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我国要加快实现高水平科技自立自强,最紧迫的科技需求主要包括四大方面:科技创新要推动制造业走向高端化、智能化、绿色化;促进乡村振兴,实现种业自主权,农业数字化转型,绿美乡村产业高质量发展;持续优化科技创新体系布局;推进高水平对外开放。然而,我国科技原创能力尚在基础研究、关键核心技术成果、大学与创新型企业、人才集聚、科技评价等五个方面存在显著不足。亟需重点抓好提升科技原创能力的五大路径:实施好基础研究十年规划,提高原创供给能力和关键核心技术突破能力,在国际科技创新活动中提升主导和引领能力,持续塑造有利于高水平科学研究的良好科技评价体系,夯实人才安全基础。  相似文献   

1840年以来,尽管西方资本主义列强对我国进行长期搔扰以及国内战争频伐,我国畜牧科技现代化发展遭遇极大困难;但在全国广大人民的共同努力和畜牧科技工作者的辛勤工作下,通过克服重重困难,不仅建立了许多畜牧科技机构,还开展大量具有远见卓识的畜禽饲养和繁殖研究以及牧草引种栽培试验,为我国现代畜牧科技的发展奠定了基础;同时为我国畜牧科技今后的发展构筑了框架,指明了方向。总结我国畜牧科技这段艰难发展历程,看今天我国畜牧科技现代化发展道路,无疑将给我们许多重要启迪与借鉴。  相似文献   

英国“脱欧”后,英国政府为了解决科技创新面临的问题和风险,提出了英国成为全球科技超级大国和创新领域全球领导者的战略目标。英国研究与创新署(UKRI)作为脱欧后英国最大的科学研究公共资助机构,通过制定发展战略《共同改变明天:2022—2027战略》、统筹9家研究理事会及机构、加大科技创新投入、制定新政策等措施,在英国研究与创新体系建设与发展中发挥着重要作用,不断推动相关举措落地与实施,从而实现英国研究与创新战略目标。本文将重点剖析英国研究与创新署的运作机制,梳理UKRI在支持和推动英国研究与创新的实施和开展过程中所发挥的作用,总结UKRI在科技战略规划、研发资源整合、资助基金运作及政策制定与管控等方面的模式及经验,并针对我国在全球科技竞争格局下推动科技创新工作提出启示与建议。  相似文献   

国际科技合作新趋势对中国科技发展的挑战及其对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着国际科技合作新趋势的不断发展,其对我国政府的作用、国家科技体制和科研环境、国家科学研究、产业研发、国家安全、知识产权建设等提出了严峻的挑战。面对挑战,我们应该积极调整政府在国际科技合作中的作用;深化科研体制改革,全面推进科技体制创新;形成有层次的国际合作交流体系;积极调整企业国际科技合作;加强国家的安全建设和高度重视知识产权建设。  相似文献   

科技经费和科技人力资源投入是影响国内生产总值(GDP)增长的重要因素。本文选取美国和中国1978-2002年应用研究与试验发展经费、从事研究与开发活动的科学家和工程师人数两个投入指标,结合对应年份的GDP值,试图通过建立相应的计量模型,探讨三者之间的关系,并分析科技基本投入对GDP的影响。  相似文献   

基础研究是科技创新活动的核心载体,优化基础研究项目的组织管理模式是深化科技体制改革的重要任务。为进一步推动我国原创性基础研究项目组织管理体系建设,本文选取美国、日本、英国、德国等典型科技强国为研究对象,深入研究其在原创性基础研究项目组织、资助、评审评价体系建设方面的经验,剖析主要特征,最后从科技创新规律和国际基础项目管理规律出发,提出我国加快原创性基础研究项目组织管理体系建设若干启示建议,包括:突出目标导向,完善原创性基础研究项目组织体系;突出正向激励,优化原创性基础研究项目资助体系;突出长期效能,健全原创性基础研究项目评审评价体系。  相似文献   

<正>刊物简介:《世界科技研究与发展》是由中国科学院主管,在国内外公开发行的综合性科技双月刊,现设3个栏目:研究论文,综述,科技政策、科研管理评论与报道,主要发表科学技术相关领域的研究成果。收录情况:《世界科技研究与发展》是中国科学引文数据库扩展库(CSCD)和中国科技核心期刊(CSTPC)的源期刊。我们热诚欢迎国内外专家学者向我刊投稿!投稿说明:我刊已启用稿件在线处理系统,请通过我刊网站(www.globesci.com)首页左上  相似文献   

本文分析了西藏自治区在新形势下的科技发展的规划,应用统计方法对科技各个方面的可持续发展问题进行了评价研究。  相似文献   

二战后美国科技政策的演变以及对我国的启示   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文分析了美国二战后科技政策的演变过程,认为可以分为五个阶段。文章介绍了每个阶段美国的科技政策及其背景,研究开发的技术重点,研究开发经费情况,与科技发展有关的重大计划,与科技政策有关的相关法律。重点介绍了美国现政府的科技政策及其对美国经济的影响,最后,文章还就美国科技政策及其演变过程对我国的启示进行了讨论。  相似文献   

近期,美国智库通过横向比较中美科技进展,认为美国科技创新总体呈现弱化态势,并提出了相应建议。本文研究发现,与过去主要针对我国科技具体领域或个别政策跟踪的做法不同,美国智库近年越来越注重比较中美的科技创新资源配置方式,以制定针对中国优势的机制化策略。从美方实际政策动向以及智库的主要观点看,以“模式”应对“模式”正在成为中美科技创新博弈的重要动向。通过客观分析美国智库的主要观点以及中国在科技创新资源总体配置方面的进展与差距,建议强化国家战略科技力量,优化我国科技创新机制;调整研发投入与政策,培育世界顶尖级科技企业;优化国有创投基金运作机制;深化创新链合作治理,共建安全有序的国际数字空间共同体。  相似文献   

欧盟科技报告管理体系初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为记载科研活动的重要文献资料,科技报告对于科研管理具有重要的不可替代的作用.作者通过多途径的调查研究,理清了欧盟科研管理的组织机构,并在此基础上,较为系统地从科技报告的撰写、提交、知识产权以及科技报告的管理等方面,对欧盟科技报告管理体系进行了较为全面的介绍.  相似文献   

针对整车企业中技术数据集成效率不高的问题,提出了一种基于人因评价指标的技术数据集成系统架构,尝试性地设计了一套可利用信息技术进行收集的人因评价指标的技术数据集成系统。其中分析和评价结果将直接反馈回集成系统,达到系统持续优化,数据集成效率持续提高的目的。最后,以某整车企业技术数据系统集成前后的集成效率改善为例,验证了该方案的实用性.  相似文献   

本文在分析目前流行的两层、三层网络数据库体系结构存在的问题的基础上,根据有色金属物性数据库的特点,提出一种基于SOA、多层、分布式体系结构应用开发模型.该模型着重解决以下几个方面的问题:利用软件开发新技术,提出了基于RIA的有色金属物性数据库客户端实现方式,吸取了"胖客户端"和"度客户端"的优点,解决了传统客户端部署或动态图形绘制等方面的问题 在模型中,增加了服务层,实现了系统服务的对外发布.解决了异构平台、跨系统的业务集成和重组 采用了服务器集群技术,动态的实现了负载均衡,优化了系统性能 改进了数据访问层,增加了O/R映射,屏蔽了下层数据库的细节信息,使系统能够架构在多种类型的数据库上,提高了系统的灵活性.  相似文献   

我国高校每年取得的科技成果在六千项至八千项之间,但是真正实现成果转化与产业化的还不到十分之一.应该转变观念,积极促成高校创新到创业的转化;科技创新与创业由一个部门归口管理,整合科技资源,探索产、学、研一体化的科研体制和运行机制;建立专利服务机构,提供科技成果转化孵化器,发展科技中介,从而健全学校科技成果产业化的链条,推进我国高校创新到创业的转化。  相似文献   

On the face of it, the directors of new large scientific projects have an impossible task. They have to make technical decisions about sciences in which they have never made a research contribution—sciences in which they have no contributory expertise. Furthermore, these decisions must be accepted and respected by the scientists who are making research contributions. The problem is discussed in two interviews conducted with two directors of large scientific projects. The paradox is resolved for the managers by their use of interactional and referred expertise. The same analysis might be applicable to management in general. An Appendix, co-authored with Jeff Shrager, compares the notion of referred expertise with contributory expertise.  相似文献   

Summary Intraperitoneal administration of vitamin A into the BALB/c mice inoculated with a syngeneic fibrosarcoma, Meth A, caused a remarkable augmentation of tumor rejection. A cell-depletion technique revealed that the primary effector cells responsible for the augmented rejection were Thy-1 positive, Lyt-1 negative, Lyt-2 positive lymphocytes, suggesting the involvement of cytotoxic lymphocytes.This work was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for scientific research from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan, and in part by a Grant-in-Aid for cancer research from the Fukuoka Cancer Society, Japan.We thank Mr M. Fujiki and Miss A. Maeda for excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   

The characteristic features of some of the methodological strategies adopted in scientific research in agroecology are discussed. They reflect that agroecology, as an approach to scientific research, is inextricably entangled with the other strands of agroecology (farming practice, social movement, political project); and that adopting agroecological strategies, and upholding the values of environmental sustainability, food sovereignty, social justice and democratic participation, mutually reinforce each other. After outlining the kinds of questions that agroecological research addresses so that it can produce knowledge that informs agroecological farming practices and the long term aspiration of agroecological movements to create an alternative agricultural/food system, and then making summary remarks about methodological strategies in general, three characteristic features of some agroecological strategies are introduced and discussed. The paper concludes with comments on the value of agroecological research.  相似文献   

Most of our knowledge of Greek and Roman scientific practice and its place in ancient culture is derived from our study of ancient texts. In the last few decades, this written evidence—ancient technical or specialist literature—has begun to be studied using tools of literary analysis to help answer questions about, for instance, how these works were composed, their authors’ intentions and the expectations of their readers.This introduction to Structures and strategies in ancient Greek and Roman technical writing provides an overview of recent scholarship in the area, and the difficulty in pinning down what ‘technical/specialist literature’ might mean in an ancient context, since Greek and Roman authors communicated scientific knowledge using a wide variety of styles and forms of text (e.g. poetry, dialogues, letters).An outline of the three sections is provided: Form as a mirror of method, in which Sabine Föllinger and Alexander Mueller explore ways in which the structures of texts by Aristotle and Plutarch may reflect methodological concerns; Authors and their implied readers, with contributions by Oliver Stoll, David Creese, Boris Dunsch and Paula Olmos, which examines what ancient texts can tell us about the place of technical knowledge in antiquity; Science and the uses of poetry, with articles by Jochen Althoff, Michael Coxhead and Laurence Totelin, and a new English translation of the Aetna poem by Harry Hine, which explores the (to us) unexpected roles of poetry in ancient scientific culture.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the emergence of new medical experimental specialties at the Medical School of Surgery (Escola Médico-Cirúrgica) and the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon University (Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa) between 1897 and 1946, as a result of the activities of Marck Athias's (1875–1946) histophysiology research school. In 1897, Marck Athias, a Portuguese physician who had graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Paris, founded a research school in Lisbon along the lines of Michael Foster's physiology research school in England and Franz Hofmeister's physiological chemistry school in Germany. His research programme was highly innovative in Portugal. Not only did it bring together many disciples and co-workers, but it branched out and created new medical specialties within Portuguese medical science. These new disciplinary areas grew out of the study of the histology of the nervous system but eventually expanded into normal and pathological histophysiology, physiological chemistry and experimental endocrinology. The esprit de corps that existed between research school members ensured the school's success and influence in various fields social and political as well as scientific. Athias's school was strongly influenced by positivist ideals and promoted a teaching and research style that sought inspiration in Humboldt's university model, thus helping to bring about a change in the dominant scientific ethos and to modernize scientific research in Portugal during the first half of the twentieth century.  相似文献   

Demands for public participation in technical decision-making are currently high on the agenda of Science & Technology Studies. It is assumed that the democratisation of technical decision-making processes generally leads to more socially desirable and acceptable outcomes. While this may be true in certain cases, this assumption cannot be generalised. I will discuss the case of the so-called ‘South African AZT debate’. The controversy started when President Thabo Mbeki, after reading some scientific papers on the toxicity of AZT, decided to bar the use of the drug in the public health sector as a means to reduce the transmission of HIV from mothers to children. While the scientific mainstream accepts the effectiveness of AZT in reducing the risk of vertical HIV transmission, a few maverick scientists reject the clinical evidence and argue that the risks of using AZT by far outweigh its benefits. Based on various textual sources and using the ‘Periodic Table of Expertises’ developed by Collins and Evans, Mbeki’s expertise at the time of his intervention into the technical question whether AZT is a medicine or a poison can be classified as primary source knowledge. It is shown that this type of expertise is insufficient for technical decision-making. Mbeki’s primary source knowledge legitimated his presentation of the claims of maverick scientists as a serious contribution to the debate—with tragic consequences for tens of thousands of babies.  相似文献   

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