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超导体中的库珀对通常是由一对自旋相反总自旋为零(自旋单态)的电子组成.然而,在某些特殊情况下,超导体中的库珀对可以是自旋三重态,这类超导体被称之为自旋三重态超导体.自旋三重态超导是非常罕见的量子现象,在已经发现的上万种超导体中,仅有几个超导体可能具有三重态配对.近几年,随着拓扑物态研究的深入,三重态超导体因为可能是拓扑超导的载体而越来越多地引起关注.本文简要地总结了几类可能的自旋三重态超导体的物理性质.  相似文献   

铁基超导体(iron-based superconductors)被认为是继铜基超导材料后的第二类高温超导家族,具有丰富的物理特性和广阔的应用前景,同时也为探究高温超导机制提供了全新的平台.利用33篇文献综述了几种典型的铁基超导体研究现状,同时简述了近期铁基超导体研究领域取得的一些进展,最后对其应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

不同于传统超导体,拓扑超导体是边缘态具有马约拉纳束缚态的新型量子体系,因其可承载"神秘"的马约拉纳费米子成为科学界尤其是凝聚态物理学界最受关注的前沿焦点之一。简要介绍了拓扑超导体和马约拉纳费米子的基本概念,总结和回顾了实现拓扑超导相和马约拉纳费米子的理论方案及近期观测马约拉纳费米子的代表性实验进展。  相似文献   

边间耦合引起的边间背散射是赋予狭窄的二维拓扑绝缘体的重要特性,能够大大地丰富拓扑超导电子学.本文在考虑边间耦合的情况下,使用基于Bogoliubov-de Gennes(BdG)方程的理论方法,研究了由狭窄的二维拓扑绝缘体构成的Josephson结,其中两个相距长度为d的超导电极置于同一边上.结果发现,通过改变d总可以导致0-π态转变,同时这0-π态转变能反过来证明边缘态螺旋性的自旋结构.引起这个新奇的结果的机制源于边间背散射引诱了一个额外的π相移,不同于由两个超导电极间铁磁体夹层厚度变化所引起的传统的0-π态转变.此外,在0-π态转变点处存在相当大的Josephson临界电流残余值.因此,这些结果在超导电子学器件的设计中具有潜在的应用价值,譬如,高性能的超流开关.  相似文献   

拓扑绝缘体是最近几年发现的一种全新的量子物态,是目前凝聚态物理学最活跃的研究前沿之一。拓扑绝缘体研究不仅对探索和发现新的量子现象具有重要意义,而且具有巨大应用前景和市场潜力。该文基于Web of Science(WOS)和Thomson Innovation(TI)数据库,对拓扑绝缘体研究论文和专利进行了定量分析,呈现了拓扑绝缘体研究的国际发展态势,并对中国拓扑绝缘体研究提出了建议。  相似文献   

超导体在磁场作用下向绝缘体转变《自然》(Nature)杂志10月18日发表的一项研究成果显示,当超导薄膜变得紊乱、并处在越来越强的磁  相似文献   

按照固体能带理论,固体的导电性质通常是由其能带结构所决定的.对于具有能隙的绝缘体或半导体,在压力的作用下其能带的展宽可以使能隙闭合,从而使系统发生绝缘体-金属相变,甚至在低温下呈现出超导电性.这种绝缘体-金属相变被称为“威尔森相变”.而“反威尔森相变”,即在压力的作用下产生金属(或超导体)-绝缘体转变是经典理论不能预测或解释的问题.本文将主要介绍最近在空穴掺杂铋系铜氧化物高温超导体中发现的压力导致的超导-绝缘体量子相变,并对其形成机制和生成绝缘相的性质进行了简要讨论.新发现的铜氧化物高温超导体中压致超导-绝缘体量子相变不仅提供了一个强关联电子系统在压力下产生奇异量子态的新范例,也说明了超导与其紧邻量子态在压力调制参量作用下所表现出的“同源性”,这为深刻理解强关联电子系统中超导态与其他各种量子态之间的关系提供了新的实验依据.此外,分析了这种超导-绝缘体量子相变的普适性,并提出了在此方面开展进一步研究的一些关键问题.作者希望通过本文的介绍能使读者对铜氧化物高温超导体中高压导致的超导-绝缘体相变实验研究方面的新进展和其可能存在的普适意义有所了解,同时希望能对高温超导机理的深入理解及为最终高温...  相似文献   

 超导是电子在固体物质中发生的一类神奇的量子凝聚现象,具有丰富的量子力学内涵和重要的应用前景。超导体表现出零电阻、完全抗磁性、宏观量子相干等奇异特性,可广泛用于能源、信息、交通、医疗、国防、重大科学工程等方面。回顾了铁基超导体发现历程,以及中国科学家在其中扮演的重要角色。铁基超导的发现是中国超导基础研究的重要转折点,不仅引起了国际学术界高度和广泛的关注,而且从此中国学者在国际超导研究的众多方向起到了引领的作用。  相似文献   

插层铁硒基超导体作为铁基超导的重要组成部分,是近年来凝聚态物理领域的研究热点.它们不仅具有高的超导转变温度(Tc),而且有着迥异于其他铁基超导体的费米面电子结构,挑战了原有的超导电子配对机理.然而由于电负性平衡的要求,使用传统高温固相反应得到的晶体无法避免相分离的发生,其中含有大量Fe空位的非超导相,严重干扰对其本征物性的研究.为获得单相的插层铁硒基超导体,人们提出了液氨法,利用低温获得无Fe空位的插层铁硒基超导亚稳相.随后,溶剂热法和水热法等低温插层方法相继被提出.本文回顾了插层铁硒基超导体的设计理念和发展历程,综述了几种典型低温插层方法及其研究进展,同时提出了未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

铁基超导体具有上临界场高、临界电流密度大且各向异性小等优点,在超导强场磁体、可控核聚变、粒子加速器等国计民生领域具有重要的应用前景.对铁基超导体磁通动力学的研究,一方面可以进一步加深对磁通物理学的认知,同时也可为设计制造性能优异的铁基超导材料提供技术支持.本文首先简要介绍了典型铁基超导单晶材料的合成技术,包括熔融法、助熔剂法、化学气相输运法、热液法等;然后分别从铁基超导体的磁通及磁通晶格结构、磁通钉扎及磁通动力学等方面简要总结了相关研究进展.  相似文献   

电子、晶格、自旋和轨道微观自由度对超导材料的宏观特性起到至关重要的作用.在超导体系中,特别是非常规超导材料,这些自由度衍生出具有不同能量尺度的玻色激发和有序态.前者如声子、磁振子、电荷密度波、自旋密度波、自旋涨落、向列涨落等;后者如超导态、赝能隙态、向列相、反铁磁/铁磁等.前者与后者的形成密切相关.尤其是,不同的玻色激发在频域内纠缠在一起彼此相互作用,同时又与电子(或准粒子)耦合,构建出复杂而又丰富的平衡态和非平衡态物理过程.超快光谱技术的独特性在于具有宽能量范围和高时间分辨率的特点,利用光(电磁波)与超导材料相互作用中的线性和非线性响应,可以共振或非共振地探测与调控这类材料中的准平衡或非平衡态动力学属性.因为桌面超快光谱系统功能全面且具有很大的灵活性,它不仅被应用于超导体系,而且被广泛应用于其他各种无机和有机材料.由于非平衡态理论,特别是与关联电子体系相关的,目前还处在快速发展的阶段,所以本综述主要介绍了常用的桌面超快光谱技术和目前被广泛使用的相关分析理论,聚焦于讨论超导材料中超快光谱实验数据涌现出来的一些普适性趋势及进展.所涉及的超导材料包含了常规超导体、铜氧化物超导体、铁基超导体和重费米子超导体.  相似文献   

高温超导体因其丰富的物理性质和潜在的应用价值已成为30余年来凝聚态物理学备受关注的前沿方向之一.探索和发现新型高温超导体并以此建立非常规高温超导电性的物理机制是超导物理学家们长期追求的目标.本文从高温超导体的研究现状和瓶颈出发,介绍基于异质外延薄膜高温超导电性的原子尺度研究,阐述近年来分子束外延技术在高温超导薄膜制备和量子调控方面取得的研究进展.在外延薄膜超导特性表征方面,着重介绍基于原位扫描隧道显微镜对超导层的原子尺度研究.在新型高温超导体探索方面,主要介绍基于异质外延薄膜界面超导体系的构筑.本文侧重于展示实验设计思路、研究方法以及对高温超导电性微观机制的理解,力图以此启发相关领域的研究人员.  相似文献   

介绍了经典霍尔效应、量子霍尔效应和反常量子霍尔效应,以及在石墨烯、拓扑绝缘体等纳米新材料发展过程中的应用.  相似文献   

Gomes KK  Mar W  Ko W  Guinea F  Manoharan HC 《Nature》2012,483(7389):306-310
The observation of massless Dirac fermions in monolayer graphene has generated a new area of science and technology seeking to harness charge carriers that behave relativistically within solid-state materials. Both massless and massive Dirac fermions have been studied and proposed in a growing class of Dirac materials that includes bilayer graphene, surface states of topological insulators and iron-based high-temperature superconductors. Because the accessibility of this physics is predicated on the synthesis of new materials, the quest for Dirac quasi-particles has expanded to artificial systems such as lattices comprising ultracold atoms. Here we report the emergence of Dirac fermions in a fully tunable condensed-matter system-molecular graphene-assembled by atomic manipulation of carbon monoxide molecules over a conventional two-dimensional electron system at a copper surface. Using low-temperature scanning tunnelling microscopy and spectroscopy, we embed the symmetries underlying the two-dimensional Dirac equation into electron lattices, and then visualize and shape the resulting ground states. These experiments show the existence within the system of linearly dispersing, massless quasi-particles accompanied by a density of states characteristic of graphene. We then tune the quantum tunnelling between lattice sites locally to adjust the phase accrual of propagating electrons. Spatial texturing of lattice distortions produces atomically sharp p-n and p-n-p junction devices with two-dimensional control of Dirac fermion density and the power to endow Dirac particles with mass. Moreover, we apply scalar and vector potentials locally and globally to engender topologically distinct ground states and, ultimately, embedded gauge fields, wherein Dirac electrons react to 'pseudo' electric and magnetic fields present in their reference frame but absent from the laboratory frame. We demonstrate that Landau levels created by these gauge fields can be taken to the relativistic magnetic quantum limit, which has so far been inaccessible in natural graphene. Molecular graphene provides a versatile means of synthesizing exotic topological electronic phases in condensed matter using tailored nanostructures.  相似文献   

Despite twenty years of research, the phase diagram of high-transition-temperature superconductors remains enigmatic. A central issue is the origin of the differences in the physical properties of these copper oxides doped to opposite sides of the superconducting region. In the overdoped regime, the material behaves as a reasonably conventional metal, with a large Fermi surface. The underdoped regime, however, is highly anomalous and appears to have no coherent Fermi surface, but only disconnected 'Fermi arcs'. The fundamental question, then, is whether underdoped copper oxides have a Fermi surface, and if so, whether it is topologically different from that seen in the overdoped regime. Here we report the observation of quantum oscillations in the electrical resistance of the oxygen-ordered copper oxide YBa2Cu3O6.5, establishing the existence of a well-defined Fermi surface in the ground state of underdoped copper oxides, once superconductivity is suppressed by a magnetic field. The low oscillation frequency reveals a Fermi surface made of small pockets, in contrast to the large cylinder characteristic of the overdoped regime. Two possible interpretations are discussed: either a small pocket is part of the band structure specific to YBa2Cu3O6.5 or small pockets arise from a topological change at a critical point in the phase diagram. Our understanding of high-transition-temperature (high-T(c)) superconductors will depend critically on which of these two interpretations proves to be correct.  相似文献   

Sachdev S  Starykh OA 《Nature》2000,405(6784):322-325
In many two-dimensional superconducting systems, such as Josephson-junction arrays, granular superconducting films, and the high-temperature superconductors, it appears that the electrons bind into Cooper pairs below a pairing temperature (T(P)) that is well above the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature (T(KT)) the temperature below which there is long-range superconducting order). The electron dynamics at temperatures between T(KT) and T(P) involve a complex interplay of thermal and quantum fluctuations, for which no quantitative theory exists. Here we report numerical results for this region, by exploiting its proximity to a T = 0 superconductor-insulator quantum phase transition. This quantum critical point need not be experimentally accessible for our results to apply. We characterize the static, thermodynamic properties by a single dimensionless parameter, gamma(T). Quantitative and universal results are obtained for the frequency dependence of the conductivity, which are dependent only upon gamma(T) and fundamental constants of nature.  相似文献   

As first pointed out by Bardeen and Ginzburg in the early sixties, the amount of magnetic flux carried by vortices in superconducting materials depends on their distance from the sample edge, and can be smaller than one flux quantum, phi0 = h/2e (where h is Planck's constant and e is the electronic charge). In bulk superconductors, this reduction of flux becomes negligible at submicrometre distances from the edge, but in thin films the effect may survive much farther into the material. But the effect has not been observed experimentally, and it is often assumed that magnetic field enters type II superconductors in units of phi0. Here we measure the amount of flux introduced by individual vortices in a superconducting film, finding that the flux always differs substantially from phi0. We have observed vortices that carry as little as 0.001phi0, as well as 'negative vortices', whose penetration leads to the expulsion of magnetic field. We distinguish two phenomena responsible for non-quantized flux penetration: the finite-size effect and a nonlinear screening of the magnetic field due to the presence of a surface barrier. The latter effect has not been considered previously, but is likely to cause non-quantized penetration in most cases.  相似文献   

拓扑平带模型属于著名Haldane模型的扩展版本,至少有一个能带具有非平庸的拓扑性质,即有非零的陈数(Chernnumber),而且该能带的带宽很窄,同时与其他能带间有较大能隙.最近通过对拓扑平带上强关联相互作用的费米子和玻色子品格体系的系统数值进行研究,发现了一类新奇的阿贝尔型和非阿贝尔型分数量子霍尔效应.新发现的分数量子霍尔效应不同于传统朗道能级上的连续型分数量子霍尔效应,无须外加强磁场,有较大特征能隙,可在较高温度下存在,无需单粒子朗道能级,不能用常规Laughlin波函数描述.这些无外加磁场、无朗道能级的分数化现象,定义了一类新的分数拓扑相,也称为分数陈绝缘体,其中的分数量子霍尔效应也称为分数量子反常霍尔效应.该新领域在近期引起了国际凝聚态物理学界的研究热情与广泛关注.对笔者与合作者在该领域的系列研究工作进行综述介绍,以期引起国内外同行的进一步研究兴趣.  相似文献   

点接触实验方法最早被用于研究固体材料中的元激发,后来发展到研究超导/普通金属界面上的Andreev反射现象,并利用这种现象探测超导序参量.随着拓扑材料以及拓扑超导领域研究的兴起,点接触实验方法在该领域也发挥了重要的作用.最近几年,点接触实验方法被用于在多种拓扑半金属材料表面诱导并探测超导信号,使其应用范围得到了进一步拓展.本文简要介绍了点接触的基本原理、利用点接触探测样品超导性质的方法以及点接触技术本身的发展,简单回顾了点接触在拓扑超导候选材料中的研究,最后介绍了点接触针尖诱导超导现象的发现以及进展.  相似文献   

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