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本研究比较theta/beta神经反馈治疗前后ADHD儿童脑电相位同步的改变,分析不同脑区脑电相位耦合情况。研究数据为神经反馈前后16例ADHD儿童和16例健康儿童闭眼静息态脑电,计算theta和beta频段左右半球中心区与各脑区相位同步。研究结果表明,神经反馈治疗后左右半球中心区与前额叶、左颞中叶的theta频段相位同步显著降低,与右半球颞叶的相位同步显著增加;beta频段额叶、中心区、顶叶和枕叶的相位同步性显著增加,左颞中叶相位同步性降低,右颞叶相位同步性增加,并趋向健康儿童水平。神经反馈训练对脑电相位同步有积极的影响,相位同步分析法结合ADHD临床量表将更加充分、准确地评估ADHD神经反馈治疗效果。  相似文献   

局部场电位的相位特征是表达外界刺激信息的重要度量,对神经信息的传递与表达具有重要作用。本文以Long Evans大鼠为实验对象,以12个朝向的全屏光栅作为刺激图像,用多通道微电极阵列信号采集系统获取局部场电位信号。采用总体平均经验模态分解的方法获取局部场电位的不同分量,通过Hilbert提取不同分量的瞬时相位,用相位锁定值来进行相位同步分析。结果发现局部场电位采用总体平均经验模态分解后,主频带范围在40Hz~100Hz之间的第三固有模态分量具有最佳的朝向选择性,且编码精度和稳定性均优于经验模态分解和γ频带提取的结果。 关键词:局部场电位;总体平均经验模态分解;光栅;相位同步  相似文献   

为对比自由运动和被动运动时海马神经元群体的协同性,分别在被动运动和自由运动这2种情况下,使用神经信号记录设备记录成年大鼠海马区神经元锋电位和场电位,采用时域相位和频域锋电位-场电位相干这2种分析方法对二者之间的关系进行了探讨。结果显示:被动运动和自由运动时大鼠海马锋电位都受到场电位theta节律调制,被动运动时的调制深度比自由运动时降低。进一步的锋电位-场电位相干分析表明:被动运动时锋电位与theta节律相干值降低。调制深度和相干的降低体现了二者协同性减弱,可能是由于被动运动时本体感觉缺失造成的。  相似文献   

慢性应激能引发诸多情绪行为的改变,诱导产生广义焦虑症、抑郁症、双极紊乱等情绪障碍性疾病。慢性应激首先引起焦虑情绪处理相关核团前额叶-杏仁核-腹侧海马区神经活动的功能性的改变,然后导致这些核团的结构发生改变。慢性应激造成杏仁核基底外侧核的锥体神经元的树突脊数量增多,谷氨酸能神经元的兴奋性投射增强,γ-氨基丁酸能神经元的抑制性投射减弱,导致焦虑样行为症状。由于慢性应激对于这些参与情绪调控的关键核团的神经活动的功能改变尚不明确,所以我们建立小鼠慢性应激的模型,分别在对照鼠和模型鼠的杏仁核基底外侧核及海马CA3区记录局部场电位,分离局部场电位的alpha、beta、delta、theta、gamma波段,分析其局部场电位各个波段的绝对功率和相对功率的差异。结果显示:慢性应激造成小鼠杏仁核基底外侧核的局部场电位在5个脑电波段的绝对功率均具有上调趋势,其中delta波段上调显著;进一步分析局部场电位的相对功率发现,慢性应激造成delta波段的相对功率显著上调,而theta波段的相对功率显著下调。  相似文献   

奖励预测对于大脑的学习记忆、行为决策等高级认知功能具有至关重要的意义。前额叶皮层(Prefrontal Cortex,PFC)和纹状体(Striatum)是大脑中的两个重要脑区,以往的研究发现,前额叶皮层和纹状体中的神经元都参与了对奖励信息的编码,然而,对于这两个脑区之间信息交流、相互影响的具体方式仍然不够明确。为了研究这一问题,在对猴子进行非对称奖励预测实验的过程中,用多通道电极同时记录了其前额叶皮层和纹状体两个部位的局域场电位(Local Field Potentials, LFP)信号。通过计算非线性相互依赖性(Nonlinear Interdependence,NLI)来量化分析前额叶皮层和纹状体之间功能性连接的强度。结果显示,在β频段(15~30 Hz),小水奖励条件下前额叶皮层和纹状体间的功能性连接强度显著高于大水奖励条件下的结果,同时,前额叶皮层和纹状体间不同方向的连接强度也有显著差别。实验结果表明,前额叶皮层中LFP的β频段可能与纹状体神经元的活动有关,并在一定程度上调节猴子在奖励预测过程中的行为。  相似文献   

医学上通常认为皮层下脑区与人的意识和行为相关,该文通过对比人的海马脑区局部场电位信号在麻醉过程中的不同动力学特征,分析被试者在清醒和无意识状态下的表现差异。使用颅内立体定向脑电图记录了6名癫痫患者在异丙酚诱导麻醉过程中海马局部场电位信号并进行功率谱密度估计,通过混沌吸引子形态、样本熵以及互信息对清醒状态和意识丧失状态下的表现进行比较和区分。结果显示,异丙酚全麻导致海马局部场电位信号多个频带的活动发生变化,从清醒状态向意识丧失状态转换过程中,吸引子形态会变得更加扁平。在意识丧失状态下,海马局部场电位信号具有更小的beta频带样本熵以及更小的自互信息衰减率。  相似文献   

为探究人体进行运动相关任务时大脑默认模式网络与其他脑区间的连接规律,基于运动及运动想象脑电信号公开数据集,通过快速傅里叶变换对不同状态下的脑电信号划分频段并进行滑动加窗处理,得到静息与运动态下同皮层不同频段的平均时间序列。采用动态传递熵的构造方法,分析默认模式网络到运动皮层、默认模式网络到前额叶皮层的信息交互,并在多个数据集下进行显著性检验。将动态传递熵的分析方法结合逻辑回归、决策树、XGBoost算法对不同任务进行分类研究,结果表明:大脑不同皮层功能区在进行不同任务时具有显著差异;相较于静息态,前额叶皮层和运动皮层在运动过程中更加活跃,γ频段相较其他频段也更加活跃;相较于静息态,运动态及运动想象态下默认模式网络到运动皮层、默认模式网络到前额叶皮层的信息交互都更强烈,其结果在不同样本空间的显著性检验P值小于0.025,此方法稳健;脑电信号动态传递熵方法可以将机器学习算法的分类准确率提高20%以上。研究可为运动态脑电信号辨识提供理论参考。  相似文献   

多模态光学脑成像包括近红外光谱及漫射相关谱,前者探测大脑皮层的血氧代谢水平,而后者测量皮层的脑血流.皮层血氧代谢和血流是不同的两类血液动力学参量,可以从不同方面反映大脑的神经活动强度. 本研究利用多模态光学脑成像测量了人脑前额叶的静息态功能连接. 10个正常成年人参加了实验测量,分别用近红外光谱和漫射相关谱在前额叶的相同位置记录了大脑8分钟的自发波动信号,测量覆盖区域包括左侧额下皮层及左背外侧前额叶. 低频段血氧代谢信号(包括含氧血红蛋白、脱氧血红蛋白及总血红蛋白浓度)用来揭示基于血氧信号的静息态功能连接,而相同频段的脑血流信号用来确定基于脑血流的静息态功能连接. 两类血液动力学参量的静息态功能连接均揭示:背外侧前额叶区域内的连接大于背外侧前额叶与额下皮层之间的区域间连接,显示相邻的背外侧前额叶和额下皮层是不同的功能区域. 此外定量比较基于两类血液动力学参量的功能连接发现,基于血氧代谢的连接有更大的连接强度,表明在同一个功能区内,静息时血氧代谢信号的时间同步性更高.  相似文献   

为了探讨RM6240型生物信号记录系统在记录诱发场突触后电位的应用,以成年雄性Wistar大鼠为模式动物,利用自制的镍铬合金丝电极装置来电刺激其内侧前额叶脑区,记录在伏隔核脑区诱发的场突触后电位;同时,用MATLAB软件和p Clamp10信号分析软件来分析场电位信号数据。结果表明:RM6240系统可记录可靠的内侧前额叶-伏隔核通路诱发场突触后电位,且信号至少能够稳定地维持1 h; MATLAB、p Clamp10软件可提高数据分析的效率。  相似文献   

局部场电位(local field potential,LFP)与神经元发放的锋电位(spike)之间的同步关系揭示了重要的神经编码信息。为了研究不同对比度的光栅刺激下猕猴视皮层V1区和V4区神经元的朝向选择性,本文将锋电位触发的相关矩阵同步方法应用于在猕猴视皮层V1区和V4区记录的微电极信号,发现spike与gamma频段LFP之间的同步与光栅朝向之间存在较强的相关性,反映了视觉刺激的基本特征信息。另外,神经元spike的发放速率虽然会受到光栅朝向的影响,但是在不同对比度下发放速率并无明显区别,而spike-LFP同步会随着对比度的增加而增加,能够反映出同一朝向下对比度的变化。本文还利用圆方差来量化spike-LFP同步的朝向调谐曲线,发现对比度越大,V1区和V4区神经元的朝向选择性越强,V1区神经元比V4区神经元具有更强的朝向选择性。总之,spike-LFP同步能够更深入地揭示视皮层神经元的朝向调谐特性,为研究朝向选择性的形成机制提供新的方向。  相似文献   

Hafting T  Fyhn M  Bonnevie T  Moser MB  Moser EI 《Nature》2008,453(7199):1248-1252
Theta-phase precession in hippocampal place cells is one of the best-studied experimental models of temporal coding in the brain. Theta-phase precession is a change in spike timing in which the place cell fires at progressively earlier phases of the extracellular theta rhythm as the animal crosses the spatially restricted firing field of the neuron. Within individual theta cycles, this phase advance results in a compressed replication of the firing sequence of consecutively activated place cells along the animal's trajectory, at a timescale short enough to enable spike-time-dependent plasticity between neurons in different parts of the sequence. The neuronal circuitry required for phase precession has not yet been established. The fact that phase precession can be seen in hippocampal output stuctures such as the prefrontal cortex suggests either that efferent structures inherit the precession from the hippocampus or that it is generated locally in those structures. Here we show that phase precession is expressed independently of the hippocampus in spatially modulated grid cells in layer II of medial entorhinal cortex, one synapse upstream of the hippocampus. Phase precession is apparent in nearly all principal cells in layer II but only sparsely in layer III. The precession in layer II is not blocked by inactivation of the hippocampus, suggesting that the phase advance is generated in the grid cell network. The results point to possible mechanisms for grid formation and raise the possibility that hippocampal phase precession is inherited from entorhinal cortex.  相似文献   

Neuronal correlates of parametric working memory in the prefrontal cortex.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
R Romo  C D Brody  A Hernández  L Lemus 《Nature》1999,399(6735):470-473
Humans and monkeys have similar abilities to discriminate the difference in frequency between two mechanical vibrations applied sequentially to the fingertips. A key component of this sensory task is that the second stimulus is compared with the trace left by the first (base) stimulus, which must involve working memory. Where and how is this trace held in the brain? This question was investigated by recording from single neurons in the prefrontal cortex of monkeys while they performed the somatosensory discrimination task. Here we describe neurons in the inferior convexity of the prefrontal cortex whose discharge rates varied, during the delay period between the two stimuli, as a monotonic function of the base stimulus frequency. We describe this as 'monotonic stimulus encoding', and we suggest that the result may generalize: monotonic stimulus encoding may be the basic representation of one-dimensional sensory stimulus quantities in working memory. Thus we predict that other behavioural tasks that require ordinal comparisons between scalar analogue stimuli would give rise to monotonic responses similar to those reported here.  相似文献   

Neurons in medial prefrontal cortex signal memory for fear extinction   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Milad MR  Quirk GJ 《Nature》2002,420(6911):70-74
Conditioned fear responses to a tone previously paired with a shock diminish if the tone is repeatedly presented without the shock, a process known as extinction. Since Pavlov it has been hypothesized that extinction does not erase conditioning, but forms a new memory. Destruction of the ventral medial prefrontal cortex, which consists of infralimbic and prelimbic cortices, blocks recall of fear extinction, indicating that medial prefrontal cortex might store long-term extinction memory. Here we show that infralimbic neurons recorded during fear conditioning and extinction fire to the tone only when rats are recalling extinction on the following day. Rats that froze the least showed the greatest increase in infralimbic tone responses. We also show that conditioned tones paired with brief electrical stimulation of infralimbic cortex elicit low freezing in rats that had not been extinguished. Thus, stimulation resembling extinction-induced infralimbic tone responses is able to simulate extinction memory. We suggest that consolidation of extinction learning potentiates infralimbic activity, which inhibits fear during subsequent encounters with fear stimuli.  相似文献   

Independent rate and temporal coding in hippocampal pyramidal cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Huxter J  Burgess N  O'Keefe J 《Nature》2003,425(6960):828-832
In the brain, hippocampal pyramidal cells use temporal as well as rate coding to signal spatial aspects of the animal's environment or behaviour. The temporal code takes the form of a phase relationship to the concurrent cycle of the hippocampal electroencephalogram theta rhythm. These two codes could each represent a different variable. However, this requires the rate and phase to vary independently, in contrast to recent suggestions that they are tightly coupled, both reflecting the amplitude of the cell's input. Here we show that the time of firing and firing rate are dissociable, and can represent two independent variables: respectively the animal's location within the place field, and its speed of movement through the field. Independent encoding of location together with actions and stimuli occurring there may help to explain the dual roles of the hippocampus in spatial and episodic memory, or may indicate a more general role of the hippocampus in relational/declarative memory.  相似文献   

G Heit  M E Smith  E Halgren 《Nature》1988,333(6175):773-775
Patients with lesions in the medial temporal lobe (MTL) of the brain, which includes the hippocampus, amygdala and parahippocampal gyrus, are severely impaired in their ability to remember and recognize words or faces which they saw only a short time ago. These lesions also prevent the effect of word repetition on cortical event-related potentials that are associated with these tasks. We have been able to study the response of individual neurons in the human medial temporal lobe to such delayed recognition tasks in epileptic patients undergoing neurosurgery. We found that some MTL neurons preferentially fired on sight of one particular word from a set of ten words used in a memory task, and others fired in response to one particular face. This stimulus-specific firing was maximal during the time that the neocortical event potentials are most sensitive to stimulus repetition, suggesting that the MTL contributes specific information to the cortex during the retrieval of recent memories.  相似文献   

Fyhn M  Hafting T  Treves A  Moser MB  Moser EI 《Nature》2007,446(7132):190-194
A fundamental property of many associative memory networks is the ability to decorrelate overlapping input patterns before information is stored. In the hippocampus, this neuronal pattern separation is expressed as the tendency of ensembles of place cells to undergo extensive 'remapping' in response to changes in the sensory or motivational inputs to the hippocampus. Remapping is expressed under some conditions as a change of firing rates in the presence of a stable place code ('rate remapping'), and under other conditions as a complete reorganization of the hippocampal place code in which both place and rate of firing take statistically independent values ('global remapping'). Here we show that the nature of hippocampal remapping can be predicted by ensemble dynamics in place-selective grid cells in the medial entorhinal cortex, one synapse upstream of the hippocampus. Whereas rate remapping is associated with stable grid fields, global remapping is always accompanied by a coordinate shift in the firing vertices of the grid cells. Grid fields of co-localized medial entorhinal cortex cells move and rotate in concert during this realignment. In contrast to the multiple environment-specific representations coded by place cells in the hippocampus, local ensembles of grid cells thus maintain a constant spatial phase structure, allowing position to be represented and updated by the same translation mechanism in all environments encountered by the animal.  相似文献   

情景记忆是由自我、自我觉知和主观时间组成的惟一指向过去的认知神经系统,它使心理时间旅行成为可能。与其他记忆系统相比,情景记忆的独特性不仅表现在提取信息时伴随着自我觉知,指向过去,而且情景记忆还有其独特的脑定位,许多研究支持情景记忆的编码主要与大脑的左半球有关,提取主要与右半球有关。由于情景记忆与自我、意识有密切的关系,情景记忆的研究必将极大地推动记忆与意识的研究。  相似文献   

To investigate the neural mechanism of semantic representation and color context binding, we used electroencephalograph time frequency and coherence analyses to reveal local and long-range functional coupling in the encoding and retrieval phases of episodic memory. Fifteen undergraduates participated in the experiment and middle-frequency double-character Chinese words were used as stimuli in two types of study-test tasks (context recall and context recognition tests). Significant differences between item+context and item in the encoding phase were observed at the electrodes in the frontal region at 600–800 ms by time frequency analysis. Further differences were observed at 800 ms by independent component analysis: the frontal component and the coherent component of the triangle phase locking structure among the prefrontal, right parietal and left parietal-occipital regions. In the retrieval phase, differences between item+context and item were found on the electrodes at the central parietal and parietal-occipital regions at 400 ms by time frequency analysis, on the parietal-occipital component at 800 ms by independent component analysis and on the coherence component of the anterior right hemisphere and parietal-occipital regions at 1400 ms. In conclusion, the different effects of encoding and retrieval processing on ‘binding’ are reflected by the differing extents that brain regions engaged in cognitive operations. In the retrieval phase in particular, activities of the parietal-occipital region were specifically associated with ‘binding’, and coherence between frontal and temporal-parietal regions is a common brain activity in episodic memory.  相似文献   

目的:探讨急性应激对小鼠空间学习记忆功能的影响及其机制。方法:采用足底电击的方法建立急性应激模型小鼠,通过Morris水迷宫实验观察小鼠空间学习记忆功能的变化;并且测定小鼠海马和前脑皮层胶质细胞源性神经营养因子的表达。结果:与对照组小鼠相比,在水迷宫实验中,急性应激组小鼠空间学习记忆显著提高(P〈0.05);脑内海马CA1区、CA3区、齿状回和前脑皮层GDNF的表达明显增强(P〈0.01)。结论:急性应激使小鼠空间学习记忆功能的提高可能与GDNF表达的上调密切相关。  相似文献   

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