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Professor Li Tie -min was born in Liaoning,P. R. China in 1960. He is the member of Jiu San Society, professor of Faculty of Life Science and graduate student supervisor. He received his bachelor degree in microbiology at Liaoning University in 1982, and then worked as a teacher at the same university. He received both his master degree in microbiology in 1989 and his Ph. D degree in pathogen biology in 2007 at China Medical University. He promoted to associate professor in 1994 and to professor in 1999. He moved to Gifu University, Japan as a visiting scientist engaging in research on the pathogenesis mechanisms of patho- genic bacteria during 1996 -1998.  相似文献   

阿什姜·赞杰先生是果洛阿什姜贡麻仓部落世袭土官后裔。他先后担任青海省政协委员、果洛藏族自治州政协常委、甘德县政协副主席和县人大副主任等职。文章通过对这一血缘与地缘结合状态的典型部落后裔的对话,主要探讨了"三果洛"的历史渊源、组织结构、后期的发展及其相关的法律条文等。  相似文献   

Professor Chen Ci-chang, male, was born in Sep. 1948,in Leshan Sichuang Province. He was graduated from Xihua University with a degree in water-professional major in 1977,graduated from Jiangsu University with a degree in master, and graduated from Kyushu University in Japan with a degree in doctor. He has been the deputy director in drainage and irrigation machinery Institute in Jiangsu University, the associate professor and visiting professor in Kyushu University in Japan,the deputy director, director, doctoral tutor in Jiangsu University Power Train Institute,deputy president in Xihua University. He got the allowance from the State Council Government in 1992, member of the 8th People's Congress, the jury committee member of Award for Science and Technology Advancement in Ministry of Machine Building, vice-chairman of agricultural machinery association in Jiangsu Province. He is now Vice-president,professor, doctoral tutor in South West Petroleum University, the scholarship leaders, Vice-president of CPPCC in Sichuan Province.Thus far he has guided twenty doctoral students and forty postgraduate students. He has done a lot of work in the aspect of numerical simulation of fluid machinery fluiding, improvement performance and modern test technology;the design theory and method of pump; the multiphase flowing internal fluid machinery; optimum design of low noise and cross flow fan; products development of fluid machinery intelligent system;storage and transportation engineering of petroleum ,natural gas and so on. He has completed nearly 30 projects of the National Natural Science Foundation and Ministry of Science and Technology 973 Project,which are state provincial and ministerial level research projects. He has won paper award of turbine machinery society in japan in 1999,and has received a number of provincial and ministerial level awards such as Sichuan Province, ministry of machine building,ministry of education, Science and Technology Progress Award of Jiangsu Province and so on.CHEN Ci-chan has published five books, one translated book and one collaborated collected paper;has published about 130 papers in the journals at home and abroad; obtained one national patent, one utility model patent.He has been to Dozens of countries, such as the United States ,Canada and so on giving lectures and exchanging communication. He has taken the chair many times as the executive chairman of the International Conference.He is currently the fluid machinery professional committee member of Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics; Pump and Pumping Station Professional committee member of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower; committee member of institute of physics in Chinese Academy of Sciences; committee member of Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of water power project; vice-chairman of Sichuan Institute of hydro-electric power project; vice-chairman of Sichuan Institute of Agricultural Machinery; vice-chairman of Chengdu Institute of Mechanical Engineering; member of Japan Society of Mechanical.  相似文献   

臧树良教授 1951年8月出生于沈阳市。1975年毕业于辽宁大学化学系后留校任教。1980~1982年于厦门大学化学系研修分析化学专业,师从国内著名电分析化学家杨孙楷教授。1988年4月通过国家出国留学考试,获中国政府奖学金被公派到联邦德国留学,1996年获自然科学博士学位。1997年3月出任辽宁大学副校长。2001年被华东师范大学分析化学专业聘为博士生导师。担任辽宁省稀散元素重点实验室主任、中国稀散金属学术委员会副主任、辽宁省留学归国博士联合会副理事长、辽宁省科协副主席。国家和辽宁省的二级百千万人才工程百人层次人选者。荣获国家、辽宁省和沈阳市三级优秀专家及国务院特殊津贴,沈阳市劳动模范等。从事化学教学与科研工作30余年。主讲《分析化学》、《稀散元素化学》、《环境污染控制化学》等10余门专业基础课,曾获得辽宁大学大学生最喜爱的教师的称号。  相似文献   

藏族著名学者巴桑罗布先生曾任《西藏民兵杂志社》社长、西藏林芝军分区副政委、西藏社会科学院副院长、西藏自治区人大常委会副秘书长、西藏自治区人大法制委员会主任等职务.先后被聘为西藏大学客座教授、西藏民族学院和西藏社会主义学院兼职教授、西藏社会科学院和四川大学特邀研究员、中国法学会和中国宪法学研究会理事、中国法学会西藏分会副会长.曾任中国民族学会理事、中国作家协会西藏分会会员、中国民间文艺家协会西藏分会理事等.先后发表过百余篇学术论文和文学作品,出版了《雪域文化拾零》和《拜谒七觉士》等个人专著.文章根据巴桑罗布先生对西藏山南地区错那县的实地田野考察及其对门隅的相关研究,针对仓央嘉措在错那的故居及童年的成长经历与民间趣闻轶事等一些问题进行了采访与探讨.  相似文献   

Jia Chengzao, the CCP member, was born in Lanzhou, Gansu province, in 1948. He is the member of Academic Committee of State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation of Southwest Petroleum University. Graduated from Regional Geology and Mineral Survey of Geology Institute, Xinjiang Technical College, in 1975. He was studying in Geology Institute of Nanjing University from September in 1980 to February in 1987, and finally won the Master and Doctor degrees of Structural Geology and Geophysics. He was engaged in Geology Research on Tarim Basin from 1989 to 2000, was in EXXON Oil Company of America as a visiting scholar from 1996 to 1997, was geologist of PetroChina Company Limited and president of China National Petroleum Corporation from 2000 to 2004, was elected academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is now the vice president of PetroChina Company Limited.Academician Jia Chengzao worked on oil and gas reservoir exploration and research in Tarim Basin for a long time, consummately carried on multi-disciplinary comprehensive research on oil and gas geology and structural geology of Tarim Basin, achieving series of significant development. He discovered and proved the biggest national high quality gas field Kela Gas Field 2 through his decision and organization, laying a resource foundation for West-East Gas Transmission and establishment of Tarim Gas Region, making important contribution to accelerated development of the national gas industry and the west development. He carried on multi-disciplinary multi-level and multi-direction comprehensive research on Tarim Basin, the biggest national basin: finding out the internal structure of the basin and conforming the basin style. He proposed the conception of Basin Group of Northern Tethys Tectonic Zone margin and their Rich Gas, pointing out that the basin group form Karakum basin in middle asia eastwardly to Tarim basin and Qaidam basin is a unified big gas region, which powerfully guided the exploration of depression gas in Kuche with the discovery of Kela Gas Field 2, and summarized and established the theory of ultra-high pressure gas field in foreland thrust belt for the first time in the world, making significant contribution on enriching the theory of oil and gas. In recent years, he devoted to research on petroleum exploration in China, proposed the Four-theories of onshore oil and gas exploration, including foreland thrust belt, lithologic stratigraphic oil and gas reservoir, the mature areas and the new areas, greatly developing and enriching the petroleum exploration of China, forcefully guided the onshore petroleum exploration of China in recent years, with large quantities of exploration achievement.  相似文献   

Hou Xianglin,a member of the Communist Party of China and a member of both CAS and CAE,was born in 1912,He graduated from Yenching University in Peiping in 1935 and received a doctorate from Carnegie Institute of Technology in 1948.  相似文献   

工程技术学院分团委在日常管理工作中以“三个代表”为指导思想,“四个统一”为工作方针,“三讲教育”为根本要求,加强培养青年团员,努力做好党员发展工作。  相似文献   

Luo ping-ya, male, Han nationality, a Communist Party member, was born in July 1940 in Changlong Sichuang Province. Professor, the tutor of doctor, the academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the Former President of Southwest Petroleum University, the Former Director of the Academic Committee in the State Key Laboratory of "Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation" . For the past 40 years, he has been committed to the teaching and research on the exploration and exploitation of Oil and Gas and has Obtained lots of great achievements on fields such as, drilling and completion fluid technique, reservoir protection technique, theory and application technique on oilfield chemistry. These achievements are mainly summarized as follows: First, study on deep wells drilling fluid with high temperature resistance: In the mid-1970s, he proposed to improve the performance of the mud taking the advantage of high temperature and established the new ultra-deep mud system (anti-high temperature sulfonated mud system) of "the more deep the well, the higher the temperature, the longer the action time, the better the performance, the more simple the process, the lower the cost " , providing the necessary technical support for the success of deep well drilling. This system is still the main component of deep well mud technology in China and has been widely used.Second, Polymer Mud Technology: During the 1980s, he advanced that amphoteric polymers can be used for drilling mud agent and developed a series of new polymer treating agents and matching technology, which is one of the main components and development direction and is still being widely used. Third, Drilling and Completion fluid technique for reservoir protection: He proposed the point of shielding temporary plugging technique for reservoir protection and developed matching technology series, which solved the reservoir protection problems when drilling in oil layers using drilling fluid under positive pressure gradient and made great economic and social benefits. This technology is still being widely used. Fourth, the development of water-soluble polymer with heat and salinity tolerance, anti-shearing, efficient and viscosified: It provides the necessary theoretical basis and material guarantee for the establishment of various of displacement fluid system which is suit for enhancing recovery by chemical flooding in China.Besides, he also obtained great achievements on hole stabilization, horizontal drilling technology, oil-displacement mechanism by chemical flooding, application of seepage of physical chemistry, reservoir protection technology during oil production, Theory and Application Techniques of oilfield applied chemistry engineering and so on.He has presented and accomplished more than 40 research tasks belonging to Ministerial and provincial levels and obtained more than 30 awards of science and technology (including excellent teaching achievements) of which include 7 national awards and 13 Ministerial and Provincial Level awards( of which 3 are rated as CNPC ten annual excellent results ) and published 6 works and more than 100 papers, as well as cultivated more than 90 masters and doctors.Since he has obtained series of outstanding achievements both in scientific research and teaching, he is commended 6 times by government and rated as model worker and advanced teacher belonging to Ministerial and Provincial Level. He was granted as A NATIONAL JUNIOR EXPERT OF OUSTANDING CONTRIBUTION in 1986 and was approved AN EXPERT ENJOYING SPECIAL GOVERNMENT ALLOWANCE in 1990. He obtained Sun Yue-qi Energy Award in 1993 and became the academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 1995. He is also the member of the third and fourth subject review groups of the State Council High Degree Committee, the member of High Degree Committee in Sichuan province, deputy to the sixth and seventh NPC, deputy to the sixth Sichuan provincial Party Congress and the 2000th national advanced worker.  相似文献   

Li Shi-lun, a Communist Party member, was born in January 1935 in Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, studying in Soviet Union at his early years. Professor, Doctoral Tutor. Former Vice President of Southwest Petroleum Institute, Director for "China - Canada Gas Center" , Deputy Director of the Academic Committee in the State Key Laboratory of "Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation" and Deputy Director of the Academic Committee in Key Laboratory of China Petroleum "Hydrocarbon Accumulation and Development". The former member of the Science and Technology Committee in Oil Industry Ministry and the consultant expert for higher education in China National Petroleum Corporation. The expert in education with outstanding contributions in oil industry, enjoying the special allowances from State Council. The academic leader in science and technology and academia in Sichuan Province. He has once served many terms as Magazine Editor and Consultant for Natural Gas Industry, Director and Editor in Chief for Journal of Southwest Petroleum University, and the Vice Director of the Natural Gas Committee of Sichuan Provincial Petroleum Institute and Measurement Institute.Professor Li Shi-lun is a domestic well-known specialist in the development of gas field and gas condensate field. For the past 50 years, he has been committed to the research on new theories, new methods and new technology for complex gas field development, research on theory, experiment and application of oil and gas phase state in gas condensate field and oil field, and technology research on improving oil recovery by gas injection. He has undertaken cooperation projects of national, provincial and ministerial and major scientific and technological for more than 70 items, and won a second prize in national scientific and technological progress, two first prize and six second and third prize in provincial and ministerial scientific and technological progress, two second prize in provincial and ministerial excellent teaching achievements. A total of eight monographs, teaching materials and translations et al has been published, including one national planning teaching material and one teaching materials for the 21st century. More than 110 articles have been published in domestic and foreign papers. Two post-doctors were guided and more than 90 Doctors and Masters were trained by Li Shi-lun.He improved cube equation of state (LHHSS Equation), led the development of mercury vicarious medium and mercury-free PVT meter, and took the lead in the research of oil and gas phase state in porous medium. Most of the results were on top at home, and some reached the international advanced level.In view of the reservoir characteristic of various and complex types and more tough producing reserves, he proposed earlier that we should develop China's enhanced oil recovery technology multivariately and by adjusting measures to local conditions. At the early 1990s, he again took the lead in the research of enhancing oil recovery by gas injection in China, cooperated with major oil fields and applied the gas injection theory and technology to China's 14 oil regions and 26 oil fields, which played the role of theoretical guidance and technical support, making significant economic and social benefits, training the talent, as well as promoting the development of China's oil field gas injection cause.He covers extensively and is knowledgeable, rigorous for study, uniting the colleague, taking care to the overall situation, exerting the advantage of the team, and a person of exemplary virtue .So he gets the respect from school and oil industry, enjoying great prestige.He was once in charge of teaching, pursued for education, cared for students and made painstaking efforts to promote the development of our school’s educational quality, subject construction, scientific research, postgraduate cause and international academic exchanges. He cares for studious students with economic poverty. Allying the schoolfellow, he sets up the "teachers’ scholarship" with private donations. He and other school leaders together won the international aid with a value of 9 million U.S. dollars and made significant contribution for projects construction of our school’s State Key Laboratory of "Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation", "China-Canada Gas Centre" and "Completion Center", as well as the acquirement of post-doctoral station, state key disciplines and Dr. points.  相似文献   

Zhou Shouwei doctor, senior engineer of professorship, graduated from Southwest Petroleum Institute in 1982. He is now a member of the Party Group and deputy general manager of China National Offshore Oil Corporation(CNOOC), the president of CNOOC Ltd., the chairman of Offshore Oil Engineering CO. LTD., the director of the key laboratory of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) of CNOOC, the vice-president of China Petroleum Institute Offshore Oil Branch, the vice-president of China Shipbuilding Engineering Society, the vice-president of China Ocean Institute, the vice-director of World Petroleum Congress of China National Committee, a member of Academic Committee of the State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation (Southwest Petroleum University), the editorial board director of China Offshore Oil and Gas, the deputy director of editorial board of Natural Gas Industry.Zhou Shouwei is China's famous expert of offshore oil development, he contributed a lot to offshore heavy oil field development, high quality and high speed drilling, marginal oil fields and full ocean oilfield development of FPSO (floating production storage offloading units). He proposed the new model and new theory of offshore oilfield development, promoted the progress of offshore heavy oil development, made China reach international advanced level in offshore heavy oil development technology.Zhou Shouwei achieved many significant science and technology progress rewards, including three the first award of national science and technology progress rewards, one special science and technology progress reward, and five the firsts and four the seconds. He achieved six patent technologies (four invention patents), published nineteen monographs and papers.He is the first person who proposed founding the four development systems of oil and gas in Bohai sea and the thought of the rolling exploration and development, and developed four matching technology series. The “Offshore High-yielding Technology with Fewer Wells”, posed him, solved the difficult problem of large marginal oilfield development in Bohai sea, which overcame the world difficulty in long-distance transportation of heavy oil in multi-phase. He advocated and probed out the packaged technology of Optimized and Fast Drilling, which increased the efficiency of drilling by almost 3 times. His new technology of marginal oilfield development has been applied successfully in parts of practice of marginal oilfield development, which made great contribution to establishing the technology system of offshore oilfield development and making the Bohai oilfield the third largest one of China after Daqing and Sengli Oilfields.He is the first one who proposed the new model of high efficient development of offshore oilfield. He was in charge of moderate sanding in drilling fracturing, early water injection, water injection and accumulation, depth profile control, and electric submersible screw pump lifting, which made important breakthrough in offshore application. He headed the national 863 topics “Depth Profile Control Enhanced Oil Recovery”, laying the foundation for the Bohai oilfield’s production to reach 30,000,000 tons a year.China’s first FPSO, designed by Zhou Shouwei, was recognized as one of the ten famous ships in China’s ship making history. His technology of emergency relief single point overcame difficulties in serious ice environment. He posed in the first place that the underwater single point should be used in China’s offshore oilfield, and won the invention patent of underwater installation, which reached international advanced level. He positively gave impetus to the application of “shallow water effect for large floating body” theory, successfully made the 160,000 tons large FPSO used in Bohai area, the lowest sea area in the world. So far, FPSO manufacture has become China’s new high-tech industry, and its manufacturing technology has reached international advanced level.  相似文献   

This paper presents an agent-based software service framework model called ASF, and defines the basic concepts and structure of ASF model. It also describes the management and process mechanisms in ASF model. Foundation item: Supported by the Foundation of the Science and Technology Committee of Hubei Province (No. 982P0107), and the Ziqiang Technique Innovation Fund of Wuhan University Biography: He Yan-xiang(1952-), male, Professor, Ph. D, research direction: distributive process and distributed software engineering.  相似文献   

周自齐,祖籍山东单县,出身副贡生,毕业于北京同文馆英语科,曾任驻美使馆代办,又曾任山东都督兼民政长、进步党名誉理事、属中国银行总裁、交通总长、代理陆军总长、财政总长、农商总长、中国银行督办、财政委员会委员长、华盛顿会议代表团高等顾问、署理国务总理、署理教育总长、摄行总统职权。既是英语文专家,又是外交家、银行家、教育家、省长、国务总理、代总统,堪称多才多艺,难能可贵。  相似文献   

针对辽宁师范大学图书馆随书光盘的管理现状,提出了改进辽宁师范大学图书馆随书光盘管理模式的建议。  相似文献   

以美国ISI公司的web of science网络数据库为依据,对辽宁大学1958年—2003年间被SCI收录的论文从收录量、著者单位、引用次数、发表期刊几方面进行了统计分析。  相似文献   

目的 颈部皮下注射不同剂量异丙肾上腺素(ISO)建立小鼠慢性心肌缺血模型,通过比较确定最佳造模剂量,寻求较为客观可靠的指标,为相关模型制备及药效评价提供参考。方法 3个模型组分别皮下注射ISO 32 mg/kg、16 mg/kg和8 mg/kg体质量,连续3 d,描记造模后24 h、8d和15 d心电图(ECG);第8天和第15天时分别检测各组血液心肌损伤标志物并心脏取材,观察各组心肌形态学病理变化。结果 ISO 32 mg/kg和ISO 16 mg/kg剂量组在造模后的8 d及15 d心电图T波均显著降低(P<0.05或P<0.01);心肌损伤标志物显著改变(P<0.05或P<0.01),其中ISO 32 mg/kg组产生病理改变,死亡率为42.5%,较适用于抗慢性心肌缺血药物较长期治疗给药的药效评价。ISO 16 mg/kg的剂量死亡率为25%,相对较低,并且未导致心肌病理性损伤。结论 可根据不同试验预期选择性地采用ISO 16或32 mg/kg造模剂量建立小鼠慢性心肌缺血模型。  相似文献   

基于EXCELL软件之上,依据献计量学基本原理,以《辽宁师范大学学报》(自然科学版)为研究对象,对1995~2004年出版的40期杂志中所载的1070篇论及735名作群进行了统计,反映了作群及论的分布情况、核心作群及论的分布状况以及作群的职称情况;分析了《辽宁师范大学学报》(自然科学版)基金资助论10年的变化趋势,说明了《辽宁师范大学学报》(自然科学版)办刊的科学性及合理性.  相似文献   

Academician Liu Baojun was born in Tianjin in 1931, geologist, member of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Standing Committee Member,CCP members. He is the director of academic committee in State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation. He graduated from Beijing Institute of Geology in 1956.Then he worked in Beijing Institute of Geology, Chengdu College of Geology,Chengdu Research Institute of Geosciences and Minerals successively, and had hold posts in International Union of Geological Sciences. Now professor Liu Baojun is the Honorary Director of Chengdu Research Institute of Geosciences and Minerals, the honorary president of chengdu university of technology,honorary president of technology association in Sichuan Province, the committee member of the 9th national CPPCC, the honorary president of geological association in Sichuan province,the Evaluation Committee Member of China National Science and Technology Awards, the Group Leader of the advanced expert consultation group.Academician Liu Baojun has an outstanding achievement in the field of sedimentary geology,basin analysis and plate motion, strata-bound deposits,sequence formation and incident geology, global sedimentary geology,oil and gas reservoir, the facies palaeogeography,biomineralization and so on. He pushed Chinese sedimentary studies to the forefront of the world, and many research results have a pioneer and inspiration influence in China.In the 1960s,Many departments in our nation adopted the new analysis of the deposition and ancient geography methods which he bring forward. In the 1970s,he put forward the theory of differentiation process and mineralization after deposition period. In the 1980s,he published the results of South Sichuan carbonate rocks and storm rock,breaking a new ground on the study of storm rock..In the 1990s,he first bring the global change concept to the field of geology study in our nation, and put forward the theory of the unified geological field. Many departments quoted and spread his theory, concept, and method,especial in the aspect of mineral exploration. On the basis of his theory and method, it has detected metal deposits such as Lead,Zinc,Copper in Hunan,Guangxi,Yunnan province and so on. He has published more than 100 articles on Chinese and foreign publications successively, and written 20 monographs, which have been the important textbook and reference books for geological staff in colleges , universities and other departments. In 1986, Liu Baojun acquired the outstanding contributions of young and middle-aged experts national title awarding, and in 1989 he obtained Lisigang geological science award. On 30th International Geological Congress in 1996,he gained the most valuable award which only represent the world's Geological Sciences highest honor. He was the first geological who obtained this award, and also was the NO.20 geologist who has obtained this laurel in the past century on the world. In 1997 he was conferred the honor title of excellent science and technology technology worker.In 2000,in China-related paleontology coral masterpiece which was written by Fan yingnian et al., the newly discovered fossils was named BAOJUN Coral, it presented certainly recommend to his contribution in Geology in China by geologicians.  相似文献   

目的 观察妇糜康阴道栓长期给药对家兔血液生理生化学的影响,为临床安全用药提供科学依据。方法 妇糜康阴道栓浸膏粉以8.586、2.856、0.952 g/kg体质量剂量,每天阴道给药1次,连续6个月,对其进行血液生理生化指标检查。结果 妇糜康阴道栓给药6个月后,妇糜康阴道栓浸膏粉8.568 g/kg剂量组家兔红细胞数、血红蛋白含量及红细胞压积与赋形剂对照组比均明显增多(P0.05)。给药6个月及停药4周后,各给药组对血液生化学指标均无明显影响。结论 妇糜康阴道栓以2.856 g/kg长期给药对家兔血液生理生化学没有影响,提示妇糜康阴道栓安全剂量为2.865 g/kg以下,为临床成人拟用量的20倍(成人按60 kg体质量计)。  相似文献   

辽宁参与东北亚区域合作的有效路径要服从于辽宁参与东北亚区域合作的目标,同时受制于整个东北亚地区的合作现状和有关成员的战略取向.辽宁应以贸易合作为甚础,积极推进投资合作,并努力拓展科技合作,从而与东北亚国家形成一种优势互补的局面,以促进地区经济的发展。  相似文献   

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