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Learning and memory depend on long-term synaptic plasticity including long-term potentiation (LTP) and depression (LTD). Activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein (Arc) plays versatile roles in synaptic plasticity mainly through inducing F-actin formation, underlying consolidation of LTP, and promoting AMPA receptor (AMPAR) endocytosis, underlying LTD. Insulin can also induce LTD by facilitating the internalization of AMPARs. In neuroblastoma cells, insulin induced a dramatic increase in Arc mRNA and Arc protein levels, which may underlie the memory-enhancing action of insulin. Thus, a hypothesis was made that, in response to insulin, increased AMPAR endocytosis leads to enhanced Arc expression, and vice versa. Primary cultures of neonatal Sprague–Dawley rat cortical neurons were used. Using Western-blot analysis and immunofluorescent staining, our results reveal that inhibiting AMPAR-mediated responses with AMPAR antagonists significantly enhanced whereas blocking AMPAR endocytosis with various reagents significantly prevented insulin (200 nM, 2 h)-induced Arc expression. Furthermore, via surface biotinylation assay, we demonstrate that acute blockade of new Arc synthesis after insulin stimulation using Arc antisense oligodeoxynucleotide prevented insulin-stimulated AMPAR endocytosis. These findings suggest for the first time that an interaction exists between insulin-stimulated AMPAR endocytosis and insulin-induced Arc expression.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells require selective sorting and transport of cargo between intracellular compartments. This is accomplished at least in part by vesicles that bud from a donor compartment, sequestering a subset of resident protein “cargos” destined for transport to an acceptor compartment. A key step in vesicle formation and targeting is the recruitment of specific proteins that form a coat on the outside of the vesicle in a process requiring the activation of regulatory GTPases of the ARF family. Like all such GTPases, ARFs cycle between inactive, GDP-bound, and membrane-associated active, GTP-bound, conformations. And like most regulatory GTPases the activating step is slow and thought to be rate limiting in cells, requiring the use of ARF guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEFs). ARF GEFs are characterized by the presence of a conserved, catalytic Sec7 domain, though they also contain motifs or additional domains that confer specificity to localization and regulation of activity. These domains have been used to define and classify five different sub-families of ARF GEFs. One of these, the BIG/GBF1 family, includes three proteins that are each key regulators of the secretory pathway. GEF activity initiates the coating of nascent vesicles via the localized generation of activated ARFs and thus these GEFs are the upstream regulators that define the site and timing of vesicle production. Paradoxically, while we have detailed molecular knowledge of how GEFs activate ARFs, we know very little about how GEFs are recruited and/or activated at the right time and place to initiate transport. This review summarizes the current knowledge of GEF regulation and explores the still uncertain mechanisms that position GEFs at “budding ready” membrane sites to generate highly localized activated ARFs.  相似文献   

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a secreted protein of the neurotrophin family that regulates brain development, synaptogenesis, memory and learning, as well as development of peripheral organs, such as angiogenesis in the heart and postnatal growth and repair of skeletal muscle. However, while precise regulation of BDNF levels is an important determinant in defining the biological outcome, the role of microRNAs (miRs) in modulating BDNF expression has not been extensively analyzed. Using in silico approaches, reporter systems, and analysis of endogenous BDNF, we show that miR-1, miR-10b, miR-155, and miR-191 directly repress BDNF through binding to their predicted sites in BDNF 3′UTR. We find that the overexpression of miR-1 and miR-10b suppresses endogenous BDNF protein levels and that silencing endogenous miR-10b increases BDNF mRNA and protein levels. Furthermore, we show that miR-1/206 binding sites within BDNF 3′UTR are used in differentiated myotubes but not in undifferentiated myoblasts. Finally, our data from two cell lines suggest that endogenous miR-1/206 and miR-10 family miRs act cooperatively in suppressing BDNF through their predicted sites in BDNF 3′UTR. In conclusion, our results highlight miR-1, miR-10b, miR-155, and miR-191 as novel regulators of BDNF long and short 3′UTR isoforms, supporting future research in different physiological and pathological contexts.  相似文献   

The channel kinases TRPM6 and TRPM7 are both members of the melastatin-related transient receptor potential (TRPM) subfamily of ion channels and the only known fusions of an ion channel pore with a kinase domain. TRPM6 and TRPM7 form functional, tetrameric channel complexes at the plasma membrane by heteromerization. TRPM6 was previously shown to cross-phosphorylate TRPM7 on threonine residues, but not vice versa. Genetic studies demonstrated that TRPM6 and TRPM7 fulfill non-redundant functions and that each channel contributes uniquely to the regulation of Mg2+ homeostasis. Although there are indications that TRPM6 and TRPM7 can influence each other’s cellular distribution and activity, little is known about the functional relationship between these two channel-kinases. In the present study, we examined how TRPM6 kinase activity influences TRPM7 serine phosphorylation, intracellular trafficking, and cell surface expression of TRPM7, as well as Mg2+-dependent cellular growth. We found TRPM7 serine phosphorylation via the TRPM6 kinase, but no TRPM6 serine phosphorylation via the TRPM7 kinase. Intracellular trafficking of TRPM7 was altered in HEK-293 epithelial kidney cells and DT40 B cells in the presence of TRPM6 with intact kinase activity, independently of the availability of extracellular Mg2+, but TRPM6/7 surface labeling experiments indicate comparable levels of the TRPM6/7 channels at the plasma membrane. Furthermore, using a complementation approach in TRPM7-deficient DT40 B-cells, we demonstrated that wild-type TRPM6 inhibited cell growth under hypomagnesic cell culture conditions in cells co-expressing TRPM6 and TRPM7; however, co-expression of a TRPM6 kinase dead mutant had no effect—a similar phenotype was also observed in TRPM6/7 co-expressing HEK-293 cells. Our results provide first clues about how heteromer formation between TRPM6 and TRPM7 influences the biological activity of these ion channels. We show that TRPM6 regulates TRPM7 intracellular trafficking and TRPM7-dependent cell growth. All these effects are dependent upon the presence of an active TRPM6 kinase domain. Dysregulated Mg2+-homeostasis causes or exacerbates many pathologies. As TRPM6 and TRPM7 are expressed simultaneously in numerous cell types, understanding how their relationship impacts regulation of Mg2+-uptake is thus important knowledge.  相似文献   

Two-pore channel proteins (TPC) encode intracellular ion channels in both animals and plants. In mammalian cells, the two isoforms (TPC1 and TPC2) localize to the endo-lysosomal compartment, whereas the plant TPC1 protein is targeted to the membrane surrounding the large lytic vacuole. Although it is well established that plant TPC1 channels activate in a voltage- and calcium-dependent manner in vitro, there is still debate on their activation under physiological conditions. Likewise, the mode of animal TPC activation is heavily disputed between two camps favoring as activator either nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP) or the phosphoinositide PI(3,5)P2. Here, we investigated TPC current responses to either of these second messengers by whole-vacuole patch-clamp experiments on isolated vacuoles of Arabidopsis thaliana. After expression in mesophyll protoplasts from Arabidopsis tpc1 knock-out plants, we detected the Arabidopsis TPC1-EGFP and human TPC2-EGFP fusion proteins at the membrane of the large central vacuole. Bath (cytosolic) application of either NAADP or PI(3,5)P2 did not affect the voltage- and calcium-dependent characteristics of AtTPC1-EGFP. By contrast, PI(3,5)P2 elicited large sodium currents in hTPC2-EGFP-containing vacuoles, while NAADP had no such effect. Analogous results were obtained when PI(3,5)P2 was applied to hTPC2 expressed in baker’s yeast giant vacuoles. Our results underscore the fundamental differences in the mode of current activation and ion selectivity between animal and plant TPC proteins and corroborate the PI(3,5)P2-mediated activation and Na+ selectivity of mammalian TPC2.  相似文献   

Understanding the targets and mechanisms of human immunity to malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum is crucial for advancing effective vaccines and developing tools for measuring immunity and exposure in populations. Acquired immunity to malaria predominantly targets the blood stage of infection when merozoites of Plasmodium spp. infect erythrocytes and replicate within them. During the intra-erythrocytic development of P. falciparum, numerous parasite-derived antigens are expressed on the surface of infected erythrocytes (IEs). These antigens enable P. falciparum-IEs to adhere in the vasculature and accumulate in multiple organs, which is a key process in the pathogenesis of disease. IE surface antigens, often referred to as variant surface antigens, are important targets of acquired protective immunity and include PfEMP1, RIFIN, STEVOR and SURFIN. These antigens are highly polymorphic and encoded by multigene families, which generate substantial antigenic diversity to mediate immune evasion. The most important immune target appears to be PfEMP1, which is a major ligand for vascular adhesion and sequestration of IEs. Studies are beginning to identify specific variants of PfEMP1 linked to disease pathogenesis that may be suitable for vaccine development, but overcoming antigenic diversity in PfEMP1 remains a major challenge. Much less is known about other surface antigens, or antigens on the surface of gametocyte-IEs, the effector mechanisms that mediate immunity, and how immunity is acquired and maintained over time; these are important topics for future research.  相似文献   

Myostatin, a member of the transforming growth factor-β superfamily, is a potent negative regulator of skeletal muscle growth and is conserved in many species, from rodents to humans. Myostatin inactivation can induce skeletal muscle hypertrophy, while its overexpression or systemic administration causes muscle atrophy. As it represents a potential target for stimulating muscle growth and/or preventing muscle wasting, myostatin regulation and functions in the control of muscle mass have been extensively studied. A wealth of data strongly suggests that alterations in skeletal muscle mass are associated with dysregulation in myostatin expression. Moreover, myostatin plays a central role in integrating/mediating anabolic and catabolic responses. Myostatin negatively regulates the activity of the Akt pathway, which promotes protein synthesis, and increases the activity of the ubiquitin–proteasome system to induce atrophy. Several new studies have brought new information on how myostatin may affect both ribosomal biogenesis and translation efficiency of specific mRNA subclasses. In addition, although myostatin has been identified as a modulator of the major catabolic pathways, including the ubiquitin–proteasome and the autophagy–lysosome systems, the underlying mechanisms are only partially understood. The goal of this review is to highlight outstanding questions about myostatin-mediated regulation of the anabolic and catabolic signaling pathways in skeletal muscle. Particular emphasis has been placed on (1) the cross-regulation between myostatin, the growth-promoting pathways and the proteolytic systems; (2) how myostatin inhibition leads to muscle hypertrophy; and (3) the regulation of translation by myostatin.  相似文献   

Zinc transporters, the Zrt-, Irt-like protein (ZIP) family and the Zn transporter (ZnT) family transporters, are found in all aspects of life. Increasing evidence has clarified the molecular mechanism, in which both transporters play critical roles in cellular and physiological functions via mobilizing zinc across the cellular membrane. In the last decade, mutations in ZIP and ZnT transporter genes have been shown to be implicated in a number of inherited human diseases. Moreover, dysregulation of expression and activity of both transporters has been suggested to be involved in the pathogenesis and progression of chronic diseases including cancer, immunological impairment, and neurodegenerative diseases, although comprehensive understanding is far from complete. The diverse phenotypes of diseases related to ZIP and ZnT transporters reflect the multifarious biological functions of both transporters. The present review summarizes the current understanding of ZIP and ZnT transporter functions from the standpoint of human health and diseases. The study of zinc transporters is currently of great clinical interest.  相似文献   

With the advent of genomic sequences and next-generation sequencing technologies (RNA-Seq), multiple repertoires of olfactory proteins in various insect species are being unraveled. However, functional analyses are lagging behind due in part to the lack of simple and reliable methods for heterologous expression of odorant receptors (ORs). While the Xenopus oocyte recording system fulfills some of this lacuna, this system is devoid of other olfactory proteins, thus testing only the “naked” ORs. Recently, a moth OR was expressed in the majority of neurons in the antennae of the fruit fly using Orco-GAL4 to drive expression of the moth OR. Electroantennogram (EAG) was used to de-orphanize the moth OR, but generic application of this approach was brought to question. Here, we describe that this system works with ORs not only from taxonomically distant insect species (moth), but also closely related species (mosquito), even when the fruit fly has highly sensitive innate ORs for the odorant being tested. We demonstrate that Orco-GAL4 flies expressing the silkworm pheromone receptor, BmorOR1, showed significantly higher responses to the sex pheromone bombykol than the control lines used to drive expression. Additionally, we show that flies expressing an OR from the Southern house mosquito, CquiOR2, gave significantly stronger responses to the cognate odorants indole and 2-methylphenol than the “background noise” recorder from control lines. In summary, we validate the use of Orco-GAL4 driven UAS-OR lines along with EAG analysis as a simple alternative for de-orphanization and functional studies of insect ORs in an intact olfactory system.  相似文献   

Chemotaxis, or directed migration of cells along a chemical gradient, is a highly coordinated process that involves gradient sensing, motility, and polarity. Most of our understanding of chemotaxis comes from studies of cells undergoing amoeboid-type migration, in particular the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum and leukocytes. In these amoeboid cells the molecular events leading to directed migration can be conceptually divided into four interacting networks: receptor/G protein, signal transduction, cytoskeleton, and polarity. The signal transduction network occupies a central position in this scheme as it receives direct input from the receptor/G protein network, as well as feedback from the cytoskeletal and polarity networks. Multiple overlapping modules within the signal transduction network transmit the signals to the actin cytoskeleton network leading to biased pseudopod protrusion in the direction of the gradient. The overall architecture of the networks, as well as the individual signaling modules, is remarkably conserved between Dictyostelium and mammalian leukocytes, and the similarities and differences between the two systems are the subject of this review.  相似文献   

Mitochondria move, fuse and divide in cells. The dynamic behavior of mitochondria is central to the control of their structure and function. Three conserved mitochondrial dynamin-related GTPases (i.e., mitofusin, Opa1 and Drp1 in mammals and Fzo1, Mgm1 and Dnm1 in yeast) mediate mitochondrial fusion and division. In addition to dynamins, recent studies demonstrated that phospholipids in mitochondria also play key roles in mitochondrial dynamics by interacting with dynamin GTPases and by directly changing the biophysical properties of the mitochondrial membranes. Changes in phospholipid composition also promote mitophagy, which is a selective mitochondrial degradation process that is mechanistically coupled to mitochondrial division. In this review, we will discuss the biogenesis and function of mitochondrial phospholipids.  相似文献   

Cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (cisplatin) is an effective chemotherapeutic drug for cancer therapy. However, most patients treated with cisplatin are at a high risk of ototoxicity, which causes severe hearing loss. Inspired by the “Good Samaritan effect” or “bystander effect” from gap junction coupling, we investigated the role of gap junctions in cisplatin-induced ototoxicity as a potential therapeutic method. We showed that connexin 43 (Cx43) was highly expressed in House Ear Institute-Organ of Corti 1 (HEI-OC1) cells, mediating cell–cell communication. The viability of HEI-OC1 cells was greatly decreased by cisplatin treatment, and cisplatin-treated HEI-OC1 cells showed lower Cx43 expression compared to that of untreated HEI-OC1 cells. In particular, high accumulation of Cx43 was observed around the nucleus of cisplatin-treated cells, whereas scattered punctuate expression of Cx43 was observed in the cytoplasm and membrane in normal cells, suggesting that cisplatin may interrupt the normal gap junction communication by inhibiting the trafficking of Cx43 to cell membranes in HEI-OC1 cells. Interestingly, we found that the inhibition of gap junction activity reduced cisplatin-induced apoptosis of auditory hair cells. Cx43 siRNA- or 18α-GA-treated HEI-OC1 cells showed higher cell viability compared to control HEI-OC1 cells during cisplatin treatment; this was also supported by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching studies. Inhibition of gap junction activity reduced recovery of calcein acetoxymethyl ester fluorescence compared to control cells. Additionally, analysis of the mechanisms involved demonstrated that highly activate extracellular signal-regulated kinase and protein kinase B, combined with inhibition of gap junctions may promote cell viability during cisplatin treatment.  相似文献   

Examination of a section of an otolith from a teleost fish by fast atom bombardment-secondary ion mass spectrometry (FAB-SIMS) revealed seasonal periodicity in Sr, Na, and K concentrations that corresponded with visually observed annual banding. Strontium maxima also corresponded with Na and K minima and vice versa. In addition there was a general, apparently age-related, trend in Sr levels, with concentrations at the edge of the otolith being higher than in the core.  相似文献   

Hyperglycaemia as a result of diabetes mellitus or acute illness is associated with increased susceptibility to respiratory infection with Staphylococcus aureus. Hyperglycaemia increases the concentration of glucose in airway surface liquid (ASL) and promotes the growth of S. aureus in vitro and in vivo. Whether elevation of other sugars in the blood, such as fructose, also results in increased concentrations in ASL is unknown and whether sugars in ASL are directly utilised by S. aureus for growth has not been investigated. We obtained mutant S. aureus JE2 strains with transposon disrupted sugar transport genes. NE768(fruA) exhibited restricted growth in 10 mM fructose. In H441 airway epithelial-bacterial co-culture, elevation of basolateral sugar concentration (5–20 mM) increased the apical growth of JE2. However, sugar-induced growth of NE768(fruA) was significantly less when basolateral fructose rather than glucose was elevated. This is the first experimental evidence to show that S. aureus directly utilises sugars present in the ASL for growth. Interestingly, JE2 growth was promoted less by glucose than fructose. Net transepithelial flux of d-glucose was lower than d-fructose. However, uptake of d-glucose was higher than d-fructose across both apical and basolateral membranes consistent with the presence of GLUT1/10 in the airway epithelium. Therefore, we propose that the preferential uptake of glucose (compared to fructose) limits its accumulation in ASL. Pre-treatment with metformin increased transepithelial resistance and reduced the sugar-dependent growth of S. aureus. Thus, epithelial paracellular permeability and glucose transport mechanisms are vital to maintain low glucose concentration in ASL and limit bacterial nutrient sources as a defence against infection.  相似文献   

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