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The whirler mouse mutant (wi) does not respond to sound stimuli, and detailed ultrastructural analysis of sensory hair cells in the organ of Corti of the inner ear indicates that the whirler gene encodes a protein involved in the elongation and maintenance of stereocilia in both inner hair cells (IHCs) and outer hair cells (OHCs). BAC-mediated transgene correction of the mouse phenotype and mutation analysis identified the causative gene as encoding a novel PDZ protein called whirlin. The gene encoding whirlin also underlies the human autosomal recessive deafness locus DFNB31. In the mouse cochlea, whirlin is expressed in the sensory IHC and OHC stereocilia. Our findings suggest that this novel PDZ domain-containing molecule acts as an organizer of submembranous molecular complexes that control the coordinated actin polymerization and membrane growth of stereocilia.  相似文献   

Genes specifically expressed in the inner ear are candidates to underlie hereditary nonsyndromic deafness. The gene Otog has been isolated from a mouse subtractive cDNA cochlear library. It encodes otogelin, an N-glycosylated protein that is present in the acellular membranes covering the six sensory epithelial patches of the inner ear: in the cochlea (the auditory sensory organ), the tectorial membrane (TM) over the organ of Corti; and in the vestibule (the balance sensory organ), the otoconial membranes over the utricular and saccular maculae as well as the cupulae over the cristae ampullares of the three semi-circular canals. These membranes are involved in the mechanotransduction process. Their movement, which is induced by sound in the cochlea or acceleration in the vestibule, results in the deflection of the stereocilia bundle at the apex of the sensory hair cells, which in turn opens the mechanotransduction channels located at the tip of the stereo-cilia. We sought to elucidate the role of otogelin in the auditory and vestibular functions by generating mice with a targeted disruption of Otog. In Otog-/- mice, both the vestibular and the auditory functions were impaired. Histological analysis of these mutants demonstrated that in the vestibule, otogelin is required for the anchoring of the otoconial membranes and cupulae to the neuroepithelia. In the cochlea, ultrastructural analysis of the TM indicated that otogelin is involved in the organization of its fibrillar network. Otogelin is likely to have a role in the resistance of this membrane to sound stimulation. These results support OTOG as a possible candidate gene for a human nonsyndromic form of deafness.  相似文献   

Notch signalling pathway mediates hair cell development in mammalian cochlea   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The mammalian cochlea contains an invariant mosaic of sensory hair cells and non-sensory supporting cells reminiscent of invertebrate structures such as the compound eye in Drosophila melanogaster. The sensory epithelium in the mammalian cochlea (the organ of Corti) contains four rows of mechanosensory hair cells: a single row of inner hair cells and three rows of outer hair cells. Each hair cell is separated from the next by an interceding supporting cell, forming an invariant and alternating mosaic that extends the length of the cochlear duct. Previous results suggest that determination of cell fates in the cochlear mosaic occurs via inhibitory interactions between adjacent progenitor cells (lateral inhibition). Cells populating the cochlear epithelium appear to constitute a developmental equivalence group in which developing hair cells suppress differentiation in their immediate neighbours through lateral inhibition. These interactions may be mediated through the Notch signalling pathway, a molecular mechanism that is involved in the determination of a variety of cell fates. Here we show that genes encoding the receptor protein Notch1 and its ligand, Jagged 2, are expressed in alternating cell types in the developing sensory epithelium. In addition, genetic deletion of Jag2 results in a significant increase in sensory hair cells, presumably as a result of a decrease in Notch activation. These results provide direct evidence for Notch-mediated lateral inhibition in a mammalian system and support a role for Notch in the development of the cochlear mosaic.  相似文献   

Planar cell polarity (PCP) refers to coordinated polarization of cells within the plane of a cell sheet. A conserved signaling pathway is required for the establishment of PCP in epithelial tissues and for polarized cellular rearrangements known as convergent extension. During PCP signaling, core PCP proteins are sorted asymmetrically along the polarization axis; this sorting is thought to direct coordinated downstream morphogenetic changes across the entire tissue. Here, we show that a gene encoding a ciliary protein (a 'ciliary gene'), Ift88, also known as Polaris, is required for establishing epithelial PCP and for convergent extension of the cochlear duct of Mus musculus. We also show that the proper positioning of ciliary basal bodies and the formation of polarized cellular structures are disrupted in mice with mutant ciliary proteins ('ciliary mutants'), whereas core PCP proteins are partitioned normally along the polarization axis. Thus, our data uncover a distinct requirement for ciliary genes in basal body positioning and morphological polarization during PCP regulation.  相似文献   

The vertebrate planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway has previously been found to control polarized cell behaviors rather than cell fate. We report here that disruption of Xenopus laevis orthologs of the Drosophila melanogaster PCP effectors inturned (in) or fuzzy (fy) affected not only PCP-dependent convergent extension but also elicited embryonic phenotypes consistent with defective Hedgehog signaling. These defects in Hedgehog signaling resulted from a broad requirement for Inturned and Fuzzy in ciliogenesis. We show that these proteins govern apical actin assembly and thus control the orientation, but not assembly, of ciliary microtubules. Finally, accumulation of Dishevelled and Inturned near the basal apparatus of cilia suggests that these proteins function in a common pathway with core PCP components to regulate ciliogenesis. Together, these data highlight the interrelationships between cell polarity, cellular morphogenesis, signal transduction and cell fate specification.  相似文献   

The evolutionarily conserved planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway (or noncanonical Wnt pathway) drives several important cellular processes, including epithelial cell polarization, cell migration and mitotic spindle orientation. In vertebrates, PCP genes have a vital role in polarized convergent extension movements during gastrulation and neurulation. Here we show that mice with mutations in genes involved in Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS), a disorder associated with ciliary dysfunction, share phenotypes with PCP mutants including open eyelids, neural tube defects and disrupted cochlear stereociliary bundles. Furthermore, we identify genetic interactions between BBS genes and a PCP gene in both mouse (Ltap, also called Vangl2) and zebrafish (vangl2). In zebrafish, the augmented phenotype results from enhanced defective convergent extension movements. We also show that Vangl2 localizes to the basal body and axoneme of ciliated cells, a pattern reminiscent of that of the BBS proteins. These data suggest that cilia are intrinsically involved in PCP processes.  相似文献   

The mammalian inner ear contains organs for the detection of sound and acceleration, the cochlea and the vestibule, respectively. Mechanosensory hair cells within the neuroepithelia of these organs transduce mechanical force generated by sound waves or head movements into neuronal signals. Defects in hair cells lead to deafness and balance defects. Hair cells have stereocilia that are indispensable for mechanosensation, but the molecular mechanisms regulating stereocilia formation are poorly understood. We show here that integrin alpha8beta1, its ligand fibronectin and the integrin-regulated focal adhesion kinase (FAK) co-localize to the apical hair-cell surface where stereocilia are forming. In mice homozygous for a targeted mutation of Itga8 (encoding the alphabeta8 subunit), this co-localization is perturbed and hair cells in the utricle, a vestibular subcompartment, lack stereocilia or contain malformed stereocilia. Most integrin alpha-8beta1-deficient mice die soon after birth due to kidney defects. Many of the survivors have difficulty balancing, consistent with the structural defects of the inner ear. Our data suggest that integrin alpha8beta1, and potentially other integrins, regulates hair-cell differentiation and stereocilia maturation. Mutations affecting matrix molecules cause inherited forms of inner ear disease and integrins may mediate some effects of matrix molecules in the ear; thus, mutations in integrin genes may lead to inner-ear diseases as well.  相似文献   

The planar cell polarity (PCP) signaling system governs many aspects of polarized cell behavior. Here, we use an in vivo model of vertebrate mucociliary epithelial development to show that Dishevelled (Dvl) is essential for the apical positioning of basal bodies. We find that Dvl and Inturned mediate the activation of the Rho GTPase specifically at basal bodies, and that these three proteins together mediate the docking of basal bodies to the apical plasma membrane. Moreover, we find that this docking involves a Dvl-dependent association of basal bodies with membrane-bound vesicles and the vesicle-trafficking protein, Sec8. Once docked, basal bodies again require Dvl and Rho for the planar polarization that underlies directional beating of cilia. These results demonstrate previously undescribed functions for PCP signaling components and suggest that a common signaling apparatus governs both apical docking and planar polarization of basal bodies.  相似文献   

The Drosophila melanogaster lymph gland is a hematopoietic organ and, together with prospective vascular cells (cardioblasts) and excretory cells (pericardial nephrocytes), arises from the cardiogenic mesoderm. Clonal analysis provided evidence for a hemangioblast that can give rise to two daughter cells: one that differentiates into heart or aorta and another that differentiates into blood. In addition, the GATA factor gene pannier (pnr) and the homeobox gene tinman (tin), which are controlled by the convergence of Decapentaplegic (Dpp), fibroblast growth factor (FGF), Wingless (Wg) and Notch signaling, are required for the development of all cardiogenic mesoderm, including the lymph gland. Here we show that an essential genetic switch that differentiates between the blood or nephrocyte and vascular lineages involves the Notch pathway. Further specification occurs through specific expression of the GATA factor Serpent (Srp) in the lymph-gland primordium. Our findings suggest that there is a close parallel between the molecular mechanisms functioning in the D. melanogaster cardiogenic mesoderm and those functioning in the mammalian aorta-gonadal-mesonephros mesoderm.  相似文献   

The neuroepithelia of the inner ear contain hair cells that function as mechanoreceptors to transduce sound and motion signals. Mutations affecting these neuroepithelia cause deafness and vestibular dysfuction in humans. Ames waltzer (av) is a recessive mutation found in mice that causes deafness and a balance disorder associated with the degeneration of inner ear neuroepithelia. Here we report that the gene that harbours the av mutation encodes a novel protocadherin. Cochlear hair cells in the av mutants show abnormal stereocilia by 10 days after birth (P10). This is the first evidence for the requirement of a protocadherin for normal function of the mammalian inner ear.  相似文献   

We examine the allometric (comparative scaling) relationships between rates of neurodegeneration resulting from equivalent mutations in a diverse group of genes from five mammalian species with different maximum lifespan potentials. In both retina and brain, rates of neurodegeneration vary by as much as two orders of magnitude and are strongly correlated with maximum lifespan potential and rates of formation of mitochondrial reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS). Cell death in these disorders is directly or indirectly regulated by the intrinsic mitochondrial cell death pathway. Mitochondria are the main source of RONS production and integrate cellular stress signals to coordinate the intrinsic pathway. We propose that these two functions are intimately related and that steady-state RONS-mediated signaling or damage to the mitochondrial stress-integration machinery is the principal factor setting the probability of cell death in response to a diverse range of cellular stressors. This provides a new and unifying framework for investigating neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

Friedreich ataxia (FRDA), the most common autosomal recessive ataxia, is characterized by degeneration of the large sensory neurons and spinocerebellar tracts, cardiomyopathy and increased incidence in diabetes. FRDA is caused by severely reduced levels of frataxin, a mitochondrial protein of unknown function. Yeast knockout models as well as histological and biochemical data from heart biopsies or autopsies of FRDA patients have shown that frataxin defects cause a specific iron-sulfur protein deficiency and intramitochondrial iron accumulation. We have recently shown that complete absence of frataxin in the mouse leads to early embryonic lethality, demonstrating an important role for frataxin during mouse development. Through a conditional gene-targeting approach, we have generated in parallel a striated muscle frataxin-deficient line and a neuron/cardiac muscle frataxin-deficient line, which together reproduce important progressive pathophysiological and biochemical features of the human disease: cardiac hypertrophy without skeletal muscle involvement, large sensory neuron dysfunction without alteration of the small sensory and motor neurons, and deficient activities of complexes I-III of the respiratory chain and of the aconitases. Our models demonstrate time-dependent intramitochondrial iron accumulation in a frataxin-deficient mammal, which occurs after onset of the pathology and after inactivation of the Fe-S-dependent enzymes. These mutant mice represent the first mammalian models to evaluate treatment strategies for the human disease.  相似文献   

The Notch-signalling pathway is important in establishing metameric pattern during somitogenesis. In mice, the lack of either of two molecules involved in the Notch-signalling pathway, Mesp2 or presenilin-1 (Ps1), results in contrasting phenotypes: caudalized versus rostralized vertebra. Here we adopt a genetic approach to analyse the molecular mechanism underlying the establishment of rostro-caudal polarity in somites. By focusing on the fact that expression of a Notch ligand, Dll1, is important for prefiguring somite identity, we found that Mesp2 initiates establishment of rostro-caudal polarity by controlling two Notch-signalling pathways. Initially, Mesp2 activates a Ps1-independent Notch-signalling cascade to suppress Dll1 expression and specify the rostral half of the somite. Ps1-mediated Notch-signalling is required to induce Dll1 expression in the caudal half of the somite. Therefore, Mesp2- and Ps1-dependent activation of Notch-signalling pathways might differentially regulate Dll1 expression, resulting in the establishment of the rostro-caudal polarity of somites.  相似文献   

Haploinsufficiency for human EYA1, a homologue of the Drosophila melanogaster gene eyes absent (eya), results in the dominantly inherited disorders branchio-oto-renal (BOR) syndrome and branchio-oto (BO) syndrome, which are characterized by craniofacial abnormalities and hearing loss with (BOR) or without (BO) kidney defects. To understand the developmental pathogenesis of organs affected in these syndromes, we inactivated the gene Eya1 in mice. Eya1 heterozygotes show renal abnormalities and a conductive hearing loss similar to BOR syndrome, whereas Eya1 homozygotes lack ears and kidneys due to defective inductive tissue interactions and apoptotic regression of the organ primordia. Inner ear development in Eya1 homozygotes arrests at the otic vesicle stage and all components of the inner ear and specific cranial sensory ganglia fail to form. In the kidney, Eya1 homozygosity results in an absence of ureteric bud outgrowth and a subsequent failure of metanephric induction. Gdnf expression, which is required to direct ureteric bud outgrowth via activation of the c-ret Rtk (refs 5, 6, 7, 8), is not detected in Eya1-/- metanephric mesenchyme. In Eya1-/- ear and kidney development, Six but not Pax expression is Eya1 dependent, similar to a genetic pathway elucidated in the Drosophila eye imaginal disc. Our results indicate that Eya1 controls critical early inductive signalling events involved in ear and kidney formation and integrate Eya1 into the genetic regulatory cascade controlling kidney formation upstream of Gdnf. In addition, our results suggest that an evolutionarily conserved Pax-Eya-Six regulatory hierarchy is used in mammalian ear and kidney development.  相似文献   

Niwa N  Hiromi Y  Okabe M 《Nature genetics》2004,36(3):293-297
Different sensory organs, such the eye and ear, are widely thought to have separate origins, guided by distinct organ-specific factors that direct all aspects of their development. Previous studies of the D. melanogaster gene eyeless (ey) and its vertebrate homolog Pax6 suggested that this gene acts in such a manner and specifically drives eye development. But diverse sensory organs might instead arise by segment-specific modification of a developmental program that is involved more generally in sensory organ formation. In D. melanogaster, a common proneural gene called atonal (ato) functions in the initial process of development of a number of segment-specific organs, including the compound eye, the auditory organ and the stretch receptor, suggesting that these organs share an evolutionary origin. Here we show that D. melanogaster segment-specific sensory organs form through the integration of decapentaplegic (dpp), wingless (wg) and ecdysone signals into a single cis-regulatory element of ato. The induction of ectopic eyes by ey also depends on these signals for ato expression, and the ey mutant eye imaginal disc allows ato expression if cell death is blocked. These results imply that ey does not induce the entire eye morphogenetic program but rather modifies ato-dependent neuronal development. Our findings strongly suggest that various sensory organs evolved from an ato-dependent protosensory organ through segment specification by ey and Hox genes.  相似文献   

Dysregulation of the TSC-mTOR pathway in human disease   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) has a central role in the regulation of cell growth. mTOR receives input from multiple signaling pathways, including growth factors and nutrients, to stimulate protein synthesis by phosphorylating key translation regulators such as ribosomal S6 kinase and eukaryote initiation factor 4E binding protein 1. High levels of dysregulated mTOR activity are associated with several hamartoma syndromes, including tuberous sclerosis complex, the PTEN-related hamartoma syndromes and Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. These disorders are all caused by mutations in tumor-suppressor genes that negatively regulate mTOR. Here we discuss the emerging evidence for a functional relationship between the mTOR signaling pathway and several genetic diseases, and we present evidence supporting a model in which dysregulation of mTOR may be a common molecular basis, not only for hamartoma syndromes, but also for other cellular hypertrophic disorders.  相似文献   

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