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基于传统的排污权拍卖机制只考虑买卖双方在最大利益原则驱动下厂商的最优出价策略、卖方的期望收益行为等特点,分析了佣金条件下排污权的私人价值和关联价值拍卖机制问题.结果表明,佣金对厂商的出价策略、环保部门和拍卖公司的期望收益都存在影响,佣金的比例与拍卖公司的期望收益同方向变动,与环保部门的期望收益反方向变动,而与厂商的期望收益无关.  相似文献   

Optical Character Recognition is the mechanical or electronic conversion of images of typed,handwritten or printed text into machine-encoded text for online reading and study.In this OCR technique,Tamil handwritten character recognition is one of the most needed and challengeable subjects of research.An encounter between selection and extraction of proper features eliminates the issues faced by the Tamil handwritten recognition.The character and the writers complexities are the major difficulties and challenges faced by this recognition system.Eventually,the character complexity can be overcome by any pre-extraction or selection process,wherein,structured or statistical pre-extraction algorithm can be designed,discovering the essential features,in the case of writer difficulties.The challenges of Tamil handwritten characters are structure over looping;unnecessary character portion;structure discontinuations and so on.The character portions in this research are chosen by implementing a new algorithm called the Junction Point Elimination(JPE)after conscientious analysis done on the existing algorithms like Zoning,Zoning and Junction Point(ZJP)and the Junction Point (JP) based feature pre-extraction process.The novelty behind this work is introducing an algorithm in order to truncate the problem in the existing feature selection and preextraction algorithms.Suitable feature extraction and classification algorithm are chosen and applied on the features extracted by JPE to test whether the same can be reached in successful manner.The final analysis and experiments shows that the JPE is better than the others.  相似文献   

俄罗斯"能源"火箭航天集团正在研制可重复使用的新一代载人航天器,以替代服役了近半个世纪的"联盟"系列飞船.该集团正就舱式结构的载人飞船和带折叠机翼的航天飞机两种方案进行论证.采用舱式结构的俄罗斯"联盟"载人飞船长期以来以高可靠性、高稳定性著称."能源"集团的专家们计划对"联盟"飞船进行现代化改造,进一步提高飞船性能、降低成本.  相似文献   

Empirical-likelihood-based inference for parameters defined by the general estimating equations of Qin and Lawless(1994) remains an active research topic. When the response is missing at random(MAR) and the dimension of covariate is not low, the authors propose a two-stage estimation procedure by using the dimension-reduced kernel estimators in conjunction with an unbiased estimating function based on augmented inverse probability weighting and multiple imputation(AIPW-MI) methods. The authors show that the resulting estimator achieves consistency and asymptotic normality. In addition, the corresponding empirical likelihood ratio statistics asymptotically follow central chi-square distributions when evaluated at the true parameter. The finite-sample performance of the proposed estimator is studied through simulation, and an application to HIV-CD4 data set is also presented.  相似文献   

健康投资、消费与经济增长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑具有一定初始资本存量的经济,产出依赖于资本存量,资本积累受储蓄和折旧的影响,总消费支出划分为健康投资和扣除健康投资后的普通消费. 假定人的预期寿命受健康投资的影响,人在未来一定时期内仍然活着的概率与前面时期的健康投资有关系. 消费者在某一时点的效用受活着的概率以及在该时点上普通消费数量的影响,消费者的目标是选择最优的健康投资路径和普通消费路径,以使得一生中的效用最大化. 主要工作是:第一,给出了均衡状态时最优健康投资和最优普通消费的关系式,它精确地表示为经过贴现率调整后的两个弹性之比;第二,证明了该经济在一定条件下均衡状态的存在性. 最后给出了具有一定普适意义的例子.  相似文献   

国际互联网的规模变得日益庞大和复杂,访问者经常不能从网站上迅速获得所需的信息.网站地图可以用来帮助访问者了解整个网站的基本结构,但是通用的网站地图所展示的信息有限,而且大部分内容与用户的兴趣无关.本文对用户访问环境进行了3个层次的分析,根据网页间的链接结构和网页被访问的频率等指标,提出了一种构建动态网站地图的方法.随后,针对一个实际的网站进行了仿真实验.实验结果表明,本文所述方法可以使访问者在各个层次上了解所处的网站环境,达到有效导航的目的.  相似文献   

标准化和多样化是相对的,标准化会降低产品的差异性.技术进步企业面临将技术申请法定标准实施标准化或保留技术实施差异化战略的选择.前者可以收取专利费,提高企业的利润;后者可以提高产品的内在价值,获得优于对手的竞争优势.文章将技术水平作为变量引入到产品的基本效用中改造Hotelling模型,分析了技术进步企业在标准化战略和差异化战略间的选择,得出这种选择和技术水平的关系,从而为网络效应企业的战略选择提供了理论支持.  相似文献   

Due to the limited resources and budgets in many real-life projects, it is unaffordable to use full factorial experimental designs and thus fractional factorial(FF) designs are used instead. The aliasing of factorial effects is the price we pay for using FF designs and thus some significant effects cannot be estimated. Therefore, some additional observations(runs) are needed to break the linages among the factorial effects. Folding over the initial FF designs is one of the significant approaches for selecting the additional runs. This paper gives an in-depth look at fold-over techniques via the following four significant contributions. The first contribution is on discussing the adjusted switching levels foldover technique to overcome the limitation of the classical one. The second contribution is on presenting a comparison study among the widely used fold-over techniques to help experimenters to recommend a suitable fold-over technique for their experiments by answering the following two fundamental questions:Do these techniques dramatically lessen the confounding of the initial designs, and do the resulting combined designs(combining initial design with its fold-over) via these techniques have considerable difference from the optimality point of view considering the markedly different searching domains in each technique? The optimality criteria are the aberration, confounding, Hamming distance and uniformity. Many of these criteria are given in sequences(patterns) form, which are inconvenient and costly to represent and compare, especially when the designs have many factors. The third innovation is on developing a new criterion(dictionary cross-entropy loss) to simplify the existing criteria fromsequence to scalar. The new criterion leads to a more straightforward and easy comparison study. The final contribution is on establishing a general framework for the connections between initial designs and combined designs based on any fold-over technique.  相似文献   

基于预算与佣金约束的排污权关联价值拍卖机制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
建立了基于预算与佣金约束的排污权关联价值拍卖模型,并分析了佣金与预算约束条件下排污权关联价值拍卖机制中厂商的均衡出价策略,投标数量以及厂商、环保部门和拍卖行的期望收益等问题.结论表明,在排污权关联价值拍卖机制中,无论佣金是常数还是成交价格的线性函数,厂商的期望收益都不变.  相似文献   

有效工资理论认为充分高的工资可以刺激工人努力工作,避免怠工.利用同样的思想,通过分析代理人的最优决策来考察腐败.利用最优决策机制,得到一个非贪污条件,这个条件类似有效工资理论中的非怠工条件.如果这个条件成立,则腐败动机消失,廉洁是最优选择.在保持非贪污条件成立的前提下,得到一个边界的腐败收入值,当腐败收入小于这个边界值时,随着腐败收入的提高,有效刑期惩罚可以降低,对这个与直观相反的结论,给出了一个合理的解释;当腐败收入大于这个边界值时,随着腐败收入的增加,有效刑期应延长.  相似文献   

The services sector employs a large and growing proportion of workers in the industrialized nations, and it is increasingly dependent on information and communication technologies. While the interdependences, similarities and complementarities of manufacturing and services are significant, there are considerable differences between goods and services, including the shift in focus from mass production to mass customization (whereby a service is produced and delivered in response to a customer's stated or imputed needs). In general, services can be considered to be knowledge-intensive agents or components which work together as providers and consumers to create or co-produce value. Like manufacturing systems, an efficient service system must be an integrated system of systems, leading to greater connectivity and interdependence. Integration must occur over the physical, temporal, organizational and functional dimensions, and must include methods concerned with the component, the management, and the system. Moreover, an effective service system must also be an adaptable system, leading to greater value and responsiveness. Adaptation must occur over the dimensions of monitoring, feedback, cybernetics and learning, and must include methods concerned with space, time, and system. In sum, service systems are indeed complex, especially due to the uncertainties associated with the human-centered aspects of such systems. Moreover, the system complexities can only be dealt with methods that enhance system integration and adaptation. The paper concludes with several insights, including a plea to shift the current misplaced focus on developing a science or discipline for services to further developing a systems engineering approach to services, an approach based on the integration and adaptation of a host of sciences or disciplines (e.g., physics, mathematics, statistics, psychology, sociology, etc.). In fact, what is required is a services-related transdisciplinary - beyond a single disciplinary - ontology or taxon  相似文献   

通过军事、社会、制造等领域中的典型案例,介绍了复杂工程体系的概念和特点以及建模仿真对研究复杂工程体系的意义,以复杂产品制造为例,梳理了从系统工程到基于模型的系统工程(MBSE),再到基于建模仿真的体系工程(MSBS2E)的演变过程,分析了复杂工程体系建模仿真的特点和挑战,介绍了模型理论与方法、计算方法与平台以及不确定性...  相似文献   

针对传统基于文本的系统工程方法中存在设计文档变更难度大、工程模型可读性差、模型复用性不强等问题,提出了基于美国国防部体系架构(department of defense architecture framework,DoDAF)的基于模型的系统工程(model-based systems engineering,MBS...  相似文献   

剖析了传统决策支持系统发展面临的困难,运用复杂自适应系统(CAS)的原理和自组织的观点,提出了一种新的基于CAS原理的智能决策支持系统模型和设计思路,论述了该模型的基本结构、运作过程及与传统DSS的区别、并探讨了规则编码、竞争机制与信用分派及规则发现等问题.这种新思路有助于解决数据、知识和模型的一体化管理问题,加强DSS的自适应能力和智能性。  相似文献   

科学技术的深入发展和广泛应用正在深刻改变人类社会的生产和生活模式,尤其是信息技术的快速发展,推动人工智能(AI)与人的关系由"辅助"到"互助"和"融合"不断深化.相应地,社会调控对象向着能力不断增强的AI系统以及AI赋能的人和组织演变,社会系统将呈现"信息-物理-社会"的高度耦合,调控环境也相应转换为人机融合的复杂社会系统.这一显著变化将倒逼法律体系的变革,对社会系统调控能力提出更高要求,迫切需要人文社科与科学技术相关方法的交叉融合.论文基于对人机融合社会系统发展的研判,在分析法律体系、控制论、人工智能等所面临挑战的基础上,从法律规制和系统控制的角度,提出将调控工程系统的控制科学与调控社会系统的法律充分结合,在系统科学框架内研究处理人工智能时代社会中的系统调控问题;并进一步归纳探讨了以人为本、优势互补、系统分析、量化支撑、算法规制、博弈控制等若干调控原则和可尝试的前瞻领域,以及需要深入研究的问题.这一思路可望量化表达公平正义等法学基本问题,优化调控系统技术指标,促进人机融合社会系统实现其安全稳定、公平正义、民主自由、和谐发展等价值目标.  相似文献   

计算机集成环境下的生产经营决策支持系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从现代企业面临的经营决策问题出发 ,分析了 CIMS和 OR技术在解决企业经营决策问题中的作用和目前尚存在的问题 ,提出两者的紧密结合是建立计算机集成环境下的生产经营决策支持系统 ,提高企业整体效益的有效途径 .本文阐述了计算机集成制造 ( CIM) ,计算机集成企业 ( CIE) ,企业集成模型 ( EIM)和集成决策支持系统 ( IDSS)的概念和它们相互之间的关系 ,讨论了 IDSS的实施环境 ,并提出一个在 CIMS环境下的生产经营决策支持系统的基本框架结构.  相似文献   

The economic evolution exhibits complexity. Behind the variable and fluctuant economic data there exists basic characters and rules. One basic structure in economic evolving process called as “J“ structure is studied by us. This kind of structure exists in a wide area, such as economic growth, technology innovation, international trade, education,human capital, ecology and environment etc. From the view of economic evolution, J structure has the character that system should suffer the pressure of initial investment with profit decreasing but get larger return afterwards. It is a kind of adaptation in complexe conomic systems; it reflects the adaptive and reformative ability of the system under the surrounding change. We illustrate the J structure by discussing economic growth. Based on a two-dimension dynamic system the geometric character and mechanism of J structure are studied, also the phase graphs with its condition are given. Also some further works are discussed.  相似文献   

并行工程集成框架分布式对象与数据管理研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对在并行工程集成框架CEIF中的分布式对象管理的一般思想及其数据库设计实现进行了研究。分布式对象管理是当前应用的一个趋势和热点,并行工程集成框架是实施PDM的支撑框架,以863/CIMS支持并行工程的集成框架的研究和实现为主线,研究了在集成框架中的分布对象管理的基本思想及其数据库设计实现的方法。  相似文献   

修正AHP中判断矩阵一致性的加速遗传算法   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
作为系统工程中典型的定性定量综合集成方法,层次分析法(AHP)在各种复杂系统综合评价和多目标决策中具有广泛的应用价值.为修正AHP中判断矩阵的一致性,提出了用加速遗传算法同时修正判断矩阵一致性和计算AHP中各要素的排序权值的新方法(AGA-CAHP).理论分析和实例分析的初步结果说明:AGA-CAHP法直观、实用,计算结果稳定、精度高,在系统工程中具有推广应用价值.  相似文献   

综合人工智能优化矿业工程复杂大系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
矿业工程是一个涉及多因素、多层次的、动态变化的复杂大系统,在分析人工智能技术在矿业工程中应用基础上,提出综合人工智能技术优化方法,并以矿业工程中的工艺系统及设备选择为例,介绍了它在矿为工程复杂大系统优化中的应用研究成果。  相似文献   

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