that the historical roots of such exchanges, in East Asia as well as in Europe and other regions of the world,can be traced back to antiquity.Exchanges of scientific and cult…  相似文献   

Honorable Council members of the DHS, Chairs of Delegations, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen: On behalf of the Chinese host, I sincerely and warmly welcome you to Beijing and the 22na International Congress of the History of Science. To my knowledge, in the 76 years of its history, this is only the second time that the Congress is being held in the Far East, and is also the second time the Congress is meeting in adeveloping country. For both of these reasons, we are deeply honored that you are here, and we appreciate the tremendous responsibility that comes with hosting the 22nd International Congress of the History of Science.  相似文献   

Honorable Council members of the DHS, Chairs of Delegations, Distinguished Guests, Lances and Gentlemen : On behalf of the Chinese host, I sincerely and warmly welcome you to Beijing and the 22^nd International Congress of the History of Science. To my knowledge, in the 76 years of its history, this is only the second time that the Congress is being held in the Far East, and is also the second time the Congress is meeting in a developing country.  相似文献   

Ⅰ Let me first clarify that science as developed in Islamic cultural areas or societies during the Middle Ages is abbreviated here as Islamic Science. In that context, the Exact Science is confined to astronomy (including mathematical geography) and mathematics only; physics was then a part of natural philosophy, and chemistry a branch of medicine.  相似文献   

The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology (known as China Historical Materials of Science and Technology from 1980 to 2004) is the official publication of the Chinese Society for the History of Science and Technology and the Institute for the History of Natural Science, Chinese Academy of Science. It is foremost vehicle for the scholarship of professional historians of science in China, published quarterly by China Science and Technology Press.  相似文献   

Nature has been inextricably connected with human life. There is nature's necessity, such as the cosmic order or bodily functions that men cannot change and have to comply with. There is nature's authority. People use nature to build up social norms and to justify social and political actions.  相似文献   

1 Biology for the 21st Century In a recent article in the New York Times (3/23/05), reporting on yet another upset to received views of the ways in which cells make use of their DNA, a prominent geneticist is quoted as remarking, "biologists have gotten used to the unexpected." Indeed, they have, as indeed, they have had to. Over the last few years, our understanding of molecular and developmental genetics has mutated dramatically in response to ever more complex analyses of ever more abundant and more complex data.  相似文献   

Historians of modem science have good reasons to be grateful to Paul Arthur Schilpp, professor of philosophy and Methodist clergyman but better known as the editor of a series of volumes on“ Living Philosophers”, including several on scientist-philosophers. His motto was: “The asking of questions about a philosopher's meaning while he is alive.”  相似文献   

Historians of moden science have good reasons to be grateful to Paul Arthur Schilpp, professor of philosophy and Methodist clergyman but better known as the editor of a series of volumes on “Living Philosophers,” including several on scientist - philosophers. His motto was:“The asking of questions about a philosopher‘s meaning while he is alive.” And to his everlasting credit,  相似文献   

Science & Culture Review is devoted to the study of interactions between science-technology and culture-society and the promotion of dialogues between sciences, humanities and social sciences. The journal is international in scope and interdisciplinary in contents.  相似文献   

周易、老庄、墨家之科学技术思想各有异同。在科技知识的来源上,周易与墨家都重视感性经验,而老庄则排斥感性;在科技知识的获得上,周易与老庄都看重直观,其区别在于周易之直观包括感性直观与理性直观两个方面,而老庄则倚重于理性直观;墨家则在不排斥直观的同时,注重逻辑与科学知识的形式化,是中国古代较为全面而没有片面性的科学技术思想。三者之间相互弥补,共同组成一个完整而全面的中国科学技术思想基础。  相似文献   

中国古代逻辑为何未能进一步发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古代中国和古希腊几乎同时产生了逻辑,但前者逻辑却并未像后者逻辑一样得到长足的发展,原因是什么呢?古希腊传统逻辑中产生和使用了符号促进了其逻辑的发展,西方近代逻辑的进一步符号化产生了数理逻辑,带来了逻辑史上的重大革命,现在数理逻辑是世界逻辑发展的主流;中国方块文字的整体结构特点和语言表述上的特点,以及中国汉字的自我完善性,致使中国古代逻辑不易引入符号,缺乏符号障碍了逻辑的发展,这可能是中国古代逻辑未能进一步发展的主要原因。  相似文献   

从古希腊直到19世纪,西方理想人(性)的培养即人文精神的培养,有相当广泛的科学内容。其中的算术、几何、天文、音乐(和声学)是主要的和核心的科目。古希腊思想是在首先探寻自然知识的基础上,才有后来对“认识你自己”及其道德生活的诉求;中世纪中、后期对自然的研究及其相关的智力活动的兴起。推动学术和思想的复兴。才有文艺复兴和人文主义运动的发展。科学研究及其教育的实质是人的心智训练和科学精神的培养。它对于人文精神的培养是基础性的。  相似文献   

术语是折射人类思维进化的一面镜子。中国的科学思想发展呈阶段性特征——从古代科学到近代科学再到现代科学,每个阶段的术语状况都有所不同。中国独特的科学技术思想通过古代汉源术语研究可以得到彰显,这对当代汉语术语创建以及汉语术语理论研究具有重要的启示意义。文章从中国古代科学知识与思维类型、汉语专业词汇、汉源术语的确定和汉源术语的特征这四个方面阐释汉源术语的本质及其特点,置身于中国传统文化语境中对其展开研究。  相似文献   

在对天地相对尺度的认识上,中国古人传统上认为地的大小可以与天相比拟.但东汉王充通过对在不同地点观察太阳出没时的大小及北极星方位的变化情况的分析,却明确提出了"地小居狭"的主张.王充的论证方法与托勒密是相通的,而思想根源则与其重视量的概念的思想方法有关,但他的观点长期被人们所忽略,未能对中国古代天文学的发展发挥作用.  相似文献   

婆什伽罗球表面积公式的古证复原   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据婆什伽罗的数学思想,并利用他熟知的三角函数和射影知识,给出了其球表面积公式的两种证明方法,即月牙形方法和环带形方法.由此得出,婆什伽罗不仅已经具备了初步的极限观念,而且还在曲面求积方面做出了重要贡献,从而对一些学者关于婆什伽罗的某些观点提出了商榷.  相似文献   

在西方美学发展的漫长历程中,科学与关学尤其是数学与美学的关系值得关注.早在古希腊时期,揭开了古希腊美学思想发展的序幕的是毕达哥拉斯及其学派.正是他们首先将数学与美学相结合,开始了美与数理学科相联姻的潮流.后来经德谟克利特的发展,到柏拉图与亚里士多德都对数学与美学的关系极为关注.由于古希腊美学是西方美学的重要源头,这就使西方美学不仅与科学紧密相联,而且形成了与中国美学不同的精神风貌.  相似文献   

李约瑟的世界和世界的李约瑟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国人的“李约瑟情结”主要表现在3个方面:(1)将李约瑟的贡献片面地理解成为中国古代科技成就树碑立传;(2)将其写作《中国的科学与文明》的最终目的理解成回答“中国何以未能产生近代科学”的问题;(3)为中国的历史由外国人书写的事实感到不安。因此,要想对这位当代文艺复兴式的学者有一更清楚的认识,就必须跳出中国的圈子来审视他的思想和工作;而要想看清“世界的李约瑟”,就得对“李约瑟的世界”有所了解。 所谓“李约瑟问题”并非始于李约瑟,早年来华的耶稣会士和欧洲一些启蒙思想家就已关注到中国社会与科技的“落后”问题,任鸿隽1915年的文章《说中国无科学之原因》首开中国知识界讨论这一问题的先声,20世纪 40年代李约瑟与中国知识分子的讨论互相启发,构成他日后写作《中国的科学与文明》的一个重要动力。 受到生物进化论和马克思主义唯物史观的影响,李约瑟成为一个“科学进步论”的坚定信奉者。他与当时在剑桥的一批左翼知识分子一样,对社会问题倾注了极大的热情,并相信科学是一种推进社会进步的强大力量。这导致他投身反法西斯运动来到中国领导中英科学合作馆,其后又担任联合国教科文组织科学部的首任主席。但是李约瑟又是一个虔诚的基督徒,基督教的博爱精神  相似文献   

化生说与中国传统生命观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文通过对大量史料进行分析研究,论述了古代化生说产生的根源、发展过程及其内涵,指出古人对生物现象的认识特点,以及气论思想对化生说的影响;认为近代生物学实验科学体系取代传统哲学思辩体系,是化生说退出历史舞台的重要原因。  相似文献   

刘徽的无限思想及其解释   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
该文包括两方面的内容。一是从元限侵害过程、不可分量可积性、有限过程等几个方面新考察了刘徽的无限思想,力图澄清此课题的研究中存在的若干误解。二是从中国古代数学传统,刘徽的思想渊源特别是他受墨家、道家和玄学的影响等方面,对刘徽利用无限思想处理问题的方式进行解释。  相似文献   

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